Black Corporation: Joseon

Chapter 317

Chapter 317

The war of words that took place in the room went in the same direction as before.

“Infant songs are out of character, their content is obscene, so they are worthless!”

“No formality means no learning! That’s it! And, not all folk songs are promiscuous!”

Hyang, exhausted from listening to the squirrel-like war of words, just quietly emptied the glass of alcohol that the gisaeng was pouring for him.

As the empty kettle went out and a new kettle came in, Hyang suddenly felt unfair.

‘Shit! Why do I have to drink alone? And listening to such old-fashioned stories instead of pleasant songs!’

As I got drunk, I completely forgot that I had created the place, and suddenly I felt aggrieved.

“for a moment!”

The scent that had stopped the two people from arguing gave an order in a slightly relaxed voice.

“From now on, those who will express their opinions must empty their glasses before speaking, and anyone who does not empty their glasses while the other person has emptied two glasses will be punished for three glasses.”

As the rule was established, both Anpyeong and Park Yeon began to get drunk. Then, little by little, the words that came out began to become more honest.

“Hey, old man! I heard that when you were young, you came to Hanyang and learned how to play the flute from a clown? “Are you saying that such a nobleman is out of character?”

In response to Anpyeong’s point, Park Yeon quickly emptied her glass and made an excuse.

“The clown at that time was truly talented!”

* * *

When Park Yeon was young and living in her hometown of Yeongdong, Chungcheong Province, she happened to have the opportunity to learn how to play the flute. Because he had a talent for music, his flute skills impressed the local people.

“You are a player (a person with excellent skills), you are a player!”

Due to the appreciation of his hometown people, he came up to Hanyang to learn more about yin.

And when he heard a rumor that there was a clown with a great talent for singing, he went to see him.

“Would you like to hear my flute?”


Park Yeon proudly boasted of her flute skills.

“How is it?”

The clown, who was quietly listening to the sound of Park Yeon’s flute, shook his head and answered.

“The sound of the scholar’s ​​flute has vulgar syllables and does not fit the melody.”

Park Yeon, shocked by the clown’s harsh criticism, asked for correction, but the clown refused the request.

“The habit has already become established and cannot be changed.”

However, Park Yeon forgot that he was a nobleman and clung desperately.

Eventually, the clown began teaching Park Yeon. However, he thought Park Yeon would give up soon. It was already a hard-established habit, and it was because of his pride in being a nobleman.

However, Park Yeon corrected her bad habits in just a few days, and before a month had passed, she was at the point where the clown asked her to learn. (Note 1)

* * *

Despite Park Yeon’s excuses, Anpyeong continued to push Park Yeon.

“Even if Jaein’s skills are outstanding, would he have learned the music of the left and right sides? I didn’t just learn the informal melody the old man said! “Songs and folk music may not be of the highest standard, but they touch people’s hearts, so they are worth recording!”

“Inspiration is important, but if there is no example, it is useless! “Dance is useless!”

“You can teach etiquette! What is important is the sincerity of the people contained within it!”

“Don’t be foolish and say nonsense! “Sincerity alone is not enough to show class!”

“What is more important than reputation is sincerity!”

“Music must be heavy and long!”

“Even something light and small has its own charm!”

The war of words heated up again. However, unlike the war of words that took place just a moment ago, they ended up revealing their true feelings and sticking together.

Looking at that, Hyang smiled slightly.

‘Now I can hear and see it! ‘Fighting is always fun when you take off everything and stick together!’

At the same time, Sejong, who was listening to the story in a neighboring room, raised his glass with a similar smile.

“I feel like listening now.”

* * *

The war of words that followed gradually tilted towards Anpyeong. Anpyeong was also like King Sejong’s child. As soon as Anpyeong gained a slight advantage using Park Yeon’s anecdote from his youth, Anpyeong fiercely pushed Park Yeon. As the alcohol added to it, Park Yeon was completely pushed away. Park Yeon had to sweat hard to stop Anpyeong’s intensifying offensive.

‘Are you saying that a tiger’s child is also a tiger? This place was a cave today!’

* * *

‘The situation has been sorted out in a way.’

“Then I will come to a conclusion.”

When Hyang opened his mouth after confirming the situation, the two people stopped arguing and looked at Hyang. Anpyeong was looking at the incense with an expectant face, while Park Yeon was looking at the incense with an expression full of defeat.

Looking at the faces of the two people, Hyang came to a conclusion.

“It would be a good idea to record and organize the folk songs as well.”


Park Yeon raised her voice, but Hyang calmly explained the reason.

“As Jeju claims, Sokyo is classless and frivolous. There are also many promiscuous things. However, since the sincerity of the people is melted there, that alone is valuable.”


Park Yeon let out a long sigh at Hyang’s decision. Although there was dissatisfaction, it was a sign of acceptance.

Hyang, who saw Park Yeon like that, spoke.

