Criminal Investigation Notes

Chapter 112

Chapter 112

Su Hui finally opened his eyes, but this time he was in the hospital. However, everything in front of him appeared blurry, and his ears felt like they were submerged in water. He struggled to sit up, but his body was stiff and numb, unable to move at all.

There was no one in the ward, but he noticed a call button not far from his hand. He exerted all his strength to lift a finger and press it.

A nurse came in and became excited upon seeing him awake. Patient in Bed Ten has woken up.

Ah, he has been in a coma for half a month. He finally woke up?

Quick, call the doctor.

Su Hui felt like he was watching a movie, observing everything coldly from within his own body.

Something seemed to cover his eyes, allowing him only a glimpse of the outside world through a narrow opening.

The explosion had left various ugly scars on his body, along with irreversible consequences. It appeared that his brain was injured during the blast. He often experienced dizziness and headaches. The explosion caused his ribs to fracture, puncturing his lungs, resulting in the removal of a portion of his lung lobe. Even after being in a coma for half a month, his wounds had not completely healed. Deep breaths still caused sharp pain in his chest, as if a knife were cutting through it. He frequently felt chest tightness, coughed, and sometimes even coughed up blood.

Su Hui saw Tao Lizhi enter the room, but he couldnt see her face clearly. He could only judge it was her by the sensations and voice.

Tao Lizhi sat on the chair by the bed, sighed deeply, and then said, Su Hui, you finally woke up

Su Hui murmured a word of thanks and asked her, How long was I in a coma? His own voice sounded unfamiliar to him.

It has been half a month since the explosion. After the incident, Director Tan proposed to protect you and removed your name from the list. They transferred you to this special care ward for treatment

What about Jie Qiu? Su Hui asked.

Tian Qiu died. He suffered a head injury in the explosion and couldnt be saved. Captain Chang and the others also sacrificed their lives

What about my phone Su Hui asked, his mind still foggy. But he felt that something was not right. Where were his father and mother? Why werent they by his side?

The scene after the explosion was very chaotic, and your phone was lost There is also some bad news to tell you Tao Lizhi lowered her head and said, Your condition deteriorated once. That day your parents had an accident on their way here

Dad and mom, are they both gone?

In an instant, Su Huis hand clenched tightly under the blanket. It was not just chaos; he felt like he had fallen into the abyss. Every inch of his bones and flesh shattered as if a mirror had been broken into countless pieces.

Seemingly overwhelmed by grief, he found himself unable to shed a single tear.

He sat blankly on the hospital bed, leaning against the headboard with a soft pillow behind him. It was late summer, and the air conditioning wasnt on, yet he felt cold. It was cold enough to make his teeth chatter and his body tremble.

He watched helplessly as the remnants of his world were consumed by flames, collapsing and shattering bit by bit, until only ashes remained.

Those genuine emotions gradually dissipated, as if to protect him from further harm. Indifference wrapped around him, enclosing him completely.

He realized that he had voluntarily sealed away all the memories of happiness and joy, including that person

During those two years, he had lost all perceivable emotions, as if the whole world had nothing to do with him.

Because he didnt want to experience that kind of pain ever again.

But now, everything has passed. The ice has melted, and something inside his body has revived.

Su Hui turned sideways and sat up from the bed. He had no visible injuries, but his foot seemed sprained, causing some pain when touched. Fortunately, it was bearable. Besides feeling a bit dizzy, experiencing slight discomfort in his ankle, and having slightly labored breathing, he wasnt in significant distress.

His walking stick was in the car before, but he didnt know where it had been taken.

A young nurse approached, wanting to support him. Hey, patient, be careful

Su Hui coughed a few times and asked urgently, Where is the person who came with me? Where is he now?

The young nurse seemed unaware of the situation and turned to the head nurse nearby, asking, Is it the one from the emergency room?

Which one? someone asked nearby. These nurses and doctors were assigned temporarily and were not familiar with the specifics.

It seems that someone didnt make it through the resuscitation just now. Could it be a voice said.

Su Huis remaining hearing caught that sentence, and his eyes suddenly widened. Stumbling, he walked towards the direction of the emergency room. It was a hospital corridor filled with doctors and patients, and he desperately sought to find out the truth.

He didnt believe it, couldnt believe he would face such an outcome. He stubbornly wanted to see it with his own eyes, not willing to let go of even a trace of hope.

The door to the emergency room was closed. He didnt know where to go, whom to ask about the specific situation and the whereabouts of that person.

Suddenly, fear gripped him. Fear that the nurses words were true.

He stood in the noisy corridor, engulfed by a sense of guilt for the missed appointment. For a moment, he felt lost.

Make way, make way someone pushed a bed through the crowd. On the bed lay a dead body covered in white cloth, being transported to the morgue, with spots of blood visible through the fabric.

Su Huis legs trembled, and he leaned against the wall, one hand on the wall for support, the other covering his mouth as he coughed incessantly.

The smell of blood terrified him, making him so nervous that he felt like vomiting.

If Lu Junchi had died

He didnt dare to think about it, lacking the strength to pull back the white sheet. Su Hui realized that he might return to that frozen place once again.

Suddenly, Su Hui faintly heard a familiar voice, urgently asking, My friends phone is unreachable. Can you help me confirm

No, you cant move right now. The wound on your head has just been stitched

Su Hui turned his head, gazing through the crowd, and saw Lu Junchi.

Lu Junchi also looked up and locked eyes with him.

