Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 218: CCXVIII. Offer Of Alliance

Chapter 218: CCXVIII. Offer Of Alliance

As the bearded man did the honors, pouring drinks at all, Dag thought back to his answer: "If what he says is true, his spy at Mork Castle may be the same man who warned the Fangs Of Jormungandr of Magni's death, giving them the green light to attack the Temple! No, it doesn't make sense. The Crows Of Odin can't be allied with those bastards, I can hardly believe it".

"Where are the other Masters?" asked Gridd, grabbing his mead-filled glass and trying to change his mind.

"They're on a mission... apparently... ships from Krypstorm... have landed on our shores... and they raided our villages..." answered Sander, gorging himself on mead, which he poured down his neck because of his gluttony.

"Krypstorm?!" How is that possible?! It's been ages that no one has come from there!" replied Gridd, who with a flicker of her hand, let a few drops of mead drop on the table.

"We believed the same thing, and yet... the fishermen who managed to escape and reach Skjegg described the attackers as 'ice giants' and their boats as huge death vessels" Sander continued, filling his glass to the brim again.

"If I remember correctly, Krypstorm is Skjold's other great country, right? I've never heard of it, though..." whispered Dag, turning his gaze towards Reidar. 

"Yes, Captain, correct. It is said that all Krypstorm is covered with ice, so much so that some stories of antiquity have compared it to Jotunheim, the kingdom of Jotunns, the Ice Giants. Despite its extreme temperature conditions, which would make human settlements impossible, that country hosts 3 different Clans: Lies Of Loki, Giants Of Ymir and Claws Of Fenrir" Reidar replied, trying to clarify Dag's doubts.

"Giants Of Ymir... maybe they are the ones who attacked the shores of Runar... But why?" replied Dag, thoughtfully.

"We don't know why, boy. When Kjell and Ellen will come back here to Skjegg, maybe they can give us more information" said Sander, who had listened to the conversation between Dag and Reidar, sitting at the table near him.

"Anyway... even if not everyone is here, could you explain to me the real reason for your visit?" he continued. 

"Of course. The Hammers Of Thor and the Sons Of Freya formed an alliance, called the Iron Alliance. This scroll shows all the benefits and constraints of the Clans that decide to be part of it. We came here to ask you to become our allies" Dag said, opening the official contract on the table and sliding it towards Sander, who began reading it carefully.

"Mmh... behind alliances of this kind, there are usually war motives. Tell me, are you setting a 'call to arms' against a common enemy?" he asked, looking up at Dag and Gridd. 

"We can say yes, but it is preferable to clarify these details when the other Masters will be here as well. Let us just say that, as illustrated in the contract, the main objective of the union is the spirit of brotherhood and mutual help. From the sharing of arms and troops to the right of passage and the prohibition of war on each other... I think it's all pretty clear" Dag continued, crossing his arms, ready to answer more questions. 

"Down here, it says that you are the Warchief in charge... is that so?" 

"Yes, as a matter of fact. The last point explains that anyone can challenge the current Warchief in a friendly fight to earn that role, which is nothing more than a formality. Each Master will continue to exercise his decision-making powers over his Clan and..." 

"Yes, yes, I understand. It's all written here. Mmh... it seems advantageous and I think my Clan will agree. Needless to say, I have to discuss this with the other two Masters. They should be back in a few days, having been gone for a long time already..." he interrupted Sander again, who despite his rudeness, was inclined to listen.

"Well! This means that one out of three agrees! I think it's good news, worthy of a toast!" exclaimed Gridd, raising her glass to Sander, who for the sixth time filled his one. 

"Alliance or not, let us toast to our friendship! We will always be grateful to Master Dag for solving such a serious problem, that of the Renegades! Skl!" he replied.

Everyone toasted and the four friends drank together, reassured to hear the word 'friendship' come out of the mouth of a total stranger. 

"Just one thing, Dag... I think my colleagues will not agree with being subjected to such a young Warchief, especially Kjell..." continued Sander, drinking nonstop.

"It's not a problem, Master Sander. If you agree to join the Iron Alliance, one of you'll have the official right to challenge me, as agreed" Dag replied, smiling and proving that he was not intimidated.

He appreciated the calm and confident tone of Dag, who despite his young age, was able to posture as a true self-confident man.

After talking for about an hour about Magni's death and the other Masters of their Clans, they were all half-drunk, except for Dag and Sander, who, not yet satisfied with 3 bottles of alcohol, ordered another. 

"I admit it, boy, I'm impressed. You're very young, but you went through a lot. If you're still alive and you've come all this way, it means you must be a very strong warrior" said Sander, who was fascinated by the stories of his young interlocutor.

"Maybe I was just lucky, I don't know yet. Anyway, I'd have a favor to ask you, Sander" Dag replied, smiling at him.

"Speak, I'm listening".

"My woman... she's one of your Shieldmaidens. I'm looking forward to seeing her, but before, in a hurry to come here, I couldn't meet her anywhere. Her name is Freydis, do you know where I can find her?" continued Dag, who every time he uttered her name, felt like cramps in his stomach.

"Mmh... Freydis did you say? Let me think... red hair, about that tall?" he asked, gesturing with his hand, trying to indicate to the girl's stature. 


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