Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Chapter 247

Chapter 247: 247

Silence. Total f.u.c.k.i.n.g silence. Everyone that heard Oscar stopped what they were doing and some of them fell off their chairs. The only ones who didn’t care were our pets and the rest of the children playing around. You could hear a pin drop on a fur carpet from the silence just because of what Oscar casually said.

Then everyone lost it.

“W-w-wait a f.u.c.k.i.n.g minute!”

“Hold up!”

“The president?!”





“You’re lying!”

“I’m not!”



“Geez, you don’t have to shout.”



It took a short moment for the commotion to die down because I waved everyone down so I could hear more of what Oscar had to say.

It’s still a mystery not just for me but for everyone for why there is a broadcast with a fake president from the past days. We halted any form of contact from Davao City unless the call would come from Rod himself. It was fortunate that the broadcasts with the real one continued but it is still giving me signals that something has happened.

A few days prior, Rod contacted Oscar for something.

Oscar came to me when I was still polishing the plans for our run to People’s Park and he told me that the president requested samples of sprinters and a few other things. It seemed that the number of sprinters in their island group has gone down significantly so they came to us if we could make a deal. The main reason is that they needed more samples of the specials ones and the sprinter is one that is really difficult to catch. I was really skeptical at first but what they would be giving us in exchange is something I wouldn’t be able to pass up.

“Well, old man?” I looked at him the same as everybody.

“What?” he blinked his eyes a few times.

“The rest of what you have to say? I doubt that’s the only thing they told you. C’mon, take the stage for now. You ain’t getting senile, right?” I smiled as I tapped him.

He quickly sprang on his feet and stood in front of everyone. He grumbled a few things towards me but I’m just smiling throughout which made him pissed off even more than he is earlier.

“Well, uh… good morning. *scratches head* Like this little shit- I mean this kid here said, there are more things that I forgot to tell you all. *clears throat* You all know that a helicopter would come to the DDR Camp here to retrieve our live samples of sprinters. They’d give us things in exchange for that along with information that we’ll exchange with each other.” Oscar started.

“Did they say when they would come here?” Matthew asked.

“And how many?” Johnny added.

“Well they’ll-” he suddenly stopped talking.

He suddenly picked up his Sat Phone and placed his ear next to it to listen. Everyone was silent to what was happening and Oscar was looking at me straight in the eye. The call was brief and when he placed his Sat Phone down, he gave me a smirk.

“He’s close, approximately 30 minutes before he arrives. Let’s adjourn this meeting now since everything would come to light when his team arrives.” Oscar said.

“Okay guys. You heard him. Let’s prepare everything that we need in the allotted time. Autobots, roll out!” I shouted as a few people grinned to what I said last.



“Shut up you two! Don’t panic! DON’T PANIC!”

Another commotion started after that call and I gathered a few people that would come with me to the DDR Camp. I also assigned a few things to be prepared here just in case. However, a few people voiced that they would at least want to catch a glimpse of the president so they decided to come with us.

Time quickly passed and my group and the others could clearly see the helicopters coming into view. They’re three in total: one cargo helicopter followed by a civilian and lastly an attack helicopter. The cargo helicopter is quite huge and I bet it could carry a tank easily. The cargo helicopter landed on the open field on the school part of the DDR Camp here while the other two landed on top of the school buildings.

Several soldiers came out of the helicopters and I caught a small glimpse of Rod coming out of the attack helicopter. Several people are gathered below but they made way for him even though some of them are shouting their concerns towards the president. A select few started to rain their curses and complaints towards him but one look from him and his entourage made them shut up.

“Intimidating as always.” I said.

“Heh. Well he’s the president alright.” Oscar said.

“Tatiana, aren’t they?” Kaley looked at Tatiana.

“They are, some of them.” Tatiana replied.

“Who?” Jared asked.

“My team.” Tatiana replied.

There are four soldiers walking behind them wearing different equipment from the rest of them but it is strikingly similar to what Tatiana was wearing. It bears the flag of Russia and they seem to be scanning their heads around.

“Kid, who do you think those other people behind are?” Oscar said as he pointed to a number of people that didn’t seem to be soldiers but wearing protective equipment.

