Becoming Legend

Chapter 255: Exit

Chapter 255: Exit

The orbs exploded as though they waited for the lightning to strike them.

With pressure inside the orbs. Katolin created something of a wind bomb with lightning as the trigger.

The silent explosion created a vacuum that sucked everything and successfully cut the current.

With her thumb, across her face, pointing at the disturbance in front of them, Katolin signaled Ned to proceed to the vacuum.

The two swam. Slowly, the vacuum was beginning to weaken.

Upon reaching the other side of the current, Ned felt the coldness sipping through his skins. Ned looked over his shoulder just in time for the current to connect itself once again. Then it created a deep and round roar before it flowed like a raging beast.

Ned couldn't see what lies beyond the darkness below them. But Ned felt something was staring at them. He couldn't understand the feeling of someone or something watching his every move. With hair standing all over his body, Ned used the skill Detect.


No lifeforms were detected by this skill Detect within the radius of 15 meters.

How? Ned thought staring dumbfoundedly at the darkness below them. He knew his senses weren't misleading him.

Katolin's warm hand tagged Ned by his shoulder and pointed upward, making him jerked as his thoughts went back to reality. Before he could leave, Ned glared one last time at the bottom of the lake.

He spun around, slowly his body moved according to his will. But due to the water around them, his movements were counted.

Katolin guided Ned into the depths. The light from above was flickering on the surface. But as they went deeper into the abyss, those lights were dimming until none could be seen. Ned could see hints of light but they were not enough to shine the way.

Ned saw Katolin fluttering ahead of him. Darkness obscured her body which gave Ned a relief. He wasn't affected by Katolin being naked but he wasn't naive as well. Katolin was a woman now that she was transformed. This concept alone was enough for Katolin to be respected.

Ned swam closer to Katolin. Parallel with each other, Ned withdrew one of the crystals out of his pocket dimension to light their way. The light from the crystal was more than enough for Ned to see what lies ahead of them by almost two to three meters, farther than that they were a clad of blur and darkness.

Katolin gestured. Shrugging her shoulder with the black-to-black cloak flattering silently. She blinked and pointed ahead of them.

Ned felt his body stiffened along with his lungs trying to compensate for Ned's movements. He was losing air since they have been swimming for more than ten minutes.

Come on, Ned said a lie to himself. We are close, I can feel it.

Ned looked up to his right, where the current was supposed to be flowing. It wasn't visible but the pressure like they were being sucked back in the current was strong. Ned and Katolin were following this pressure.

He knew, that somewhere ahead of them, the exit where the current passes were waiting for them.

But, for how long they need to swim?

For how many meters they need to swim to reach the exit?

Even though the crystal he held on his left was brightly shining blue, still, they weren't enough to light farther away.

Katolin frowned, her eyes show a hint of worry. After all, she was a beast and this might be her first time swimming this deep.

Beside him, Ned grabbed her hand. Giving her a comfort she needed under this boundless darkness, and coldness, and unknown danger.


Ned was occupied by their current situation that ICE had to repeat two times for Ned to notice the ringing in his mind.

[Try throwing a fireball.]

I'll try, Ned responded in his mind.

Letting go of Katolin's hand, Ned conjured a fireball. Bubbles blob-blob in his right hand. But since they were underwater, no matter how strong Ned's fireball was, they weren't enough to last longer.

Ned let go of the fireball.

But upon reaching four meters it vanished leaving a trace of bubbles.

And at four meters, they have seen nothing.

But giving up was too early.

Following Ned's lead. Katolin conjured her spell of lightning and threw an arc ahead of them.


There was nothing that exists in front of them. Be it four, five, or six meters ahead, they saw nothing.

Unable to hold herself, bubbles gargled out her mouth. Katolin jerked looking at Ned. She was losing air at a rapid rate with all their movements. Ned gave his hand once again were Katolin gripped it stronger.

Hold on, Ned thought. Hold on, we will find a way.

Above them, Ned could feel the pressure from the current getting stronger.

Were they ascending?

No, Ned thought. Ned made sure that they follow the pressure of the current at the same time staying level under it so that they won't get sucked in.

Out of nowhere, the lights that Ned once saw flickered in the distance. They were like fireflies of green light.

There was only one, then two, then three as the lights were splitting.

In the distance, they hovered. Circling in front of Ned and Katolin and made weird movements. These lights that were still splitting and now in a number Ned was not able to count anymore lurched up and down as tough nodding while looking at Ned with their unseen eyes.

To keep them safe from unknown enemies, Ned used the skill Detect again.

Still, no lifeform was detected even though the lights were in front of them.

The lights then hovered toward Katolin, circling her body. She was shining brightly with the lights as though playing around her.

Curious about the unknown lights, Ned swam closer to Katolin and reached for one of the lights.

Then, the lights scattered as Ned reached for his hands. They jerked and spin trying to scramble away from Ned.

Hmmm, Ned thought. What are they? Afraid of me?

Ned's thought broke as the light formed a line in front of Katolin. Traces of lights were leaving their bodyif they have one.

Although feeling distressed, Katolin secured a smile at Ned and pointed at the lights.

"We Nee to fo em... " she said with bubbles leaving her mouth.

Follow them? Ned thought as he tried to interpret Katolin.

Katolin then grabbed Ned's hand and swam while she followed the lights.

As they kept on swimming for almost a minute or two, Ned saw a light in the distance.

They were lights from crystals the same as the one inside the cave and these crystals were not there without a reason.

A crack was visible. Around these cracks were the crystals.

Swimming farther and closer to the crack, Ned saw an opening filled with these crystals.

The exit.

Their exit, since the flow of the current, was going inside the crack.

The ribbons and orbs of light that were guiding them circled Katolin before disappearing in the distance.

Those were not just lights, Ned thought. I'll have to

Ned was at his limit without air. His body couldn't hold it much longer.

Seeing Ned losing it, Katolin conjured a spell of thunder and wind.

She smiled at Ned then flicked her hands toward the crack. Towards their exit.


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