Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 219: CCXIX. The Unhappy Disclosure

Chapter 219: CCXIX. The Unhappy Disclosure

"Yes, yes! It's her! Where is she? Is she here in Skjegg or on any mission? I need to know, I can't wait any longer" Dag replied, resting his arms on the table and rising from his chair, caught in a relentless euphoria.

"Yeah... then..." Sander muttered, looking around and coughing.

The light from the torches hanging on the wall reflected on his forehead, which when he began to sweat became as shiny as a mirror.

Dag swallowed empty and felt shivers down his back.

"Are you feeling well, Sander? Tell me, where is Freydis?" he said, breathing anxiously. 

"Uhm... Dag... you're not going to like my answer. I remember that the young Shieldmaiden you're talking about, she was a skilled warrior, she excelled among her companions, but about a month ago, we organized a diplomatic mission on the island of Vaeren, the territory under the rule of the Horns Of Heimdallr..." Sander said, resting his glass on the table, trying to concentrate.

"No, no... where is Freydis?" whispered Dag again, his eyes on the man in front of him. 

Gridd and the others, despite their drunkenness, still managed to figure out what was about to happen: around Dag, the air suddenly became colder and they could feel it on their skin.

"Diplomatic missions are usually perfect for non-expert warriors, so your woman and other warriors came forward, volunteering to leave for the island. If I remember correctly they were 8 people... the thing is... something went wrong and what was supposed to be a simple offer of peace by the Horns Of Heimdallr, turned out to be a trap..."

"Where's Freydis?!" yelled Dag, as the table he clutched in his hands began to emit a shattering wooden sound and his purple eye stared into Sander's eyes, who for a moment felt intimidated. 

"We never knew what really happened on Vaeren Island, because after that episode, we declared war on those sons of bitches! I'm sorry, Dag, but I need to let you know that your girlfriend never came back to Skjegg. Neither she nor her companions... only one Shieldmaiden managed to return, but from that day she stopped talking and managed to tell us only summarily about that episode... I am deeply sorry, I mean it" he continued, looking at Dag with a genuinely heartbroken look.

Dag remained silent and for about a minute, no one in that room dared to speak. 

His skin began to release the grayish gas, while he sat back in his chair, his gaze lost in the void.

The cold aura around him became much more intense, and Gridd, Karl, and Reidar immediately recovered, afraid of what might happen.

"What the fuck is going on? What's this cold? And what's coming out of your arms, kid?" asked Sander, standing up, while the water vapor coming out of his mouth was visible because of the freezing cold in the room.

"Don't worry, everything's fine. We'll take care of him. I think this news upset him" said Gridd, who immediately approached his brother, resting her hand on his shoulder.

Dag remained impassive, his mouth half open and his eyes pointed to the floor.

"Boy, I told you... we have declared war on the Horns Of Heimdallr, they will pay for what they did to our warriors! You can count on it!" continued Sander, trying to console Dag, while Karl and Reidar also approached him, knowing that Freydis was the thing he cared most about in the world and the news that she had been kidnapped or even died was wearing him down from the inside.

Suddenly, the gas stopped floating inside the room, dissolving into the air, and Dag looked Sander in the eye again: "Can I know the name of the Shieldmaiden that managed to get back here?" 

"She's called Ragna... but I warn you, in addition to not talking, she has become particularly hostile to strangers and has left the Rocky Crown's dormitory. She's no longer a Shieldmaiden, she's retired from her duties to the Clan" he said.

Dag rose to his feet, ignoring his companions beside him.

"Tell me where I can find her" he continued, in an earnest tone.

"If I'm not mistaken, she's back living with her parents in a downtown house" sighed Sander, who knew that even if he didn't give him any more information, Dag would still find a way to reach her.

After those words, he walked down the stairs, without adding anything else.

"Reidar, Karl, stay here with Master Sander and answer back to all his curiosities... we cannot lose his interest in joining the Alliance, we must try to entertain him as much as possible" whispered Gridd to the two warriors, who after what had happened did not know how to behave.

After apologizing on Dag's behalf for leaving without even saying goodbye, Gridd joined him, running, while Reidar and Karl obeyed the orders and returned to sit at the table next to Sander, who continued to drink nonchalantly.

"Dag! Brother, wait for me! Don't worry, I'm not going to stop you, because I know I can't... just let them help" Gridd said, as he continued his advance to the wooden platforms to descend from the walls. 

"I've waited months, Gridd. I knew she couldn't come to see me, because, like me, she was a recruit and didn't have much freedom of movement, but... this... I never imagined that she would have ended who knows where, in the hands of those bastard sons of bitches!" exclaimed Dag, speaking aloud and attracting the attention of some warriors who, like them, awaited the arrival of the platform. 

Gridd looked at them, who immediately looked away, then continued: "Even Sander said that Freydis is an excellent warrior. I remember when she fought in the Jernhest Arena, she was always formidable, very promising. You'll see, she's going to be fine, we just have to try to get more information... but you must not lose your temper. Also, think of the Iron Alliance and Sander who was interested in our proposal. You're not alone Dag, we'll help you find Freydis, I promise!" 


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