Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Chapter 248

Chapter 248: 248

“This is the place! Allan~! The gate dude~!” I shouted.

“Yeah, just a sec *rolls gate to the side* HOLY F.U.C.K.I.N.G SHIT IS THAT THE PRE- Good morning Mr. President, I can’t believe you’re visiting our Supreme Leader’s humble abode. Please come in.” Allan suddenly did a turn and a bow.

“Supreme leader?! The f.u.c.k?” I thought to myself.

“Hah! Surprised you, huh?!” Oscar laughed heartily.

“Oh~ So this is the place. Can I come in?” Rod asked.

“Yeah, excuse the mess~” I replied.

There’s this unspoken rule that everyone has been following ever since that I think I’m the only one who noticed but has been set for some time. I didn’t set it per say but everyone just assumed it is, so I went with it. It’s nothing special really but no one from the DDR Camp and Woodlands are allowed to just casually enter the gates of my compound unless I allow them to. My people on the other hand could just casually enter their place willy nilly and they don’t seem to say anything about it. However, I didn’t know that it extended to everyone else, even the president.

“Hey, Tatiana’s team is asking if you’d let them come inside? We followed you here and some of the president’s soldiers seemed to be asking permission if they could come inside too.” Kaley tapped me.

“Yeah, sure.” I replied nonchalantly.

It took Kaley and the others watching us earlier a few minutes to get their composure back before some of them rushed to follow us. I could hear a huge commotion from our backs when we’re casually walking back to our place but even the president didn’t seem to mind it. He’s more focused on the small tour we’re giving him instead.

Zeus was the first to notice us and he rushed towards us and he started to run circles around me. He tried to sniff the president a few times and his tail wagged a few moments after. The president just patted Zeus on his head while we made our way to the pool area. Everyone inside also started BSODing as well when the president casually took a seat in one of our lawn chairs.

“Ah~ So tired~ I needed this like last time~” he said.

“Last time?” Oscar asked.

“Yeah. Last time. I think you noticed that since you stopped calling me but I have a group that made a fake broadcast when I was under the weather. I really needed a break and they made a perfe- well almost perfect job of making me there. You’re the one who noticed didn’t you?” he looked at me.

“Yeah. It was too sudden to have a change of background suddenly. I first thought you died or something.” I replied.

“Hmm, good eyes. I for one can’t even tell the difference! I asked my IT people there to make a p.o.r.n video where they would attach the face of my favorite actresses but they wouldn’t! Well, that would be too much I guess.” he said while removing his boots.

I was seated in a way where I could see everyone hawking at us and their facial expressions were priceless! What they seem to forget is that our president is human too. He’s more casual than everybody and he’s not like those uptight elitists politicians that everyone wanted to at least punch once.

“Wait, you can do that?! Kid! I have another pro-” Oscar got excited but I cut him off.

“I’m gonna tell Jennifer.” I interjected and he choked on his drink.

The three of us are casually chatting while everyone else are losing their minds. A few minutes later, my aunt came out with a tray of dishes. His eyes immediately lit up and he sat upright from what he saw.

On the tray was Grilled Tuna Belly, Carabeef Soup, Turon, Pandesal with Kesong Puti, Longganisa, and Monggo.

Those were some of his favorite Filipino dishes and Oscar and I could hear his stomach grumble.

“Son of a bitch! This looks f.u.c.k.i.n.g amazing! Thanks!” he started to happily dig in but we heard a shout.

“MR. PRESIDENT! DON’T CASUALLY EAT IT! IT COULD BE POISONED! WE NEVER KNOW WHERE THEY GOT IT FROM!” Mr. Roque shouted then everyone heard dull sounds hitting skin.

“CONRAD! NO!” my aunt suddenly shouted.




Mr. Roque actually followed us but he is now sprawled on the ground. Jared’s dad, Conrad, managed to swing at him a few times before the president’s soldiers managed to stop him. My hand is also clenched hard and if it wasn’t for Oscar holding me down, Mr. Roque would have several bones broken.

“DO YOU F.U.C.K.I.N.G THINK MY WIFE WOULD POISON THE PRESIDENT?! HUH?! F.U.C.K.I.N.G LET GO OF ME!!! LET GO OF ME!!! F.U.C.K.I.N.G BASTARD!!!” Conrad bellowed as he struggled to get away from the soldiers’ grasps.

Mr. Roque slowly stood up and his eyes were bloodshot. He has this maniacal look and he spat out a tooth. Blood was trickling from his face and everyone’s attention was now on them.