In that instant of eye contact, his heart felt as if it was being tightly squeezed, even his breath seemed to stop.

Su Hui felt a pain in his heart as if it were tearing apart, but he knew it was the joy of newly formed flesh bursting through.



Hes still alive.

Staring at the figure in the observation room after the emergency surgery for a full five seconds, Su Hui finally broke free from the stagnant time. Trembling, he walked towards that direction as if he had crossed life and death, crossing two years of time.

He felt his eyes becoming moist, his eye sockets turning red, unable to hold back the urge to cry.

Lu Junchi had just finished the surgery, with the main injuries on his head and shoulder.

He led Su Hui into the temporary observation room, and the young nurse tactfully pulled the curtain, leaving them alone.

Im fine, dont worry Lu Junchi looked at his pale face and asked, Are you okay? Did you get hurt?

When Su Hui heard the voice from his dream ringing in his ears, tears rolled down his cheeks. He leaned over and voluntarily hugged Lu Junchi.

Lu Junchi didnt know what was happening to Su Hui. In his memory, even if Su Hui felt sad, he had never seen him cry, let alone cry so heartbrokenly. He reached out and embraced him too.

He could feel Su Huis body trembling ever so slightly, fragile as if a touch could shatter him, making him afraid to apply any force.

Being held in the arms of the beloved, in a daze, Su Hui recalled the scene in the car beforethe violent shaking of the vehicle, and Lu Junchi holding him tightly. He said, Su Hui, I like you.

At that time, warm blood slid down Lu Junchis brow, splattering on the teardrop mole at the corner of his eye.

Su Hui once heard someone say that those with a teardrop mole at the corner of their eye owed someone a tear from a previous life and had to repay it in this life.

As tears slid down from the corner of his eye, Su Hui closed his eyes and rubbed his chin against Lu Junchis neck. His voice trembled as he said, Lu Junchi, its really great that youre okay. He choked for a moment and said, I like you too

In that moment, the hoarse voice of the young man merged with the clear tone of confession from his memories.

Lu Junchis body suddenly trembled. Inevitably, he recalled the distant mountains outside the window that day and the startled birds caused by that confession.

The person in his memory said, Lu Junchi, I think I might like you a little.

With the same tone, crossing two years of time and space.

In that instant, he finally confirmed that the person before him was the Poet.

When Su Hui was tightly embraced by Lu Junchi, he remembered that he had already said this word like before.

That day, he was being pressured by his family to get married. His parents wanted him to find a girlfriend and nagged him with a bunch of words. He grew irritated and instinctively called Lu Junchi to complain. He said he didnt want to live with someone he had no common language with, and he wondered where he could find someone whose appearance and personality matched his preferences. He even mentioned how difficult it would be to find a diligent person who could cook well

Most importantly, he liked men and didnt want to harm a girl.

Midway through his rant, he suddenly froze.

Lu Junchi was always quiet at that time. In their interactions, Lu Junchi played the role of a listener.

At that moment, Lu Junchi lightly hummed in agreement and quietly listened to his complaints. When he stopped, the whole world seemed to become silent, so silent that only the sound of their breathing remained.

He blinked while holding the phone and suddenly felt that it wouldnt be bad if the person he spent his life with was Lu Junchi.

A man who matched his aesthetic, had a compatible personality, shared the same values, complemented each other professionally, someone he admired, and was also diligent, capable of cooking delicious dishes, and could make him happy.

So he suddenly confessed to Lu Junchi, and after that, they considered themselves together. Although they hadnt met in person, the time they spent communicating online with Lu Junchi was always wonderful.

He had also looked forward to the day they would finally meet.

Anticipating their long and lasting future.

But he was late.

Su Hui was held in Lu Junchis arms, and he felt his arms gradually tightening.

They were so close, close enough for him to hear Lu Junchis pounding heartbeat. Im sorry. I made you wait for two years.

Su Hui felt the hand on his back trembling slightly. The voice in his ear had an imperceptible quiver. Its okay. I still waited.

Two years of missed appointments, the final act of sacrificing their lives for each other, and the long-awaited future.

It was as if there was an unseen barrier in his heart that collapsed with that sentence. The cold numbness and indifference all drifted away from him, as if flames had melted the ice, and new shoots broke through the frozen soil.

Only now did Su Hui realize that shutting himself away wouldnt heal his wounds faster. In fact, he was yearning for care, yearning for someones love.

It was Lu Junchi who had been gradually transferring his burning warmth to him, gradually pulling him back into this world.

The two of them cuddled for a long time, neither of them letting go.

Su Hui finally felt the emotional fluctuations in his heart, numbness gradually fading away. He was no longer the indifferent, apathetic person. He could feel the overflowing excitement and happiness in his heart, the longing that was lost and regained, the reachable happiness that belonged to him.

He finally touched this real and bustling world.

After a while, Su Hui released his grip and asked Lu Junchi, Does it hurt?

Lu Junchi shook his head. Bones and organs are fine.

At the moment of the collision, he turned around to shield Su Hui, and a tree branch happened to pierce through the cabin, hitting his head and requiring a few stitches.

And this action unintentionally saved him. If he hadnt done that, the branch might have pierced through his chest.

Lu Junchi reached out and wiped the corner of Su Huis eye, his fingertips brushing over the teardrop mole as if cradling a rare treasure that he had lost and regained. He was fine being by his side, even if he got injured.


This right here is true love!


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