Criminal Investigation Notes

Chapter 113

Chapter 113

Perhaps their initial separation was accidental, and losing their memories was unfortunate, but they were able to gradually come closer to each other, attracting each other.

After going round and round, they ended up with the same person. This is their destined love.

Su Hui leaned in Lu Junchis embrace for a long time, cherishing his warmth. This embrace was too warm, making him incredibly dependent.

Lu Junchi held Su Hui and thought that he would love the person in his arms, cherish him, accompany him, and traverse more long years together.

At this moment, Qiao Ze rushed in from outside, his voice full of panic. Captain Lu! I just heard that Professor Su went missing after I finished the transaction Then he saw Su Hui sitting on the edge of the bed and finally breathed a sigh of relief. Thank goodness, thank goodness. You scared me. Why didnt you send me a text, Professor Su?

Lu Junchi let go of his hand, and Su Hui turned sideways, pretending to wipe his cheeks with the back of his hand, wiping away the tears at the corner of his eye. He coughed lightly and said, My phone ran out of battery.

Lu Junchi helped explain, He came to find me as soon as he woke up.

Only then did Qiao Ze feel that the atmosphere was a bit awkward. Um, Captain Lu, Professor Su, are you discussing important matters? Ive completed the procedures, so you can continue talking.

Su Hui said, Its alright, weve covered most of it. Come and sit down.

Lu Junchi asked, How was the accident handled afterward?

Qiao Ze explained, I was watching the surveillance cameras over there, but your car went out of range. It scared me, so I immediately called the police and summoned an ambulance. The people on the bus saved you. When the ambulance arrived, they brought you here. Your car was later retrieved using a crane.

Lu Junchi asked again, What about Fu Yunchu? Have they found him?

Fu Yunchus car fell off the cliff, and his death has been confirmed. The driver of the other car abandoned the vehicle and fled, leaving no traces behind. I checked the road surveillance, and all I could see was a tall man with a blurred figure

Lu Junchi asked some more detailed questions, such as whether Fu Yunchu had his phone with him, whether they could find out where he had been staying recently, and whether there were any more records of the cars movements.

The appearance of the fugitive itself is a major event, and now there has been a near-fatal incident of assaulting the police. Since it happened at the junction between Xin County and Huadu, it is likely that the local police will need to conduct a series of investigations.

Moreover, they are still unclear whether Fu Yunchus sudden appearance is his own doing or if someone is plotting behind him. Who could his accomplice be? How did they find out their whereabouts?

Listening to their conversation, Su Hui frowned slightly, lowering his head as he contemplated the whole matter

The three of them sat in the observation room, and soon a nurse came to draw blood for Su Huis examination.

Su Hui sat there lost in thought, his sharp chin slightly lowered, and his eyelashes trembled gently. He cooperated with the nurses actions, rolling up his sleeves. The exposed wrist was much slenderer than that of an average man, even thinner than the arms of some girls.

After wiping with iodine, the nurse patted and searched for a blood vessel, confirming it repeatedly before finding one.

Su Huis blood vessels were thin, and his skin was fair, making it difficult to find.

The first needle went in without drawing any blood, making the nurse nervous. She withdrew it slightly and tried again, but still no luck.

The sensation of the needle repeatedly probing into the flesh was uncomfortable, but Su Hui didnt say anything.

The nurse tried changing to another blood vessel, her hand trembling this time, and yet it still didnt work.

Seeing that it wasnt going smoothly here, Lu Junchi and Qiao Ze stopped their conversation and looked over.

Su Hui turned around and comforted the nurse, Its okay, dont be nervous. It doesnt hurt at all when you poke me. My blood vessels are hard to find, so usually, they have to poke me a few times when drawing blood.

The nurse kept apologizing and asked Su Hui to switch hands. She tried again, and this time it went relatively smoothly. Finally, she managed to draw a few tubes of blood, and the nurse breathed a sigh of relief.

Su Hui pressed his finger on the puncture site, praising her, You succeeded quickly. Youre really skilled.

The nurse blushed slightly and collected her things.

Qiao Ze, who had watched the whole process, spoke up after the nurse left, Professor Su, you have such a good temper Whoever marries you in the future will be lucky.

Lu Junchi quickly followed, Of course!