“IMPUDENT!!! YOU DARE HIT THE PRESIDENTIAL SPOKESPER-” Mr. Roque bellowed as well but the president roared.

“ROQUE YOU F.U.C.K.I.N.G PIECE OF SHIT! AVALOS! HONASSAN! LET GO OF THAT MAN!” the president was now in the middle of everyone.

The soldiers immediately let go of Conrad but he lunged towards Mr. Roque again. However, Jared managed to hold his dad down with Lois while the president is glaring at Mr. Roque. My aunt is crying on the side and Nicole and Aya are on her side.

“You piece of shit! Go back to that camp and wait for me to come back. I thought you were there with Ms. M. Don’t ever think of going back here and start to disrespect the people here who gave me good food or I’ll kill you. Avalos, escort him back and lock him up in a room and watch him. The f.u.c.k did happen to you Roque? You weren’t like this as I remembered you.” the president said then he went back to the table where the food is.

“BUT MR. PRESIDENT I WAS JUST-” this time, I was the one who shouted.


“Hmm? My soldiers are doing nothing Mr. Ishiyama.” the president looked at solemnly me when I shouted.

“I’m not talking about yours. I was talking about mine.” I replied as everyone inside removed their hands from their holsters.

The president and his soldiers were startled to see glaring eyes from different directions directed at Mr. Roque. He was shaking to say the least when reality dawned on him.

“I think I should tell you asshole. My aunt Sharon here has been preparing our meals here ever since the shit hits the fan. I don’t care who the f.u.c.k you think you are you’d wish you were dead if you do that again. If you think we’re gonna take out the president here, I should’ve shot your helicopter down with my RPG-7s, not waste good f.u.c.k.i.n.g food.” I said just it loud enough for everyone to hear.

The president looked at me solemnly but all he did was let out a deep sigh.

Mr. Roque was escorted outside and the jolly atmosphere earlier was gone. The president’s food is now ruined since the president rushed to the scene earlier. However, to our surprise, he still started on eating it despite them getting all mixed with each other. It looked really messy right now and I could tell that the taste of it right now isn’t that great compared to earlier.

“Mr. President, please let me replace it with a ne-” my aunt was cut off.

“No. This is the most delicious thing I’ve tasted. Do you have more? I would also like to feed my soldiers with your cooking if that is possible. I’ll pay for the ingredients used of course. I apologize for that f.u.c.k.i.n.g idiot’s behavior. He’ll get something from me later. He’s just doing his job but I think he’s losing it.” he looked at her with a smile.

“Y-yes! Thank you!” my aunt started to cry again and she went back to the kitchen to give the others their portion.

I even tried to persuade him to change his food but he insisted that he would finish what was on his plate. I think the degree of respect everyone has for him shot up once again. He didn’t have to but he also apologized to Conrad but my uncle was still pissed off. However, my aunt talked to him and he was back to normal. He always keeps to himself mostly and it was surprising to see him like that. The soldiers were happily gorging on the food that they were served and the president has already finished his.

“Thank you for the meal.” he said.

“Thank you for making your asshole go away.” I replied.

“Hah! Thank you for not f.u.c.k.i.n.g killing everyone here.” he chuckled then his soldiers tensed.

“Hah! We only kill the dead and assholes.” Oscar chimed.

“Hahaha! I’ll add my spokesperson to your list if he does that again. I’ve killed a few assholes myself. Makes the work much easier.” the president replied.

“Really? What kind?” Oscar asked.

“Well, you’ve seen some of them in the broadcasts but I killed a few that started a coup at my place. The dead are already a problem and they’re more concerned of who’s in charge because they’re in the opposition in the past. They rallied a large group of people against me and I had to respond in kind. The only good thing that came out of it is that we’re allocating less food. I like your setup here since there are less people and it’s great that everyone gets along and is really tight knit. I can’t remember the time that I could relax like this for a few minutes.” he replied.

“It is that bad over there eh?” I asked.

“Hah~ The weight on my shoulders are massive and it seems that this thing would take longer than what I thought it would be. This short moment here is already a blessing.” he replied.

“Well, why don’t you stay here?” I simply asked.

Everyone was f.u.c.k.i.n.g silent. Even Oscar was still like a statue when he heard me ask that question. A few of the soldiers immediately choked along with a few of my own.

“KID?! WHAT THE F.U.C.K?!” Oscar managed to get his bearings.

“Really? Maybe I’ll take you up on that.” he simply replied.

Everyone was f.u.c.k.i.n.g silent again.

The two of us just looked at each other for a moment and then we burst out laughing.

“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I LIKE YOU, YOU SON OF A BITCH!” we both said at the same time.


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