Blossoming Path

Chapter 92: The Ambrosia of Radiant Dawn

Chapter 92: The Ambrosia of Radiant Dawn

Clearing my throat slightly, I carefully placed the elixir on the display table before the judges. Their expressions remained inscrutable as I adjusted the sleeves of my robe, a subtle attempt to calm the fluttering in my chest.

"Esteemed judges," I started, my voice steadier than I felt, making a conscious effort to speak clearly and project confidence despite the sea of faces around us. "The elixir I present today harnesses the combined powers of Sunfire Blade Grass and essence of pyrite, intricately balanced with other select ingredients to enhance both body and spirit."

I paused, ensuring I had their full attention, then continued. "It begins with dandelion root and milk thistle, both well-regarded for their purification properties. These form the foundation, cleansing the body from within."

Elder Wei Lian picked up the elixir, allowing the light to catch its subtle glow. "Next, a carefully measured dose of cinnabar ensures the elixir's stability and safety—a crucial element to maintain its integrity."

Drawing a slow breath, I detailed the next components. "The core of the elixir's transformative power lies in the Reishi mushroom, an exceptional adaptogen. It moderates the yang energy released by the Sunfire Blade Grass, facilitating a controlled increase in the body’s resilience and vitality."

"To this, I added ginseng to enhance endurance, moonbeam petals to balance the mind, and nightshade flowers to deepen the cleansing process," I explained.

"This blend," I concluded, "not only revitalizes physical abilities temporarily but also purifies, utilizing the pyrite's essence to bind and amplify each ingredient's effect, achieving a harmony that revitalizes yet stabilizes, ensuring no harm comes to the user."

Despite the nervous energy coursing through me, my voice held a note of pride as I finished, hoping my meticulous preparation and understanding of each component shone through. It was a shame Zhi Ruo presented first, considering how our concoctions both had purification properties. I just hoped I could bridge the gap in the quality of my work, as well as the effects of my essence extraction!

The judges exchanged a look of mild surprise, as though they hadn't expected such a thoughtful and detailed explanation from me. I watched their faces, searching for any sign of approval or criticism.

Elder Wei Lian leaned forward, his piercing blue eyes fixed on me. "Kai Liu, was it?" His voice was smooth, his tone measured. "A most intriguing concoction. But tell me, where did you acquire the knowledge to perform essence extraction? Such a skill is rare, even among seasoned alchemists."

A warmth spread through me at the question. He had noticed, had recognized the skill that had taken me countless hours to master. "I learned it after the Heavenly Interface evolved my herbalism skill," I answered honestly.

A flicker of interest crossed Wei Lian's face, and he began to speak again, "That's fascinating. Now, are you—"

But before he could finish his question, Elder Mingmei interrupted, her voice firm and authoritative. "Wei Lian, let us focus on the young man's creation, shall we? We are here to judge the product at hand, not his personal history."

There was a subtle undercurrent in her tone, a protective edge that I hadn't noticed before. Wei Lian, though slightly taken aback, offered a polite smile. "Of course, Elder Mingmei. Forgive my curiosity." He turned back to me, his gaze still intense.

"May I?" the younger judge interjected, gesturing towards the elixir. His eagerness was palpable, a stark contrast to the usual reserved demeanor of the panel. With my nod, he lifted the small bottle, uncorking it to allow the delicate, complex aroma to waft through the air. That's right! Be wowed! Be amazed!

Carefully, he poured a small measure into a glass, swirling it gently before bringing it to his lips. The arena fell silent, every spectator and contestant watching as he took a cautious sip, then another, more confident one.

After swallowing, the judge paused, his expression contemplative. Slowly, his eyes widened, not with alarm, but with a clear, unmistakable spark of excitement. “Remarkable,” he murmured, more to himself than to the audience, then louder for everyone to hear, “I can feel a gentle heat spreading through my body, not burning, but invigorating. My fatigue seems to be washing away with each breath I take.”

Turning to face the audience, and particularly the judges, his enthusiasm was evident. “As someone in the peak of the Qi Initiation stage, I can attest to the potency of this concoction. It’s a refined burst of energy, one that could be invaluable for cultivators, especially during prolonged engagements or recovery periods.”

Encouraged by his reaction, I added, “The Reishi mushroom plays a crucial role in that. It helps the elixir acclimate to different constitutions, making it safe for a wide range of users, not just cultivators. This adaptability ensures that the elixir provides benefits without overwhelming the user, no matter their level of resilience.”