“I’m not sure for all of them but the one that is always behind the president with that slick hair is his spokesperson while the lady seems to be… wait, no way. Hah!” I was shaking my head in amus.e.m.e.nt.

“Oh shit, she is bro! I thought she was taller than that though.” Jared chimed.

“Who?” Oscar was curious.

“His side chick perhaps? Their age gap seems… nevermind.” Tatiana guessed.

“I don’t know for sure but there’s a lot of controversies surrounding her and her position in the government. She used to be a celebrity before but she became an appointed government official when the president came into power. She’s Ms. M. Her presence here is not that important though, I just found it surprising that she’s here.” I explained.

A few moments later, he arrived at the center of the school and I could feel the pressure of a man who’s run a country and has fought in the front lines. He removed his shades and he scanned his eyes towards us. It stopped at Oscar but his attention was caught by Ferdinand then the rest of the soldiers in the DDR Camp gave him a salute. He responded in kind but almost everyone could feel the tension in the air.

Not everyone followed after the president since they started to go in key locations to secure his safety. A few of his personal guards started to relay something to him but he waved them off. He started to walk in our direction and the spokesperson that was speaking to him earlier is giving a difficult expression.

“Mr. President I suggest we move to a more se-” but he was cut off when the president stopped in front of Oscar.

“Yo!” Rod extended his fist towards us.

Everyone was flabbergasted except for me and Oscar.

“Why’s he so casual towards us?!” seems to be the inner thought of everybody around us.

“Hah! Finally saw you in the flesh Rod! I thought you died, you son of a bitch!” Oscar raised his fist as well and they fist-bumped.

Everyone was flabbergasted again except for me and Oscar.

“YOU! WHO THE F.U.C.K DO YOU THI-” the spokesperson bellowed but he was cut off.


“Can’t you tone it down you son of a bitch? I’m talking to my f.u.c.k.i.n.g friend here and you keep on shouting like we’re all deaf here. Shut up for a moment, okay? I f.u.c.k.i.n.g told you to stay in Davao City and you insisted for my safety. I’d be a lot safer if another soldier boarded that chopper instead of you.” he calmly said.

“BUT MR. PR-” he was cut off again.

“Come here Mr. Roque, leave him for now and prepare what is needed by the president later. Let’s check the lodging and the office we would be using first. I told you this would happen if you kept on doing that. There’s a lot of soldiers next to him, what could go wrong?” Ms. M dragged him with a couple of soldiers.

“He’s the president alright. That demeanor and the way that he talks is something everybody here is very familiar with. Are they gonna stay long? She mentioned lodgings.” I thought to myself.

“Anyway, who’s the kid? You? It’s you, right?” he suddenly looked at me and he extended his right fist again.

I smiled and met it with my own as I nodded. Kaley, my group, and the rest of the people around us seemed to be BSODing right now from Oscar and I’s interaction with the president.

“Glad to see you here Mr. Pr-” and he cuts me off.

“Hey, hey, hey. I thought I told you before to call me ‘Rod’, right? Stop being so f.u.c.k.i.n.g formal with me and- oh, wait a moment. This is why I hate travelling so much!” he then started to stretch his h.i.p.s around.

We all quietly watched him stretch for a moment and the people behind him are losing their minds from his actions.

“Oh yeah, I’m a bit tired from the trip. Did you guys have some food perhaps? I’ll pay you back if you have some to spare. Your place is just near here, right? Can we go there for a moment?” he calmly said.

“Sure, follow me. I bet you want to stretch your legs for a bit so we’d just walk. I think you saw the land we reclaimed. Not as big as you guys have but from what we have here it’s a great start. I have a few things I want to show you too if you’re interested.” I replied and I started to walk outside.

“Okay, let’s go. I really want to take a walk right now. You guys still have electricity eh? Is that where the runners are? Cool. Yeah, I’ll take a look of what you have but I really want to have a short rest.” he started to follow me and Oscar was already walking besides him.

“Kid, did you tell your Aunt to make that stuff?” Oscar said.

“Hmm? What stuff?” Rod asked.

“Well, you’ll see when we get home. I’m pretty sure you’ll like it.” I replied.

I don’t know why everyone was stunned but we eventually made our way back to our compound.


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