Blossoming Path

Chapter 91: Metals and Mettle

Chapter 91: Metals and Mettle

Ma Hualong stood at the center of the arena, his voice commanding the attention of every onlooker as he reached into a large, ornate basket. "The order of presentation will be determined at random," he announced, his hand swirling around before pulling out a small, engraved ball.

"First up, Tian Zhu!" he declared, holding the ball high for all to see.

Tian Zhu, one of the five who had received an additional ingredient like myself, stepped forward confidently. His demeanor was stern, almost unreadable, as he approached the judges' table. I watched intently, curious to see what innovative use of pyrite he had concocted.

"Esteemed judges," Tian Zhu began, his voice steady and resonant, "I have synthesized a pyrite crystal that not only collects but also stores solar energy."

He held up a small, brilliantly gleaming crystal, and the crowd murmured in appreciation and surprise. "This crystal," he continued, "functions similarly to a light bulb, providing sustainable light. Furthermore, in situations requiring a tactical advantage, it can be used as a blinding light when shattered or thrown."

The judges leaned forward, their interest visibly piqued. Elder Mingmei, her eyes sharp, asked, "How did you manage to stabilize the crystal's structure to store such energy without degradation?"

Tian Zhu nodded respectfully towards her. "Thank you for your question, Elder Mingmei. I used a combination of moonbeam petals and starlight essence to reinforce the crystal's lattice, ensuring it maintains integrity while enhancing its energy absorption capabilities."

Elder Wei Lian, his expression contemplative, chimed in. "And the safety measures? Such a device, if misused, could pose significant risks."

"Indeed, Elder Wei," Tian Zhu replied. "I have incorporated a cinnabar lining within the crystal's matrix. This not only stabilizes the energy but also ensures that if the crystal's integrity is compromised, it will dissipate safely, with the cinnabar neutralizing any residual energy."

His answers seemed to satisfy the judges, who nodded appreciatively. I couldn’t help but admire Tian Zhu’s ingenuity. Integrating alchemy with practical applications always required a deep understanding of both the materials and the desired outcomes.

As Tian Zhu concluded his presentation and stepped back, the tension in my shoulders grew. His project set a high standard. I glanced at my own product, hoping it would be enough.

I wished they would let me present as soon as possible! The wait is unbearable!

A tense hush fell over the arena as a wide, ear-to-ear grin spread across Tao Ren's face when Ma Hualong called his name. He bounced out of his station, practically radiating excitement, a stark contrast to the composed Tian Zhu. His enthusiasm was contagious, a ripple of amused whispers running through the crowd.

"My turn, my turn!" he announced, practically vibrating with energy as he approached the judges' table with a clothed item.

My stomach did a nervous flip. What on earth was he up to? It was clear none of the judges had any idea how to prepare for Tao Ren's presentation, as they exchanged puzzled looks. He always had a flair for the dramatic, but this seemed especially extravagant.

Without a word of explanation, Tao Ren unwrapped the clothed item with a flourish, revealing a gleaming blade.

The silence that followed was almost comical. The judges blinked in unison, their expressions a mix of utter bewilderment. Even the always serious Elder Mingmei couldn't suppress her jaw opening in shock.

Finally, Elder Wei Lian broke the absurdity of the moment. "Young man," he said, a touch of incredulity in his voice, "I trust this isn't meant to be a threat? This is, after all, an alchemy competition."

Tao Ren's grin widened. "Not a threat, elder, a marvel!" He declared, thrusting the blade forward. "Crafted from that useless lump of pyrite, transformed into a weapon fit for a warrior – all without ever stepping foot near a forge!"

This time, the silence was replaced by a wave of shocked murmurs rippling through the crowd. I stared, my jaw threatening to hit the floor. Sure, I'd expected something flashy from Tao Ren, but this was...unprecedented. How the hell did he forge a blade?

"Impossible!" Ma Hualong exclaimed, voicing the skepticism echoing through the room. "There are no forges in the arena."

