Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Chapter 174

Chapter 174: 174

Day 14

I woke up feeling rested and first thing I did was to grab ahold of the Sat Phone and dialed Roi.

“Password?” he asked.

“Hamburger.” I replied.

There was a momentary pause and he finally said, “Hey man, what’s up?”

“What’s up? You know how troublesome it got just to contact you?! I almost thought you were the person who sent us a couple of random files as well.” I said.

“Hmm? Files? What kind?” he asked.

I told him the short story and he listened to everything I have to say.

“You solved it then?” he asked.

“I would’ve if it wasn’t for a paranoid guy.” I replied.

“Hah! If it weren’t for Andy, I wouldn’t do it!” he said.

“Andy? The guy who runs your place there? What about him.” I asked.

“I mentioned to him before that I bought this bunker, I’m at and he surmised it as nonsense before. He kept on saying that I’m too paranoid blah blah. The moment the news from the hospital came out, my phone kept on ringing and it was his number. He even kept on calling my house and it has several voice messages on the phone there.” he explained.

“I think he’s grasping on straws then and that’s the normal response. Is there any reason that I might be worried towards him?” I asked.

“Hmm, just be cautious since he’s a bit manipulative. He mostly can talk other people to do things for him and he’s definitely two-faced. He looks normal but I saw his other side when we’re drinking once. Better be careful and don’t let him inside your place.” he explained.

“What is he like when he’s drunk?” I asked.

“I was a bit woozy but I remember him giving a homeless guy money when we’re walking home. We walked a few blocks and he started on calling the cops telling them that we got mugged by the guy that he gave money to. He said to the cops to just apprehend the guy and that they could keep the money he took as a reward. He has this dirty smile on his face and I didn’t have the chance to tell him not to do it. Next day we meet, he acted like that never happened when I confronted him about it. Just be really careful when you’re dealing with him.” he said.

“Okay, thanks for the info. We had to give up plenty of supplies just to check your house but that’s all the interaction we got from him. He’s building the place up and he seems to have some people following him already. Can you tell me where you are?” I said.

“Some people are following him already? Well if it’s him, he could easily do it. Why do you want to know where I am? I thought you have a place going on there?” he asked.

“Yeah, but it’s always safe to have more backup places to bug out in the case of unforeseen circ.u.mstances. Besides, if we happen to be close to you, I could drop a few supplies there and a few weapons for you and some I’d like to keep hidden.” I explained.

“Hmm, that sounds good. I’m at…” he gave me the coordinates for where he is bunkered down and it’s actually in the provinces. It’s pretty far from here and I doubt I could head there with my group anytime soon. One thing is for sure though, he definitely picked the best location in where to place it.

“That’s a bit far dude but if we ever had the chance, we’ll head there. I got some of our friends too. Want to talk to them?” I asked.

“Nah, just tell him we told them so and we’ll all open a cold one when this is all over. If you have anything more to say, just call this line and I’ll pick up. You know the password already. Oh yeah, I’m pretty sure you got Kaley one way or another and she’s definitely there. Pro tip, don’t let her get away this time. Time is running short and you need to toughen up.” he said as we said our goodbyes and hung up.

“Same old Roi.” I thought to myself as I shook my head in amus.e.m.e.nt.

I woke Kaley up and we took a shower and we suited up. We went down for breakfast and everyone is slowly gathering on the pool area. I felt a couple taps on my back and I checked who it is.

“Hey~ this is the one and only motherf.u.c.ker who built this place. The legendary Sky Ishiyama. Look at the camera dude.” Darelle is with Trisha and Olivia vlogging everything that has happened ever since they came here.

“What are you doing dude?” I asked.

“Vlogging, what else?” he replied.

“I know, but why?” I replied.

“Well we should at least start with this since someone will need to fill in the history books in the future. I know you could remember everything else but how about the other and the later generation! They need to know what is happening! I already interviewed a few people yesterday and we got another brilliant assistant!” Darelle exclaimed with extra hand gestures.

