Cultivating Immortality in a World of Chaos

Chapter 18: Summer Bamboo Shoots and Brewing

Outside Blackstone City, near the trade route.

Suddenly, a sound akin to thunder roared through the air!


A massive black wolf with two heads, standing as tall as two men, collapsed onto the ground.

Linghu Yang gently landed, his once enlarged hands instantly returning to their jade-like pale complexion.

“Linghu-shishu’s Five Thunder Hands have become truly formidable,” Chunyu complimented softly. “To slay this demon wolf with just one strike!”

“With time, Linghu-shishu is destined to become an elder of Yuanhe Mountain,” Qiao Wuchang added, beaming. “Even aspiring for the position of Sect Leader seems well within reach…”

“It was merely a low-tier outcast beast…nothing remarkable.” Linghu Yang waved dismissively, his expression indifferent, as if it were not an achievement worth boasting about. “Clean up here; I’ll head back now… The recent surge in demonic creatures around the city might indicate something deeper. I need to write and inquire with the sect.”

Chunyu and Qiao Wuchang exchanged glances, feeling a slight chill down their spines.

The sudden appearance of these outcast beasts from their deep forest habitats might indicate…the emergence of even stronger creatures within their territory, or possibly…demons!

However, glancing at the assisting dojo masters nearby, Chunyu and Qiao Wuchang exchanged looks without voicing their concerns.

After Linghu Yang departed, Qiao Wuchang waved his hand beneath his nose, repulsed by the foul smell emanating from the demon wolf’s carcass. “You lot… properly handle this demon wolf and deliver it to Yuanhe Mountain, understood?”


“Yes, sir!”

The dojo masters shared uneasy glances. Though feeling somewhat humiliated, they reluctantly agreed.

This operation to clear outcast beasts was led by the government with orders issued accordingly, with Linghu Yang of Yuanhe Mountain as the primary force. Normally influential figures within the city, these dojo masters now found themselves outmatched in martial prowess. Consequently, they were relegated to supporting roles, subject to being directed around.

Fortunately, dealing with a single beast, albeit dirty and labor-intensive work, posed no significant danger. As a perk, they could claim some leftovers for personal gain.

“Feng-xiong, let’s get started right away!”

As they watched Yuanhe Mountain’s forces gradually recede into the distance, one dojo master clad in black robes spoke up.

“Hmm, this beast is quite hefty. I’d estimate we can easily yield several thousand pounds of prime meat.”

Feng-xiong smiled, mentally calculating how much outcast beast meat he could skim off for personal gain and how many silver taels it would fetch.

The skin, flesh, and blood of these creatures were incredibly resilient; even cultivators with three transformations of blood and qi might struggle to penetrate them. Only the dojo masters had the capability to make use of such materials effectively.

One by one, they stepped forward, peeling the hide and dismantling the bones, engrossed in their task.

“Sigh… Truly, Yuanhe Mountain is unparalleled. Look at that Five Thunder Palm, its force akin to divine retribution…” Feng-xiong remarked while slicing off a piece of wolf meat along a wound.

Suddenly, he let out a startled cry, “Not good!”


The other dojo masters jumped in alarm, hastily stepping back and assuming martial stances.

“T-There’s something…moving inside!” Feng-xiong stuttered, his back facing the group.

An eerie scene unfolded atop the dead wolf’s body.

One by one, black tendrils resembling vines emerged from within the demon wolf’s corpse. They seemed to replace its veins and bones, reassembling the flesh anew.

Snap, crackle…

A series of teeth-grating sounds echoed incessantly as the tendrils gnawed on the demon wolf’s bones, gradually usurping them…


In an instant, the previously dead demon wolf shakily rose to its feet. Blood still dripped from its wounds, yet it let out a powerful howl, its lifeless, pale eyes staring at the gathered crowd.


One dojo master, his face pallid, asked, “Feng-xiong, what…what should we do?”

“I…how…would I know?” Feng-xiong turned away, revealing tiny root-like structures emerging from his mouth, nostrils, and ears—reminiscent of plant roots!

Undoubtedly, he too had fallen victim to this sinister force.

“Oh no, even Feng-xiong is…”

“Abomination! Behold my Thunderbolt Palm!” A succession of furious shouts followed, quickly turning into agonized screams.

Eventually, all other sounds faded away, leaving only the persistent crunching of something being gnawed upon.

One by one, mutilated human bodies staggered upright, aligning themselves with the wolf carcasses. They gazed towards Blackstone City, their ashen faces contorting into stiff smiles…

Fang Xi remained unaware of the events unfolding outside Blackstone City.

He had already returned to the southern wilderness’s cultivation realm.

Both his martial arts training and progress with the Everlasting Spring Art were better facilitated in this environment.

Upon entering his courtyard, Fang Xi spotted Chen Ping who had just arrived from outside.

Hmm, noticing Chen Ping’s unsteady gait, Fang Xi couldn’t help but be reminded of Old Man Mai for some reason.

“Fellow Daoist Chen,” he greeted first.

“Fellow Daoist Fang,” Chen Ping responded, a look of satisfaction on his face. With gratitude, he added, “That Goddess Hong Feng is indeed remarkably understanding… I must truly thank you for your advice last time.”

“Oh, it was no trouble at all.”