“I was inspired by the success of my earlier potion, the Invigorating Dawn Tonic,” I continued, aiming to connect this new creation with something familiar to the alchemical community. Some among the crowd murmured, recognizing the name. “This elixir, which I’ve named the Ambrosia of Radiant Dawn, builds on that foundation but introduces a deeper, more nuanced approach to bodily enhancement and purification.”

Elder Mingmei nodded thoughtfully, her stern features softening just a touch. “It’s clear you’ve put considerable thought and skill into this, Kai Liu. The ability to harness such potent effects while maintaining balance is no small feat.”

The author's narrative has been misappropriated; report any instances of this story on Amazon.

Elder Wei Lian, still visibly impressed, leaned forward slightly. “The use of pyrite essence—not just as a component but as a cornerstone of this elixir’s efficacy—demonstrates a sophisticated grasp of alchemical principles. Often overlooked for its less glamorous qualities, you’ve shown how essential understanding and innovation can turn any material into something of great value.”

Their words, measured and sincere, filled me with a deep sense of pride and relief. The tension I had carried began to ebb away, replaced by a growing confidence in the worth of my work and the long hours spent perfecting my craft.

Elder Mingmei's voice, sharp as a honed blade, cut through the air. "However," she began, her gaze unwavering, "while the theoretical underpinnings of your elixir are sound, and your execution is commendable for one so young..." She paused, and I tensed, waiting for the inevitable criticism.

"...there are certain...oversights," she continued, her eyes not leaving my face. "The addition of nightshade, while intended to counter the yang energy of the pyrite, introduces an element of instability. Combined with the potent effects of the Sunfire Blade Grass, the elixir's overall consistency and longevity are compromised."

A knot of disappointment tightened in my stomach. I'd suspected as much, but hearing it confirmed by one of the most respected alchemists in the region was a blow. My gaze flickered towards the shimmering potion on the table. It had been a gamble, although I focused more on how to make the potion effective rather than it's long-term storage capabilities.

"Furthermore," Elder Mingmei continued, "a pill form would have been a more stable and easily distributable medium for this concoction. The addition of a binding agent, such as powdered moonpetal, would have also mitigated the potential for qi fluctuations."

Her words were a precise dissection of my work, laying bare the flaws I'd desperately hoped to conceal or wouldn't be noticed so easily. But I wouldn't let her words discourage me. I straightened my spine, my voice steady as I met her gaze.

"Thank you for your valuable feedback, Elder Mingmei," I said, bowing my head respectfully. "I acknowledge the shortcomings of my elixir. This competition has taught me much, and I will strive to learn from my mistakes and refine my craft further."

A flicker of surprise passed over her face, replaced by a grudging nod of approval. "That is the mark of a true alchemist," she said, her voice softening slightly. "Remember, even the greatest masters began as novices. It is through acknowledging our flaws that we pave the path towards true mastery."

The judges seemed to echo Elder Mingmei's sentiments, a positive reception despite its shortcomings. The crowd cheered for me, and I felt heat rushing to the back of my neck, and the sound of my own heartbeat.

I bowed again, accepting her critique with gratitude. Even in criticism, there was valuable knowledge to be gleaned. This wasn't the end, merely a stepping stone on the path towards becoming a true alchemist. I would learn from this, adapt, and emerge stronger than before. The Gauntlet was far from over.

My eyes sought out Duan Jian's, and I couldn't help but smirk as I caught a glimpse of his clenched fists, his head lowered in frustration. He'd expected me to crumble, to fail, but it turned out to be his fate rather than mine.

I held my head high as I returned to my station, the heat of embarrassment fading into a cold resolve. This was far from over. The Gauntlet was a marathon, not a sprint. Each challenge, each critique, was a chance to learn, to adapt, to evolve.

My entry was impressive enough to make it to the next round, that I was sure, but I needed to know how it stacked up against Jingyu Lian. To see just how high the wall I need to climb was.

As the judges discussed amongst themselves, Ma Hualong began to reach for another sphere to select a contestant. Only two remained.

"Bai Hua!"

I watched with interest as Bai Hua stepped forward, a confident smile on his face and a beautifully crafted incense holder in his hands.

"Esteemed judges," Bai Hua began, his voice smooth and captivating, "today, I present to you an incense that harnesses the purification properties of refined sulfur extracted from pyrite. This incense, when burned, not only cleanses the air of impurities but also revitalizes the spirit and enhances mental clarity."