After Lu Junchis one-hour observation period was over, the upstairs ward was ready. Qiao Ze specifically borrowed a wheelchair from the hospital, preparing to push this severely injured patient upstairs.

Lu Junchi, who had just recognized Su Hui, was still excited, and the anesthesia hadnt worn off yet, so he couldnt feel the pain from his wound. I injured my head, my legs arent disabled. Why go through all this trouble?

After saying that, he rolled off the bed and took Su Huis hand along.

Su Hui blushed a bit when he was pulled by him, but when he saw how calm Lu Junchi was, he allowed him to hold his hand.

Hey, Captain Lu, be careful Qiao Ze called out from behind, pushing the wheelchair, realizing that he couldnt keep up with Lu Junchis speed. Wait for me, wait for me

Lu Junchi was wearing a patient gown and didnt look like an injured person at all. He walked down the corridor, holding Su Huis hand, and took the elevator to the hospital ward.

When they arrived at the ward area, Su Hui finally felt familiar. It turned out to be Huadu First Peoples Hospital, where they often went. Although their injuries werent severe, they still needed to be hospitalized for observation for two days. The hospital arranged a double room for them this time.

Su Hui wanted to buy some towels, toothbrushes, and other items for their hospital stay when Qiao Ze said, Professor Su, Im here to take care of you. Just let me know what you need, and Ill go buy it.

At this moment, Su Hui felt a slight pain in his twisted foot and sat on the hospital bed. He used to be a regular at the hospital and knew the way around, so he directed them, Toothbrush, cup, towel, also tissues and mineral water. My phone is out of battery, so it would be best to rent a power bank from the first floor.

As they had just settled down, the telephone in the hospital room suddenly rang. Su Hui noticed a phone on the small cabinet near the center and picked it up. He heard Dr. Huangs voice on the other end, Hello, is this Su Hui? Have you arrived at the ward? I wanted to talk to you about todays examination results, but its been busy with patients today, and I have another meeting later. Can you come over?

Listening to Dr. Huangs words, Su Hui felt a bit nervous. He looked up at Lu Junchi and pretended to be calm, Its alright, Ill come to your office later.

You know where my office is, on the seventh floor in the ward area. Lets meet there later, replied Dr. Huang.

After hanging up the phone, Su Hui stood up, and Lu Junchi looked at him and asked, Is something wrong?

Su Hui explained, Dr. Huang wants to see me. Ill go for a bit and be back soon. You rest well.

Ill accompany you, Lu Junchi insisted, feeling a bit worried.

Su Hui declined, Youre the one whos injured. How can you run up and down with me? If a doctor comes to examine or something, its better for you to stay here. Its really not a big deal.

After leaving the room, Su Hui walked down the corridor. It seemed crowded, and without a cane, he felt a bit uncomfortable. Just as he walked a short distance, he felt someone grab his hand.

Su Hui turned his head and saw that Lu Junchi had caught up with him.

Lu Junchi explained, I still cant trust you completely. Let me go with you. If its inconvenient for me to listen, Ill wait for you outside.

Su Hui felt a warm feeling in his heart and said, Theres nothing inconvenient to listen to. Youve accompanied me to see the doctor several times. Dr. Huangs office is on the seventh floor in the ward area.

Lu Junchi led the way and guided him to the office.

After entering Dr. Huangs office, Dr. Huang took out a few X-ray films and said, Professor Su, this time the car accident didnt cause any external injuries, but I compared the X-rays from your previous and current examinations and found some signs of recurrent infection in the area where your lung was previously resected. Well administer intravenous therapy for the next couple of days and prescribe additional medication. Additionally, there is a concurrent decline in lung function Do you still occasionally cough up blood?

Su Hui coughed a few times and replied, Only occasionally.

Do you still experience shortness of breath and difficulty breathing? Dr. Huang asked.

Su Hui thought for a moment and answered, Yes, sometimes. I feel chest tightness, and taking deep breaths causes chest pain.

Be careful not to engage in strenuous exercise, but do maintain moderate physical activity, such as taking walks, Dr. Huang advised. Lu Junchi took note of everything beside them.

Dr. Huang continued, Apart from taking medication and regular exercise like walking, theres one more thing you can do to improve your health, and that is to consume more nourishing foods. For example, in this season of autumn, you can make some rock sugar and pear water, which is good for the lungs.

