Criminal Investigation Notes

Chapter 148:

Chapter 148:

Su Hui?! Youre not! Sui Liangyi looked at Su Hui approaching him, his face turning pale as if he had seen a ghost.

Shouldnt he have died in the explosion just now? Lu Junchi took over the conversation and revealed the truth. Sui Liangyi, the events just now didnt actually proceed as you saw. What you witnessed was pre-recorded footage arranged by our explosive experts.

Earlier, they had set up a specific plan and rehearsed the same steps during the rehearsal, performing a play in coordination to make Sui Liangyi believe the explosion was successful and get him to reveal the truth.

In reality, the police had already received information that Sui Liangyi intended to target Su Hui and took precautions.

After Sui Liangyi and Weng Yuhua left the scene, they immediately arranged for the evacuation of personnel.

Now the bomb had been successfully defused.

You Captain Lu, what are you saying? I dont understand. Sui Liangyi realized the situation and quickly changed his tune. He frowned and looked at Su Hui standing behind Lu Junchi. Su Hui, its good to see youre safe. Weng and I just heard about the incident at the venue and were on our way to check on your condition. So, seeing you suddenly here surprised us.

Lu Junchi interrupted him, Sui Liangyi, theres no need to pretend anymore. The police have already monitored your conversation just now.

Suddenly, Siu Liangyi remembered the tie clip that Su Hui had given to Weng Yuhua at the venue

He turned his head to look at Weng Yuhua, who had been hanging his head all this time. Now he finally understood that it was a subconscious expression of admitting guilt.

Lu Junchi said, The entire process wouldnt have been possible without the cooperation of Professor Weng.

During the previous police investigation, they had gathered various indirect clues, but they lacked direct evidence.

Lu Junchi and Su Hui decided to contact Weng Yuhua and explain everything to him.

After careful consideration, Weng Yuhua finally confessed to the truth and was willing to cooperate with Huadu the police.

Even until now, Sui Liangyi still couldnt accept this reality.

Sui Liangyi, youve done enough. Stop now, Weng Yuhua finally lifted his head and said, Im willing to accept the legal consequences for my mistakes and pay the price

He had made mistake after mistake in the past. But this time, he was prepared to spend the rest of his life in prison and bring Sui Liangyi to justice.

Sui Liangyi, please cooperate with the police and come to the headquarters with us, said Lu Junchi, making a hand gesture as several police officers surrounded Sui Liangyi.

Sui Liangyi stood there, clenching his teeth, looking at the police officers. They were well-prepared, and he had no weapons to fight so many of them. Even using Weng Yuhua as a hostage wouldnt buy him much time.

At this critical moment, Sui Liangyi refused to give up. He lowered his head, calculating what other cards he still had.

Zhang Junzhi and Wang Shaogu were already dead, and Weng Yuhua had already sided with the police

He realized that he had used up all his cards.

This was a long struggle, and without realizing it, he had lost everything, betrayed by those he had trusted, and found himself in a desperate situation, standing on the edge of a cliff.

In the past, he could still shift the blame to others, but now, with all the evidence against him, he couldnt escape suspicion.

When the walls collapse, everyone pushes the fallen bricks.

With everything falling apart, would those high-ranking officials still be willing to protect him?

At this point, he might be beyond redemption, his reputation shattered, so he might as well salvage some dignity.

Sui Liangyi chose not to resist. After a moment of contemplation, he raised his hands.

Someone came forward and handcuffed him.

Twenty minutes later, Weng Yuhua and Sui Liangyi were brought into the interrogation room of the Huadu General Bureau.

After the meeting adjourned, many staff members had already returned to the bureau, and the leaders at all levels attached great importance to this matter.

Todays interrogation was presided over by Lu Junchi, with Qiao Ze responsible for recording, and Director Tan personally listening to the interrogation from the observation room.

However, as soon as Sui Liangyi sat down and had his basic information verified, he kept his head down and remained silent no matter what Lu Junchi asked.

Due to his special status, the usual interrogation techniques were of no use to him.