"Who needs a forge when you've got a pill furnace?" Tao Ren countered, puffing out his chest with pride. "First, I extracted the trace amounts of iron from the pyrite. Then, by manipulating the sulfur content, I refined it into workable steel! Some shaping, a bit of tempering, and voila! Tao Ren's Jade Foundry is always open for business!"

He ended with a dramatic bow, clearly enjoying the audience's stunned reactions.

Despite the absurdity, a flicker of doubt crept into my mind. It was true, the volatile sulfur content in pyrite was well known. And with the right technique, perhaps some of that sulfur could be coaxed out, leaving behind a crude, low-quality form of iron. Difficult, but possible. But shaping, It defied everything I knew about forging metal...

My thoughts were interrupted by the judges' hushed deliberation. Elder Mingmei's sharp gaze swept across the blade, while Elder Wei Lian whispered something that made Ma Hualong's brows furrow.

Finally, Elder Mingmei spoke, her voice as crisp as ever. "Young Tao Ren," she said, "while your resourcefulness is noteworthy, this is, undeniably, an unorthodox approach. Alchemy and smithing, while sharing some roots, are distinct disciplines."

Tao Ren tilted his head, a playful glint in his eye. "But elder," he argued, "isn't the transformation of raw materials into something useful the very essence of both? All I did was apply alchemical principles to a different craft! My forge is simply an extension of my alchemy!"

I had to hand it to him. His logic was twisted, but not entirely without merit. The judges exchanged another round of glances, and I found myself holding my breath. What would the verdict be? Would they disqualify him, or acknowledge the ingenuity, however bizarre, of his creation?

"May I examine this... 'marvel' more closely?" Elder Mingmei requested.

He beamed, practically shoving the blade into her hand. Elder Wei Lian adjusted his posture, leaning forward with an air of curiosity. All eyes were glued to the interaction.

The narrative has been taken without authorization; if you see it on Amazon, report the incident.

She didn't inspect the blade visually for long. Instead, she closed her eyes, running her fingers across the metal. A subtle glow overtook the knife, perhaps she was inspecting its inner workings?

A low hum resonated from the blade as she examined its alchemical composition.

The air crackled with anticipation. Finally, she opened her eyes, a thoughtful frown etched on her face. "Hmm. Certainly an unorthodox approach, as I mentioned. Extracting usable iron from pyrite is a feat in itself. Your resourcefulness deserves recognition." A flicker of respect entered her voice.

Tao Ren puffed out his chest, a triumphant grin threatening to split his face in two.

Elder Mingmei's eyes hardened as she continued her speech. "However," she continued, her voice turning firm, "refining iron from pyrite carries a crucial drawback. The high sulfur content, while potentially manageable during extraction, leaves the final product riddled with impurities." She raised the blade a fraction, her gaze meeting Tao Ren's directly.

"A true testament to an alchemist's skill lies not just in transformation," she stated, her voice gaining power with each word, "but in understanding the inherent properties of materials and mitigating their weaknesses."

With a swift, almost shocking display of speed and power for a woman her age, Elder Mingmei slammed the blade flat against the judges' table. A sickening crack echoed through the arena, and the blade snapped cleanly in two.

A collective gasp rippled through the crowd. Tao Ren's eyes widened in disbelief as he stared at the fractured metal in the judge's hand. The weight of her words settled heavily. Yes, Tao Ren had managed to extract iron from pyrite, but the resulting metal was brittle, weak – a low-grade knife unsuitable even for the most basic tasks, let alone a weapon fit for a warrior.

Sweat prickled on my forehead. Elder Mingmei's critique was harsh, but undeniably fair. The ingenuity of the concept couldn't mask the fundamental flaws in its execution. I glanced at Tao Ren, expecting a display of anger or dejection. Instead, he let out a hearty laugh, a touch sheepish but laced with genuine amusement.

"You make a very valid point," he boomed, completely unfazed. "Looks like my forge still has a lot to learn about managing those pesky impurities! But hey, that's what comes with pushing the boundaries, right? Come visit the Jade Foundry sometime, we'll get you a blade worthy of a true elder!" He winked, somehow managing to spin the situation into a shameless promotion of his business.

