Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Chapter 57

Chapter 57: 57

I faced him eye to eye and there’s only a small distance between us and I could feel his heavy breath. I closed the distance immediately so I could react if he does something. Being in a gun fight where the shooter could freely do what he wants is very dangerous.

“Don’t do anything stupid yeah?” I just looked at him.

“Heh! You think I can’t shoot you at this distance?” he said smugly.

“I could punch you at this distance, you stupid f.u.c.k. You should’ve tried something when I was farther from you.” I said to myself.

“You can certainly try.” I said with a grin.

We’re just having a stare down and he suddenly drew his gun and he pointed it at me. I looked at it and I almost shook my head at what I saw.

“Sky?!” The group shouted and Kaley drew her M9 and pointed it at him. Alex started on shouting at her dad to lower his gun.

“If you’re gonna point that at someone, make sure you will shoot it dead or you’ll regret it later.” I said calmly.

“Dad?! Put that thing away!” Alex shouted once more.

“DIDN’T I TELL YOU TO SHUT THE F.U.C.K U-” he looked at her for a moment and then I moved.



I aimed at his balls while I pulled his hand downward. He lets out a cry while I twisted his hand so he lets go of the gun. It fell to ground then I picked it up. I saw the guys clenched their thighs when it happened. Alex immediately ran towards her dad and she gave him a hard slap while his dad is still clutching his groin.


“I told you he’s a good guy, didn’t I?! Why do you have to be stupid?!” she screamed while tears are flowing in her face.

I checked the gun and I removed the magazine and cleared the chamber then I holstered it in my pants. I then crouched at him and said, “Mr. Ramos I don’t like guns being pointed at me. You’re lucky I know your daughter or you won’t be breathing right now. I don’t like wasting bullets, you see? I could use this instead on you if you want?”

I pulled out my wakizashi and I let him see it closely. I’m staring at him dead in the eye as he shifts his gaze and sweat starts to form droplets in his forehead.

He shuddered.

“If you point a gun at someone, don’t expect the person to stay still. I’m keeping this for now and all the other guns in your house. Your daughter will take me there and you will comply. I’ve given you plenty of chances and you blew it, this is the last one yeah? One more slip, if you gave even one of my group here a look I don’t like, or even if you shout at your daughter or wife again without reason, you’d wish you were dead. Do we understand each other? One radio call from your daughter and I will snipe you from my house using my Barrett. I just need the exact XYZ coordinates and I’ll fire with the black tips to be sure I hit you.” I said.

He just nodded but he didn’t say anything.

“I’m sorry Sky, and thank you for not… you know.” Alex said.

“Was he always like this?” I asked.

“No, he suddenly changed after the broadcast aired.” she said.

“Alright, we need to go to your house now. He’s not in the right state of mind to carry guns. I’ll keep them for now in storage and I will make a list of everything I took. I’ll give them back to you if I think he’s okay. Can you carry him on your shoulders?” I said.

“Yes, I understand. I’ll carry him.” she said.

I then told Oscar to continue with the scavenging and I went to their house with Kaley and Jared.

Alex pressed the doorbell and after a while, her mom came outside and welcomed us. She welcomed us with a smile and then she saw her husband then she became worried.

“Did something happen?” she said.

“Dad happened. He tried to shoot Sky.” Alex said.

Her mom was surprised then she glared at Arthur. She places her hands on her hip and she started on berating her husband in front of us.

“ARTHUR JEFFERSON RAMOS!!! I kept my lid closed after you changed when the broadcast started but this is too much! Trying to shoot a person?! Are you out of your mind! I’m gonna take your guns and throw them away! Handling them is not safe!” she shouted.

Arthur shrinks into a ball.

“Mom, Sky will keep them for us for the time being, can we at least come inside first?” Alex said while readjusting her dad’s arm on her shoulder.

“Good. You can have them all. It’s the least I can do to apologize. Come inside, I know where they all are.” she said as she lets us all in.

Arthur still seems to be in pain after all that so he was given some painkillers by his wife. He seemed docile now but I still kept my guard up.

I told Jared and Kaley to watch him while I went with his wife to get his guns. She pointed to a locker and she opened it with her keys.

“I think this is all of it.” she said.

She handed me a duffel bag and I began to place everything there. He has two more pistols, one an M1911 while the other a .38 Special. They both have 3 boxes of ammo for the 9mm and the .38 though the box for the special is the only one that has a few bullets missing. I also picked up a Mossberg 930 with three boxes of slugs, buckshots and birdshots with a few clay targets on the side.

“He’s Skeet Shooting?” I said to myself.

“Mrs. Ramos, are you sure that this is all of it? I’m just making sure because I don’t want any accidents. Do you mind if I check the whole place?” I told her.

“I’m not really sure, he usually just keeps them all there but I wouldn’t mind you checking the whole place. Please, call me Amanda.” she said.

“Thanks. I still would like you all to come to my place tonight, I suggested that I will have food prepared there every day and you are all welcome to eat there to save on resources. However, I would give you a few days rations nonetheless.” I told her.

“That’s very kind. I’ll take a look at him again while I tell Alex to help you check the whole place.” she said as she leaves.

I started on checking each shelf and each cabinet. I then looked behind picture frames, bookshelves and a few cupboards. I knocked on a few floor tiles and I heard a dull sound. Alex looked surprised and I asked her to grab a hammer and a chisel.

“You found something?” she asks.

“Yeah, your dad is something else I tell you. He’s cautious for the wrong reasons though.” I said.

She came back after a while and then I slowly whittled the cement on the tiles on the sides.

*tick* *tick* *tick* *tick* *tick* *tick* *tick* *tick*

When I removed it, I saw a bag covered in plastic and I went to the living room. He’s looking in shock when he saw what I was carrying.

“Hey! That’s my bug-out bag!” he exclaimed.


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