Minutes and seconds passed, and Lu Junchi asked and asked, but still couldnt get him to speak.

In the observation room, Director Tan frowned and looked at Su Hui, Weng Yuhua has already confessed, why is he still waiting here?

Su Hui looked at Sui Liangyi inside, pondered for a moment, and said, He might be calculating what information the police have and what the results of his confession will be.

During the interrogation, Sui Liangyi seemed to sense something. He raised his head and looked at Su Hui through the glass.

Then Sui Liangyi spoke up, Bring Su Hui over. I want to talk to him.

Director Tan turned around and patted Su Hui on the shoulder.

I can probably guess what he wants to ask, Su Hui said, standing up.

He entered the interrogation room and sat next to Lu Junchi.

Today, both of them were wearing police uniforms as they had participated in an event and received commendation. The two young officers looked smart and upright.

The atmosphere in the interrogation room was very serious.

Su Hui spoke, Professor Sui, my colleague has already summarized your criminal activities. Do you admit to the crimes you committed?

Sui Liangyi tapped the table with his fingers and looked up at Su Hui. I cant understand one thing: how did you discover me?

Confused as to how he, who had always stayed behind the scenes, controlling things remotely, could be found by Su Hui and his team, Sui Liangyi remained calm, as though he was a visiting consulting professor, not a suspect being interrogated.

Su Hui paused for a moment and said, After regaining my memories, I remembered something. Back then, when I was about to graduate as a postgraduate student, I wrote a paper, and I discussed the research topic with my teacher. You were also present at that time, and you mentioned that you had collected a lot of materials that could be helpful for my research. I suggested co-authoring the paper, but you refused.

As his memories gradually returned, Su Hui finally recalled the logical chain of that paper.

At that time, I thought it was help from a senior, but now I realize that you had already instilled the concept of a serial killer into me. The subsequent anonymous report was also handed over to Deputy Director Jin by Vice Director Wang through you. However, there were other reasons for investigating you.

Sui Liangyi asked, Where did I expose any flaws?

Su Hui replied, We started investigating you because, while searching for information about Yu Yan, I came across an interview with you. During the interview, the reporter asked for your evaluation of Professor Yu. At that moment, a strange expression appeared on your face, and you made a pushing motion towards the reporter. Although you apologized to the reporter and deleted the related video later, in todays widely interconnected world, that clip still remained.

The internet has memory, and Yao Fei discovered this video while sorting through information related to Yu Yan.

After watching it, Su Hui also felt that Sui Liangyis reaction was unnatural and recorded the news.

He continued, Later, I saw another media interview where, when asked about your opinion of me, you made the same expression as in the previous news. So, I boldly assumed that you might be connected to Professor Yus death and wanted to target me.

Perhaps Sui Liangyi was good at disguising himself, often making it hard to see the evil in his heart, and it was challenging to link him to the real culprit behind the scenes. But that peculiar expression he showed gave away a clue.

It was a look of resentment being concealed with great effort.

Because Sui Liangyi usually appeared approachable and amiable, such expressions and actions were out of place.

Su Huis gaze remained calm. Later, we started from psychological analysis, and I became increasingly convinced that there was something wrong with you, Sui Liangyi. You are entirely different from other experts studying criminal psychology. While others remain low-key, prioritizing research and solving cases, you thoroughly enjoy receiving praise from others. Your favorite thing is to accept various interviews, showing off the cases youve solved.

Next, we began to investigate your relationship with the 372 Research Institute, Wang Shaogu, and Zhang Junzhi. Despite your extreme caution, we still managed to find some clues.

Su Huis tone was understated, but in reality, it was a lengthy process.

They faced a seemingly sealed ice mountain, which required melting bit by bit to discover the truth.

They invested a lot of police resources and spent more than a month before finally obtaining results.

Su Hui continued solemnly, The police eventually discovered that the 372 Research Institute was founded by Professor Weng back then. However, the evidence was not enough

The evidence they had only proved the connection between Sui Liangyi, Weng Yuhua, and the research institute. They couldnt directly link the later crimes committed by the killers to them.

