Becoming Legend

Chapter 254: Inferior Humans

Chapter 254: Inferior Humans

Ned and Katolin collected the crystals that were left scattered in the cave. Aside from the triangular and unknown crystal, Ned saved, three more crystals were worth Ned's space and notice.

These three crystals were much bigger than the one that Ned had, but their appearance was different from the rest. They were murky blue and were packed with mana with the surface being rough and edgy. Ned had examined these crystals and to Ned's assumption, they were equivalent to at least a thousand Medium Grade mana stones.

Katolin's brows furrowed as to why Ned was taking the crystals.

Ned explained that mana stones were valuable on the surface since humans who were Magic Capables were absorbing them.

This, however, made Katolin scorn humans.

"Why?" Ned asked.

"Humans were inferior lifeform (fly)," Katolin said.

Ned wondered why the attitude towards humans?

"Well," Katolin explained. "Humans are greedy, they fought for a mere stone. They kill their own, and were blind for the truth."

"Why? What's the truth?"

"Beast only speaks of the truth. We do not lie."

Ned felt exhausted with his new companion. He wasn't sure how he would accept her. But whether he liked it or not, she must stay closer to Ned. Even though she said it, that beast does not lie, she might get influenced by the people from above.

Ned had to sigh thinking about Katolin seeing the surface for the first time. He just wished that she, at least, be prudent with her action when they are on the surface.

"I'm human too," Ned said over his shoulder.

"No, Ned," she said shaking her head and walked closer to Ned. "You are above being human already. In my eyes, you're supreme than being a human."

"Wait, what? No," Ned said. "Don't say things like that."

Ned grabbed the three crystals and with a flick of his wrist, they went to his ring. And he sighed.

What should I do with her? Ned thought.

Upon standing, Ned realized that Katolin's dismembered hand was now completely intact. Like nothing had happened.

"How was it?" He said looking at her left arm.

"Hmmm," Katolin rubbed her left arm. As if thinking as to why Ned was asking such a silly question. "~Ah! Yes~it's fine. Perfectly fine. Looks like I have to settle things with that Evolved Kruthik later."

"How well do you remember everything? About me? And everything else." Ned had to ask since she was lost at thought every time Ned asked her if what were the things she remembers.

Ned frowned. Katolin wasn't much of a talker, but she wasn't the one to keep silent either. This was noticed by Ned as she kept on lingering closer to Ned, and asking questions out of her curiosity as though she got a new self after her transformation.

"More," she began after a long pause. "But not much. I think only the important things, only the one that was valuable to you. Like Kamma, Calahir, ICE and"

Her already big and rounded eyes went wide like a mouth forming a big O.

"Earth!" Her voice echoed in the cave. "~Earth. Say, Ned, can we go there, please~."

Oh great. Ned sighed. "Impossible. Space travel is impossible with this world's technology. Wait, you should know about it."

"Actually, no. Maybe later, I might learn about space that-this, but no." Katolin pouted her lips, feeling down from Ned's response.

It seemed that not all of my memory was transferred to her, Ned thought with a nod. That's a good thing, she seemed to not mentioned Toni and the rest, but Coco?

"Let's leave," Ned said."We're gonna find our way up and find you some clothes."

"Why?" She said following Ned behind. "I like looking like these. Weren't men liked their woman naked?"

"Oh great," Ned said as if singing in defeat. "You are having a wrong assumption of your chastity. You'll have to learn more about it. For now, let's leave this place."

They went underwater with Katolin as the lead.

Upon reaching the current, Ned noticed that the dancing lights were gone. Instead, only darkness remained.

Katolin raised a hand, waving then pointing at the far end of the current. The current was not visible in naked eyes. But if Ned tried to reach for his arm, he could feel the strong pressure at the tips of his fingers.

Ned nodded to Katolin, indicating her to start with her magic and to show Ned how would she do it.

The water around Ned gargled and moved violently as Katolin started her magic.

So that's it, Ned thought. He hovered in water with his hands and legs flipping, trying to stay afloat.

Katolin was using wind magic to obstruct the strong force of the current. The cloak Ned gave her flapped slowly since they were underwater. But to think that her magic could affect the movements of water around them.

Surges of wind were coming behind Katolin as she kept injecting her mana.

The current moved from left to right, with both darkness at the start and exit to where it flows and this exit was their destination.

Deep at the bottom, there was only darkness without the dancing light. But Ned had to worry about it later after Katolin broke the current to let them pass.

Seconds after she conjured wind magic, ribbons of wind were forming around her hands.

She then raised her hand and flicked them towards the current. These ribbons of wind followed Katolin's hands then hovered to where it was directed.

Countless numbers of wind ribbons swum like snakes toward the current. Then after reaching them, these ribbons of wind magic stayed at the course, floating, of the current forming tiny orbs.

These tiny orbs were kept on spinning between the current by Katolin's mana. She then conjured another spell. A spell only known to her.

The liquid around them turned livid as lightning spells were coiling around her wrist. Under the silence of the water, they cracked with high pitched sounds.

Before unleashing the spell, Katolin looked at Ned waiting for his approval.

Ned nodded, then the lightning around her wrist shot out toward the orbs of wind magic. They were like dragons that flew toward their target.

Ned confirmed that even though, Katolin could use three elements for magic, her control wasn't that precise yet since she only relied upon Ned's memory during the conduct of spells. But she didn't have the real experience when conjuring spell. Even though, she got to conjure spells at least in the basic form. Thus her not being precise.

The wind orbs that were obstructing the current exploded the moment the lighting reaches them.


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