Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 116: Relentless Pursuit

Chapter 116: Chapter 116: Relentless Pursuit

Feng Jun was anxious to leave also because he had important business to attend to—he was about to transact on the villa with Xu Leigang.

The original plan was for Sister Hong to lend him five million, and Wang Haifeng to lend him twenty million, which would be enough to acquire the villa first.

However, there was a snag with Coach Wang, who after two days was only able to scrape together nine million. There was no helping it, he hadn’t earned much money himself and had to get it from family, which is the sadness of not having financial freedom.

He said to wait another two days, as the old man had a sum of money coming in and had already promised to lend him eleven million.

Before, Feng Jun had no other choice but to wait. Now that he had the money in hand, he certainly didn’t want to wait any longer; he didn’t even want to borrow the five million from Sister Hong.

It was just past five o’clock now, and he planned to meet with Xu Leigang, have Sister Hong as a witness, and transfer the forty-five million.

As for the property transfer and such, it couldn’t be done today, and it didn’t matter if it was done tomorrow. He also wasn’t worried about the other party absconding with his money.

After receiving the call, Sister Hong chuckled on the other end, “Xiao Feng, I really underestimated you before. In just two days, you’ve sorted out the money. You really are rich at a young age.”

Feng Jun had already come to regard her as a buddy, so he naturally didn’t stand on ceremony, and he replied with a touch of pride, “My jade is money; it’s just that you guys aren’t in the trade, so it wouldn’t be right for me to use jade as collateral.”

Hearing this, Sister Hong couldn’t help but come up with a sudden idea, “Since that’s the case, why don’t you get me a good piece of jade too, as long as the price isn’t too high. Consider it repaying the favor for the five million loan.” “I might as well give it to you,” Feng Jun replied with a laugh. Conveniently, he had a pair of jade stones on hand, which he had acquired from Shuangxi Town. Selling them separately wouldn’t make much sense, so he might as well give them away.

Around six o’clock, Feng Jun, Wang Haifeng, and Sister Hong arrived at Peach Blossom Valley again. Xu Leigang had been informed and was already waiting at home, even having two people cook at the house.

Feng Jun brought thirty million in cash directly into the villa-obviously, he carried it in separate trips.

Xu Leigang may have been from the second generation, but he had really never seen thirty million in cash piled up together. Just thinking about it, at ten thousand a bundle, you’d need three thousand bundles to make up that amount.

Ordinary people might not even dare to keep that much money at home.

But these were no ordinary people. Xu Leigang locked the money in the basement, securing it with a lock. Two locks on the room door and the staircase, plus the house door and courtyard gate, made it four layers of locks in total. A common thief wouldn’t have a chance at stealing it.

The four of them sat down for drinks, and it was then that Young Master Xu said with a laugh, “Boss Feng, you’re making quite the scene. With so much cash, I won’t be able to sleep well tonight.”

Wang Haifeng, being more carefree, spoke indifferently, “This is Peach Blossom Valley; who would dare to sneak around here?”

After a few words, Feng Jun brought out the pair of jade stones, but before Sister Hong could even speak, Xu Leigang’s eyes lit up. He grabbed them and toyed with them for a while, “Wow, these are really good stuff. This pair must be worth a hundred thousand, right?”

Although he didn’t have much money, his family’s background was set; Zhu Renxia had once commanded troops in the Northwest, leaving quite a few former subordinates there, and Xu Leigang had seen plenty of jade since he was a child.

He even felt quite nostalgic, “Back then, jade wasn’t valuable. When I was practicing calligraphy with a brush as a kid, the paperweights were made of Mutton Fat White Jade from Hetian. Later though, my mom just gave them away to my third aunt, and now I don’t know where they are.”

Sister Hong, who had initially thought the jade stone spheres too bulky and heavy for a lady’s gift, upon hearing this, joyfully took them into her hands, “That’s really kind of Boss Feng to offer.”

Wang Haifeng was a bit envious, “Feng Jun, you’ve got to give me a little something too. I’ve run my legs off these past two days trying to help you find money.”

“Sure,” Feng Jun agreed without hesitation, “I don’t have anything right now, but I’ll bring it over next time.”

The four had not been drinking for long when Feng Jun’s phone rang. The caller was none other than Liang Haiqing. Their side was about done with eating and drinking, and Ye Shao from the capital wanted to meet Boss Feng. Feng Jun didn’t have a good impression of that Ye Shao, who sneaked around under Henglong’s name to bid on jade, lacking transparency in his dealings, so he straightforwardly said, “I’m drinking with friends right now. Whatever it is, let’s talk about it tomorrow.”

Liang Haiqing, who had already figured out his temperament, could only reply smilingly, “President Feng, didn’t you say you wanted a face-to-face talk? Ye Shao and I are on our way to see you. You can’t go back on your word now, could you?”

“I really have some business,” Feng Jun, who prided himself on being a man of principle, still cared about maintaining his own rules, so he explained patiently, “I just closed a deal over forty million, and we are celebrating with drinks.”

Liang Haiqing, seeing that he was unwilling to meet, lowered his voice, “I have news about Wang Weimin to tell you, something you’ll want to hear.”

Upon hearing this, Feng Jun was at a loss too. After thinking it over, he said, “Then come to Peach Blossom Valley. You know where the administrative committee’s housing is, right? I’m in the villa area right across from it.” When Xu Leigang heard this, he interjected, “Report my name at the gate. Otherwise, they won’t be able to get in.”