“They’re teaching me the ropes! I interviewed mom, Charlotte, Chris and Alex yesterday, they said it was great! Sis, you’re next after you get home later. I’ll come by at night after the meeting.” Olivia happily said as Kaley was shaking her head.

“We got a few photos from her already from the time she got here so we’ll add it to the collection.” Trisha chimed.

“That’s great, just don’t forget that there’s other work to be done in other places yeah?” I said as they nodded.

Everyone finally gathered and we ate a simple meal.

“Okay, same thing to do for today with a few things extra. That ISUZU D-Max we brought before, make it unrecognizable from what it looks now. Change the plates or remove them, remove the extra accessories, and remove those stickers from the back. Also, those leather covers for the seats, remove those as well. If we bring this thing out, it should be safe if we do that.” I instructed.

After a few more things that needs a decision to be made, I decided for my group to head back to South with our trucks for a few reasons. The first one is to get more supplies from that place and the second reason is to bring a few drones so we could scout the mass of zombies from the place we would be hitting after carefully planning our approach. Matthew, Lois, Kris and Tatiana came with me as well so we’re a total of 10 people all in all. Matthew and Tatiana came for safety reasons while Kris and Lois came for experience and curiosity respectively.

We rode the truck and drove off with the Raptor and the 6-wheeler. We saw Jay’s group hauling a few bodies to be burned off in a corner and they gave me a small nod when we passed through them. Lois started on taking shots on everything that came near us but I stopped Jared from doing the same thing since he has fewer bullets compared to what Lois brought. Kaley was watching Lois shoot and she’s impressed that he could accurately kill a few of them though there’s still a few misses.

She nudged me, “Any tips?”

“What kind?” I replied, while chuckling.

Her eyes rolled after a groan, “On shooting moving targets of course!”

“Want to take this Jared? I’m updating the places in my head since a few changed. I can’t do things at the same time and I think you know how Lois does it.” I said.

“He’s picking his shots. Quite cheekily too. You think he could hit everything but he only shoots the easy ones.” Jared replied as Kaley grew more curious.

“Notice that he’s facing the back of the truck not the side. It’s easier to shoot targets that are moving forward or backward than from either side to the other since you’ll not be timing them while moving the barrel sideways. Only few adjustments are required. Was that correct bro?” Jared explained.

“Yep. Remember when we’re on the Raptor and you’re having difficulty shooting them because of the length of the barrel? That’s only one of the reasons why. Try Lois’ way and you’ll notice the difference.” I replied.

Kaley walked near Lois and she also took shots while Lois stopped and watched.

“Why did you tell her my secret?” Lois said.

“Well you need to practice on some things you’re not comfortable with. You’d only get better if you push yourself out of the comfort zone sometimes.” I replied.

“Why would I leave my comfort zone? There’s a reason it’s called the comfort zone!” Lois rebutted.

“Wanna beat your brother in shooting completely? Move out of your comfort zone and try to move to a higher caliber rifle. You’d achieve a lot more if you have an AR like Kaley or this Tavor. I could let you use it when we get to South. I know you came with us since you want to start on thinning a few of them. Same reason you asked for a lot of ammo and brought a can of it.” I tried to explain to him a few more things.

“Hmm, I’ll think about it. But I’ll use this 10/22 for when we reached the place. I don’t like what bro uses since it’s too loud even when suppressed.” he replied.

“Well this does the job. At least use something like a 5.56 or a 9mm in a carbine to get longer range. You can’t always use a .22 just because it’s quiet.” Jared chimed.

“Quiet huh? How about a .300 AAC Blackout?” I replied.

“A what blackout?” Lois asked.

“It’s a different caliber than what we use and I could let you use the Sig MCX Rattler Canebreak. It’s chambered in .300 AAC Blackout and I’ll let you use the subsonic ones. You can also fire it without ear protection when the gun is suppressed too.” I replied.

“The name sold it. I don’t even care if it’s loud. Are we heading back to get it?” he asked.

“…” I was speechless.


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