Crown Prince Sells Medicine

Chapter 67

Chapter 67

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The startled cry reverberated, accompanied by the sight of a five-meter object streaking across the night sky like a full-speed fastball. The projectile collided with the sturdy back of the Minotaur with a forceful impact, almost appearing to impale the creature.



The Minotaurs roar filled the night air, and in that moment, Demian finally recognized what had happened.


The object that flew and embedded itself in the Minotaurs back was none other than the Phantom Beast Kozumi. It retained its usual round and spiky appearance, resembling a chestnut burr, but now it had grown to almost five meters in size.

Did Kozumi possess such an ability?

Demian had always believed Kozumi to be a mere phantom beast that supplied spines for the Princes acupuncture or was carried around like a leather pouch. He never imagined it could transform and be used as a projectile.

But why is Kozumi here? And who threw it?

An inconceivable thought crossed his mind, and his gaze quickly swept across the collapsed outer wall, scanning the palace garden. There, he found the answer. It was Prince Raciel, caught in the act of throwing something.

What is he doing there?

A surge of injustice and anger welled up inside Demian.

I went through all this trouble to help him escape.

He couldnt fathom why the Prince would return here and take such action. Unconsciously, Demians fists clenched, mirroring the gesture of Raciel, who locked eyes with him.

Great! It hit the target!

Prince Raciel took a chance, gambling on an idea that seemed improbable but was worth trying. He remembered the red sunflower seed he received when summoning the Phantom Beastan item known to dramatically increase the creatures size when fed. Trusting Kozumis assurance, he fed it the seed and hurled the now-enlarged beast with all his might, as if tossing a grenade with the pin pulled.

The plan succeeded as Kozumi grew mid-flight and struck the Minotaur King, Uruus, right on target.

Glad its not too late.

Raciels mind wandered back to the moments before, when he was fleeing while being held by Anise. He couldnt shake off the concern for Demian, who was left behind in the bedroom. Although Demian was strong, facing a Minotaur twice the size of an ordinary one left him cornered and isolated.

Even Demian might not stand a chance against that.

But Raciel couldnt leave him behind. It wasnt just because Demian was the protagonist of the novel or due to any human bond they shared. Demian had become an incredibly valuable and indispensable companion. Raciel had worked hard to acquire him and didnt want to lose him now.

I need him to survive for the sake of my peaceful retirement and future!

Just as Liu Bei of Three Kingdoms had Guan Yu and Zhang Fei. As Barcelona FC has (or had) Lionel Messi. As the peak-time Chicago Bulls had Michael Jordan in his prime. Just as chicken is essential when watching a World Cup game, and you need to bring your best looks for a blind date.

He absolutely needed Demian.

Hold on Kozumi! Hurry!

His urgent shout reached Demian.

With resolve, Demian gripped his sword and swung it down with force.


The rock pressing on his leg split in two. He struck again. And again. With each swing, rocks and debris shattered and scattered. Eventually, his trapped leg was freed, but not without experiencing pain.


Was it twisted?

Or was it broken?

His calf and ankle were unresponsive, but Demian couldnt afford to focus on such minor pain. He forced himself up, lifting his head to face the bellowing Minotaur above him.


With its broad waist, the Minotaur raised its arms and yanked Kozumi out of its back.


Due to the thick cowhide, there was minimal blood. However, Uruuss hands, gripping Kozumi, were stinging more than he expected, and he struggled to hold it properly.


In his anger, Uruus had twisted too hard, leaving his palms, forearms, and chest searing hot, akin to grasping a chestnut burr bare-handed. Reflexively, he contracted his hand, inadvertently letting go of Kozumi, who rolled onto the floor.

Kooo! Kooooo!

Kozumi, as it fell, called out to Demian and rolled toward him. Understanding its intention, Demian reached out and grabbed one of Kozumis thorns.

In that moment, Kozumi transformed out of its chestnut burr mode, embedding Demian between the spikes on its back, revealing its four legs. It sprinted at full speed, escaping through the collapsed outer wall. It was faster than it appeared, catching Uruus off guard, who couldnt react quickly enough to its sudden escape.


Uruuss ordeal was far from over. As Kozumi hurled itself beyond the outer wall, Demian, riding on its back, drew his sword and swung it with all his might. A fierce sword aura manifested and struck the third-floor outer wall of the Mayor residence.


The building, already weakened by the Minotaurs rampage, couldnt withstand the power-packed sword strike. The structure gave way, resulting in a full-blown collapse.

Crash! Thud, thud-!


A portion of the five-story building crashed down on Uruus. Despite the Minotaurs formidable physique, it couldnt withstand the weight of dozens of tons falling upon it. Uruus was crushed beneath the debris, and a cloud of dust billowed along with his screams.

Meanwhile, Kozumi landed safely on the garden ground and quickly rejoined its group. Raciel greeted both Kozumi and Demian.

Well done, Kozumi.


And Demian, are you alright?

Of course.

You dont look okay with your leg.

Even so, I can still move enough not to fall behind.

