Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Chapter 146

Chapter 146: 146

I found old records in a small corner of the room and an old and a new gramophone sits on top on the small table next to the shelves that has all of the records placed neatly. Aside from a few CDs that has albums from the past years, a few modern ones are also in the mix in a corner.

“Old school eh? Is this the Carpenters? Nice. There’s also from Kenny Rogers, Eagles, and the Bee Gees.” I thought to myself.

I looked next to me and I saw Kaley wiping her tears and looking at me solemnly.

“Hey, something wrong?” I asked.

“If you were in their situation, can you still be able to say the same thing?” she asked.

“Yeah. Last thing a family member would want is to hurt another. If I could endanger all of you and I can’t do anything about how to resolve it like their grandmother, I’ll ask them to take care of it for me.” I said.

“What I mean is if you were in the brother’s shoes?” she explained.

“Well, I think you also know the answer to that. One of the hardest decisions to make is the one where most people doesn’t want to talk about but are what they want to say in the back of their minds. I think they have been mulling it over in their heads for a while now but they don’t just want to talk about it. It’s really hard.” I said.

“What do you think they will decide on then?” she asked.

“I’m not a psychic you know? We can’t possibly know what they would decide on. It’s always a decision on what you want and what you need. Besides, it’s their decision to make, not ours. We should’ve had this topic on the compound before it started. I-” I replied then she interrupted me.

“It’s not your fault alright? We shouldn’t be blaming ourselves for everything that is happening that we have no control of. You taught that to me. Please remember that.” she said.


“Hey bro, you guys okay there?”



“Yeah. They’re talking about something right now, might take a while. What’s your situation outside?”



“Good. Hey bro, can we make a stop to that 9-Eleven? It seems to still have a few items. I can’t believe there’s one here in this place since this is not a place I think you would place one, I wonder who thought of this.”



“Who else? Their owner, Shrub. I don’t know who does their job inside though. Drive the truck over there first. You know the drill when entering a place now but make sure it’s safe and I’ll let Kaley come with you guys so two could come inside while two guards outside.”



“Okay, we’ll wait for her then.”


“Why are you sending your wife to a scavenging run while you just sit here doing nothing?” she said sarcastically.

“Oh~ we just got married huh? Too fast don’t you think? No ceremony or anything?” I replied while smiling.

“You started it. I’ll go now, just radio in if you need me back here.” she replied.

“Sure.” I said.

She went out the door and I opened the fence for her and I closed it afterwards. I hear soft voices from the 3rd house and I surmise that they are still talking about what to do. I headed back to the house but what surprised me is that their grandmother is slowly descending the stairs. She took a glance at me and she smiled brightly.

“Oh~ Earnest, you’re home~ I’m so glad~ Did you bring the apple to your teacher?” she asked me.

“Mrs. Ortiz, I’m not-” I tried to remind her that I’m not who she thinks I am.

“Sit down here Earl, I made a cookies for you.” she said while she sat on one of the sofas.

“I see. She’s on that stage now huh…” I thought to myself.

I just sat down next to her and listened to everything that she says.

“Did you know, when your parents passed, I decided on myself that I would take of the both of you until you two can take of yourselves on your own~” she said to me as she rubs my back.

“This is gonna be hard for the two.” I thought to myself as I answer her politely with simple words.

Her hands are wrinkled and she’s very thin. Her breathing is a bit erratic but it goes back to normal at very random intervals. Despite that, she has this peaceful look at her face.

“Ernie, Ernie, hey Ernie, look! Look! Isn’t our grandson looking really ugly? Don’t tell our daughter but he looks like a pickled plum!” she spoke again. She kept on telling me random stories from her memories and I listened and nodded from time to time.

I let her lean next to me and then the door opened. They were taken aback when they saw her with me sleeping soundly and Earnest began to tear up again.

“I’ve been talking to her for a while now. Well, she’s been telling me all sorts of stories.” I said to them.

I was waiting for them to bring up on what they decided as a family and I just caressed Mrs. Ortiz’s hair while she’s still sleeping in my shoulder.

Earl walked up to me with a solemn expression and crouched down close to her grandmother.

“Sky, I think we’re ready… ready for her to… to rest easy.” he said.

I looked at Earnest and he seems to have agreed. He’s crying but his eyes look like that it has decided on something.

“Okay. Do you want me to do it or?” I asked.

“I’ll do it.” Earl replied.

“Are you sure?” I asked seriously.

“Yeah. We take care of our own, it’s only proper.” he replied.

“I see. Let’s head up and tell your wife and your cousin to start on packing. Grab the food, water, medicine, clothes and any other gear that could fit in your vehicles. It’s just us two then or do you want to come as well?” I said to Earnest.

“No, I’ll come. It’s only proper for me to be there as well.” Earnest replied.

Earl carried her grandmother up the stairs while she’s still sleeping and we went to the 2nd floor where her room is located. He laid her on the bed and Earnest is carrying a small bag and pulled a bottle and a syringe out. I looked at it and the bottle says ‘Morphine’ on the label.

“Well, we could do this at least with her feeling less pain.” Earnest said as he saw me look at him.

“I see no problem at all. I always have a bottle at my kit everytime we go out.” I replied.

She was still sleeping and then Earnest slowly injected a dose on her arm. She’s smiling peacefully after and Earl came up carrying a kitchen knife. A tear is slowly flowing through his cheeks and he slowly placed the blade to the side of his grandmother’s temple.


The blade went inside and the slow breathing of her grandmother came to a halt.

“I’m sorry gran, and thank you for everything.” he said.

He stood up and he hugged his brother tightly while they share a short moment. They wiped their tears off and Earl headed to the other house to pack his own stuff while I stayed with Earnest here to help him pack. He still looks sad but it’s understandable.

“No one can suddenly adjust like that.” I thought to myself.

He immediately went for the family albums while I went for the cabinets and other drawers to gather food items and other supplies that are essential. They have several bags ready and a few boxes are being brought out.


“Bro, we got a lot here. We mostly took the items that would take long to expire but I found a revolver bro! Another .38!”



“Heh, that’s good. You have one for yourself now. Give me back that M70 and Glock 19.”



“Whoa! Hold on now! I may have used my words wrong; I mean to say that I’ve found a revolver for you. It’s a .38 special and I would like you to have it. It’s a bit rusty though.”



“Oh. I see, I see. Good job, thanks! Just give that to Juan for now so I could have my Glock back, my head is slowly starting to itch.”



“Sure, haha.”


I smiled cheekily while I continue to pack their stuff. Shayne came after and she helped in packing their clothes and other stuff that their daughter needs. Their pantry is half-full but it definitely would take a month or more if they ration them properly. It’s an assortment of canned goods, dried pasta, beans and even freeze-dried meats. Don’t forget several sacks of rice in the corner.


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