The crowd, initially stunned, erupted in a mixture of cheers and groans. Elder Mingmei remained impassive, simply placing the broken blade on the table with a faint sigh. Ma Hualong cleared his throat, attempting to restore order.

"Next up," he announced. "Zhi Ruo!"

The librarian, ever the picture of quiet diligence, stepped forward. Unlike the first round, he seemed more composed and confident. I could see his eyes sweep over to a particular spot in the crowd. I followed his gaze, and spotted in the crowd, a brown-haired woman carrying a child, wearing a soft smile and pointing at Zhi Ruo.

He bowed respectfully to the judges before reaching into a small pouch at his waist. He drew out a length of white silk, carefully unfurling it to reveal two small, glistening pills nestled within.

"Esteemed judges," he began, his voice even and clear, "I present to you a Purification Pill. This elixir, crafted using a combination of pyrite, knotweed root, jade blossom, and water deer antlers, is designed to cleanse the body of impurities and toxins."

He gestured towards the pills. "I have created a pair, one for presentation and the other for immediate testing."

A younger judge, his face marked with scholarly curiosity, reached forward and examined the pills with keen eyes. He leaned in, taking a long sniff. His brow furrowed for a moment before a smile broke out across his face.

"Remarkable! The aroma is clean and balanced, with no hint of impurities. If I may?" He looked towards Elder Mingmei and Elder Wei Lian, who nodded their assent.

He carefully picked up one pill and popped it into his mouth. A hush fell over the arena as everyone waited, anticipation thick in the air. The judge chewed thoughtfully for a moment, his eyes widening in surprise.

"This is impressive!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine awe. "The rivals that of the standard purification pill recipe! You said you made it using only those ingredients?!"

The librarian nodded, his expression serene. "Yes, each ingredient has been carefully chosen not only for its individual properties but for the synergistic effects they can create together, particularly with the unique qualities of pyrite."

The judge, intrigued, prodded further. "Could you elaborate on the reaction between the components? How do they interact to amplify the purification properties of the pyrite?"

Zhi Ruo took a deep breath, launching into a detailed explanation that covered the interactions at play. "The knotweed root provides a robust base, rich in resveratrol, which enhances blood circulation and speeds up the elimination of toxins," he began. "Jade blossom adds a mild sedative effect that aids in the absorption of minerals and enhances the calming nature of the pill."

He paused, ensuring the judges were still with him. "Finally, water deer antlers, enhance the body's regenerative processes. The pyrite doesn't just act as a catalyst for purification; it enhances the regenerative properties of the antlers, channeling its yang energy into a more potent, balanced state."

Elder Wei Lian, his interest clearly piqued, leaned forward. "And how does this interaction manifest in the efficacy of the pill?" he inquired, his tone both skeptical and intrigued.

"The synergy between the antlers and pyrite serves to amplify the medicinal properties while ensuring stability and balance within the body’s qi circulatory system," Zhi Ruo responded. "This balance ensures that the pill’s effects are sustained and harmonious, avoiding the aggressive purging often seen with more potent detoxification agents."

Zhi Ruo droned on for a few more minutes, going in-depth about the precision and timing required to add the ingredients in at the most optimal time. Even though I'd consider myself well-versed in alchemy, the terms he was throwing around started to make my eyes glaze over. From the corner of my eye, I could see Tao Ren's eyes closed, and a line of drool slowly hanging down his face.

"...Your understanding of the materials is commendable, young man. The complexity of this pill shows a profound grasp of alchemical principles. The intricacy of its creation might be beyond the reach of an average alchemist. This requires not only in-depth knowledge but also precise timing and handling of the ingredients. It's quite sophisticated."

The younger judge continued from where Elder Wei Lian left off. "Indeed, the synergy you've achieved is impressive, Zhi Ruo. However, the final product, while effective, lacks refinement in texture and consistency. This indicates a gap in your practical skills, which are as crucial as theoretical knowledge in alchemy."