Thats good. Lets run to a safe place where we can take care of your leg. That Minotaur, its not dead yet.

It seemed likely. Judging by how it had been rampaging until now, it didnt seem like the sort to die easily just because it was crushed under a 5-story building.

Well, it could die from an aggravated heart condition. Still, its a shame. The gallbladder bile spit out alive by Uruus is the best. Tsk. It would be such a waste if that thing died. Would I really have to split its stomach and retrieve it?

A sense of regret filled him. If it was a mighty Minotaur like that one, the gallbladder bile it carried would be the finest quality. If he couldnt get it alive, it would be such a waste.

But dont overdo it.

Raciel shook his head. Now was not the time to be greedy. It was not the time to play hero. If something went wrong, instead of the gallbladder, he might find himself conversing with the King of Hell.

So, todays courage ends here. Lets get out of here for now.


They began to make their way out of the city Mayors garden. Along the way, they encountered the city mayor and his party.

Your Highness! Are you safe!

The disheveled city mayor of Cremo, wearing his nightgown, rushed over and breathed a sigh of relief upon seeing their safety.

I will escort you from here. This way!

Where are we going?

Were thinking of going to the safest place in the city, Your Highness.

The safest place?

Yes, Your Highness. Its the sea.

The sea.

Please board my ship. Once we set the ship off the coast, no matter how viciously that Minotaur rampages, it will not be able to harm a single hair on Your Highness.

The plan to escape by ship seemed reasonable to Prince Raciel.

Alright. Lets move quickly then.

Yes, Your Highness!

Following the city mayors party, they left the city mayors residence entirely. Rushing down the hill and passing through the chaos in the city, they arrived at the dock where a sailing ship was preparing for departure.

That is the ship, Your Highness!

They boarded the ship, but to Raciels surprise, the city mayor did not join them. Perplexed, Raciel looked at him, and the mayor, left on the dock, smiled wryly.

I will not run away, Your Highness.


This is the city I am responsible for. The prosperity and safety of numerous people depend on my shoulders. How could I, in such a situation today, run to a safe place alone?


So, please take refuge, Your Highness. I will stay here and command the guards.

The mayor of Cremo, still in his nightclothes with disheveled hair, looked dignified for a moment despite wearing only one slipper. His sense of responsibility and determination impressed Raciel, evoking a momentary feeling of shame.

For the same reason, probably.

A prick of conscience nagged at Raciels mind. The mayor was staying to face the danger, while as the Crown Prince of the Empire, Raciel was seeking safety. Was it really okay?

Struggling to find words to respond, a voice came from beside him. Demian had quietly approached.

We must set sail now, Your Highness.


There is no need for guilt, Your Highness.

Demian interrupted Raciel and shook his head.

Everyone has their own roles to play.


Is that so?

I understood what he was saying. The role of taking responsibility for this city lies with the mayor. The role of protecting you lies with me, the Royal Guards, and the special duty guards.

And for him

I suppose Im responsible for surviving and taking charge of the royal family.

The Crown Prince. And the royal family. Honestly, the role he ended up being thrust into somewhat reluctantly is a burden. But right now, Demians words are correct.

Okay, I understand.

Raciel nodded at Demian and gave a thumbs up to the mayor on the dock, who responded with a serious and proud expression.

Raise the anchor!

A sailors cry.

The anchor was raised, and the ship was pushed away from the dock. The dock slowly receded, first gradually and then more definitively. The sight of the shrinking dock finally sank in.

I survived.

A sense of relief washed over Raciels legs. The recent events flashed through his mindthe bedroom wall suddenly breaking, the attacking Minotaur, and his narrow escapes from death.


He wondered if he would suffer from PTSD. Maybe he should consider some self-comforting treatment. Silly thoughts swirled in his mind.


A shocked sound escaped from one of the sailors, but he wasnt the only one taken aback.

Whats that?

Another sailor nearby chimed in.

Even the Royal guards were puzzled, frowning, tilting their heads, and staring at the dock that was receding.

Whats going on?

Everyones reactions left Raciel curious, and he followed their gazes towards the dock. There, he heard it first before seeing it.



A familiar roar echoed from the dock, growing louder and clearer. Soon, a recognizable silhouette emerged, running towards them.



The massive figure, boasting a dinosaur-like appearance, was none other than the giant Minotaur charging towards them. And it wasnt just charging, it was charging towards the sea, from the land, past the dock, leaping into the night sky at an unbelievable speed and height, momentarily obscuring the moon.

Soaring up.

Then, as if being impaled.


It landed on the deck of their ship, or rather, crashed onto it.


The ship shook violently, and the sailors shouted in alarm as deck planks shattered and scattered. Amidst the chaos, the giant Uruus raised its head while crouching down, locking eyes with Raciel.

In its eyes, Raciel saw a clear message: it was after one person.

So, right now, that one person is me?

He couldnt fathom why it was targeting him. However, a chilling realization washed over him, giving rise to goosebumps.


Either that creature or him.

One of them would meet their end.

(To be Continued)

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