Criminal Investigation Notes

Chapter 149:

Chapter 149:

In the Huajing Criminology Department, a special examination is underway.

This exam is not the regular end-of-semester test nor the national standardized test, but a selection exam specifically for psychological profiling.

Thanks to the efforts of Director Tan and Professor Su, the Behavioral Analysis Unit of Huadu General Bureau is being rebuilt, and they are planning to expand the team. Some positions will be selected from the graduates next year, and it has already attracted over 800 applicants for undergraduate and graduate combined, with more than ten examination rooms arranged.

Lu Haochu lowered his head, frowning and biting the pen cap as he looked at the exam questions in front of him.

This exam allows open-book access, and the invigilation is not too strict.

The reason behind it is simple; many of these questions dont have standard answers and cant be found in any textbooks. Copying someone elses work might also lead to errors.

The exam paper is anything but conventional. It consists of short answer questions, essays, case reasoning questions, and even matching and drawing questions. The unconventional nature of the questions makes it difficult for students to predict the intentions of the examiners.

There are also hidden mysteries within the exam, with each reading of the questions yielding different interpretations, let alone trying to answer them.

Lu Haochu was trying hard to recall the books Professor Su had recommended to him, figuring out how to approach the answers.

Suddenly, there was a commotion in the exam room. All the candidates stopped answering and looked up. Lu Haochu also lifted his head to see what was happening. It turned out that Su Hui happened to be touring this examination room and was talking to the invigilating teacher.

Ah, Professor Su!

Long time no see, Professor Su.

Professor Su, will you come back to teach at Huajing?

The candidates were excited, and if it werent for the ongoing exam, some might have approached Su Hui.

Quiet, everyone! The invigilating teacher hurriedly restored order. Dont get too excited. There are still eight minutes until the end of the exam. If you have the ability, go to the General Bureau. You can work with Professor Su every day.

Lu Haochu also hurriedly focused on his exam again. Humph, whats the big deal about working with Professor Su? He could still enjoy the soup cooked by Professor Su ok?

He also got to play with his cats!

His brother is still Su Huis roommate!


As Lu Haochu looked at a written discussion question about same-sex relationships on the exam paper, he suddenly felt that something seemed off.

Outside the exam room, Lu Junchi sneezed. He was sitting in the lounge area in the corridor, waiting to drive Su Hui back from the Huajing Criminal Investigation Academy.

Seeing that there was still some time left, Lu Junchi took out his phone. He was too lazy to copy the notification one by one, so he created a group chat and added Yao Fei, Tao Lizhi, and Xing Yunhai.

Weichi: Su Huis memorial day is coming soon. Youve all asked me about it and said you wanted to visit him. So I booked a business car and set the time for the day after tomorrow at 2:30 PM.

Mockingbird: Thank you, Captain Lu.

In the past, they would often visit Su Hui, but usually, they went on their own. This time, they could go together, which would be more convenient. And now that the 372 case has finally been solved, its the best comfort for the departed.

Lu Junchi hesitated for a moment, then continued typing.

Lu Junchi: Also, theres something else I want to tell you all

He was considering whether to share the news about his relationship with Su Hui. Their social circles were simple, mainly consisting of leaders and colleagues from the General Bureau. Those people didnt dare to pry too much. However, these few who were specialized in profiling might be hard to deceive. Since he had already created the group chat, he might as well announce his relationship with Su Hui openly.

Before Lu Junchi could figure out how to phrase it, the others responded one after another.

Moonlight: Is it about you and Su Hui?

Prophet: Congratulations! When are you going to give out *sweets?!!

*(x tng) traditional Chinese wedding custom. It refers to small packages of candy or sweets that are given to wedding guests as a gesture of gratitude for attending the wedding ceremony. The term literally translates to happy candy or joyful sweets, symbolizing the joy and happiness of the wedding celebration.

Mockingbird: Captain Lu, youve finally come to terms with it and made an official announcement!! Sigh, we all saw it coming but had to pretend not to know. It was killing us.


Weichi: ()

Weichi: |) Alright, since you all know now? Ive made the announcement, so Ill disband the group.

To ease the awkwardness, Lu Junchi sent several emojis in a row and added: By the way, Su Hui is a bit thin-skinned, so lets not make overly bold jokes in front of him.

The chat group instantly lit up with messages popping up non-stop.

It turned out that even the usually serious profilers had a gossipy side.

Moonlight: Dont go, dont go! How far has the relationship progressed? I wont ask about what happens in bed, but have you proposed yet? You probably havent, right? Let me know about the *gift money in advance.

*(fn z qin) (fn zi qin) is a traditional Chinese custom of giving money or gifts to the bride and groom during weddings. It is a symbol of good wishes and blessings for the newlyweds. The amount of varies depending on regional customs and the relationship with the couple, but it is usually given in a red envelope for good luck. The money is meant to help the couple with their wedding expenses or to start their new life together.

