Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 117 - 117 Outrage

Chapter 117: Chapter 117 Outrage

Facing Young Master Ye’s angry glare, Feng Jun did not return the gaze tooth for tooth, not because he did not dare, but because he disdained to do so.

He reached out with his chopsticks, picked up a peanut, and chewed it slowly in his mouth.

Seeing his attitude, Young Master Ye grew even more annoyed. He snorted coldly, “Boss Feng, is this… you have a problem with Young Master Dou?”

“You speak in such a strange way,” Feng Jun looked up at him, and spoke coldly, “I haven’t even heard of this person you’re mentioning. Where would I have any opinion about him?”

Young Master Ye finally realized that he had nothing to talk about with this guy, so he turned his head to glance at Liang Haiqing, “Boss Liang, you talk then.”

Liang Haiqing felt a tingling in his scalp but still had to show a composed face, lest he give away any signs of cowardice.

He nodded at Feng Jun, “President Feng, Young Master Dou and Young Master Ye have substantial influence in the capital, and they are also genuinely interested in purchasing jade. The stock in your hands, Zhengyang simply cannot consume it all. You should consider the markets outside the province as well. The demand in the capital is far greater than that in Funiu.”

If he could choose, Feng Jun also wished to speak kindly. Seeing that Boss Liang was not posturing, he nodded slightly, “The markets outside the province, of course, I will consider. What I wanted to say is that I currently have no stock at hand, so you’ll have to wait a bit.”

Seeing his tone soften, Young Master Ye spoke again, “Just bring out a little for now, however many pieces you have. Surely you don’t have absolutely no inventory at all, right?”

His logic was not wrong. Purely from a business perspective, suppliers of sought-after products generally have some stock tucked away for emergencies, just in case some influential individuals come calling. Merchants can use it to respond in a pinch—it’s a tactic for survival.

However, he did not consider that Feng Jun was an exception who really had no stock left, and Boss Feng particularly disliked such presumptuous attitudes. Even if he had stock now, given their attitude, he might not be willing to bring it out.

So he merely looked at them indifferently, “Believe it or not, I really don’t have any inventory right now.”

Young Master Ye’ s face darkened further. As someone who held himself in high regard, he felt that by taking the initiative to visit, he had already given the other party enough face. Unexpectedly, the bastard was so blind.

Yet, thinking of his purpose for coming, he still suppressed his anger and said, “If you can bring out some top-quality jade, we can help you with exclusive sales around the capital.”

Do you understand? It is Young Master Dou who will help you with exclusive sales. Do you know what that means?

Feng Jun laughed, however, looking oddly at him, “Exclusive sales? Thanks for the offer, no need. I’m just dabbling in the business and haven’t planned to suppress the survival space of others in the same trade.”

Exclusive sales to him was a good thing but also a bad thing. The good aspect was if Young Master Dou pushed strongly for sales, he would inevitably take over the market of other jade suppliers, and Feng Jun’s own jade would sell more.

The bad was that, with the channels in the hands of the other party, his profit might not be very high; surely the lion’s share of the profits would go to the channel traders.

In the end, he might end up with lots of stock moving out but not much money earned, further alienating other jade suppliers.

Upon hearing this, Young Master Ye was furiously enraged. You understood what I said and still refuse to comply?

What particularly irritated him was that in his plans, securing a batch of fine jade was only the initial goal. If the other party genuinely had plentiful and excellent jade, he contemplated monopolizing that channel.

Now seeing the other party stubbornly uncooperative, he finally lost his temper and said ominously, “President Feng, don’t assume that Young Master Dou’s influence is confined to the capital alone. Me coming to you already gave you enough face.”

“Is that so?” Feng Jun smiled faintly, not looking at him. Instead, he picked up another peanut, chewed it a few times, swallowed it with a gulp, then spoke unhurriedly, “I didn’t force you to come here—in other words… you really don’t need to give me any face.”

“Not needed?” Young Master Ye sneered, turning his head to glance at Liang Haiqing, “What do you say, Boss Liang?”

Liang Haiqing knew well that although Young Master Dou stood high and mighty, he didn’t have much of a foundation in Funiu, but if he decided to make a move there, there were plenty of people willing to help.

Not to mention anyone else, just take the big boss of Henglong—he was also eager to curry favor with Young Master Dou.

But at the same time, Boss Liang also knew that Xiao Feng was not an easy person to provoke.

So he could only offer a conciliatory smile, “How about this, Young Master Ye? Henglong still has a couple of decent pieces of jade. You can take them to tide you over. When President Feng gets new jade, we can sit down again to discuss… After all, it’s business, and we should aim for harmonious and profitable dealings.”

Young Master Ye hesitated. Before coming, he had already said he did not want to touch Henglong’s jade; he did not wish to be inconsistent.

But now, he had no other choice. Getting to take a few more pieces of jade back would mean the trip wasn’t wasted.

However, by doing so, he would ultimately renege on his word. So after nodding, he gave Feng Jun another cold look and said, “In consideration of Boss Liang’s face, I won’t quibble with you. Otherwise…”

Young Master Ye’s threat was not empty talk. He knew the other party had a source of jade, but… it appeared to be in a somewhat gray area?