Boss Liang was quite prompt; half an hour later, a Mercedes 600 stopped outside Xu Leigang’s villa.

Even if Feng Jun didn’t care much for the visitor, he still needed to come out to greet them since they had arrived at the doorstep.

Upon exiting the car, Ye Shao first surveyed the environment around him. By this time, it had gotten dark, but the streetlights in this area were brightly lit.

Not far away, there was an open flat space with a five- or six-story tall pagoda, fully adorned with light strips and spotlights – a man-made attraction of Peach Blossom Valley.

With Ye Shao’s discerning eye, he couldn’t help but nod slightly in approval, “This place is quite decent, indeed.”

Xu Leigang too had come out. He didn’t respond to the comment but instead loudly directed the driver, “Forward… move a little more ahead, it’s fine, you can drive over that grass.”

It was Liang Haiqing who quietly explained, “This is a special area designated by the scenic zone, very rare. It’s a bit secluded here, so the house prices aren’t the highest, but even with money, you might not be able to buy one of these villas.”

“No matter how difficult to buy, could it be more difficult than purchasing a courtyard house in the capital?” Ye Shao laughed dismissively. “The capital may have smog, but the air here is good. If you let everyone choose, let’s see which they’d prefer.”

The sense of superiority of a capital resident was vividly exemplified in him. No matter how good the scenery, how fresh the air, or how suitable the climate, he could defeat any argument with one sentence – “You have it good, but we live in the capital.”

Once inside the house, they found that people were indeed eating and drinking.

Feng Jun felt it would be impolite to have them just sit around, so he called out to them and then glanced at Xu Leigang, “Prepare two more dishes.”

Xu Leigang’s build could easily give someone the wrong impression — as if this guy was a chef, right?

Ye Shao took one look at Wang Haifeng, ignored him completely, but instead smiled at Zhang Weihong – when Sister Hong wasn’t showing her tough, societal vibe, she embodied the cool beauty of a female CEO.

Feng Jun casually introduced them, stating Zhang Weihong was the boss of Hongjie Cultural Entertainment Co., Ltd., and Wang Haifeng was an employee of the company.

Upon hearing the words “cultural entertainment company,” a relaxed expression appeared on Ye Shao’s face, while Liang Haiqing took a more careful look at Zhang Weihong – he had heard quite a bit about Hongjie.

Boss Liang and Ye Shao had come straight from a meal, so they didn’t eat much. After a couple of drinks, Ye Shao made his intentions clear – he hoped to purchase some more quality jade, and price was not an issue.

Since he had made the trip personally, it showed his serious attitude. Feng naturally informed him that while he did have jade, he was currently out of stock; if Ye Shao could wait, he could come back in a month, and he would be sure to leave him satisfied.

Ye Shao glanced at Sister Hong, unintentionally or otherwise, and spoke earnestly, “The capital is facing a huge shortfall of high-quality jade. Could President Feng expedite a batch for me? That way, my trip wouldn’t have been in vain.”

This request somewhat irked Feng Jun. He could arrange another shipment in a second, but it would expend his energy points.

Additionally, if he just supplied goods on demand, where would his dignity stand?

At the auction event that day, he was not the only one to make such a request. Feng had stated that he truly had no jade available and anyone interested would have to wait for the next shipment.

If he declined local jewelers but supplied to someone from the capital, once the word got out, he might not escape suspicion of being a “traitor” – exactly like Liang Haiqing that day.

Although he wasn’t a native Zhengyang person, he had to consider the feelings of the locals since he made his living here.

As for the other party having made a wasted trip, what did that have to do with him? He hadn’t invited Ye Shao in the first place – the man was an uninvited guest.

So he shook his head decidedly, “Shipment is out of the question. Let’s wait for the next time. Once I have the jade back, I’ll have Boss Liang let you know.” Upon hearing this, Ye Shao’s face turned visibly unpleasant, “President Feng, I truly wish to become your friend. You might not be aware, but I’m here on behalf of Young Master Dou.”

“Oh, so it’s Young Master Dou,” Feng Jun appeared contemplative as he nodded then firmed his expression, “I really haven’t heard about him. Is he a big deal in the capital?”

Ye Shao also felt provoked by the varied expressions on Feng’s face. He glanced at Sister Hong again and said coldly, “Who Young Master Dou is, you can easily find out with a bit of asking. What I want to say is, Young Master Dou’s capabilities far exceed your imagination.”

Observing this interchange, Feng Jun realized why this guy was so insistent. It was because Sister Hong was present.

There’s a reason why they say beauty brings disaster. Without mentioning the notorious Bao Si who played with the hearts of warring states, wasn’t the great Trojan War caused by Helen, known as the world’s most beautiful woman?

Sister Hong might not compare to Helen, but her presence stirring up Ye

Shao s desire to show off was hardly surprising.

Feng had already considered her a friend, so he had a hard time taking Ye Shao’s words seriously, “Oh, if Young Master Dou is so powerful, then he can easily procure jade from somewhere else. Why bother with a small-timer like me?”

Hearing this, Ye Shao couldn’t help but glare at him: What the fuck, who talks like that?

(To be continued. We have a new patron, let’s thank Feng Xiao for the support, though the votes are still desired..)


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