His thoughts were punctuated by a finger breaking the pill down into a powder, showing the uneven clumps in the pill. It was a minor mistake, but one that shows how the purification pill he created could've been even better.

Zhi Ruo bowed slightly, accepting the feedback with grace. "I appreciate your insights, Elders. I strive to bridge that gap and refine my techniques further."

As Zhi Ruo stepped back, a quiet murmur ran through the crowd, discussing the potential and pitfalls of his creation. I watched him return to his station, his stride confident yet contemplative. It was clear now why Zhi Ruo had placed first in the preliminaries. His vast knowledge and ability to integrate complex concepts were impressive, though his practical skills needed honing.

The rest of the contestants presented one by one, yet none captured the imagination or provoked thought quite like Zhi Ruo's or Tao Ren's presentations. Most were variations on familiar themes—enhanced strength potions, accelerated healing balms, and the like. Though competently made, they lacked the spark of innovation or the bold application of theory that could stir the judges from their growing ennui.

As each contestant stepped back, their expressions ranging from mildly pleased to subtly disappointed, it was evident the judges shared their feelings. Polite applause followed each presentation, but the murmurs of the crowd were tepid, the energy in the arena dipping with every passing moment.

Then, Duan Jian's name was called. The man himself stepped forward with a swagger, his robe gleaming almost as brightly as his confident smile. He held a single, small pill between his fingers, presenting it with a flourish that seemed to promise wonders.

"Ladies and gentlemen, what I present to you today is not just a pill, but a lifeline," Duan Jian began, his voice smooth and assured. "This is a Qi Replenishment Pill, crafted to not only restore a cultivator's energy reserves swiftly but to enhance their qi flow, making each use an opportunity to refine and strengthen one's core."

Interest piqued, the audience leaned closer, the previous presentations forgotten in the wake of Duan Jian's bold claims. Even the judges seemed to perk up, their expressions sharpening as they considered the potential impact of such a creation.

Elder Mingmei, always direct, wasted no time. "An impressive claim. However, the core of this challenge was to incorporate pyrite into your creation effectively. How have you achieved this, given pyrite's known properties?"

The aristocrat nodded, ready for the question. "Thank you, Elder Mingmei. I used the pyrite not directly in the pill's formation but as a catalyst during the synthesis process. The pyrite was ground into a fine powder and used in the initial concoction phase to enhance the absorption of the high-class ingredients, magnifying their effects."

Elder Wei Lian chimed in, his tone more skeptical. "While innovative, using pyrite merely as a catalytic agent does not truly integrate it into the product. You've used it to bolster the process but not as a fundamental component. This approach seems to sidestep the challenge rather than meeting it head-on."

Duan Jian's composure faltered slightly. "With respect, Elder Wei, the properties of pyrite are limited. It lacks the inherent benefits of gold or other rare metals. I have simply used it as a catalyst to enhance the pill's overall effect."

"The pyrite seems to be an afterthought, a mere addition rather than a transformative element. Did you consider the potential side effects of combining pyrite with synergistic ingredients like Zhi Ruo's? Or the possibility of refining it into something else, like Tao Ren, something that truly showcases the versatility of this mineral?"

As Duan Jian stumbled through his response, I couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for him. He was clearly a skilled alchemist, but his arrogance and reliance on high-quality ingredients had blinded him to the true potential of the challenge.

Ma Hualong, his expression carefully neutral, nodded towards the judges. "Thank you, Duan Jian. We will take your creation into consideration."

Duan Jian bowed stiffly and returned to his station, his face flushed with a mixture of frustration and embarrassment.

Finally, Ma Hualong's voice broke through my contemplations, his hand reaching into the basket once more. My heart raced, my palms sweaty as he stirred the remaining balls. "And now," he announced, pulling out another engraved ball, "let's see who's next..."

The anticipation was a physical weight in my chest. I was ready, my mind racing through every detail of my presentation. My eyes followed Ma Hualong's movements closely, every second stretching out interminably as he read the name inscribed on the small sphere.

"Next up, we have Kai Liu!"


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