Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Chapter 58

Chapter 58: 58

“It’s a bag you prepare just in case something happened so it could be easily carried when you need to leave the place you’re in. It contains essential items for survival. This is a big one though, have a gun in here?” I asked.

“Of course it does! That’s why it’s called the bug-out bag!” he shouted at me.

I glared at him then he piped down. I opened the bag and I found another Glock 26 inside with an extra magazine and a folding knife. I placed those in the bag and he’s visibly upset.

“Don’t worry, these are still yours. If you clear your head, I’ll give them back, maybe. For the moment, just be thankful that you don’t have a hole in your head yeah?” I said.

“U-uh, sure. I-I apologize, I think it’s stress from all this.” He said.

“I understand, you could clear your head if you all come tonight. We’ll have booze though we won’t go too hard.” I said.

“For real? You have alcohol?” his eyes lit up.

“Hah! Booze is what it takes to get this guy under me?” I said to myself.

“Only a bottle for you dear, I’ll only allow one bottle.” Amanda said.

He nodded and then I still double-checked the place but found no more hidden spots. Alex still came with us towards the houses. I handed her the .38 Special and the folding knife from her dad’s collection and then she looked at me.

“You’re giving me this?” she asked.

“It’s easy to use, just point and shoot, the other one just stab and pull. I’ll teach a class every now and then so you should be there. Shoot your dad in the foot if he acts up again.” I said.

“I will, I definitely will.” she said while nodding a few times.

We four laughed as we walked towards the truck in the far distance.

We met the rest of the guys and then we helped in looting each house from things that we need. Kaley found more fitting clothes for them while I just grab anything that catches my eye along with the essentials. Then I got to thinking, “Could there be more hidden spots like the floor tile in the other houses?”

I kept that thought in my mind though it is highly unlikely to be more on the houses that were already abandoned, I figured they will take those with them. I just made a mental note on the house where Oscar met the family with a cop, finding a single pistol there doesn’t add up.

We loaded up everything and then I stayed behind the house I was mulling over and then I went inside with Kaley.

“What are we doing here Sky?” Kaley said.

“I just think that we might find something more here.” I said as I started knocking on the walls and the floor.

“Oh? Like in the Ramos’ house? Let me see!” she said as she excitedly did the same.

I checked each cabinet, floor board and even under the carpets. I laid on the bed to think it over.

“You’re not gonna sleep there are you?” she said as she saw me.

“If Oscar did say that the guy who lived here was a cop, I figured that he would have more guns here. If it was me, I’d stock up on it since I will be home with my family. I’d take a few more from my station if I have access to it but what’s weird is that he only has a pistol that we found.” I said.

“What if that really is the case? Don’t you think that you’re just overthinking it?” she said.

“Maybe, what else have we not yet checked? At least a box of ammo would be nice.” I said as I mull over.

“Have you checked under the bed?” Kaley said.

I slide myself over the mattress and then I tried to feel underneath.

“Hmm?” I said.

“What, found something?” she shone a light under the bed and she saw nothing from that angle.

“It’s cold!” I said.

“What?” she’s confused.

I removed the mattress from the bed and then I smiled from ear to ear. There’s a gun locker hidden in the bed, good thing the metal felt cold to touch below otherwise I would’ve missed it.

“Jackpot!” I cackled hysterically as I picked the lock.

We hurriedly opened the door to the locker and we found several guns placed neatly and a riot gear with the shield and an expanding baton on one corner. I saw an M16 Assault Rifle, a Remington 870, two M1911 pistols, two Tear Gas Grenades, two Flash Bangs and several boxes of ammunition.

“We got a lot of guns today!” Kaley said as she smiled.

“I really ate my words when I told Jared that we wouldn’t get as much as a revolver in this whole place. Luckily, we found several and the other bag we’ll still return to their owners in due time, maybe.” I said.

“You’re really gonna return those guns? Isn’t it enough that you didn’t kill the guy?” She said while looking at me.

“I would, but it would be a long time before it happens. He wouldn’t be able to kill me that time though.” I said.

“Huh? I’m pretty sure he would’ve if he pulled the trigger.” she asked confused.

“I think the guy is just rattled; stress took over him. His hand is shaking all over, his finger isn’t even in the trigger. Even if the Glock 26 has no manual safety, even if he dropped it on the ground, it won’t discharge. He just pointed it at me just to see if he would scare me. Too bad it just ticked me off more.” I said.

“I would’ve killed him that time you know…” Kaley trailed.

“I know, thanks for looking out though. I would’ve done something to him already if I didn’t know Alex. Oscar would’ve shot that guy on the spot. If Arthur died then, we’d have to worry about Alex and Amanda too.” I said.

“You could just teach Alex to use them and give the guns to her or her mom, not her dad. I’m still upset about that guy…” she said.

“That’s a good idea. I think I did more damage to him though; I just ended that guy’s legacy; Alex will be the last of their generation…” I said while scratching my head.

“Pfft! That serves him right! Did you see the other guys’ reaction?” she starts to smile.

“Hah! That was funny now that you mention it, it’s almost 4:00 PM let’s head back after packing this.” I said as I started to place them all in the bag.

“How about those?” she pointed at the riot gear.

“I’ll wear the helmet! I’ll help you wear the others.” I said.

I then placed the helmet on my head and I helped removed the motorcycle gear from her. I strapped her with every piece and I took a look at her. She made a pose while holding the AR-15.

“Damn, you look really hot now.” I said with a grin.

“Hmph! Stop teasing me!” she exclaimed.

I looked for another bag to place the gear and the other boxes of ammunition and I saw Kaley trying to remove the chest piece.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

“It’s a little tight here.” she said.

“Well, you know… those are in the way.” I gestured with my hands as I looked at her.

She harrumphed and then she threw it at me though I caught it.

“I’ll wear this then, though I have a few of these at home. I’ll try to find you a vest that fits you.” I said.

I made one more look at their house and said to myself, “Luna family, thank you for the equipment. These will be in good hands.”

We started to walk back to the compound. I carried one of the bags while Kaley has the other, the shield is in my other arm while I wave it around while we’re walking.

“Can that block bullets?” she asked.

“Uh, no. It’s a different kind. This was mostly for rocks or any other people in riots throw or smash at the police. This could be good for people at the front for pushing zombies that are too much to handle. Hah! I’ll give this to Oscar and tell him about the one that threw a flying knee at him!” I said.

“That thing, those sprinters. Will there be more of those?” Kaley asked.

“Considering that I saw one last time? There could be probably more, I think that it’s still evolving. The last one who got Oscar is more different from the two.” I said.

“How were they formed though? Is it varying from person to person?” she said.

“Well, that I don’t know. We need to wait for the news on the people researching it. It sent chills on me when it dodged my bullet and it started to bob its head. The good thing is that its body has no reinforcement of some kind, it’s still a normal body, you shoot the head it’s dead. We’ll talk more of this in the meeting later.” I said.

We reached the compound and we saw Allan, Jenny, Nicole and Alicia just chatting from the catwalk. I waved them over and they opened the gate for us.


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