To bring the mastermind to justice, they needed solid evidence; otherwise, they risked alarming the culprit.

Sui Liangyi was very cautious, often letting Zhang Junzhi and Wang Shaogu handle many things.

He had a wide network in the police.

He was well-versed in the law and familiar with the investigation process.

Without sufficient evidence, they couldnt touch him, and they couldnt punish him for his crimes.

The interrogation room was very quiet, with only Su Huis voice audible.

Sui Liangyi, you used to torture and kill small animals. Near your childhood home, there were two small fires. However, your family life was harmonious, which downplayed these traits. But when you were fifteen, your parents died in a car accident. You lived with your grandparents, and you have always exhibited some traits of a serial killer.

I speculate that the reason you chose to study criminal psychology was to verify what kind of person you are, to understand yourself better. While studying this course, you were affirming your own traits and interpreting yourself.

Because of your own issues, you maintain a hint of skepticism about criminal psychology. You dont believe that anyone can fully understand the mind of a criminal through reasoning. You are confident in your ability to disguise yourself, thinking that no one can catch you.

Sui Liangyi remained silent, listening to Su Huis analysis. When Su Hui reached this point, he responded with a slight nod.

This young man truly deserved to be Weng Yuhuas best student. He keenly discovered the psychological reasons behind Sui Liangyis choice, something Weng Yuhua had failed to notice initially.

Sui Liangyi had experienced contradictions, doubting those theories while also verifying them. He applied those theories to himself, analyzing and reanalyzing whether he might expose himself.

He had even attempted to use those theories to analyze and catch other criminals, but he discovered that he couldnt identify those of his own kind effectively.

He refused to admit that this was due to his own shortcomings.

How could he accurately capture those criminals?

Suddenly, he remembered how hunters would intentionally release animals they had previously captured and marked during hunts.

A bold idea emerged in his mind to turn these cities into his hunting ground

You used threats and inducements on those potential killers to make them work for you. By capturing those killers, you gained a great sense of accomplishment and a high social status.

You would also send those criminals to create problems for other profilers, and then you would step in to solve the mess yourself.

You enjoyed the superiority of being the only one who could see through the truth and solve the cases.

At this point, Su Hui paused slightly. But later, you realized that the bait you laid out was sometimes discovered by someone else as the real culprit

Especially here in Huadu, with each case being solved, your envy and fear of us grew stronger.

A faint twitch appeared at the corner of Sui Liangyis mouth. He had first noticed this issue because of Yu Yan.

He had set up a trap in Huadu, but before he could close in, he heard the news of the criminals being caught

At that time, he felt angry, unwilling, and jealous.

It was like a student who cheated on an exam to achieve good results and believed that other students couldnt possibly get high scores, but someone turned in a perfect answer sheet.

Since childhood, he had regarded those who performed better than him as monsters.

As an adult, this hatred grew even stronger.

I tried to analyze where your murderous intent towards the professor and me came from. During your background investigation, we also discovered that you have always excelled academically from a young age, almost always ranking first. Whenever someone mentioned others but not you, you unconsciously felt annoyed and disgusted. We started our plan based on these points.

Su Hui had almost finished his analysis. After understanding your criminal logic, I wanted to force you to kill again, and for that, I needed an opportunity, a bait.

And he himself was that bait.

He was gambling, betting that Sui Liangyi would be afraid of him relentlessly pursuing the truth behind the case.

When he saw those reports and heard about Su Hui receiving awards, it infuriated him, triggering a killing intent.

Sui Liangyi wanted to bring him down from the pinnacle of glory and throw him into hell at his most glorious moment.

So, a plan to fake his death was born.

He and Weng Yuhua had planned the whole process in advance.

Since Sui Liangyi and the others left the venue, the meeting was suspended, and the personnel were evacuated, the SWAT bomb disposal team conducted a comprehensive search of the venue. Under the floor of the award platform, they found the last bomb made by Song Lanen during the previous case.

They played the pre-prepared video as if it was a live broadcast.

