Crown Prince Sells Medicine

Chapter 66

Chapter 66

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The loud chime of a bell echoed relentlessly, jolting Raciels senses. Suddenly, a comprehensive examination report materialized before him, partially obstructing his view. What caught him off guard was that the report pertained to the Minotaurs comprehensive examination.

Whats going on?

The Minotaur had been in a state of rage, and Raciels palpation skill had instinctively responded to its critical vital signs, triggering the comprehensive examination.

But this

Raciel swiftly scanned the contents of the Minotaurs examination form.

[Basic Comprehensive Examination]

[Subject: King of Minotaurs, Uruus]

[Species: Minotaur]

[Gender: Male]

[Age: 48]

[Height: 7,120 cm]

[Weight: 14,923 kg]

[Blood Type: C2]


The physical specifications were remarkable, at least in terms of the numbers. However, the various indicators below raised concern, particularly the heart, which had a red flag hovering over it.

[Heart Function: F]


While other organs didnt display significant abnormalities, the heart was assigned an F grade, indicating a severe condition. Raciel quickly skimmed through the overall assessment.

[Overall Assessment: The physical balance is disrupted due to prolonged imprisonment, sedation, and forced grain intake. Abdominal obesity is detected. Hyperlipidemia is detected. Cholesterol levels in the blood vessels have reached a dangerous level. There is concern about high inflammatory reactions and metabolic dysfunction due to severe stress. There is <1> Emergency Report.]

[Click here to expand the Emergency Report.]

At the end of the overall assessment, there was a phrase he had never encountered before.

Emergency report?

As instructed, he shifted his gaze to the emergency report and heard an urgent exclamation from the heart.

[Heart: Emergency! Weve got a patient!]


[Heart: What do you mean, what? Didnt you just pulse-check the patient? That guys heart is in serious trouble.]

In trouble?

[Heart: Its angina. Stable Angina Pectoris. The chest pain is severe. Theres a blood clot in the coronary artery, and its party time for atherosclerosis. If we leave it like this, itll definitely lead to myocardial infarction.]

Raciel fell silent. If it was true, it was a severe condition.

Angina means his hearts blood vessels are half-blocked.

Such a condition could potentially lead to a heart attack. In severe cases, it might even cause cardiac arrest and death. It dawned on Raciel why the Minotaur had gone on a rampage.

The chest pain from angina is excruciating. It feels like a car is crushing your chest repeatedly. No wonder hes in agony and rampaging.

A terrible pain must have triggered the rampage. The stress from prolonged imprisonment and other factors had likely contributed to this explosion of fury. Understanding the situation, Raciel couldnt help but feel a surge of pity.

The Minotaur must have its own story.

This is truly unfortunate.

Such a pity.

Tsk, tsk But it doesnt seem like I can treat you right now. Why? Because right now, Im more pitiful than youuuuueeeeaaaargh-!


The mighty King Minotaur, Uruus, swung his left arm with immense force. Raciel, holding onto that arm, was flung around wildly.

Ar, aaaaaaaaaah!

An intense gravitational force gripped his entire body.

A Viking ride?

The Blue Dragon roller coaster?

The sensation was several times worse than those experiences. It felt like all the blood in his body was rushing to his toes. But he couldnt let go.

If I let go while being swung like this And if I get thrown No matter where I crash, my entire body will be smashed!

He would be crushed like a strawberry thrown against a wall at full force. Flattened or squashed, either way, he didnt want to die like that.

Summoning all his strength, he clung desperately to the hairs on Uruuss forearm. He held on for dear life, but the more he struggled, the more violently Uruus moved. His grip was gradually weakening. To make matters worse, Uruus made eye contact with him.


In a moment of shock, Raciel stood frozen as Uruus raised his right hand, ready to strike him with force.


Raciel felt as helpless as a mosquito squashed while clinging to a human forearm. Uruuss massive palm, large enough to engulf Raciel entirely, came down, extinguishing any hope of escape.


Should he close his eyes? But before he could decide


A brilliant flash of white light streaked across, hitting Uruuss horn with a thud.


A fierce spark erupted from the horn.

The swift sword strike caught Uruus off guard, just as he was about to strike Raciel. The Minotaur Kings bloodshot gaze turned towards the source of the attack, revealing Demian.


Demian retracted his sword, regret apparent on his brow. Originally, his target had been the eye, not the horn. Rushing to protect the crown prince, he disrupted Uruuss posture, but he managed to halt the Minotaurs attack.

Your Majesty, hold on just a bit longer. Ill save you!

Demian shouted and swiftly closed in on the Minotaur. His eyes glinted with determination.

The flank and the armpit.

With precise slashes, he targeted these vulnerable areas, not needing to cut too deep but aiming to create hesitation. In that momentary gap, he planned to rescue the crown prince, who hung from the Minotaurs arm.

The battle plan formed instantly. Demian utilized his stride, leaped, drew his sword, and timed the Minotaurs reaction almost perfectly.

Swish! Clank!

Twice, the swords light flashed. Uruus roared hesitantly. Everything was going according to plan, except for one thing Demian hadnt considered: the frail grip strength of the crown prince.

Ugh! Someone, help!


As Uruus swung his arms due to the sting of the sword strike, Raciels grip reached its limit.

He couldnt hold on any longer. Despite his will, his hand loosened, and he lost his grip on Uruuss fur. His body was flung through the air.



Raciel cried out desperately. The moment he let go of Uruuss arm, he was released into the centrifugal force, flying towards the outside of the bedroom and crashing into the Mayors mansion garden.

What, what?

At first, he felt like it wasnt real. His entire body was spinning in the air. He saw the moon in the night sky, then the landscaped objects filling the garden, then the moon and stars again, and finally, the lush trees and grass in the garden.