If Young Master Dou got angry, he could act directly to eliminate this source, cut it off, or even claim it for himself.

Of course, if Young Master Dou really did this, he would have toexertsome effort and pay a price. Therein lied the question of whether it was worth it or not—if the same effort could yield far greater benefits, there was no need to persist in this matter.

He didn’t finish his sentence, but Feng Jun wouldn’t have it, “Or else what?”

The three pieces of Jade sold to Henglong had nothing to do with him anymore. If Liang Haiqing wanted to give them to Ye Shao, that was their choice.

But he was still a bit unhappy—flaunting the Jade I sold like they’re the big man; it doesn’t reflect well on me either.

“Or else? Hmph,” Ye Shao let out two cold snorts. He originally wanted to say he’d cut the kid’s source of income, but in the end, he held back—he didn’t take Feng Jun seriously, but he was aware that the other party might have some dark, societal background.

Those who come out of the capital don’t fear street figures, but recklessly provoking someone without preparation could lead to immediate disadvantages.

So after those two snorts, he casually said, “Believe it or not, I can make Zhengyang banish you?”

“Banish?” Feng Jun gave him a strange look, his eyes clearly saying: Are you sick in the head?

“Hehe,” Seeing that look, Ye Shao started to laugh, it was a very dignified, very arrogant laugh, casual yet completely in control, “You can choose not to believe me.”

Feng Jun couldn’t stand this affected attitude, thinking, aren’t you putting on a bit too much of an act?

He didn’t realize his own arrogance wasn’t much less overwhelming, with Ye Shao also grinding his teeth internally.

Anyway, since the other party was acting so breezy about it, Feng Jun had no interest in confronting him directly, as if he couldn’t keep his cool.

So he just glanced at Liang Haiqing—Old Liang, we were having a good meal, why did you bring such a wet blanket?

Boss Liang was also full of helplessness. He was about to say something when the female president from Hongjie lightly snorted, her face expressionless as she spoke, “Gentlemen, we still want to drink, so if you two could please excuse yourselves.”

Sister Hong was also a bit annoyed, but since the matter wasn’t targeted at her, and the other party obviously had significant clout, she didn’t say anything too unpleasant—of course, a cold face was enough.

Ye Shao immediately couldn’t take it anymore. His assertiveness today was partially to gain the attention of this beauty; seeing her ushering them out, he could no longer stay calm, his eyes flashing with aggressive light, “Beautiful lady, is this matter any of your business?”

Before Sister Hong could respond, Wang Haifeng also spoke up. He coldly snorted, “We were drinking just fine, and it was tolerable that you came to join the fun, but I didn’t expect you to be such a spoiler. Why don’t you scurry back to where you came from?”

Ye Shao glanced at him irritably, “Is it your place to speak here?”

“Hey,” Wang Haifeng laughed out of anger, knowing the other’s influence was great, but Coach Wang had never been shortchanged from childhood to adulthood, his pride was not ordinary, “We were eating just fine, and you barge in here acting all high and mighty, so who really doesn’t have the right to speak?”

Ye Shao’s nose nearly twisted in fury. A mere working stiff dares to show teeth at me?

But he wouldn’t stoop to continue the petty squabble, that would be beneath him.

So he stood up, looking at Feng Jun coldly, his face expressionless as he spoke, “I already gave you a chance. Since you don’t appreciate it, let reality teach you howto behave.”

Feng Jun frowned and was about to speak when Xu Leigang couldn’t stand it anymore, “Kid, keep blabbering, and believe it or not, I’ll smash your mouth?”

Ye Shao turned to look at him, frowning again, “And who are you supposed to be? Why does every Tom, Dick, and Harry think they can chime in?”

Xu Leigang laughed in anger too, “I’m Xu Leigang. Without stating your name, would you even be able to enter this place?”

Ye Shao was taken aback first, then sneered in disdain, “So owning a small villa makes you a big shot? How much of the world have you really seen? Looking to butt heads? I’m game!”

“Game? What are you game for, aubergine!” Xu Leigang slammed the table and stood up, “I’m in a good mood today, so I won’t deal with you! Some ‘Ye Shao’ trying to banish President Feng, I want to see which jerk in Funiu dares to touch my friend!”

Ye Shao looked at him deeply, turned around and walked out, only letting out a snort as he left, “If you insist on provoking, don’t blame me for dragging in the innocent.”

“Go to hell,” Xu Leigang grabbed the ashtray in front of him and hurled it viciously.

With a loud bang, the ashtray exploded on the door frame. Fortunately, Ye Shao dodged quickly, but even so, a few fragments splattered onto him.

“Haha,” Wang Haifeng laughed gleefully, “Threatening Commander Zhu’s son in Funiu, quite the brave one!”

“Commander Zhu?” Ye Shao was a bit stunned. Isn’t this guy’s last name Xu?

It was Boss Liang with the informed news, asking in surprise, “Are you Commander Zhu’s youngest son?”

Xu Leigang, now resenting him too, waved his hand dismissively, “Get lost, and don’t force me to throw punches!”


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