Children of a Lesser God

Chapter 22: Sick and Twisted

Chapter 22: Sick and Twisted

Laz wasn't paying attention since he was distracted by the eye candy going on in the room. Now that it had gotten to this point, he realized he didn't know what was going on in the apartment. Since it was now fairly quiet, he couldn't get a sense of what the situation was like.

He also didn't know how to interrupt these two, but figured he might as well try. Thickening his skin, he figured he might as well act like what they were doing wasn't important to him.

"Hey, if you two are done, Joey just left."

"Ohhh... god... baby..." Desi moaned, her body getting more and more excited. She seemed even more turned on hearing Laz's voice. Tony on the other hand was reminded of this small pain sitting by the door.

"Fine." Tony lifted Desi as though she were made of feathers and set her down on the couch next to himself, pulling a blanket over and covering her up.

"Sorry baby, time to work. Get yourself dressed. We can finish this later," Tony commented, standing up.

Desi had a look on her face of being wronged but slumped back as though she had no desire to get dressed or even button up her shirt. Instead, she spread herself over the comfy, plush couch and just turned her attention back to the TV, totally unconcerned with the two males in the room. Her heart didn't stop pounding and she was quite startled inside. She had no idea how she was so fired up.

She has had sex with Tony dozens of times, but this time she felt far more wild then she ever did before. She enjoyed this feeling of primal ust and she had an inkling that it didn't stem from Tony in the slightest. She could only think the reason had to do with something else and she felt puzzled about that.

'He was just a kid...' she tried to convince herself.

Tony had no idea what was happening in Desi's head as he walked to the door, unlocked it, put on his shoes and beckoned Laz to follow him.

"You brought the keys right?" Tony wasn't really asking a question.

"Your guys aren't here yet though, are they?"

"No. But this is a good time to find out if your messing with me or not. If you arn't, then we will take care of this. If you are just saying this shit because you owe him money or some shit, I can promise you will regret this. Tony doesn't like being lied to."

Laz finally figure out what was happening. There was no reason for them to go into Joey's place since Tony's 'friends' weren't here yet, but Tony still had him keep watch in case Joey left. His reason was because he didn't trust Laz and he wanted to make sure that he wasn't being lied to.

To get played by a virgin kid wasn't something he could stand. He didn't think the kid was brave enough, but he wasn't going to be drawn into someone else's problem either.

"Wait, one sec." Tony turned around and walked over to a chest near the door. Opening it, Tony began to search through it, finally pulling out two sets of gloves and two ski masks.

"Haven't used this shit in a while," Tony muttered, handing a pair of gloves and a mask to Laz.

Sliding his own, Laz could see that the mask Tony wore had the design of a clown on the front of it. Looking at his own, Laz's had a white skull. Laz didn't know if it was possible to feel more like a bad guy than at this exact moment.

Sliding on the hood and the gloves, Laz followed Tony out the door. Walking down the cement walkway, they went down the stairs and kept going until the reached Joey's apartment.

"Open it," Tony ordered, while looking around.

Laz pulled the ring of keys out of his pocket and started fumbling around. There weren't a lot of keys since all the doors only had a deadbolt, the only exception being Tony who had installed an electronic keypad on his..

Finding the key marked for Joey's place, he inserted it into the deadbolt and turned, unlocking the door.

Tony was somewhat surprised, he almost expected that Joey would have changed his own lock despite the fact that he wasn't actually allowed to. It seems like he never considered the old man to come knocking when he wasn't home.

Opening the door, The first thing that assaulted Laz and Tony was the smell. If you could imagine what would happen if a team of football players all died in an enclosed area shortly after playing a match, that would almost start to explain the smell.

Laz wanted to throw up and Tony wasn't much better.

'Just how dirty can you let a place get?' They thought.

Making their way back through the garbage, Laz glanced over and noticed some wires running from Joey's computer to the bedroom. Since the area around the computer was the clearest, the wires running along the floor were very obvious.

Tony noticed them too, but he didn't say anything and just lead kept moving.

Coming to the bead curtain that separated the two rooms, Tony moved it aside and walked in first. Laz hesitated for a moment before following him, bracing himself.

He was glad he did.

The room was pretty clear overall, minus the large bed in the middle. On the wall opposite of the window, dozens of curious things were hanging on pegs and hooks. Although Laz didn't recognize a good portion of them, he could tell that some were paddles and whips, straps and even what looked to be a bamboo stick. Quite a few were also laying on the floor with visible bloodstains on them. It seems like the ones on the floor had been used recently. Tony was standing in front of the bed and walked over to a small table near the headboard, looking at the small bags sitting there.

As Laz walked over and looked, he noticed the woman who was laying there seemed to be sleeping. The foot and arm straps that ran from the bottom of the bed to the top were sitting off to the side, her hands and feet were bound together, but the only thing holding her to the bed was a chain that had locked her in place with a leather collar.

Her face was bruised and bloody almost beyond recognition. Many different bruises and cuts ran the full length of her almost naked body, some looked like they were arranged in a pattern. The marks around her wrists and ankles showed that she was tightly bound most of the time and had fought against it, but to no avail. Her full breasts showed various signs of bite marks, cuts, bruising and even blackened spots.

The scene was absolutely horrible. Laz could only feel somewhat reassured by the fact that it appeared like she still had underwear on, otherwise it would be hard to even associate her with a young woman. This was his thought at least until he looked closer, realizing that the underwear looked strange.

Tony glanced back for a moment after looking around and noticed Laz's gaze.

"It's an adut diaper."

"A what??" Laz was slightly confused. Why would she need to wear a diaper?

"His goal is more than just pain or sex. He wasn't just raping her, he was breaking her. He wasn't even going to let her feel like a human. That's some fucked up shit for sure."

Laz's mind went blank. He could imagine a lot of things, but not this. This didn't even enter into his thoughts as a possible thing, much less actually witnessing it. Laz almost couldn't process it.

"Hey, Skull, come here for a moment," Tony called, waving Laz over while pointing at his mask.

Laz walked over and shook his head, clearing his thoughts. A few days ago, this would have seemed like a nightmare, now it just seemed sick and twisted.

"What's up Clown?" Taking the signal from Tony, he knew not to use a name.

"Looks like we got a crowd. Want to say hi?" Tony laughed a bit while looking at the camera set up. He had figured out pretty quickly that Joey had been broadcasting this and there were people watching the whole time.

He had seen these kinds of things before, this one could even be considered somewhat tame.

As Laz got close to the camera, he started to get more and more pissed. He wasn't that pissed off about the girl he didn't even know, but he couldn't help feeling pissed off at these couch perverts who would get off on other people's suffering.

He felt like they were nothing more than cowards.

Lowering his voice, he directly got his face in front of the camera, thankful he had the ski mask on. He didn't know it, but his bright blue eyes inside the white skull mask made for an unforgettable scene.

"You fucking cowards have a good time, eh? Your hands spent the last few days on your tiny dicks since none of you would ever have company? Good for you. You little pricks are getting off easy. But for the shit head who did this? Next time you see his face will be in an obituary. Say your prayers for him to whatever fucked up god you pray to, cause I'm going to make sure he doesn't leave here alive."

For those watching, many could not help but shiver. They weren't scared by the words of this young man, they were scared because as they were watching, his eyes went from a deep, clear blue to a powerful, brilliant red.

The last thought they had after Laz backed away and Tony aimed the gun at the camera was: 'Was this the look of a demon?'

A bright flash and muffled bang would be their only answer.


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