Civil Servant Hunter’s S-class Resignation Log

Chapter 108:

Chapter 108:

If you wish to see Seora's adventure 'till the end, please refrain from posting our links to social medias. We understand your excitement to share, but do so in private chats or messages, as publicly promoting our site will cause more harm than good. Thank you for your understanding, and have fun reading!

Administrator: ()

Please remain calm. Killing is strictly prohibited. It is against the law.

Administrator: ()=

I need to finish this quickly and send him back before Elizabeth shoots and kills him.

As you are aware, I have been occupied with various matters lately, leaving me with limited capacity to focus on other issues.

Then you should have prioritized meeting with me even more.

I apologize, but I dont comprehend your meaning.

How much longer will you continue to struggle and survive by delving into dungeons and engaging in battles? With my assistance, you will be able to live a comfortable life without the need for such endeavors.

Ah, so this was what a member of the National Assembly, particularly an opposition member with a strained relationship with the association, desired from her.

An L-class individual capable of governing the world ends up as a low-ranking public servant? Its unbelievable. I fail to comprehend why Song Hanna, the president of the association, keeps you in that position.

You deserve a higher position. Individuals with immense potential should be placed in roles that suit them best. For instance, the position of the associations president appears to be a perfect fit for you.

It would truly be an astounding personnel decision. Going from a low-ranking employee in the Dungeon Management Team to the president of the association in one swift move.

Just observe Song Hanna. Even when dungeons emerge in Seoul, she doesnt budge because she is the president of the association. Arent you envious? A position where you can attain prestige and wealth without having to exert much effort! And if you become the associations president at the level of the WDOs director, you wont even have to venture into perilous dungeons like the Labyrinth!

It was a valid point. The leader of an organization should not make a move unless its a worst-case scenario. Unless the risk is as high as the Break of the Labyrinth, they should maintain their position.

Quite persuasive, isnt it?

But it was still a meaningless bark. It didnt change anything.

Oh, wait, I made a mistake. I cant compare him to a dog. To all the puppies in the world, I apologize for comparing you guys to this guy.

Without knowing what Seora was thinking, Lee Gilsang eagerly continued, If you join forces with me, you can achieve all that. Our party will support you.

Lee Gilsangs party was one of the major political parties in South Korea. It used to be thriving, but now it was considered outdated. Comprised solely of non-Awakened individuals, they feared losing their positions to Awakened individuals. One of the reasons they disliked the association was the fear that Song Hanna, who had a firm grip on the Awakened individuals in the country, might enter the political arena.

The associations support was steadily increasing, and recently, with the addition of three L-class individuals, it had surpassed all expectations. From the perspective of the opposition party, which opposed the association, this would be a dire situation.

The reasons theyre trying to pull me in are so obvious that its laughable.

If the person under Song Hanna joined hands with the opposition party, their influence would grow stronger, and Song Hannas power would diminish. It would also dilute the image of being anti-Awakenedism, resulting in a win-win situation.

Furthermore, if they could establish the head figure as the president of the association and manipulate them like a puppet, they would have complete dominance. It was a method that any politician would seriously consider.

It seems you find it difficult to make an immediate decision. Since youll have to go to the Labyrinth soon, take your time to think and give me your answer afterward.

Although he wore a friendly smile, his true intentions were evident. Once they joined forces, he would control her influence as he pleased.

No, I cannot keep the honorable member waiting. I will give you my answer right now.

Hahaha! You truly live up to your name, Headbang, with your fiery personality. Well then, lets continue the conversation in my office. Oh, or how about having dinner together? Is there any particular food you like?

No, the discussion ends here. I decline your proposal, honorable member.

What did you say?

I am not suited to become the president of the association. I know myself best. Even if I have become an L-class, I will continue serving as a civil servant of the association.

You seem young and still not fully understanding. Being a civil servant of the association is not such a prestigious position.

It wasnt entirely incorrect.

Why was Do Junyeong the only strong member of the association when Song Hanna held such strong influence? Civil servants rarely ventured into the dungeons, so their means of earning money were limited.

No matter how much they respected Song Hanna, ultimately, money was needed to support oneself, and most Awakened individuals turned to guilds. Being a civil servant of the association was not truly a remarkable position.

But, so what?

Wouldnt it be better than working with the person who initiated the bill to discriminate against Awakened?

The Awakened Abilities Restriction Act, commonly known as the Awakened Discrimination Act, focused primarily on the government exerting strict control over the actions of Awakened individuals.

The proposed legislation included the implementation of electronic wristbands that restrict the use of powers, mandatory residence in government-designated areas, the need for explicit permission for overseas travel, and even a complete ban on entering Korea on the day of naturalization, among other measures.

In simple terms, its objective was to turn Awakened individuals into convenient slaves rather than recognizing them as unique individuals.

Although the formal proposal had yet to be presented due to opposition from other parties and various organizations, everyone was aware that it was consistently being advocated by the opposition party.

To work under someone who sought to institutionalize such a law? It was a preposterous idea.

Honorable Member Lee Gilsang, among the Awakened, there is not a single person who does not know your name. I am no exception.

Restricting the abilities of Awakened individuals is only natural! Dont you realize that crimes committed by Awakened individuals are steadily increasing?

That may be true on a global scale, but in Korea, the opposite is happening. Especially after the enactment of the Awakened Punishment Act.

