Can a Scholar Be Called a Villain

Chapter 119: Purple wolf strikes at last

Chapter 119: Purple wolf strikes at last

As the battle between Lu Feng Xian and the Tiger-faced Verdant Dragon Python raged on, impatience began to gnaw away at Lu Feng Xian. He was too far from the camp, and while he was embroiled in the fight, he had no knowledge of the situation unfolding there.

Conversely, the Tiger-faced Verdant Dragon Python’s initial fury gradually gave way to confusion.

Lu Feng Xian swung his weapon down, unleashing his ultimate move, “War God’s Halberd!” The formidable strike descended upon the python.

The Tiger-faced Verdant Dragon Python’s expression shifted slightly as he reacted swiftly. He tilted his head to the left, contorting his body in midair to bring his tail into play against the impending attack.

“The Verdant Dragon’s Scaly Armor!” he exclaimed.

With a loud clash, the tip of Lu Feng Xian’s Sky Piercer Halberd collided with the tip of the python’s tail. However, what followed was the disconcerting sound of scales shattering as the python’s tail exploded in response to the forceful impact.

Taking advantage of the situation, Lu Feng Xian swiftly withdrew his Sky Piercer Halberd and blurred his silhouette. Seizing the moment when the python writhed in pain, he retreated into the surrounding forest.

As Lu Feng Xian dashed toward the camp, he remained unaware that no one was left alive there. Instead, he would soon come upon a gruesome scene of corpses, flesh, and blood strewn across the ground.

As he neared the forest’s edge, his gaze fell upon a figure hurtling toward him from within the woods.

His expression shifted dramatically as he recognized the silhouette concealed within the forest.

It was purple wolf!

The same purple wolf who had fallen unconscious earlier.

Even the Tiger-faced Verdant Dragon Python, who had been pursuing Lu Feng Xian, was bewildered by this turn of events.

After all, purple wolf had been relentlessly pursued by Lu Feng Xian all the way to the lakeside, where he had collapsed in a pitiful state. Yet now, purple wolf had managed to hide in the darkness and launch a potentially fatal attack on the fleeing Lu Feng Xian.

However, Lu Feng Xian’s frantic escape did not mean he would easily fall for purple wolf’s tactics.

Lu Feng Xian, initially confident in his defences as a first-layer Cognizance realm cultivator, had underestimated the gravity of the situation. As his body came into contact with the light beam emitted from purple wolf’s forehead, a sudden shift in his expression indicated something was amiss.

A potent surge of energy invaded his body, wreaking havoc within. He winced in pain and turned his gaze toward purple wolf’s vertical eye. In that moment, he comprehended the dire situation.

Purple wolf was self-destructing his own vertical eye.

“You!” Lu Feng Xian attempted to speak, but he knew it was futile. By choosing to self-destruct even his own innate talent, the vertical eye, it became evident just how determined purple wolf was to eliminate him.

This self-destructive attack inflicted significant damage upon Lu Feng Xian.

The Tiger-faced Verdant Dragon Python watched purple wolf with a mixture of sadness and bewilderment. He couldn’t fathom why purple wolf had chosen to self-destruct his own vertical eye in order to obstruct Lu Feng Xian.

After all, purple wolf’s strength was intricately tied to his vertical eye, making his choice to destroy it all the more perplexing.

It was akin to the Tiger-faced Verdant Dragon Python choosing to self-destruct the invaluable Verdant Dragon bloodline within his own body—a decision that would ultimately sabotage his future. Moreover, any miscalculation in the self-destructive process could result in purple wolf’s own demise.

Despite his confusion over purple wolf’s actions, the Tiger-faced Verdant Dragon Python didn’t hesitate to continue attacking.

Exploiting the moment when purple wolf’s self-destructive lights bound Lu Feng Xian, the python soared forward and launched a powerful technique at Lu Feng Xian’s back.

Finally, through the combined efforts of the Tiger-faced Verdant Dragon Python and purple wolf, they managed to defeat Lu Feng Xian, slicing his body in half.

In an instant, Lu Feng Xian’s body exploded from bearing the full brunt of their two attacks, his blood spraying like a geyser. However, as a Cognizance realm cultivator, Lu Feng Xian naturally manifested his own primordial spirit.

