Civil Servant Hunter’s S-class Resignation Log

Chapter 109:

Chapter 109:

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Huff, huff, huff

Seora collapsed onto the floor, panting heavily. Every inch of her body was soaked in sweat, yet she felt a sense of rejuvenation.

Thanks to her dedicated training in the associations training room over the past few days, she had achieved a small victory. With an exhilarating sensation, she tightly clenched her fist, unwilling to give up training in such an exciting state.

Are you prepared to enter the Labyrinth?

Hearing the commotion, Song Hanna entered the training room. She frowned at the partially demolished interior, constructed with robust materials.

Well, Im sorry for that. I intend to overpower the 8th floor with sheer force, Seora said, accepting the cold water offered by Song Hanna and struggling to catch her breath.

Because of Lee Gilsang?

On the day she encountered him, Seora rushed over to Song Hanna and explained in detail what had transpired.

So, Madam President, please dont worry and remain here. Youve put in so much effort. Now its my turn.

Im looking forward to it. Alright then. I may be getting older and tired, but sitting should be manageable.

Youre still making excuses. It couldnt be further from the truth. Even at the age of 50, Song Hanna still maintained the appearance of someone in their thirties. She was still in her prime.


What is it? Are you feeling nervous about entering the Labyrinth soon?

Oh, not at all. It doesnt seem particularly challenging.

Thanks to the detailed information she had received from Kang Sejun beforehand, Seora wasnt worried. With her own abilities and the administrators support, dealing with the dungeon should be relatively easy.


It wasnt just the dungeon raid that concerned her. What Kang Sejun had mentioned that day went beyond the Labyrinth.

They said you became an S-class thanks to your Entity, right?

The rating was determined by two main factors: the Awakened having strong abilities and receiving protection from an Entity. Of course, one needed to possess enough talent to withstand the divine protection, so innate ability was crucial. In Song Hannas case, her abilities and talents harmonized well with her Entity.

Oh, yes. Although they might not be an Earth god.

That despicable scum who claimed to be looking after Song Hanna. Seoras gaze turned slightly fierce.

So, if the contract is terminated, will your ranking drop as well?

Quite audacious to ask. Dont you know that mentioning such things in the presence of the Entity can provoke its anger? My Entity has a tendency to be ferocious.

Whether it was ferocious or not, Seora didnt care. If they wanted to get angry, let them. She had the administrator backing her. What could they do?

Administrator: (*`*)

Dont worry. My god has a similar temperament.

Oh, right. Even after hearing such words, my Entity doesnt react. This jerk isnt usually like this.

Seems like Auntie doesnt like that guy either.

Come to think of it, there was a time when that happened. When you returned alive from the Werewolfs Dungeon, I asked my Entity to inspect you. They assured me that you were completely safe, although they didnt explain it properly.

Seora, who was silently cursing in her mind, closed her mouth quietly. When did that even happen? Had Song Hanna noticed since then?

Are you truly receiving the favor of an extraordinary Entity?

If yours has the highest rank, then Id say mine is at the very, very top.

Administrator: ( ` )

In that case, I suppose I can speak without caution. My ranking wont drop. However, Ill become the lowest among the S-class.

Oh, really?

One of my most powerful attack techniques was bestowed by the Entity. Song Hanna waved her hand, and a brilliant golden pattern appeared at her fingertips. The water bottle that Seora was holding floated into the air through telekinesis. Perhaps one of the two titles will vanish, you know? The Masters title is challenging to obtain, but it easily disappears when the conditions are lost.

Song Hanna held two titles in total.

One of them was Master of Gravity, granting her the ability to manipulate gravity freely. This title elevated Song Hanna to the pinnacle of the country and was connected to her Entity.

Well, in that case, it wont do. If that were the situation, she would have to let go. Even if the damn Entity was dangerous, weakening Song Hanna would be meaningless. After all, she had many enemies.

Why the sudden discussion about my Entity?

Because I dont like them.

What is it that you dislike? Ive never discussed my Entity with my dear niece, so where did she hear something?

Well, um, I just I just dont like it! It feels like youre being taken away from me for no reason! Seora restrained the urge to scream, You were deceived by that jerk multiple times! and vented her frustrations. She didnt want to let Song Hanna know about that dreadful incident. Explaining it would inevitably involve revealing her own death and Yun Jaeheons suicide. She really didnt want that.

Is that so? Well then, if they really try to separate us, ask your god to defeat my Entity or something.

Huh? Seora raised her head in surprise at Song Hannas childish remark.

If your god is stronger than my Entity, they should be able to do it effortlessly, right? Just protect me.

Well, um, can that actually be done?