The legislation concerning discrimination against the Awakened, proposed by a few members of the opposition party, including Lee Gilsang, was distinct from the punishment act issued by President Jang Inhu.

While the punishment act was a law that applied to both Awakened and non-Awakened individuals, the discrimination law was precisely what it sounded likeit discriminated against the Awakened.

No, it was simply a law that enslaved the Awakened.

I will not be working with you, sir. My stance will not change. Well then, I shall return to the association. Goodbye.

Do you believe that the association can continue to exist? Sooner or later, Song Hanna will be brought down.

Well, so far, there are no signs of that happening. The association belongs to the Awakened, you see. Goodbye.

What did he just say? How long the association would last? Song Hanna brought down? Seora gritted her teeth in frustration.

Now, more than ever, for the sake of Song Hanna, she would not leave the association. She would stay loyal and devoted to the cause. Just the presence of one L-class individual was enough to maintain the associations reputation, so she would remain in this position for the rest of her life.

Resignation? Ha! Family came first. Was some insignificant resignation more important? This time, she would be the one supporting and protecting her aunt, who had fought tirelessly for 12 years to protect her. She wouldnt let those opposition bastards get away with it.

It would be wise to think carefully. After all, the number of Awakened is smaller than that of non-Awakened individuals. Ultimately, it is the non-Awakened who can sway public opinion.

If I successfully conquer this Labyrinth, support for the association will increase, wont it? Im excited about it. I believe in myself. Goodbye.

The biggest drawback of dungeons is that youre completely unaware of whats happening outside while youre inside. Seoras steps toward the parked car suddenly halted. Lee Gilsang seemed to think his cheap threat had hit home as he smirked. Especially since it takes several days to conquer the Labyrinth, right? It must be quite worrisome not being able to receive any news of accidents happening outside.

Seora felt her nerves tighten at his cheap threat. He probably assumed that, as a member of the National Assembly, a politician, she wouldnt cross the line and would try to resolve things peacefully through words.

Why should I tolerate it? Why? Im Yun Seora, and even if I dont agree, Im still Headbang. Why should I tolerate it?

She was no longer an F-class. She had become an influential L-class, so why should she?

He viewed her as a mere pawn, someone he could easily manipulate. Why should she tolerate such treatment?

Seora slowly turned to face Lee Gilsang. To her disbelief, he still wore a smile on his face.

So, youre willing to meddle with my loved ones, my family? Ah, youre a member of the Assembly. It must be convenient for you to dig into peoples backgrounds.

And yet, you have the audacity to speak so arrogantly. What did you just say?

But let me tell you this, your actions wont yield any results. If you knew the truth, you wouldnt have uttered those words. With your power alone, you cant touch Athena.

What are you talking about?

Go ahead, give it a try. Itll be quite fascinating. If Captain Russo wreaks havoc in Korea and the approval ratings of the opposition plummet, itll be a spectacle to behold.

What? What are you talking about!? Athena!?

Now, Yun Jaeheon is the only blood relative I have left.

Lee Gilsangs eyes widened in disbelief. Yun Jaeheon, Yun Jaeheon? Seora took a step closer, causing him to flinch and take a step back.

It was because of you that our parents were driven to their deaths, and now Yun Jaeheon is all I have left.

Yu Junseo, the president twelve years ago, had sent domestic Awakened individuals to Cheorwon without proper preparation, resulting in their deaths.

Lee Gilsangs party was the one Yu Junseo had been associated with then. Despite the name changes over the years, Seora never forgot that fact for a single moment.

My personal information must be well protected, so you couldnt have thoroughly investigated my family ties. Did you simply assume I was just an L-class Awakened? As Seora laughed, Lee Gilsangs face rapidly changed from red to pale, displaying his shock and realization. I was protected because of people like you. It wouldnt have ended well if the truth came out. Seora firmly gripped Lee Gilsangs shoulder, and despite not applying any force, his face turned pale. The bodyguards stood frozen, overwhelmed by Seoras powerful aura. You seem to have the illusion that I played the role of a dutiful civil servant, but dont think for a moment that I will show you any kindness. Dont cross the line and watch your back. Do you think you can sway public opinion? Go ahead. When I return from the Labyrinth, you will all be nothing but fodder.

Seora adjusted the lapel of Lee Gilsangs suit, which displayed the badge of a National Assembly member, and flashed a bright smile. Our conversation ends here. Goodbye.

Leaving him behind with the support of his bodyguards, Seora stepped into her car. The engine roared aggressively as she accelerated.

Seora, are you alright?

The administrators voice covered her shoulders rather than her ears. The warmth of the touch slightly eased the tension in her stiff shoulders.

Im not alright. Those who went to prison were merely symbolic figures, and Lee Gilsang is far from innocent.

Lee Gilsang was a privately elected member of the National Assembly, and he had been part of the same party during the Cheorwon Dungeon incident twelve years ago.

What? He wants to meddle with the association? That damn bastard. Lets see if he can handle it on his own. I wont resign from my position! Ill remain a civil servant! Ill bury my bones within the association!

And she would definitely conquer the Labyrinth. Even if she had to extract every bit of information from Kang Sejun, she would master the eighth floor flawlessly.

By doing so, she would elevate her own name, the association she belonged to, and even Song Hanna, who stood above them all, to the highest point in the sky.

And then, she would bring down those despicable bastards, one by one.

As Seora marched toward the association, her determination grew stronger with each step.


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