Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Chapter 147

Chapter 147: 147

“Well they do like to eat, these brothers. They’ll definitely start to lose weight when they come to the compound. They’re still a bit big now despite what is happening outside. I’ll definitely have them on some of the classes.” I thought to myself.

We took a bit of time on packing stuff maybe a few minutes short of an hour to get everything ready while Earl and I carried Mrs. Ortiz on their backyard to be burned first. The body is covered by a white sheet and we placed her down.

“Why do we burn them?” he asked as he starts on pouring gasoline.

“Just to be sure. We’re not sure if the virus ceases to exist when the host dies and to avoid the chance of other animals from picking on them and spreading it further.” I replied.

“Does it affect animals as well?” he asked.

“We’re not sure with that as well. But all the times I’ve been outside, I’ve never seen an animal getting infected. I’d mostly see a few stray dogs eaten up in a corner but never walking like the others outside. I could be wrong or it hasn’t mutated to affect animals yet or it just infects us.” I replied.

“I see. That would be a huge problem as well if that happens.” he said.

“Heh, I just realized that the one who made this thing is hell bent on killing every single human in the world. If this thing can only infect humans, that is.” I replied.

“You think this thing is man-made?” he asked.

“Yeah. This kind of thing wouldn’t just get picked of a tree now wouldn’t it?” I replied.

“Well you’re right about that. Earnest’s wife thinks otherwise though. She thinks that this is the end of the world from the book she’s reading.” he said.

“Oh. That type huh? She’ll realize she’s wrong eventually. I think she’s just denying that everything she has been believing in is wrong. If you need to follow an instruction of a book just not to be an asshole, I think you have more problems than that. She might be just using it to have a stick to hold on to I don’t know.” I replied.

“Well, that’s one of the things they always fight about. I just stay away.” he said.

“Really? I thought she reads that thing. Tell Earnest to let her read 1 Timothy 2:12, it basically tells the woman to be silent and not have authority over a man just to see her reaction. There’s nothing wrong in believing in something as long as it doesn’t affect other people who have other beliefs in life negatively. I could be wrong in my take but I’ll take my chances. People believe in different stuff; I just wonder how could the one they were born into is always the right one. I know people who switched but it’s just because they had a fight with the previous one.” I replied.

“Hah! I’ll tell him in a later date when he’s in a pinch. Does it really say that?” he replied.

“Good thing Kaley is not like that.” I thought to myself.

“Yeah. Anyway, one more double-check on the houses. Turn the main switch off and we head to my compound after we head to the houses of our other friends. You could choose from the plethora of houses there but I need everyone contributing there what they could. I haven’t asked, but what do you do for a living?” I asked.

“Oh, I work in a small radio station. See the records at the house? I own all of that but Earnest keeps on sneaking modern stuff in my collection. His wife buys and sells stuff online now because of their kid but she used to be nurse. They want someone in the house and not hire a sitter. Our cousin Jeremy is still at college, well was now, he’s studying to be a veterinarian.” he said.

“Oh! We secured a radio station at my compound. I think you know more stuff about it than I do. I think I found the perfect job for you there. Earnest and Shayne could be added to our medical staff and Jeremy could help with what Derek, our vet there does. I could say that it’s almost a perfect fit.” I said.

“Well that’s good. Just want me to play a few songs? That would be easy. It’s all old tunes though but I could mix them up for the other people.” he said while smiling faintly.

“Well, I’d love a mix of everything and I would like you to say a few things as well. I could let you borrow some from my collection. It comes from the old and some from the new though I made sure not to save a few of them that is too much for me. It’s better to let some of them disappear forever.” I replied.

“Like what? The things you want me to say as well.” he asked.

“Let’s just talk about that later but it’s just a few instructions same as the broadcasts and a few things that could lift people’s morale up. I think we’re ready to go.” I said as Earnest approached us.

He saw the figure in front of us burning into cinders and he gives a solemn expression but he took a deep breath and his eyes showed focus.

“Are you guys done?” he asked.

“Yeah.” he replied.

I checked everything that they have brought and they are armed with handhelds. Earl is carrying a cricket bat while Earnest is holding an aluminum bat and Jeremy a crowbar.

We walked back and the two of the SUVs are now full and ready to head out so I opened the gate and met the others while the ones behind me followed with their vehicles. They closed the gate behind them and then I looked back.

“Follow behind us yeah?” I said as Earl and Earnest went to their own driver’s seat.

I handed them an extra radio for communication and I gave them my pistols, one for Earl and one for Earnest. They were surprised at first.

“I trust you know how to use them. That is a tool to protect yourself and not to harm others discriminately.” I reminded.

I looked at the back of our pickup and it’s filled with different boxes of canned goods and at the end a few boxes of candy bars and a bit of sodas and water bottles on one corner.

“They have a lot of supplies.” Jared said.

“Yeah. I’ll drive, move to the back.” I said.

Jared moved at the back while Kaley is on the seat next to me while the three are at the back.

“How about Roi, Darelle and Kris?” Kaley asked.

“We’ll head there now. Let’s check Kris’s place first since it’s closer than all of them.” I said.

We started to drive on the opposite direction while the two other vehicles followed from behind. I looked at my watch and it reads 12:10 PM. Kris’s house is near the expressway at the Bulacan area. His house is in a small street though we’re not sure that he’s there or not. The drive is only 15 minutes and we eventually reached it.

Our vehicle stopped and the ones behind us did the same.

We made a small perimeter as we killed a few in the immediate vicinity. Kaley and I continued to kill a few towards Kris’s house while the rest stood guard at our vehicles. It’s a two-story house painted blue and there are several flowers in a small garden though a few is trampled over. There are several blood splatters in their gate but none seem to have gone inside… yet.

I opened their gate while Kaley provided cover while I try to open his door when no one responded when I called out.

Easily enough, it opens and I reached for the switch. The light turned on and there was nobody in the 1st floor. I checked each one and there’s a lot of supplies still in here. Something is tearing in my stomach right now since the house is really quiet.

“Please don’t.” I thought to myself.

We slowly went up the stairs and I tried to check for movement and noise. I knocked he first door first and checked on the slits at the bottom for any shadows but there was none. I opened it and saw a gaming room where there are different consoles and a custom-made PC and other devices for streaming. A collection of action figures is also neatly placed in a corner. I closed that door immediately as we headed for the last door that I haven’t checked yet.

Kaley is already looking a bit sour but I tried to open the door. It was already unlocked but I still slowly opened it just to be sure.

I’m slowly turning the knob and there was light flickering from a TV screen. I was surprised and then when I opened the door fully, I saw a figure with a euphoric face with a huge-ass headphone milking the dragon with a Yaoi film.

The dialogue is extremely explicit from the captions and the scenes are hardcore to say the least. What’s funny is that he can’t seem to hear us and see us from his small distraction. Kaley stepped away in embarrassment but then I kicked the door hard to crash into the wall.



“OH SHIT!!! OH- AH! F.U.C.K!!! CLOSE THE F.U.C.K.I.N.G DOOR!!!” he shouted and I immediately did while hysterically laughing.



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