As his lifeless body fell to the ground, his expression shifted from indignation and fear to utter lifelessness, as if his soul had departed his corporeal form.

The disappearance of Lu Feng Xian’s primordial spirit left purple wolf and the Tiger-faced Verdant Dragon Python with anxious expressions. They shared concerns that Lu Feng Xian might escape and, once he cultivated further, return for revenge.

The python couldn’t afford to be preoccupied with purple wolf’s unusual behaviour any longer. He immediately extended his divine senses to search for Lu Feng Xian’s primordial spirit.

Meanwhile, despite his ashen complexion and the bloody hole where his vertical eye used to be, purple wolf pushed himself to stand and join the hunt for Lu Feng Xian’s primordial spirit.

Lu Feng Xian’s primordial spirit, formless and resembling a miniature version of himself clad in armour and wielding the Sky Piercer Halberd, was bathed in a golden glow. It swiftly darted away, carrying with it his expression of agony and fear he had at the moment of his death.

Aware of the need for a hasty escape, Lu Feng Xian’s primordial spirit dashed outward, fearing that failure to flee quickly might result in his true demise if captured and killed.

He dared not even allow himself a moment of relaxation.

His silhouette streaked through the terrain with astonishing swiftness.

Yet, in an abrupt twist of fate, a mysterious human figure materialized right before him, as though it had been lying in ambush.

The people of Chu had undoubtedly received explicit orders forbidding entry into the Demonic Beast Forest. Consequently, he was acutely aware that the individual standing before him had ventured into the forest with malicious intent.

What plunged him into profound despair, however, was the realization that they had been lying in wait for his arrival.

A flicker of uncertainty crossed Lu Feng Xian’s primordial spirit as he attempted to manoeuvre past the young man obstructing his path. However, it was too late.

The instant he entered Murong Lin’s line of vision, he had already fallen within the reach of Murong Lin’s impending assault.

Murong Lin regarded Lu Feng Xian’s primordial spirit with a curious gleam in his eye, and he unleashed his 《Heaven and Earth Blade Art》.

“Dark Sky Style!”

Though Lu Feng Xian desperately raced onward, an inky shroud suddenly descended, cloaking his senses entirely. He could no longer discern sight, sound, or even sensations.

What was this place?

In that moment, he recalled the figure brandishing a blade by the roadside.

Did he attack?

Before Lu Feng Xian could even formulate a thought, let alone utter a curse, his life was snuffed out.

His primordial spirit was ensnared by the blade light conjured by Murong Lin, and its very life essence was drained away. Though it appeared as if his spirit had been rendered bewildered, in truth, his soul had been obliterated.

Lu Feng Xian had met his demise.

The final, decisive strike had been executed by Murong Lin.

This marked the first time Murong Lin had taken the life of a Cognizance realm expert, even if he had only dealt the finishing blow.

Now, he stood witness as Lu Feng Xian’s shattering primordial spirit fragmented into shimmering fragments that dissolved into the ether, vanishing from this world.

In the depths of the sombre forest, the dissolution of his primordial spirit resembled the flickering glow of scattering fireflies, casting an aura of mystique over the serene surroundings.

Murong Lin sheathed his blade, turning towards the depths of the Demonic Beast Forest with a smirk gracing his lips. Not too far from his current location lay the lake of the formidable Tiger-faced Verdant Dragon Python.

He now had one crucial task to accomplish.

Murong Lin directed his puppet, purple wolf, to continue its ruse.

At the lakeside, the Tiger-faced Verdant Dragon Python, who had been circling the area with an anxious expression, noticed purple wolf coughing up fresh blood once more. Unable to contain his concern, he couldn’t help but inquire, “Are you alright? I still have some spiritual medicine in my residence. Should I attend to your wounds first?”

Purple wolf waved a dismissive hand, declining the offer, and took a deep breath. Then, with a voice that fluctuated in volume, making it challenging for anyone to discern his words, he replied, “I have… it’s right here…”

The Tiger-faced Verdant Dragon Python leaned closer, inching towards the wolf as he asked, “Where did you place it? Should I…”

Before he could complete his sentence, a sense of impending danger washed over him, and he realized something was amiss with purple wolf.

Slowly, the wolf’s jaws parted, closing viciously around the Tiger-faced Verdant Dragon Python’s throat.

“Ahh! You!?”

Translator’s note

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