Lu Junchi diligently noted down all the instructions.

Dr. Huang then asked Su Hui, Also, how is your hearing and vision?

Su Hui answered honestly, Theyre fine

Dr. Huang took out something and waved it next to Su Huis right ear, asking, Can you hear it?

Su Hui nodded. He heard a buzzing sound, feeling that there wasnt much change compared to before.

Dr. Huang then pointed to the eye chart for him to check his vision, and as usual, he could only see the topmost line clearly.

After completing the examinations, Dr. Huang finally said, A neurologist came for consultation earlier. It may be due to the impact. A comparison of the head CT scans revealed some changes in the location of the blood clot from the previous old injury in your brain.

Lu Junchi, feeling a bit nervous, asked, Will it further affect his hearing and vision?

Its still unclear, and there is no definitive conclusion, Dr. Huang said. Professor Su, you should monitor any changes in your condition.

Then, he comforted Su Hui and Lu Junchi, saying, I see that the volume has decreased, perhaps indicating a positive direction. Hearing loss is irreversible, but there is a possibility of recovering visual nerves and memory. Your vision may improve, and you may also remember some things. However, when it comes to the brain, no one can say for sure

After hearing this explanation, Lu Junchi seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

Su Hui said, I havent felt any discomfort so far. I will take care of my body and come to you if there are any problems

Before the conversation with Dr. Huang, Su Hui was a bit anxious and didnt want to face bad news, but now he felt much more relieved.

For him, this news wasnt bad, and he suddenly realized that he was different from the past because there was someone standing beside him who could give him strength.

He wanted to live, and he would do his best to fight against these illnesses and pains.

Dr. Huang looked at Su Hui and said, I heard that you were worried when the accident happened. Now, seeing you, your spirits seem good, and sometimes mood can affect the bodys condition.

Su Hui politely replied, Thank you, Dr. Huang.

After finishing their conversation with Dr. Huang, they came out and returned to the hospital room. Su Hui felt like his vision had become clearer, but he wasnt sure if it was just his imagination.

Lu Junchi made a phone call to his parents. They chatted for a few moments, and with their familys concern and their loved one by their side, in that moment, Su Hui felt like the happiest person in the world

As they finished their conversation, Qiao Ze happened to return, carrying large and small bags, including snacks and milk for them.

Oh, by the way, Ill go and see what I can get for you to eat. Its almost dinner time, Qiao Ze said before going to order their meals. After the three of them had eaten, Lu Junchi saw that there was no need for him to take care of anything, so he asked Qiao Ze to go back first.

Once Qiao Ze left, the entire hospital room became quiet. Now that the hospital visitation period was over, except for the doctors on night duty, there werent many people coming and going.

Su Hui changed into his patient gown and washed up. He brought a hot towel and said to Lu Junchi, Let me help you wipe your face.

Lu Junchi felt sorry for him due to his poor eyesight. He would never let Su Hui do such tasks, but at this moment, Lu Junchi didnt refuse.

Su Hui sat closer and gently wiped his face

. There were some bloodstains that hadnt been cleaned before, and Su Hui patiently and carefully wiped them away one by one, reaching the edge of the bandage.

The wound extended diagonally from his forehead into his temple, about eight centimeters long, and the bone was visible in its depth.

Su Hui handled it with great care, afraid of causing him any pain. He wiped away the bloodstains beside the bandage and softly said, Will it leave a scar?

Lu Junchi didnt mind at all. He smiled and held Su Huis hand, asking, Will you mind it?

Su Hui cradled his face and shook his head, Of course not. He remembered the nickname he used to call Lu Junchi and joked, Officer Xiao Lu still looks handsome.

Lu Junchi looked at him and said, For me, this scar is like a medal

It was a scar he acquired while protecting his beloved. Thinking that Su Hui didnt get seriously injured, he felt relieved and joyful.

Su Hui became nervous and said, Dont compare it like that. The more medals, the better. I dont want you to have more scars

Lu Junchi nodded, Understood, Ill be careful.

He embraced Su Hui and held his pinky finger, making a hook shape. We will stay together for a long, long time, and neither of us will break our promises.