Prophet: Yeah, we can give you ideas. For example, you can hide the ring in a wine glass.

Moonlight: Come on, Xing, dont give bad ideas. With Su Huis sharp eyes, if he accidentally drinks it, well have to take him to the hospital.

Mockingbird: You all got it wrong! Why are you suggesting such things? Su Huis alcohol tolerance is so high that he wont even reach the bottom of the glass. It would be a waste of the ring.

Weichi: Wait a second, do you really think I would propose in such a clich way?

Moonlight: Yes, you would.

Mockingbird: You would.

Prophet: You Maybe.

Weichi: Absolutely not! (_)! Thanks for your concern!

Moonlight: Based on what I know about you, you always think things through and want everything to be perfect. But love requires spontaneity, dont keep Su Hui waiting.

Mockingbird: Yeah, plans cant keep up with changes. Sometimes you just have to seize the opportunity.

Prophet: The weather today looks great.

The group you created has been successfully dissolved.

Lu Junchi put down his phone and took out a jewelry box from his bag, opening it to look inside.

Inside were two rings, both designed for men, with a star-shaped base. They were the famous Starry Sky Diamond Rings from the D brand.

He had bought them long ago, he just hadnt figured out how to present them.

Just then, Su Hui walked out of the exam room, with other teachers helping carry the answer sheets, following behind.

Lu Junchi quickly closed the box, put it in his pocket, and went downstairs with them. He opened the trunk.

The teachers put all the answer sheets into the trunk, as they needed to be transported to the headquarters.

When Su Hui got into the car, Lu Junchi helped him with the seatbelt, clearing his throat to change the subject: How was the exam?

Su Hui leaned against the car window, pressing his temples with his hand, saying, Some of them seemed promising. The current students are different from us back then. With TV shows, books, and various promotions, they are more familiar with criminal psychology, and their knowledge is much broader.

Although they were still struggling and facing difficulties, they had made a lot of progress compared to many years ago.

Lu Junchi asked again, What about Lu Haochu? Does he have a chance?

I havent looked carefully at his paper yet, just glanced briefly. He answered all the questions, and if he studied the books I recommended to him thoroughly, he should pass. The rest depends on his comprehension.

TN: Sniff..sniff. Whats that smell? Is itnepotism?

Lu Junchis car stopped at the back of Building 13 in the headquarters yard. This place had been cleaned up and would be officially put into use the day after tomorrow.

The building was too big; even with the reconstruction of the Behavior Analysis Unit, such a large area wasnt necessary. The Major Crimes Unit and Review Unit also needed additional personnel, so Director Tan directly assigned this building to them and placed the Review Unit under the Behavior Analysis Department.

Tao Lizhi came out with a few young men and moved the papers inside.

Su Hui followed them inside, walking into the newly cleaned office building.

At the end of the corridor on the second floor was Lu Junchi and Su Huis leadership office. To facilitate case discussions and take care of Su Hui, they kept it in one room.

The office had just been cleaned up, and their belongings were moved in. Both of them were busy organizing things.

After a while, Lu Junchi poured a cup of water for Su Hui from the nearby water dispenser and handed it over.

Su Hui took a sip and raised his eyes to ask him, Do you have something to tell me?

Lu Junchi was taken aback, What? He felt a little guilty and used his hand to cover the ring box in his pocket.

Su Hui asked, What do you have in your pocket?

Lu Junchi pretended to be oblivious, blinked his eyes, put his right hand deep into his pocket, opened his palm, and took out two lemon candies.

Su Hui took one of the candies, unwrapped it, and put it in his mouth. It was still sour, a familiar taste.

While eating the candy, he didnt let Lu Junchi off the hook: On the way here, you kept unconsciously swallowing saliva. Its a sign of nervousness. A week ago, while you were sleeping, you put a ring on my finger.

Su Hui continued in a hushed voice, And when you helped me fasten the seatbelt earlier, the box in your pocket poked me

Being directly exposed, Lu Junchi facepalmed, contemplating whether having a clever and insightful fiance was a good or bad thing.

With no other option, he retrieved the ring box from his pocket and knelt down on one knee.

I have another question, Su Hui suddenly turned serious and said, I want to ask first, have you talked to your family about this?

Since Su Hui had no close relatives left, he didnt have to worry about this matter. However, it was different for Lu Junchi.

In the right order, he felt it was essential to seek his parents consent first.

Love without the blessings of parents wouldnt be complete.

Lu Junchi honestly confessed, Ive talked to my parents about it, and they have no objections. Theyve even met you before.

Su Hui was slightly taken aback, When was that?

