Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Chapter 175

Chapter 175: 175

“We’re already halfway there! Just practice on your shots with the 10/22, just leave enough bullets when we reach there so you’ll not tell me you don’t have enough.” I said while shaking my head.

“Fine… I’ll try to do it…” he replied weakly.

It happened once more, when his enthusiasm on a certain topic lessened, his performance suffers. He started on missing even on some of the easier ones. It was somewhat mediated when Jared fired a shot on the one that Lois is aiming at.

Kaley on the other hand just used a magazine before stopping since she only brought four for the AR-15 though she used the Maxim a few times and she seemed to like using it more than the CZ.

We four are the only ones behind the 8-wheeler since the others are driving the other vehicles. There’re more bloody figures roaming around though what’s different from before is that there are several that are already killed on the streets that we are driving into. All of them seems to have their heads either cut down or bashed with a blunt object since parts of their heads are missing or have a huge laceration with bits getting enjoyed by flies.

I’m looking at the other vehicles strewn about in the road and I’m adding it to the plan that I’m cooking up in order to execute it beautifully.

“We need to make a proper runway that could go on from either side and long enough that we wouldn’t be caught in the middle of them when we start on taking turns. It would take a long time to prepare for this thing. The vehicles should be moved, the other dead bodies as well, checking each street, and setting up countermeasures. Not to mention the ammo we would be using and other equipment for communication and such. We could either thin them out slowly in a span of a few days or just do it in one fell swoop in just a single day. I also need the people back at home to follow my instructions to the dot just for this plan to work.” I thought to myself.

We eventually arrived at the South Supermarket again and the people I’ve brought here last has solemn expressions. I jumped down from the truck and drew my katana. I was followed by Tatiana, Mark, and Dong since they’ve brought their own weapons. The numbers here got bumped up by another notch and looking at the other side of the street, it seemed to have gone up as well.

Each figure I face has varying degrees of rot and flesh missing from their bodies. The smell is the same for each one and it is something you can’t just get used to.

In one corner of the supermarket a zombie was getting feasted on by a few zombies as well and it’s just letting himself get devoured bit by bit. Instead of trying to figure out why, I just removed part of their heads in a quick flowing motion to pave a way for our vehicles. The hard edge of the katana is gleaming even if it’s covered by a film of dark-red blood that is viscous and filled with some small bits that looked like small clots.

Since we came with more vehicles, we made more noise in coming towards this place and even some from the road have started to move towards us. Instead of firing at them, they were slowly lured inside the parking area so we could drag them to the side after taking care of them silently.

“Unc, stay here with Jared while the other guys start to haul a few of the supplies. The rest of us will be on the roof to scout the place on the other side of the road.” I said.

“Damn, this place still hasn’t been broken into.” My uncle said.

“Yeah, it’s dangerous to break into a place where there is a huge horde on the other side. We still haven’t figured out why they’re staying at that place for a while though. It seems to be something attracting them from the inside.” I said.

“Another Sentry then?” Lois asked.

“Maybe, but that would mean that someone is inside and can’t get out. One of those things could be in a place where the person inside couldn’t reach it and has a lot of supplies to last this long. It could also be another thing though; we’ll find out when we fly these things.” I replied.

I headed up with the others and I laid down two cases where the drones were placed at and we started on flying them towards the People’s Park.

“Holy f.u.c.k. That is a f.u.c.k.i.n.g lot.” Matthew commented when he saw the horde in person.

The People’s Park is a huge place with two huge buildings where one is an enclosed small stadium where concerts are conducted and it could house a thousand people at most and the other building is a two-story building with different stores that mostly are restaurants or fast food joints. There’re also a few areas like a playground, the fountain area and the walking area. A few thousand people come here each day but now a few thousand of the dead are there mostly gathering around the small stadium.

It has a total of four entrances to get to this place. The first one is the huge open space where anyone could walk into which is near the fountain area. The second one is near the other building which is connected to a walkway that leads to the City Hall right next to it. The third is a very small gate where a single person could fit at a time that is in the playground that leads to the City Hall’s small canteen. The last entrance is at the back of the People’s Park where a gate could be slide to the side that is also near the playground. It could take you on the backroads where the residential areas are located though the streets there are very narrow.

From our side, you will see the fountain area first which is sandwiched between the walking are and the two-story building though the walking area extends a bit farther and has a small elevation that would lead to the small stadium and on the back of it is the playground.

“Bro, the drone is picking up some noise from the stadium.” Lois said.

“Can you identify what kind?” I asked.

“Rock music? We couldn’t hear it from hear but I drove it near the doors to it and Link In Park seems to be playing from the inside. Want me to check in the end? At the back of the playground?” he asked.

“Nah, it wouldn’t even matter right now. The music blasting from there could give us a bit of an advantage. We could slowly clear them out while the lot of them are distracted. However, we need to close the other entrances first.” I said.

“The two gates?” Lois asked.

“Yeah, the small one is probably dangerous but the back entrance could be easily managed. We just need to drive the Raptor there and close the gate after clearing a few. The first two entrances could never be closed obviously since it’s just an open space and the problem is the ones that would be coming from the City Hall.” I replied.

I’m driving my drone on the two-story building while Lois started to drive his on the playground. On my side, there’s very few on the walkways in the store but there a dozen or so inside. They’re different kinds of people and some of them are still children wearing their school uniforms. They got attracted to the whirring sound of the drone and they started on banging on the glass doors.

“Some of them might have locked themselves in.” I thought to myself.

“Bro, there’s fewer in the playground compared to the stadium. If we’re quick enough, we could close the gate there as well. Probably around 50-ish normal ones are just roaming around the whole area.” Lois reported.

“Fly it near the small gate and check if there are any obstructions on that. We might be able to lure a few of them away with the noise coming from the drone. Let’s check the situation on the City Hall first before we try to do anything. Besides, we would be only scouting the place and would be moving inside if it’s possible.” I replied.

“It’s a gate, how careful could you be? Pssh!” Matthew chimed.

I looked at him weirdly and noticed that he’s actually trying to tell a joke and I first thought he was being serious. I just shook my head in amus.e.m.e.nt and drove my drone towards the other places that I haven’t laid my eyes on yet.

“Lois, just drive it anywhere you haven’t yet but do it a bit slowly. I need to map in my head everything that the drone sees even the corners and other obstacles after reviewing that footage when we get home.” I said.


All of a sudden, I heard several engines from the opposite side from where we came in.


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