Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 632: DCXXXII. The Demon Body

Chapter 632: DCXXXII. The Demon Body

"What?! He moved Gungnir! Only the strongest Xis managed to counter the power of my spear! I have to stop him immediately!" Odin thought, who was visibly worried about what he had just seen.

With a quick forward movement, the Alfather grabbed his spear and rotated it vertically, widening the wound in Dag's arm and preventing him from freeing himself.

Soon after, he put a hand on the young demonic boy's head, and a golden aura wrapped his arm as if activating a powerful spell on him.

"Aaargh! Let me go, Alfather!" Dag kept screaming, who could not move, blocked by Gungnir and Odin's grip.

The Alfather closed his eyes and the light that enveloped his arm increased, attracting the attention of Dag, who could not understand what was happening to him.

"I feel it... I feel the darkness that lives within you, boy" the father of the Gods stated.

After those words, Dag's eyes opened wide for a moment, and his soul was sucked into his memories.

It was as if in those infinite moments, his body had become only a simple container of organs as his spirit detached from it, recognizing its identity.

"What am I doing? I almost killed Freyr, and the one next to him is Freya! I hurt them! What about the Arena? What happened to the sacred Arena of Asgard?! Was it me?! Did I create all this chaos?! Odin, please help me!" Dag thought intensely, communicating with the Alfather without even saying a word, believing that the wise Odin could help him control the darkness from the top of his powers.

"I hear you, Dag... I can hear you... but I can't help you. The dark matter that permeates your body is too powerful. Too much, even for me, the Alfather!" Odin exclaimed, drawing the attention of Freya, who turned to him with worried eyes, having never heard the Alfather admit his inferiority so bluntly.

"Dag! Dag I know you can hear me! My provocations worked, and you finally managed to awaken your full potential! But that's enough! The true strength of a warrior lies in self-control, not destruction! Show everyone who you are, Dag!" the blonde-haired Goddess yelled, as the veins of her neck swelled in despair and her clothes and face were soiled and dusty.

Freyr's unconscious body was still next to her, partially covered in debris from the recent explosions generated by Gungnir's arrival in the Asgard Arena. 

"I... I can hear you! I can hear you, but I can't answer you! The dark matter has totally taken over my body and is expelling my true soul!" Dag shouted again, knowing that his words would remain confined within his mind, contained in that demonic body.

"No, Dag! You have to stop the darkness from winning! If your spirit is removed from your body, you will no longer be able to return to it, and I will be forced to kill this demon, who will otherwise destroy Asgard under his powerful blows! Self-control is what you need boy, you have to try at all costs, your life hangs by a thread!" the Alfather yelled, paralyzing Freya, who had never seen him in those conditions since the Frostsinners seized Asgard and exiled the Gods to Skjold.

"I'm starting to feel my body... my hands, my legs... the dark matter has taken over Dag... I am just a shapeless and aimless spirit... I lost, Alfather... I couldn't save me, and I won't even be able to save you..." the spirit of Dag whispered, speaking only to Odin, who still had his hand resting on the forehead of the demonic body.

Just then, a dim greyish light, similar to a kind of low-asleep smoke, began to soar through the air from Dag's head. 

That substance immediately took shape, taking on human appearance: in addition to the body, easily recognizable, the last part of taking on a definite shape was the head, adorned with long hair and the typical traits of the Okstorm warrior.

"Alfather! Don't tell me that... that's the spirit of young Dag! What's going on?! He's abandoning his own body!" Freya gasped in terror, who had meanwhile managed to get up and regain her strength, healing the wound on her neck, which had turned into a clearly visible scar.

"He's giving in! Dag's stopping fighting! His body manages to contain all this power, but to do so, it must expel his soul! There is no room for his human soul when he is forced to live with such darkness!" the Alfather admitted, who, standing still in the same position and holding in place Dag's body, that tried to free himself from time to time, could only look up to heaven and hope that something unexpected would happen.

The spirit just pulled out of Dag's head finally opened his eyes and looked down, assuming an expression of sadness and anger and stretching his hands towards the Alfather, as if desperately seeking his help.

"I can't abandon my body! Not after everything I've had to go through to get here! I was wrong to unleash all this power! I should have known I couldn't control it!" the Spirit of Dag exclaimed, who as he climbed upwards immediately stopped.

"motlhbe'choHlu'be'! motlhbe'chu kackun!" the demon body of Okstorm's warrior said in a voice so deep and severe that it annoyed the eardrums of his listeners.

As those foreign words were spoken, Dag's spirit began to rise again, getting closer and closer to the point of no return, after which he would no longer be able to reach his body. 

When Odin and Freya watched that lugubrious spectacle helplessly, something unexpected happened, and Dag's soul stopped again in mid-air, gradually returning to his body. 

A hand made of his own substance grabbed his ankle and pulled him back forcefully.

As the hand pulled, the arm attached to it slowly came out of the head of Dag's real body, revealing the identity of the second spirit contained in it.


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