It was when you got shot last time. They happened to return to the country at that time, and they took care of the cats at home. The meals we brought were made by my mom. They didnt want to meet you formally while you were still recovering. When we have some time off, Ill take you to meet them properly.

Su Hui hadnt realized that he had already met Lu Junchis parents during that time.

Seeing him fall silent, Lu Junchi took out the ring and placed it on Su Huis slender finger.

Without roses, Lu Junchi was afraid that Su Hui might find it less romantic or something was missing. But looking at Su Hui, he felt overflowing affection in his heart.

Lu Junchi didnt prepare a speech; he spoke from the heart, Su Hui, although weve officially been together for only a few months, weve known each other for three years. We almost missed each other but eventually ended up together. I want to spend my life doing everything I can to be good to you: when youre lost, I want to hold your hand; when you cant see or hear clearly, Im willing to be your eyes and ears; in times of danger, Ill stand in front of you to protect you For the rest of my life, I want to be with you, guarding by your side, and considering you my one and only. Will you marry me?

With this action, Lu Junchi suddenly remembered the conversations he had with Su Hui on the phone before.

He wanted to become a knight, forever guarding his poet.

Now, he could finally fulfill this promise.

Looking at Lu Junchi, Su Hui remembered all the things they had been through together, the ups and downs, the glorious moments, and the everyday life.

Scenes from the past replayed in his mind.

He trusted the person before him, and he loved him deeply.

Su Hui replied, I do, my Captain Xiao Lu.

He lowered his head and gently kissed Lu Junchi, the taste of lemon candy filling the air

A few days later, even though it was deep winter, the weather was exceptionally clear. A seven-seater business car stopped outside the cemetery.

Five men and women dressed in black came out of the car, each holding a bouquet of flowers.

The road through the cemetery was somewhat long.

Xing Yunhai asked Yao Fei, Where are you planning to work recently? Arent you going back to the bureau?

That restrictive environment isnt quite suitable for me. Ive discussed it with my friends, and well be opening an investigation company, Yao Fei said and took out a few business cards from his pocket, passing them over. If any of you police officers need investigation assistance, feel free to contact me.

Su Hui took the card and looked back at him. If youre willing, you can come back as a part-time consultant.

Yao Fei replied, Well have to discuss that separately, but Ill occasionally come to visit you all. If your Major Crimes Unit doesnt perform well, Ill be the first to object.

They walked up the steps of the cemetery and arrived at a gravestone. A photo was affixed to the gravestone, showing a refined and gentle person.

In an instant, it felt like they traveled through time, seeing the person from many years ago.

The same date, but back then, it was a snowstorm.

At that time, they couldnt prevent that tragedy, nor could they accompany that person. However, the significance of that person was different to each of them.

He changed their lives.

Without the person from back then, they wouldnt be who they are today.

The group of people stood before the grave and offered their bouquets.

Profiler, Poet, Detective Su Hui.

Profiler, Moonlight, former Detective Yao Fei.

Profiler, Prophet, Detective Huadu General Bureau, Xing Yunhai.

Profiler, Mockingbird, Detective Tao Lizhi.

Major Crimes Unit Leader, Lu Junchi.

Bouquets of flowers were placed in front of the gravestone.

Though the weather was cold, white flowers bloomed in the cemetery.

Winter may be cold, but it will pass, and long nights will have an end.

Times may change, but heroes will be remembered, and their spirits will be passed down.

The future is vast, and they will overcome difficulties and move forward resolutely.

Guarding this city, eliminating darkness from the world, and shining with brilliant light.

(The end)

The author has something to say: Finally, the main text comes to an end. This is my second long crime investigation novel. Thank you all for your continuous support and company.

This book, unlike Criminal Investigation Files, was initially intended to explore inheritance, so I wrote the stories of several profilers from different eras.

Among them, there are good and bad people, some planting trees for future generations, while others digging pits for them, and some even sacrificing themselves.

Professor Su Hui is a character type that I personally really like. When writing, I aimed to portray a profiler who may have a delicate physique but a strong and resilient inner core. I worked hard to achieve this goal, and I hope you all like him.

Recently, I will write some side stories for this book, probably 2-3 short side cases.

One of them will be about Professor Yu Yan.

The others will still focus on Su Hui.

There will be sweet and lovey-dovey moments, and many untold stories from the main text will be explained in the side stories.

Sisi and Song Wen will make appearances.(Characters from the authors other book: Criminal Investigation Files)

The next book will be about forensic medicine, titled S*icidal Forensic Investigator. It will still be related to crime investigation, with a faster pace and various bizarre and unusual corpses. I will work hard to prepare for it.

If you like it, you can bookmark the book, pre-order it, and follow the updates, so you wont miss anything~(`)


Ah weve come to the end of this journey *sniffs*. But hold one we still have the extras to look forward to before finally saying goodbye to this story!


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