Su Hui felt a sweet sensation in his heart. He squinted his eyes and smiled softly, Officer Xiao Lu, I suddenly feel like eating your candy.

Lu Junchi remembered that the remaining half pack of candy was still in the car. Ill buy it for you once were discharged. Youll have more than enough candy. He looked at Su Hui and smiled, saying, Ill also make you some rock sugar and pear soup.

After washing up, both of them lay on the bed. Lu Junchi had a head injury and could only lie on his side. He turned to face Su Huis direction.

It seemed like there were many topics they wanted to talk about. Lu Junchi wanted to ask Su Hui about the accident he had experienced and how he had been doing in the past two years. But he no longer felt in a rush because that person was already by his side, and when Su Hui was ready to speak, he would surely tell him.

Lu Junchi just stared at Su Hui, gazing at his beautiful side profile, feeling immense joy. He felt that no matter how much he looked, it was never enough.

Su Huis gaze shifted to the ceiling. At this point, he finally had time to review many things and clarify his thoughts.

One by one, people and events flashed through his mind, and his thinking gradually became clear.

He pondered for a moment and suddenly spoke, Lu Junchi, I seem to remember something.

In the dimly lit hospital room with only the night light on, Su Huis voice was hoarse yet clear. Regarding the incident back then, you should have discovered some things. It was about the sand explosion case.

Lu Junchi made a sound of agreement. The anesthesia on his wound had worn off, and it was starting to ache. To avoid putting pressure on the wound and to make it easier to talk, he propped his head on the uninjured side, facing Su Hui.

At that time, I was working on the side investigation of that case but gradually fell into a trap. As he spoke, Su Huis gaze flickered. His voice was hoarse, and his Adams apple rolled slightly. It was the pain in his heart, his most tragic failure, and the incident had also caused severe consequences

Lu Junchi looked at him, quietly listening.

Lying on the hospital bed, Su Huis mind was incredibly clear. He paused for a moment and continued, The man named Jie Qiu died at the scene of the incident, but now that I recall, there were some explosions in the case that werent done by Jie Qiu.

There are still people behind the scenes who havent been found.

Su Hui briefly described the process of the final explosion to Lu Junchi.

Between the two beds, separated by half a meter, illuminated by the night light, Su Huis entire side profile appeared pale against the white bedsheets. His voice was hoarse, and his face was calm.

As Lu Junchi listened, he felt as if his heart was being squeezed tightly. His eyes also grew warm.

How painful it must have been to be stabbed by a knife and the explosion

Lu Junchi couldnt help but clench his fingers tightly. He knew that Su Hui had old wounds, and that pain was likely a thousand times worse than the pain he was currently experiencing.

There was also something Su Hui had mentioned to him beforehis parents passed away during that period of time.

Lu Junchi didnt say anything. Any words of comfort at this moment seemed pale and untimely.

His gaze flickered, and he extended his left hand, pulling Su Hui closer.

Su Hui also reached out and held onto Lu Junchis finger.

As their fingers touched, they felt each others warmth before separating again.

Although Jie Qiu had died two years ago in the sand explosion case, it had become a nightmare for Su Hui. For a long time, many of his memories were blurry.

But in the dream he had today, everything was so vivid.

Now that he was awake, there were still many uncertainties in Su Huis heart. He didnt know if it was an illusion that appeared after the accident or a memory from his recovery.

Su Hui felt like it was an unanswered question, a test he hadnt given a perfect answer to.

Back then, Director Tan repeatedly comforted him, saying that the final outcome wasnt what he intended and that no one would blame him. However, Su Hui still felt guilty towards those who had died.

Two years had passed, and he had tried not to recall everything.

But the darkness lingered like a shadow.

If everything was real and not his imagination, that person he saw from across the street, appearing like the Grim Reaper in his eyes, who could it be?

Su Hui suddenly remembered something else and spoke, I suddenly feel that these things the sand explosion case and some recent events may be related to the case I was investigating before I lost my memory

Lu Junchi asked, What case was that?

Su Hui furrowed his brow, I only have a vague impression, but I cant remember the specifics. When Im discharged, Ill look into it He paused and added, I seem to have met Chen Xuexian during that time

Lu Junchi said, Dont rush. Take your time to remember. Ill accompany you and help you figure everything out together.


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