Black Corporation: Joseon

Chapter 318

Chapter 318

As the 13th year of Sejong’s reign (Year 1431) was drawing to a close, the ships that had gone to Tianzhu returned.

The captains of the 5th and 6th Haeung ships, who discovered the returning ships while patrolling the coast near Jeju Island, tensely raised their telescopes to examine the approaching vessels.

The first thing they checked was the signal flag fluttering at the very top of the masts.

‘Please, anything but black.’

After observing the approaching ships with tense expressions, the captains sighed in relief.

“Fortunately, it’s green. Signal the 6th ship to provide an escort.”

“The 6th ship has already sent a signal.”

Upon receiving the report from his lieutenant, the captain of the 5th ship lightly shook his head and muttered.

“His personality… It’s gotten even more impatient since boarding the Haeung.”


As the number of Challenger-class battleships increased to nine, the court hastened to organize an ocean-going fleet to head towards the Western Regions.

While the court and military focused on organizing the fleet, what Hyang was concerned about was the issue of diseases that could enter through the ships.

“If there’s one fortunate thing, it’s the incredibly slow speed of travel compared to the 21st century.”

Considering the incubation periods of all sorts of infectious diseases Hyang could remember, even if an outbreak were to occur among the crew, there was little chance of it causing damage to Joseon.

They would all die on the way.

It might seem inhumane, but that was the reality.

“However, there’s always the possibility of the unexpected…”

Due to the issue of variables, Hyang intervened in the process of creating operating regulations for the ocean-going fleet and established strict quarantine rules.

– Ships returning from ocean voyages are prohibited from directly entering the naval bases.

– The Naval Commander of the base where the ocean-going fleet is stationed shall establish a primary port of call on a nearby island and have the returning ships dock there first. The docking period shall be at least five days.

– Afterward, doctors will board the ships to check for the presence of infectious disease patients and review any records of outbreaks.

– If an infectious disease patient appears during the voyage and the situation becomes severe, the ship’s doctor has the duty and right to urge the ship’s captain or the highest-ranking commander to abandon the voyage.

– The captain or highest-ranking commander, upon receiving such urging from the ship’s doctor, shall dock at the nearest Joseon naval base or port.

– If the infection is severe, making it difficult to operate the ship and likely to spread externally, the captain or highest-ranking commander must have the crew disembark and scuttle the ship. This is to prevent further spread from the contaminated vessel.

– To enable quick and easy assessment of the situation from the outside, the captain or highest-ranking commander shall hoist a large signal flag at the highest point of the ship.

The color of the signal flag is…(omitted)

“Scuttling the ship is too extreme a measure, in my opinion. Considering the construction costs and the value of the cannons and cargo on board…”

The military officials and the Ministry of Finance and Economy administrators expressed disapproval upon seeing the rules proposed by Hyang, but Hyang was adamant.

“If there is a way to perfectly disinfect a ship where a plague has spread, I will gladly make an exception. While the value of the battleships and the goods they carry is immense, I believe it is a price worth paying when considering the loss of life and property that would result if an epidemic were to spread in Joseon.”

At Hyang’s words, the military and the Ministry of Finance and Economy representatives fell silent. Although the number of outbreaks had significantly decreased due to Hyang’s active public health and water resource management, whenever an epidemic did occur, it caused the entire Joseon to stagger.

In particular, smallpox, which was now treated like a toothless tiger thanks to Hyang’s cowpox vaccination program, had still been severe enough that the king himself would hold rituals whenever an outbreak occurred.

And Sejong, upon receiving the proposal, immediately stamped his seal on it.

“If a great calamity can be prevented with a bit of effort, I believe the Crown Prince’s words are reasonable. Proceed as proposed.”

“I shall obey your command!”

“That reminds me. It mentions ‘the nearest Joseon naval base’ here. Surely it doesn’t mean the navy and garrisons on Joseon soil, and it doesn’t seem to be Japan either… Could it be that you intend to build naval bases in distant foreign lands?”