“Of course, it is true that folk songs are very inferior in terms of artistry. However, this is for Abama, or to be more precise, for the ruler.”

“What do you mean, for the sake of those in power?”

Anpyeong immediately asked a question in response to Hyang’s remarks. Park Yeon didn’t say anything either, but she looked interested.

In response to Anpyeong’s question, Hyang immediately explained the reason.

“As you said, the sincerity of the people is reflected in the folk songs. Because of this, those in power can know what the people are thinking. Even if it is a song written in the past, if it is well-received by today’s people, doesn’t that mean that they sympathize with the sincerity contained in the song? So, it means that it is helpful to those in power.”

“ah… .”

Anpyeong and Park Yeon nodded without realizing it at Hyang’s explanation.

Meanwhile, Sejong, who was listening in a neighboring room, was also nodding.

“’It may be a quick song, but the sincerity in that song is the heart of the people.’… . “That’s something to think about.”

Sejong, who was savoring Hyang’s words with a happy face, looked back at Naegeumwijang and Sang-seon who were present.

“How is it? “Even though he is my child, won’t he be a truly good ruler?”

“So it is.”

“Your Majesty’s words are truly correct.”

King Sejong muttered as he emptied his glass with a happy face at the answers of the Merchant Marine and Naegeumwijang.

“It looks like it’s already been completed, so shall we try cleaning it for you?”

* * *


When Sejong was mentioning Daejeongjeong, Hyang, who was holding a drink, suddenly trembled from the chill that overtook her entire body.

“Sir, what’s going on?”

“Oh, I suddenly felt a bit chilly… .”

“Shall I tear down my seat?”

Hyang shook his head in response to Anpyeong’s question.

“No, it’s not easy to create a situation like this, so let’s have some fun today. What do they do? “I lost my excitement!”


To Hyang’s command, the gisaeng responded with coquettish voices and began singing and dancing while filling empty glasses with alcohol.

* * *

Once the incense was over, Anpyeong and Park Yeon began to enjoy the drink with a relaxed mind.

As they became so drunk, Anpyeong and Park Yeon began to interfere with the gisaeng’s singing and dancing. Like Park Yeon, Anpyeong was also an expert in singing and dancing.

It started with Anpyeong.

“Lowering! “The gisaeng’s voice is not good!”

The gisaeng looked sad at Anpyeong’s words. However, Park Yeon and Anpyeong were the ones who could not refute anything in the palace through music.

“What the Commander-in-Chief said is correct! The sound is… .”

As Park Yeon stepped forward to help, Anpyeong stepped forward.

“Lowering! Even though it’s just a short story, I’ll sing a song!”

“OK! Let’s take a listen!”

In response to Hyang’s words, Anpyeong sang a Goryeo song in style.

Clap clap clap!

When Anpyeong’s song ended, Hyang, Park Yeon, and the gisaeng clapped.

“That sounded good! “You guys, try shouting again!”


At Hyang’s words, the gisaeng, who was known to be the best at singing among the gisaengs, came forward and began to sing a song.


While the gisaeng was making noise, Park Yeon shouted. When Park Yeon’s gisaeng, startled by her shouts, stopped her singing, Park Yeon cleared her throat and opened her mouth.

“Sound is… . “This is what needs to be called.”

As soon as she finished speaking, Park Yeon composed a song of love.

Clap clap clap!


“Really, manufacture it!”

When Park Yeon’s song ended, everyone inside applauded in admiration. As the applause died down, the scent gave a light rebuke.

“Why did you oppose it when you were so vocal?”

“This is because there are proper words, but there are no proper letters.”

“ah… .”

“huh? “What is that?”

In response to Park Yeon’s answer, Hyang showed an understanding expression, while Anpyeong asked back with an expression of uncertainty.

In response to Anpyeong’s question, Park Yeon explained the reason.

“If it’s a Chinese character, the meaning can be recorded. However, there are many words to express him even if they mean the same thing. If future generations see the score, they will have to worry about what words are appropriate for the song. Then, if you choose the wrong lyrics, the melody will also be modified, and the original song will be damaged.”

“ah… .”

Only then did Anpyeong nod his head.

However, Hyang smiled and answered.

“Still, write it down. “If that’s the case, Abamama will give you the answer.”

“yes? Sir, what does that mean?”

“I’m curious too.”

However, further explanation of the scent was omitted.

“You will know when the time comes.”

According to Hyang’s memory, King Sejong secretly developed Hunminjeongeum. So he stopped talking because he didn’t think there was a need for him to come forward and explain too much.

Sejong, who had been raising his glass to his mouth, froze as he heard Hyang’s meaningful words.

‘no way! Did this bastard notice?’

Sejong put down his drink and looked back at the merchant ship.

“Do you think the crown prince noticed?”

The Merchant Marine immediately answered King Sejong’s question.

“According to the reports from the children in the East Palace, they say that he showed no such signs at all.”

“Then how?”