Administrator: ( )

He said its possible. He even clenched his fists, assuring that he would handle it properly.

Administrator: ( )

It felt as if the sound of a thwack! was playing automatically in Seoras ears. Was it because of her mood?

Oh, it seems possible. Wow, thats incredible. Thanks to that, she felt much more at ease. Anyway, Auntie, what I want to say is to be cautious with the Entity. Dont engage in anything dangerous and always keep us, me and my brother, in mind.

It doesnt sound like something the person who will enter the Labyrinth in a few days would say, does it?

Seora once again evaded Song Hannas sarcastic remark. Well, if you put it that way, I dont have much to say

Dont worry about me and just return safely. Dont get hurt. I would really like to go to Labyrinth Island with you, if I may.

You, as the president of the Korea Association, dont need to go to such a dangerous place.

Now that you and Jaeheon can take care of me, its probably time for me to pass on this damn position to someone else, right?

The most suitable candidate for that someone else was Do Junyeong. And he would lead them well, just as Song Hanna had done.

Well, even so, Auntie, you are the most qualified person to be the president of the Korea Association. Despite her inner thoughts, Seora humbly flattered her. Song Hanna chuckled.

And so, another day came to an end.

There were only four days left until they would enter the Labyrinth.


Labyrinth Island was situated in the center of the Pacific Ocean, close to Hawaii. The islands residents had all migrated to mainland United States as they had suffered the most damage when the outbreak initially occurred.

Since then, Hawaii had transformed into a base for investigating Labyrinth Island and providing support to dispatched raid parties.

This time, the raid party was scheduled to first go to Hawaii, where they would hold meetings for approximately two days before proceeding together to Labyrinth Island.

Wow, so you were Headbang?

From the moment they arrived in Hawaii, Seora became the center of attention within the raid party. The news that the F-class civil servant they had encountered in WDO was actually Headbang had already spread worldwide. Even the L-class Awakened were shocked.

It was definitely an F-class energy. How was that possible? To deceive our senses to such an extent? Not just one person, but everyone who was there? French Healer Monique Ribery circled around Seora in disbelief.

It was thanks to the protection of my god.

You must have found it quite amusing watching us fool around, right?

It wasnt my intention to deceive you. I was genuinely sorry at that time. Seora forced a smile and nervously cleared her throat. It was evident to everyone that she was genuinely embarrassed and apologetic. Only Kang Sejun and Seong Jarim, who were standing behind her, whispered about how her acting skills were improving day by day.

Relax a little. Lets witness the impressive abilities of Headbang, who supposedly fought the Phantom Overlord alone.

Um Please just call me Yun Seora. That alias is quite embarrassing for me.

Why? Headbang sounds intense and cool.

U.S. representative Garcia chimed in, I would love to see your actual abilities, but with such restrained energy, its hard to even guess. You wouldnt hold back in the Labyrinth, would you?

I understand why you might be skeptical. I will definitely dispel that doubt in the Labyrinth.

Great ambition. Ill be looking forward to it. Garcia lightly tapped her shoulder. By the way, theres someone named Chamomile or something who wants to meet you.

Who on earth is Chamomile? Is there someone with that name?

What was it again? Hey, who was that guy, Julian?

It must be Christopher Campbell. Is your brain just for show? Julian, who had been following Seong Jarim around like a chick, looked at Garcia with disdain. Seora had been somewhat unsure until now, but seeing Julians behavior toward Garcia, it seemed that Julian had a bad personality after all. Just get rid of that ghastly thing, alright? Its unbearable to look at.

To be fair, Garcia didnt have an unattractive face, but since Julian, who was renowned for his beauty, said so, it carried some weight. When everyone silently agreed, Garcia scratched his face.

Oh, really? How about we have a showdown before entering the Labyrinth? It could be fun. Ill warm up properly.

You wont be warming up that way; youll just end up getting defeated. How many times do I have to knock you down for you to realize your level? Its so frustrating.

Then lets do it again. This time, Ill definitely defeat you!

Excuse me. Were about to enter the Labyrinth soon, so why are you showing off and reducing your power? Seora poked her forehead.

Those two were unusually unruly and unpredictable. It turned out people werent just joking about the two being reckless. Seora had never expected them to behave like this, especially in such a critical situation.

Is it okay to just let them be?

When Seora asked, Oliver replied that it was okay because they were always like that. However, seeing Monique shaking her head and leaving her spot, it didnt seem okay at all

I dont want to get caught up in their antics.

There was no point in staying there and allowing sparks to fly. Seora decided to go find Christopher, who had transformed into Chamomile. She wanted to express her gratitude for keeping her secret until she revealed her true identity.


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