To Sejong’s question, Hyang and Jo Mal-saeng answered simultaneously.


“That is correct, Your Majesty. It is something that must be done.”

“Hmm… Discuss it thoroughly with the Ministry of Finance and Economy.”

Sejong was slyly pushing the task onto Hyang and Jo Mal-saeng.

And it was the moment the notorious reputation of Joseon’s navy, which would make the European powers advancing into Asia starting from the east coast of Africa tremble with fear, was born.

As soon as Sejong’s order was given, the military and the court moved swiftly.

Yeongjong Island in the West Sea, Dalli Island in the South Sea, and Mureung Island (Ulleung Island) in the East Sea were designated as the primary ports of call for ships returning from ocean voyages, and port construction began.


The ships that arrived at Mokpo Naval Base under the escort of the Haeung-class battleships entered the temporary port of call being built on Dalli Island.

“It’s desolate.”

Gazing at the desolate sight of the pier, where construction had been halted in full swing, Kang Nam-gil muttered softly.

“However, military law is strict…”

Accepting the situation, Kang Nam-gil shouted to the marines.

“Endure it for just five more days! Five days will do! You wouldn’t want to see your families fall ill, would you?”

“Yes, sir!”

Forcibly suppressing their desire to disembark immediately, the marines responded. They, too, were well aware of the terror of epidemics. They all had family members or relatives who had lost their lives to plagues just a few degrees of separation away.


Only after safely enduring the isolation period and confirming that there were no abnormalities were the two battleships able to dock at Mokpo Naval Base.

With the help of the tugboats belonging to Mokpo Naval Base—the name was grandiose, but they were slightly larger than rowboats and slightly smaller than narrow boats—the two ships that had safely moored at the pier soon opened the deck covers leading to the cargo hold and operated the hoists.

“Be careful! This is all saltpeter! Saltpeter!”

“The hold is full of saltpeter! Bring all the carts you have!”

At the shouts of the marines on the ship, the soldiers receiving the cargo on the pier with carts all looked at the draft of the docked ships at once.

Seeing the draft almost touching the shimmering sea surface, the soldiers simultaneously gaped.

“Just how much did you bring?”


Based on their past experiences, even when fully loaded, the draft line, which usually remained at least one ja (about 30 cm) above the water surface, was now firmly touching the water surface.


The report on the cargo and goods unloaded from the two ships was immediately delivered to Hanseong via express messenger.

“A report from Mokpo Naval Base! It’s an inventory of the quantities and goods brought this time!”

“Let me see!”

Kim Jeom quickly examined the inventory he had snatched from his subordinate.

“Huh? This…”

Rubbing his eyes, Kim Jeom examined the inventory again.

After scrutinizing the inventory several times, Kim Jeom turned to his subordinate.

“Are these numbers accurate?”

“There are no discrepancies.”

“Send someone to Mokpo Naval Base immediately to conduct an on-site inspection! Right now!”

“Yes, sir!”

After hurriedly issuing orders to his subordinate, Kim Jeom examined the inventory once more. His eyes were fixed on the ‘saltpeter’ item.

Saltpeter total: 27,000 gwan (approximately 100 tons)

27,000 gwan was nearly 170,000 geun in terms of weight.

To calculate the amount of saltpeter produced in Joseon at the time, it was a situation where it fell slightly short of 30,000 geun.

This was achieved by establishing pastures all around and creating saltpeter fields nearby as the Reformation Plan progressed. The problem was that this was just a number. To obtain proper saltpeter, the saltpeter made by baking had to be aged for three years. Considering that process, the actual amount supplied to the military was at best half.

Yet with a single voyage, an amount of saltpeter that could be used for five years had come into their hands.

Kim Jeom double-checked the special notes written next to it.

– Top-grade, ready for immediate use.