So, right now, he was? He was spinning while flying in a parabolic trajectory from a height of 15 meters!

Holy shiiiiiiiiiit!

Was this how a fiercely hit home-run ball felt? Then where would the end of this parabola be? He felt a chilling sensation.

The dizzying intercrossing view of the sky and the ground. Meanwhile, the ground was getting closer and closer. A pond or a fountain? There was no such hope. It was just bare ground. The bare ground was welcoming him.

It got closer and closer.

Even closer.

In a blink of an eye.


Plummeting from several meters high, the ground that would knock him down was rapidly approaching!


He tightly shut his eyes. Soon, a rough shock overcame his body.



A choking sensation enveloped him as if his spine had been rearranged into two lines like a train track. Strangely, that was the end of the fall. He didnt lose consciousness, which would have been the case had he hit the ground directly, resulting in instant death.

Did I manage to grab onto a branch or something?

He wondered as he cautiously opened his eyes.

Thanks to that, he could see.

Grr, huff huff!

A wolfs face and eyes met his. As soon as the wolf-human Anise saw him, she stuck out her tongue and happily panted, as if saying, Im glad.

In a daze, Raciel asked, Anise?

Huff huff!

Anise nodded, and only then did Raciel realize.

Just before I crashed into the ground Anise rushed over and caught me.

Indeed, upon closer inspection, he found himself in a princess carry, held securely by Anise. He felt alive. A sigh of relief flowed out belatedly. The royal guards and special duty guard members rushed to his side.

Your Highness! Are you unharmed?

This is not the time. Quickly, over there! The safety of His Highness is the top priority!


Grr! Huff huff huff!

With Raciel safely cradled in her arms, Anise swiftly ran through the garden. The royal guards and special duty guard members, who were on horseback, ran alongside, acting as her escorts. In this manner, the princes party swiftly fled across the garden, getting farther away until they disappeared from the sight of the dumbfounded King Minotaur, Uruus.


Uruuss breath became even rougher.

It was absurd. The human who had tried to purchase him at the auction had vanished in the most ridiculous manner. Uruus seethed with anger, his eyes rolling in fury. He wanted to beat that scoundrel to death for making a fool out of him.

Roar! Hee-haw! Hee-haw!

Uruuss bloodshot eyes darted around in search of a new target to vent his rage. And naturally, a human stood before him the one with black hair who had dared to point a sword at him and interfered persistently.

I really need hazard pay for this, Demian muttered, meeting Uruuss harsh gaze with a bitter smile. He had successfully evacuated the Crown Prince, and now it was his turn to escape.

Can I make it?

The Minotaur blocked the only exit from the room. To leave, Demian had to get past him.

Lets try.

He tightened his grip on the sword handle, knowing he had to survive to earn todays hazard pay.

Just then, it happened.



Uruuss massive fist came hurtling towards him. Demians eyes flashed with quick thinking.


He swiftly moved to the side, sidestepping the extending fist. His sword followed suit, aiming to strike in a straight line from the Minotaurs wrist to the arm.

But then


Uruuss fist, which had appeared to extend, suddenly stopped, retracting in an instant.

A feint?

Demians eyes widened in astonishment. At the same time, the Minotaurs massive head swung around.



He barely managed to block the horn, his body shaking as he was pushed back. The real punch came immediately after.



From then on, Demians sword fiercely tore through space. Uruuss fists, arms, and horns clashed, tearing through the air. Their sword and horns tangled, striking and pushing each other. They stabbed, slashed, tore, and swung. The room became a blur of sword flashes and horn rages.


Their rapid exchange left no room to breathe. King Minotaur and Demian engaged in a tight battle. The outcome was decided by a minor difference.


Their ferocious collisions sent shockwaves through the room, causing the ceiling to crack. The cracks quickly expanded and widened.


The ceiling came crashing down, burying Uruus and Demian under a pile of wood and stone.


Uruus took the impact of the stones on his head and shoulders. While it was a significant shock, the pile of stones wasnt too heavy compared to Uruuss immense weight. However, for an ordinary (?) human like Demian, it was a different story.


Demian hurriedly tried to run back, but with the collision with Uruus in front and the entire ceiling collapsing, there was no suitable place to escape. He didnt even have the leisure to launch a sword strike upwards. In the end, the ceiling structure fell directly on top of Demian.



The room was filled with dust. When the dust finally settled, Demian found one of his legs buried under the pile of stones.


Was it broken? Or crushed? A shock as if a large hammer had struck his calf rushed through him. He couldnt get up, as his leg trapped in the debris wouldnt budge.

Lifting his head, he met eyes with the Minotaur. Uruus shook off the pile of stones on his head and shoulders before blowing a rough breath in Demians direction.


I cant end like this, can I?

Demian clenched his sword, vowing to fight to the end even if he couldnt stand up. But reality was harsh.


The Minotaur roared and raised his two fists. Was he going to smash down like this? The shadow cast by the Minotaurs fists covered Demians face, and the massive fists, resembling battering rams, descended.



Demian lifted his sword.

He would block it somehow. He would fight to the end.

A sense of crisis filled his chest, and he gritted his teeth in response. The Minotaurs fists covered his entire body as they charged down. An unprecedented strange palpitation was about to leap in his heart.

But then

Kozumi! Body slam!

A strange shout echoed through the room an unexpected shout coming from the Crown Prince. Simultaneously, something gigantic fiercely flew.

Koo koooo-!

At that moment, Demian witnessed an unexpected spectacle. It was Kozumi, the phantom beast, now grown to an impressive five meters in size, vigorously launching a body slam attack on the Minotaurs back.

(To be Continued)

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