Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 631: DCXXXI. The Raging Beast

Chapter 631: DCXXXI. The Raging Beast

The two-bladed sword fell to the ground and, bouncing about twice, the dark red blood from Dag's chest splashed here and there.

Freya was immobilized in the grip, and when Dag was sure that the Goddess had no escape, the dark beam that kept him in mid-air led him down, causing him to rest his feet on the ground.

"Freyr! Freyr! Dag, stop! Look at Freyr, look what you did to my brother! Stop it, you're hurting me! The training is over!" she yelled, who had suddenly lost her characteristic calm, seeing from a few meters away her brother's unconscious body stuck in the ground, with the bone of an arm evidently broken.

"Training? You Gods are just a bunch of inferior beings! You can't counter my power! You have no chance of surviving the dark matter!" Dag replied, filled with rage, clutching Freya's neck with both hands.

The Goddess wriggled with the rest of her body, grabbing the Okstorm's warrior's wrists with her hands and clutching them with the maximum of her strength, which diminished more and more as her senses gradually abandoned her body.

After its stands were destroyed, the Arena of Asgard has wholly deserted: all the spectators who had witnessed the fighting between Dag and Freyr in those days had escaped in fear.

Dag's hands kept pushing, and his eyes were pointed at the blue ones of the beautiful Freya, who looked at him without being able to say a word, due to the air in her lungs that was running in short supply.

Just moments before the Goddess's neck was broken, a glitter struck Dag's eyes, whose gaze rose to the sky, drawn by something above his head.

A small luminous globe made its way through the clouds, and a metal body ripped through the sky, heading at great speed towards him.

Instinctively, Dag, who had reached almost the complete demonic form, losing control of his actions, left Freya's neck and threw her away, jumping backwards and dodging the blow from above. 


A mighty roar echoed through the arena's destroyed walls, and a cloud of dust covered the view, forcing Dag to retreat even further.

Amid the dust, a yellowish light shone ardently, like a fire that could not be extinguished.

Gungnir had stuck in the exact spot where, moments earlier, Okstorm's warrior had immobilized Freya, who kept coughing on the ground, touching her throat.

"Uhm?!" Dag gasped when he perceived a presence beside the divine spear.

It broke off the ground and crows that appeared out of nowhere flew in its own direction in less than a second, turning themselves in a human-like body, which materialized next to the weapon and firmly charged towards Dag.

"Alfather..." Freya whispered, realizing that Odin had just saved her life.

Even before he saw the next blow fired by the Gods' father, Dag crossed his huge dark hands in front of him: a shot of unprecedented power struck him, making him fly ten meters away and slamming his back against the walls.

After that masterful blow, Odin stood still, rotated Gungnir, and put its lower end on the ground, pointing his gaze at Dag, who slowly managed to pull his body out of the rubble.

"Grr... Alfather..." he whispered, growling and looking at what for his eyes was the greatest of his enemies.

"I shouldn't have left you alone with Freya and Freyr... your powers have awakened earlier than expected..." Odin said, in a calm and controlled tone of voice, as usual.


Without thinking about the consequences, Dag stuck the claws of both of his dark hands into the ground, penetrating the first layers of soil and giving himself the push to charge towards Odin. The latter remained impassive, waiting for the impact with his opponent.

A purple aura wrapped the right arm of the earthling warrior, who at an almost imperceptible speed to the human eye reached the Alfather, trying to hit him with a predictable frontal attack, convinced that even the great Odin could not counter it.

Contrary to Dag's expectations, the Alfather dodged the blow laterally and with a rapid movement of his spear, used Gungnir's metal rod to hit Dag's jaw and knock him to the ground.

Continuing to growl like a raging beast, he quickly turned around. He attempted a second blow, moving his right arm and generating a powerful shockwave that consumed the ground around Odin's feet.

The God kept Gungnir in rotation and in an instant, a yellowish protective shield appeared before him, destroying itself into a thousand pieces under the blow of the human-like demon.


While Dag awkwardly tried to hit his target for the third time, Odin's spear pierced his dark arm, nailing it on the ground and preventing him from moving.

"Guarrggh! Die! Die! I am the darkness, and you can't stop me!" Dag yelled again in the demonic voice, trying unsuccessfully to pull Gungnir out of his arm.

Odin left his spear and stepped forward, positioning himself at the exact spot where Dag could not reach him with his other arm.

"You defeated Freyr and Freya in one fight. However, you can't control your power. You're not ready yet, Dag" the Alfather affirmed with conviction, looking at him as if he was a caged beast.

"Aaargh! Fight! Let me go of my arm and fight! Aaargh!" he continued to yell, resting both feet in front of his body and grabbing Gungnir with his dark hand that had not been injured, clutching it with the maximum of his physical strength.

Meanwhile, despite being injured, Freya got up and rushed to Freyr, trying to make him regain his senses.

Odin looked at his young earth pupil, knowing that despite his outstanding strength, enhanced by his demonic spirit, he would not be able to move his divine spear by even an inch.

Just as this thought floated in the Alfather's mind, Gungnir's long metal bar moved a few inches under Dag's grip, which was dedicating his entire body to that supernatural movement.


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