After confirming the contents, Kim Jeom muttered softly.

“Minister Jo will have to treat us to a grand feast. No, should I be the one treating?”


After reviewing the reports from the Ministry of Finance and Economy and the military, Sejong turned to Hyang.

“So there was a reason you kept advocating for Tianzhu. Well done.”

“You flatter me.”

Hyang bowed his head in response to Sejong’s praise.

With a proud expression, Sejong turned to his ministers.

“Now that we have procured a large quantity of saltpeter through Tianzhu, the military should focus even more on thorough training. However, one thing to keep in mind is that just because it can be abundantly obtained, it should not be used extravagantly.”

At Sejong’s point, Jo Mal-saeng immediately bowed his head and replied.

“I will engrave it in my bones.”

As soon as Jo Mal-saeng’s reply ended, Heo Jo stepped forward.

“This is Heo Jo, the Minister of General Affairs. Now that the issue of saltpeter for military use has been resolved, I believe it would be beneficial to channel the saltpeter and manure produced at the pastures to the civilians.”

“To channel the saltpeter and manure from the pastures to the civilians?”

As Sejong showed interest, Heo Jo explained the reason.

“Saltpeter fields have long been a source of grievance. The reason is that saltpeter and manure are essential items for fertilization when farming. Therefore, now that the military’s problem has been resolved, I believe it would be good to allow the quantities produced at the pastures to be used by the civilians.”

At Heo Jo’s words, Sejong immediately nodded.

“I agree with Minister Heo’s opinion. However, as fertilizer is crucial for farming, there may be greed or corruption. Ministers, gather your opinions and devise a solution to address this.”

“We shall obey your command!”


After concluding the agenda regarding saltpeter, Sejong moved on to the next item.

“Petitions keep coming in to extend the semesters at School for Commoners until before summer. What are your thoughts on this?”

At Sejong’s question, Jo Gye-saeng bowed and replied.

“This is due to the education process at School for Commoners. To explain in detail…”

According to Jo Gye-saeng’s explanation, the problem was due to the completion process at School for Commoners.

School for Commoners did not have a fixed education period—in 21st-century terms, there were no set school years or completion periods.

For children attending School for Commoners to advance to the next course, they had to satisfy a single condition. That condition was to fully understand the current course. Until they achieved that condition, they were absolutely forbidden from moving on to the next course.

What added fuel to the fire was the ‘age restriction.’

Usually, children aged 5 to 15—for the aristocracy, before coming of age, and for commoners, before lifting a stone to receive adult certification—enrolled in School for Commoners. However, this was an ‘unspoken’ rule, and there was officially no age restriction.

Just as there was no age restriction for enrollment, there was no age restriction for completion either.

This was where competition arose among the parents.

“My child must complete the courses faster than the neighbor’s children!”

In the early days of School for Commoners, the situation was the opposite.

“They teach for free and even provide meals? Son! Endure it for as long as possible!”

Parents who were enticed by the prospect of being able to feed their children fully at least once a day were instead worried that their children might complete the courses too quickly.

However, as the Reformation Plan progressed and the economic situation improved, the parents’ mindset gradually began to change.

“Oh my! That family’s son is still on the Thousand Character Classic? My son has already moved on to the next level… Hmm…”

After being embarrassed by her rival at the laundry site, Dolsoe’s mother immediately searched for Dolsoe as soon as she returned home.

“Dolsoe! Dolsoe!”

“Yes, Mother.”

“What are you doing now?”

“I just brought back some fodder to feed the cow.”

At Dolsoe’s reply, Dolsoe’s mother shouted angrily.

“Forget about the cow’s fodder! It’s your own fodder that’s the problem! Go inside and study right now!”

Similar situations unfolded here and there throughout Joseon.

“Honey! Don’t you know what’s more important right now? I became a laughingstock to that damn Yongpal! Jangsoe, you brat! Go inside and study immediately!”


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