After exchanging pleasantries, they discussed their recent experiences, quickly feeling closer as friends.

“I’ve long wanted to cultivate more friendships, but unfortunately, my reserved nature often holds me back…” Fang Xi finally shared his own concern.

Hearing this, Chen Ping burst out laughing, “In the market, I have several acquaintances among fellow cultivators. When the time comes, I’ll introduce them to you, and we can all…”

Watching Chen Ping’s retreating figure as he headed indoors, Fang Xi nodded then shook his head.

In truth, if Chen Ping could shift his infatuation from Lu Zhi to Goddess Hong Feng, it might not be such a bad thing… probably? After all, it’s consensual, isn’t it? The only downside would be the cost in spirit stones.

Spring gave way to summer.

As thunder boomed across the sky, Fang Xi donned his straw rain cape and ventured into the lush emerald bamboo forest.

“Spring breeze brings timely rain; all life flourishes - Now!”

Within the bamboo grove, Fang Xi solemnly formed a hand seal, channeling a magical incantation.

With each dispersal of his internal magical energy, a distinct seal materialized in his palms, gradually taking shape before soaring into the air.

Mists appeared out of nowhere, enveloping the area, followed by gentle rainfall descending upon the land.

The droplets cascaded like threads in a dreamy haze.

This was the Spring Breeze and Timely Rain Technique!

Not only did it summon rain, but it also infused the water with subtle spiritual energy, effectively promoting the growth of spirit bamboo!


The spiritually enriched raindrops landed on the earth, swiftly penetrating the soil and reaching the roots of the spirit bamboo.

Beneath the ground, resilient vitality burst through the dirt, revealing tiny bamboo shoots just emerging at the surface.

“As spring turns to summer, nature blooms with indescribable wonder…”

Fang Xi spread his arms wide and tilted his head back, allowing the spiritual rain to splash against his straw cape and gently touch his face, a look of satisfaction spreading across him.

It was now the time for planting summer harvest spirit bamboo rice.

As a spirit farmer, one must regularly perform the ‘Spring Breeze and Timely Rain Technique’ to provide essential nutrients for the bamboo shoots. This directly impacted next year’s yield, and no spirit farmer dared to neglect this responsibility, including Chen Ping!

Despite his reluctance, he had recently reduced the frequency of visiting Goddess Hong Feng.

There was no choice; his talisman-making skills were not yet sufficient to support his cultivation expenses. For now, tending to the spirit fields remained crucial for providing sustenance and income for his family.

“A cultivation base at the third layer of Qi Refinement is still too low.”

After casting the spell, Fang Xi felt the depletion of over half his magical energy, leaving him with a grim expression.

The high consumption of the Spring Breeze and Timely Rain Technique was one issue.

Additionally, his own cultivation level and the inferior tier of his cultivation technique compounded the problem.

This limitation severely hindered his ability to cast spells multiple times.

“It’s unfortunate… obtaining a new cultivation technique seems utterly unrealistic. I don’t even have a single spirit stone left…”

Returning to his shack, Fang Xi couldn’t help but wryly smile.

He went down to the cellar where several sake jars were already piled up in one corner.

These represented the bulk of his recent spirit stone expenditures.

Ever since his visit to the Pill Cauldron Pavilion, Fang Xi had been contemplating brewing his own spirit wine.

With ample supply of spirit bamboo rice available, he managed to acquire a small bottle of spirit fermentation starter from a vendor at the market on a lucky occasion.

Although lacking a precise recipe, he decided to experiment with winemaking.

Of course, Fang Xi wasn’t recklessly brave; instead, he meticulously controlled variables in each jar, creating several reference groups.

Moreover, he used only minimal amounts of spirit rice per jar, ensuring that even if any batch failed, the overall loss would be insignificant.

With this setup, by next year, he might successfully develop a suitable spirit wine recipe.

‘A single piece of yeast cost me one whole spirit stone.’

Fang Xi solemnly reburied the sake jars, eyeing them carefully.

These were crucial harvests for the upcoming year; accidentally spilling even one jar would be heart-wrenching.

He picked up the last jar, scrutinized it briefly, and gracefully inscribed a line on its seal: “Spirit Bamboo Rice Wine - using two pounds of spirit rice, one ounce of yeast, early spring snow water… aged amidst summer thunderstorms, awaiting the dawn of next spring…”

After burying the final jar underground, Fang Xi let out a long breath.

Having completed these tasks, he resumed consuming Beefwood meat while practicing the White Cloud Palm and Red Snake Leg techniques.

Over recent days, with the aid of Beefwood meat, spirit bamboo rice, and the cultivation world’s abundant spiritual energy, his blood qi accumulation had skyrocketed, far surpassing Mu Piaomiao’s progress.

Now, upon hearing Xia Lei’s thunder, he sensed the signs of an imminent breakthrough!

‘The cultivation world is filled with numerous experts. If a great Foundation Establishment cultivator passes by and detects my breakthrough through their divine sense, explaining it won’t be easy…’

‘I’m unsure how significant the disturbance will be when breaking through to the dojo master realm, but safety comes first.’

With a swift thought, Fang Xi transformed his surroundings instantly.

In the blink of an eye, he found himself in the Great Liang World, at Fang Manor!


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