Can a Scholar Be Called a Villain

Chapter 118: Great battle at the lakeside

Chapter 118: Great battle at the lakeside

Sun Bo Fu’s gaze burned with fury as he glared at the young man before him, his voice thundering with anger, “Who in the world are you?”

Murong Lin descended gracefully from the sky, his figure flashing as he appeared behind Sun Bo Fu. Without uttering another word, he swiftly drove his blade into Sun Bo Fu’s back.

“You needn’t concern yourself with who I am. What matters is who I’m after, and that happens to be your master.”

A look of agony twisted Sun Bo Fu’s features as Murong Lin’s blade began to erode his soul. In mere moments, his complexion turned ashen, and he descended toward the ground powerlessly.

Even as his body fell, his gaze remained locked on Murong Lin, as though he wished to etch the image of Murong Lin’s appearance into his heart and curse him forever.

Meanwhile, tens of thousands of humans engaged in a brutal struggle against the demonic beasts on the battlefield.

To the humans, this was a battle where death loomed as the only outcome following defeat. Conversely, to the demonic beasts, humans were perceived as invaders, devils who had encroached upon their homes and ruthlessly slaughtered their comrades.

Amidst the chaos of battle, some soldiers caught sight of the tumultuous events unfolding around Murong Lin, their gazes filled with confusion and disbelief as they witnessed Murong Lin stowing away the lifeless bodies of their two generals.

“What…what is happening? Is this some kind of dream?”

“It can’t be! It’s absolutely impossible! This can’t be real!”

“Dead? Are they all dead? Where is General Lu? Save me!”

The soldiers exhibited expressions of bewilderment and horror. The reinforcements consisting of the hundred thousand Steel Calvaries had barely engaged in combat before they lost the lives of their two generals to this ambush.

Having already suffered significant losses earlier in the day, they had pinned their hopes on the two generals who had hastily arrived to aid them. Now, these leaders had met a dismal end at the hands of a young man, nearly instantaneously.

Panic and chaos gripped many of the soldiers, prompting them to flee in fear. One commander attempted to rally his troops, shouting, “Listen to me, everyone! Don’t scatter! We must stick together and retreat as a unit!” However, in the very next second, a demonic beast tore his head into pieces.

Terrified and desperate, some soldiers attempted to fend off the encroaching demonic beasts, while others simply ran for their lives towards the outer parts of the Demonic Beast Forest.

The demonic beasts, sensing the humans’ panic and disarray, gave chase to those attempting to escape. The entire camp resounded with the excited cries of the beasts as they pursued their fleeing prey.

Amidst this turmoil, the Sky Reaching realm mountain pig naturally recognized Murong Lin’s figure and, witnessing his victory over the two ninth-layer Sky Reaching realm experts, celebrated with joy.

“Hahaha! I told you so! Under brother purple wolf’s command, the human army is no match for us!” The mountain pig cheered.

Had it not been for purple wolf’s ‘Horse Disorienting Whistle’, the human army would have swiftly formed the hundred thousand Steel Calvaries to charge against the demonic beast wave. However, with the Steel Calvaries rendered ineffective by the whistle’s effects, they posed no threat to the demonic beasts.

As a result, while the beasts did suffer some casualties, the human army suffered far greater losses in comparison.

The beasts revelled in their victory, unaware of the disappearance of Lu Feng Xian and purple wolf.

Murong Lin’s expression remained unchanged as he addressed the assembled demonic beasts, “Everyone, please continue to pursue the humans to the remote borders of Chu. Doing so will instil reverence in humanity’s heart toward the Demonic Beast Forest!”

Mountain pig leapt excitedly, bellowing, “That’s a fantastic idea! I’ll immediately instruct my children to go forth and plunder!”

Each and every demonic beast displayed a similar level of enthusiasm. They had grown weary of their routine lives spent cultivating in the mountains, and compared to the extravagance of human civilization, their surroundings felt barren.

Not only did they lack entertainment establishments, but they had never even seen a restaurant or bar before. The prospect of invading the borders of Chu ignited their excitement.

