Children of a Lesser God

Chapter 21: News That Matters

Chapter 21: News That Matters

Desi and Tony sat there like nothing was happening while Laz was silently staring out the window. He kept his focus going on at Joey's place as well, looking for some sign of movement, but there was still little noise.

"Oh, baby, leave it here," Desi said while looking more focused.

"You like this shit?"

"What shit? This is the news. You got to keep up with what's happening you know. The world is changing every day baby. You got to be on top of it."

"What changing? It's just a big fucking tree!"

"Yeah and you know how that's impossible right?"


"You've got to expand your mind baby. You can't always rely on just having a big dick and money," Desi purred while moving her finger along Tony's face.

"I thought that's why you were with me though?" Tony replied, turning his head to look over.

"Well, that's just first impressions. You need to be deeper than that."

"Oh, deeper huh? Yeah, I can do that. Rougher too?" A smile formed on Tony's face as he stared at the enchanting vixen next to him.

"You know what I mean."

Desi shook her head. She knew it was hopeless with this guy. Theirs was a relationship of business first, everything else second. Even though it was what she wanted, she knew she wouldn't be happy for long. What you wanted wasn't always what you needed.

"Special reports are coming back that all attempts to investigate this strange phenomenon have failed. Boats that get close to the base seem to be pushed back by waves that almost seem to form from the tree itself while strange wind gusts coming from the tree are keeping aerial attempts from succeeding as well. Teams have also gone in via parachuting, but all contact with those teams have ceased shortly after they leave the outer visible area. Remote investigation has shown little as well. Reports estimate that the size of the tree is comparable in size to New York City which can indicate

A possible living environment. Without successful investigation, all theories remain as only theories."

"In news around the world, small cults have started forming, claiming the tree to be the return of the mythological World Tree, known as Yggdrasil in Norse Mythology. These cults are claiming the appearance of the tree indicates the coming of Ragnarok, or the final war of the gods. The cults themselves seem to be formed as support for various gods, claiming that they will be victorious and their followers shall inherit the Earth. No further information can be given on the air about these cults, but most have started their own Facebook pages which contain information about joining and meeting information."

"In news back here at home, there have been a few somewhat strange occurrences happening around the country. A man in Kentucky was reported to have turned green, literally. His skin has changed pigment color. Along with this he seemed to have grown a bit more muscular and turned somewhat violent. Although people are comparing this to a popular superhero, the incident was anything but heroic as he started attacking other randomly. He was finally taken down by police armed with tranquilizers and was taken into custody. Another report came in from Denver where a man seems to have become smoke. That's right, his body seemed to disappear and became a singular mass of smoke. It's reported that he can still communicate as though he has vocal cords, but there is no way to even check his condition. CDC has stepped in to take the man into quarantine until they can determine what his situation is. Other unconfirmed incidences have been reported around the world and our government asks that anyone who comes into contact with these events to please report it to your local authorities as soon as possible. Although there are no links between these occurrences and the appearance of the large tree, many are making the connection on their own and want to know what the government plans to do about it."

"The government has offered no explanation as of yet, but inside sources tell us that the US has been communicating with allies around the world including a UN board to determine if possible military action might be advisable if it can be determined that the giant tree is the cause of these unprecedented mutations. That' all from now from Florida, this is..."

"See? It's some crazy shit happening out in the world."

"You know, I can think of 10 different things that would change a guy green and make him angry and none of them are related to a shrub," Tony responded, somewhat sarcastically.

'Baby, you are no fun sometimes," Desi said, rolling her eyes..

"Really? Cause you had no complaints an hour ago when you were praying to god all over the bedroom."

"That's that and this is this."

Laz had been listening to the entire report and now his mind was a mess. People changing color? A guy turning into a puff of smoke? What the hell did that mean?

He knew he and Bill had some kinds of weird things happening to them, but they were still mostly normal. Did this mean that other things might happen to them as well? Was Grandpa Bill going to turn into a giant worm?

Laz shook his head while brushing these thoughts aside. He knew that there was no way to tell what would happen, but that so far not much had happened. Assuming these changes started happening at the same time and that they were both still mostly normal, he didn't think that much more would change. It was his minds way of staying rational, even if it was only wishful thinking.

Laz also couldn't deny that now there must of been things happening with others. How many people had changed like him? How many had become giant green monsters? He didn't know, but he knew it probably wouldn't be something going away any time soon.

His mind couldn't help but think back to the news report. There was space in the tree comparable to a city? So did that mean that the psycho princess came from the tree? Or were they just a random group that had changed earlier than everyone else? Although the latter made more sense, for some reason his mind was telling him it was probably the former.

Did this mean they were real aliens?

He had believed that the tattoo on his chest was what caused the changes in his body, but that now seemed like it wasn't the cause, something he began to suspect when he found out about Bill.

What exactly did Bill mean about changes to come? Had he seen more than what he told Laz? Just because someone doesn't lie to you, doesn't mean they are telling the whole truth either. Laz knew he would have to find out more, especially because he knew he was changing.

Laz also wasn't stupid enough to tell anyone about this. He had seen the movies. When things like this happen, the special people disappear into government labs, never to be heard from again. Even if the family complained, who would they talk to?

Governments all over the world know how to keep their people quiet. The ignorant citizen is much easier to control after all.

Laz now started to share his Grandpa Bill's fear about this thing. Things were going to get bad and soon.

Waking up from his thoughts, he turned over to look at Tony and Desi and realized that they had been getting pretty hot and heavy while he had been distracted. Apparently having a teen in the room didn't discourage them in the slightest. Desi had moved on top of Tony and was straddling him, her top unbuttoned while her back was to Laz. Although he couldn't see clearly due to how they were positioned, he could tell that Tony was sucking her massive mounds like a newborn while she tilted her head back and moaned. He briefly wondered if they were actually going to get fully undressed and just go at it with him right there, not 10 feet away.

Despite her obvious enjoyment, she still turned her head and with a sly smile on her face, winked at Laz. She had known that he would be watching and couldn't help but tease him. She even felt like him watching was turning her on more and felt her blood boiling in response. Desi was surprised that she was getting this wet just from the look of a kid. It's not like she hadn't done it in front of others before, but for some reason, she couldn't help but be excited by those blue eyes. It was almost like a primal instinct.

Laz couldn't help but get aroused, but he quickly remembered Tony's warning so he turned his head back to look out the window. It only took him a minute to notice that Joey was climbing into his van and starting it up, he pulled out of the parking lot.



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