And Sui Liangyi fell into this trap.

Now, they had enough evidence to prove his connection to this series of cases.

Even the most influential person couldnt wash away his guilt.

Hearing this, Sui Liangyis face turned solemn, and he clapped his hands a few times, causing the cold handcuffs to make a metallic sound as they collided.

Liu Junchi began to ask questions again, and this time, Sui Liangyi did not resist. He nodded and started answering.

Do you admit to inciting Fu Yunchu to commit a crime?

Yes, with my guidance, he started using scrapped cars for illegal trading.

Is there any connection between you and the crimes committed by Qin Yongchen?

I havent met this person at 372 Research Institute, but I had Zhang Junzhi contact him and provided him with a weapon.

Do you know An Yuci?

I heard Zhang Junzhi mention him. He was Zhang Junzhis student, and Zhang Junzhi was in contact with him. I found his psychological condition very interesting and suggested Zhang Junzhi to make use of him.

Do you know Chen Xuexian?

I know this girl. She was at the research institute for a while, but I didnt have much interaction with her.

Was the Fine Sands case back then instigated by you behind the scenes?

Initially, it was a psychological experiment. I was recording each persons choices and observing if the police could solve the case. The final explosion was deliberately arranged by me. Zhang Junzhi was at the scene and detonated it after confirming that the officers had entered the blast range.

Do you admit that you instructed others to kill Yu Yan?

Sui Liangyi remained silent for a moment and nodded, Yes.

One crime after another was finally written down.

Those deeds sent shivers down the spines of everyone listening to this interrogation.

The person sitting in the interrogation room was a demon disguised in human skin.

He even spoke about these atrocities with a sense of pride.

As the interrogation was nearing its end, Su Huis voice turned cold, Sui Liangyi, there is one more thing I want to ask you.

Sui Liangyi asked, What is it?

About my parents death, Su Hui took a deep breath, Is it related to you?

Sui Liangyi asked, What do you think the motive was?

Su Huis gaze was determined, Your parents also died in a car accident. I believe you did this to make me experience the pain you went through.

Sui Liangyi did not deny this crime. He leaned slightly forward, and a glint of light reflected off his glasses, making it hard to discern his expression.

His voice was low and hoarse, Su Hui, youre very smart. I once dreamed of killing you. When I first heard the news of your escape, I was furious. But then, I had a sudden idea. I wanted you to stay alive so I could make your life unbearable. I want you to experience all the pain life has to offer. I want to see you fall into the abyss and see if youll walk the same path as me.

Sui Liangyi was lonely, isolated, and insane. After Su Hui survived the Sands case years ago, he didnt rush to kill him. Instead, he first went and killed his parents.

Destroying a genius might be more challenging than killing him.

Through torturing Su Hui, he found psychological satisfaction.

He even considered forcing Su Hui to commit crimes, to make him fall from grace, to taste the bitterness of being abandoned by everyone.

He had even thought about bringing Su Hui in as an accomplice, grooming him as his successor.

But he tried various methods and used all means, yet he failed to achieve his goals.

Lu Junchi seemed afraid that Su Hui couldnt bear the emotional blow and discreetly held his hand under the table.

Su Hui felt a slight warmth in his fingers.

He didnt harbor much anger or excessive sadness in his heart. Instead, he felt a sense of tranquility and acceptance.

He finally knew the whole truth, found the answers, and brought the murderer of his loved ones to justice.

It was like putting the final piece into a puzzle, forming a complete picture.

On the journey of life, despite encountering numerous obstacles, he also met many people willing to stand by his side and fight together.

Because of those people, he could confront his fate and battle against the darkness, growing into an indomitable warrior.

No matter how many hardships and adversities he experienced, as long as he was still breathing, still had a heartbeat, he would continue to fight against the darkness.

Su Hui lifted his head, looking bravely at Sui Liangyi, I will never become a person like you.

Identifying the culprit, uncovering the truth, and clearing his name.

For him, all of this was the best form of revenge and the ultimate victory.




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