In their simple minds, the little benefits Murong Lin had provided solidified their trust in him. This grand battle served as undeniable proof that Murong Lin had their interests in mind.

Even if that were not the case, Murong Lin’s reputation was already tarnished among the humans. At the very least, he would face retribution within Chu’s borders. Therefore, they believed they held leverage over him, and in these circumstances, Murong Lin had no reason to deceive them.

The tens of thousands of demonic beasts, led by their respective commanders, surged forward in the direction where the human soldiers had fled.

The battlefield had been thoroughly cleansed of any remaining human presence, leaving behind a grim landscape littered with countless corpses. A few demonic beasts continued to feast upon the fallen, gnawing and devouring the lifeless bodies.

Murong Lin surveyed the scene with an indifferent expression before shifting his gaze deeper into the Demonic Beast Forest. The distant sounds of a fierce battle reached his ears, indicating that a major conflict was unfolding.

A subtle smirk curled at the corners of his lips before he let out a chilling laugh, “I’m coming, heh.”

In a flash, he disappeared from view. The remaining demonic beasts that remained behind watched in confusion, unable to comprehend his actions.

Meanwhile, in the depths of the Demonic Beast Forest, the once tranquil lake had become the backdrop for an intense battle. The Tiger-faced Verdant Dragon Python, who had been resting, suddenly sensed the rapid approach of purple wolf. Just as he was about to question him, another figure charged in their direction, emanating an aura reminiscent of General Lu Feng Xian, the man the python had battled earlier that day.

The expression of the Tiger-faced Verdant Dragon Python shifted immediately.

Upon hearing purple wolf’s miserable cry, the python swiftly launched itself from the lake to shield purple wolf from harm. However, purple wolf had already sustained significant injuries during his pursuit by Lu Feng Xian. One of his limbs was broken, and his body bore numerous wounds inflicted by the Sky Piercer Halberd.

Desperation and fear filled purple wolf’s voice as he cried out to the ancestor, “Ancestor, please save us!” After uttering these words, he promptly lost consciousness.

Just as Lu Feng Xian arrived at the lakeside, he witnessed the colossal form of the Tiger-faced Verdant Dragon Python hovering in mid-air, with purple wolf lying beneath it.

Enraged, Lu Feng Xian glared at the Tiger-faced Verdant Dragon Python, his voice seething with anger, “You old beast, how dare you ambush us in the dead of night? If it weren’t for the reinforcements of the hundred thousand Steel Calvaries, my army would have met its doom today!”

Swinging his Sky Piercer Halberd, Lu Feng Xian lunged toward the Tiger-faced Verdant Dragon Python.

The Tiger-faced Verdant Dragon Python initially intended to refute Lu Feng Xian’s accusations, as he had no knowledge of the ambush against the humans. However, upon seeing the pitiful state of purple wolf, hearing Lu Feng Xian’s admission of receiving reinforcements consisting of a hundred thousand skilled Steel Calvaries, and learning that they were the formidable Steel Calvaries, fury overcame his typically wise demeanour. His expression contorted into one of recklessness.

He bellowed, “Human! I may not know what you’re talking about, but you have truly earned my wrath!”

In a flash, the Tiger-faced Verdant Dragon Python charged toward Lu Feng Xian, and the two warriors locked in a fierce, full-blown battle. Having fought once earlier that morning, they were now using their full might against each other.

Lu Feng Xian’s Sky Piercer Halberd was exceptionally sharp, but it was still a challenge to cut through the massive body of the Tiger-faced Verdant Dragon Python. Likewise, the python’s sheer size made it difficult to strike the swift Lu Feng Xian with precision.

The two combatants engaged in a ferocious battle at the lakeside, their attacks occasionally splashing the water’s surface, sending droplets flying. Under the dark sky, their silhouettes moved swiftly along the lakeside, periodically colliding. The sparks from the halberd clashing against the python’s scales, the thunderous roars of their full-powered strikes, and even the fury in their locked gazes caused their surroundings to tremble.

Amidst this intense battle, the body of purple wolf, which should have lain beside the lake, had mysteriously vanished.

Translator’s note

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