"WHAT?!" A judge said, his eyes alight with fear. Tao Ren seemed to snap out of his stupor and draped his apron across his mouth.

Wait, sulfur? He was going to light sulfur on fire?

He placed the incense holder on the display table with a flourish, and as he prepared to light it, a ripple of realization swept through the audience and the judges. Several judges instinctively covered their mouths, and I felt a jolt of panic. Cleanse the air of impurities?! He was going to fill the area with them and suffocate everyone in it!

With a dramatic flourish, Bai Hua lit the incense. A delicate plume of smoke began to rise, swirling in intricate patterns. With a subtle gesture, Bai Hua seemed to control the rate at which the incense burned, guiding the smoke to roam across the stadium.

The aromatic cloud drifted gently toward the audience, reaching as far as my station. As I inhaled the scent, a profound sense of calm and tranquility washed over me, the stress of the competition momentarily fading away. But the tension remained thick in the air as the judges looked ready to bolt.

Bai Hua raised his hands in a placating gesture, a charming smile gracing his lips. "Please, do not be alarmed, esteemed judges. Allow me to explain. While sulfur can indeed be hazardous, I have tempered its properties using celestial ice crystals. These crystals not only neutralize any potential combustibility but also work in a harmonious dance with the sulfur, enhancing its purifying effects."

The judge who had feared for his life drooped his shoulders and glared at Bai Hua, still keeping his nose closed. "You should've started with that earlier!"

I blinked, realization dawning. So that's what he chose as his additional ingredient—the celestial ice crystals. Ingenious and incredibly risky, but clearly, it paid off.

The younger judge, still holding the incense holder, took a cautious sniff. His eyes widened as he felt the calming effects, and he nodded appreciatively. "The aroma is balanced and pleasant, and I can already feel a clarity in my thoughts," he said, his voice carrying a hint of respect. "This incense could be invaluable in meditation and focus, especially for cultivators."

Bai Hua continued with a flourish, "The lavender soothes the mind, promoting relaxation and reducing stress. White sage purifies the environment, removing negative energies and fostering a sense of calm. Lotus petals, symbolizing purity and enlightenment, enhance the spiritual aspect of the incense."

Elder Wei Lian's interest deepened. "Ingenious," he remarked. "But I am curious about potential side effects. Sulfur, if not properly controlled, can be quite harsh on the senses."

Bai Hua nodded, his eyes twinkling with a hint of mischief. "An astute observation, Elder Wei. However, the celestial ice crystals temper the sulfur's harshness while ensuring its potency. In fact..."

With a graceful gesture, he adjusted the incense holder, hastening the burn. The previously light, tangy scent transformed into something crisper, cooler, revitalizing. A sudden surge of energy coursed through me, as if a veil had been lifted from my mind.

Elder Mingmei's eyebrows rose, a flicker of surprise crossing her stoic features. "Two distinct stages?" she murmured, her voice laced with intrigue. "This is a complex and impressive creation, Bai Hua."

Elder Wei Lian nodded in agreement. "Truly remarkable. But tell me," his voice sharpened slightly, "why choose such a difficult path? One wrong move and the sulfur could have overwhelmed the other ingredients."

His smile faded, replaced by a look of sincere passion. "As an alchemist, I am drawn to the unexplored, the unconventional. I believe true innovation lies in pushing boundaries, and in finding harmony where others see only chaos. I could have crafted a simple elixir or pill, but this incense..." His eyes shone with pride, "this is a testament to my unique approach, my passion for aromatherapy, and my belief in the transformative power of scent. As the heir of Summer Sun Cosmetics, I cannot make such boring products!"

The judges exchanged glances, a silent conversation passing between them. It was clear that Bai Hua's passion and ambition had struck a chord.

I was stunned by Bai Hua's performance. His poise, his confidence, and his ability to create such a complex and effective product were awe-inspiring. His pride and ambition shone through every word and gesture, making me realize that perhaps I shouldn't be looking at only Jingyu Lian as the wall to climb in this Gauntlet. Bai Hua was a formidable contender in his own right.

As she was called up, I tensed, my focus shifting to her. This was the moment I had been waiting for, the true test of my abilities. The white-haired alchemist stepped forward with an air of calm confidence, her every move precise and deliberate.

I couldn't help but feel a mixture of anticipation and anxiety. What would she present? How would it compare to Bai Hua's incense and my own elixir? My mind raced with possibilities as she began her presentation.


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