When King Sejong expressed his doubts, Sang-seon, who was remembering, answered.

“I think you overlooked it because Your Highness frequently asks questions about text.”

King Sejong nodded at the merchant’s answer. Because he had things he did.

“That is most likely. Should we just have a proxy clean up at this point and start doing it in earnest?”

At that moment, a scent that sent a chill down the spine commanded the gisaeng.

“It’s a little cold. “Please bring a brazier.”


* * *

As the fireplace came on and the room became warmer, the alcohol began to flow faster and faster. As the room became warmer, the excitement in the room began to overflow.

“Lowering! “My brother has a request!”

“What happened?”

“I want to hear your voice!”

Anpyeong, who was very drunk, asked Hyang to sing a song. At that moment, not only Park Yeon but also her gisaengs focused their attention on Hyang.

There were many rumors throughout the capital that the crown prince was excellent in many fields, but there was no such talk about sound or melody.

Hyang, who hesitated for a moment at Anpyeong’s request, decided right away. The scent was also very intoxicating. The stress that had built up while suppressing everything except the virtues of Area 51 exploded through the alcohol.

“This too is a cliché! Clichés must be followed! But, you can’t do it like that!”

“Cl… what?”

Anpyeong tilted his head at the word he had never heard before, but Hyang immediately started singing.

“In the wind of the Nakdong River~”

* * *

In the 21st century, while living in a small farming village near Yangsan, Hyang had to do many things in addition to blacksmith work, including making a joy ride for the village elders.

Average age: 70s. There were many people in their 80s, and the average age of the ‘young members’ of the ‘village youth association’ was in their 50s, so the scent was truly ‘baby’. Thanks to this, whenever there was a party in the village, Hyang had to work hard to show off his tricks.

After making jokes like that, it was natural that I got used to trot, which was renamed to adult music. However, it was not the new generation trot that young people were familiar with, but the trot that was popular in the 60s and 70s when older people were young.

After returning to Joseon, after humming involuntarily and looking around in surprise several times, Han Hyang made a decision.

“Shit! It’s a cliché! Then you have to prepare!”

After making up her mind, Hyang chose a few songs that she remembered that would be good even during this period, converted them into Joseon Dynasty words and sentences, and memorized them.

* * *

Hyang’s passionate performance of ‘Virgin Boatman’ ended, but the room was quiet.

“This is the first time I’ve heard this in my life.”

Immediately following Park Yeon’s words, Anpyeong spoke.

“It’s the same for me too. Could this be a sound you made?”

“Unfortunately, I don’t have that talent. “I learned this from one of the singers in the clown group that sang to you when you were young.”

“But why don’t I remember anything?”

“Because you were young back then.”

“still… .”

“Isn’t my memory so good?”

Anpyeong’s face appeared in agreement at Hyang’s words. The memory of scent was well-known. Although she may have forgotten herself, she was certain that she would have remembered the scent.

“By the way, did it sound okay?”

In response to Hyang’s question, Park Yeon shared her thoughts.

“Sori’s older brother was unfamiliar to me. But, somehow, it catches my heart. And the lyrics are so earnest that they capture your heart.”

“It’s the same for me too. “My heart aches for her filial piety as she takes care of her old mother on behalf of her brother who has gone to the military.”

“Thank goodness.”

Hyang looked relieved at Park Yeon and Anpyeong’s favorable reviews.

“Well, my dear… .”

At that time, a gisaeng who had been criticized by Park Yeon for making a noise came out in front of the incense and suddenly prostrated herself.

“What’s going on?”

In response to Hyang’s question, the gisaeng got straight to the point.

“Please teach the heavenly woman that sound! “I really want to learn how sad the lyrics and melody are.”

Hyang thought about the gisaeng’s request for a moment and then answered.

“I’ll call you number 3. “Memorize it.”

“I am devastated, my dear!”

As a gisaeng who is good at singing, when Hyang sang number 3, she completely memorized the lyrics and most of the melody as well.

“I will sing you two more times.”

When the song was sung repeatedly a total of 5 times, the gisaeng completely memorized the lyrics and melody.

* * *

A few days later, Akhak.

Park Yeon, who was inspecting the sheet music uploaded from below, started humming without realizing it.

“In the wind of the Nakdong River~.”

Anpyeong, who was sitting at the desk across from Park Yeon, hummed along with her.

“Ehehe… .”

At that moment, Park Yeon and Anpyeong, realizing their actions, swore at the same time.

“Holy shit!”

At a similar moment, Sejong, who had been humming without realizing it, came to his senses in shock and muttered.

“This is incredibly addictive.”

* * *

After some time passed, ‘Virgin Boatman’ came out from the roof of Hanseong. And, as time passed, even the woman swinging the laundry bat at the Cheonggyecheon Laundry was called.

The most absurd people in this situation were the residents living near the Nakdong River.

“Why do you visit the Nakdong River in Hanseong?”


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