Becoming a Wizard by Starting From the Mind Closure Technique

Chapter 65 - 65 Strategy Shift_1

Chapter 65: Chapter 65 Strategy Shift_1

Translator: 549690339

The Lucia family is a large clan.

There’s much hidden information in Wizard Palo’s words.

Firstly, Wizard Palo has perceived Link’s intentions to part ways with Sophie Lucia;

Secondly, Wizard Palo suspects that Link may harbour further thoughts of revenge;

Finally, Wizard Palo is warning Link to be careful in case Sophie Lucia gets cornered and decides to mobilize her family’s power.

This is a subtle reminder to Link that it’s harmless to have some academic competition.

Even if disadvantaged, one must endure if they can.

And if one can’t, they mustn’t resort to brute force like they did with Rivers and Erick, which resulted in a bloodbath.

Otherwise, trouble isn’t far off.

Sophie Lucia isn’t like Rivers and Erick who lack support; she has the backing of an entire family behind her.

Wizard Palo’s words convey deeper meaning, indicating that if something were to happen, he wouldn’t side with Link against the Lucia family.

Upon leaving the “thesis” review office, Link involuntarily broke into a cold sweat.

He recollects his past encounters with Sophie Lucia and is relieved that their conflict was minor, and he hadn’t really offended her.

As long as he didn’t offend her greatly, there’s always room for things to turn around, and things won’t necessarily worsen.

Upon reflection, Sophie Lucia’s arrogance may very well stem from her pride in her identity and lineage.

Large families always regard themselves as noble and superior, looking down on the lower class.

If the locals weren’t so disdainful and dismissive of the Storm Sea New Blood, why would the academy have set up two campuses in the north and south?

Her audacious behavior towards Link is a result of her conviction that Link wouldn’t dare retaliate!

Link has to admit that he needs to stop any actions directed at Sophie Lucia, and maintain distance for a long time to come, avoiding her wherever possible. Despite his grievances, Link will avoid initiating contact with Sophie Lucia and won’t retaliate out of anger.

One mustn’t mess with the well-connected locals.

Link is grateful that Wizard Palo noticed him, invested in him, and provided guidance.

Otherwise, he might never know how he would have met his end.

Outside the Administration Building.

Jasmine noticed Link’s grave countenance as he walked out and hastened to ask worriedly, “Link, you look unwell. Did something happen?”

Link took a deep breath, suppressed his residual fear, and said, “Jasmine, after the ‘thesis’ is published, let’s stop targeting Sophie Lucia.”

“Alright, I’ll listen to you.”

Jasmine agreed instantly without questioning or hesitation.

“Wizard Palo told me that the Lucia family is a large clan.”

But Link felt the need to explain why, “I think you probably understand better than me what a large clan is capable of, right?”

Upon hearing his words, Jasmine couldn’t help but shudder. She understood all too well what a powerful family could do.

Even though there are differences between the secular world and the extraordinary world, the essence remains the same.

The growth and expansion of a family often tread on countless bones!

Bloodshed and cruelty are inherent characteristics of powerful families.

“So we…”

Thinking about the terrifying consequences, Jasmine couldn’t help but clutch Link’s arm tightly, her voice trembling slightly as she asked, “We won’t run into any trouble, will we?”

“It’s not that serious.”

Link reassured her, “It’s just academic competition. If Wizard Palo can warn us, it means the situation hasn’t escalated to that extent.”

With that, Link patted Jasmine’s little hand, signaling for her to let go.

It wasn’t that he was hurting from her grip.

But rather, it wasn’t appropriate for a man and a woman being too touchy-feely, what would that look like?

Jasmine took a calming pill, no longer feeling so flustered in her heart.

If Link wasn’t too worried, that meant there was no need to worry.

Jasmine’s lips pouted slightly, reluctantly letting go of his hand.

Then, trying to distract herself, she asked, “What about the ‘patent’, how is it handled?”

The first author of this “paper” was Link and Jasmine was the second author.

About the corresponding author, Link filled in Wizard Palo.

After all, using a laboratory funded by Wizard Palo somewhat strengthened the relationship.

Wizard Palo surely understood Link’s intention, and not regretting on the spot indicated his implicit consent.

Thus, the ‘patent’ benefits were divided into three parts; Link has the largest share of 50%, Wizard Palo has 30%, and Jasmine gets 20%.

Compared to the new germination method, the economic value of hybrid breeding and three optimized seeds was much higher.

Even with half buyout + half sharing, Link and Jasmine could immediately receive 320 standard first-level Magic Stones and 128 standard first-level Magic Stones each respectively.

The share would last for five years at a rate of 0.2%.

After hearing about the numbers from Link, Jasmine happily jumped up, not showing any signs of fear from moments ago.

Her heart was truly vast.

Link did not stop her, allowing Jasmine to celebrate happily for a while.

Having a way to alleviate psychological pressure was always good.

A moment later, Jasmine, having digested her joyful emotions, lightly hopped towards the cafeteria.

She was happy today; she needed to eat something delicious to reward herself.

After dinner, it was the usual routine to study in the library.

Link took out his portable smart brain, and instead of rushing to do other things, he flipped out Sophie Lucia’s first “paper”.

After reading, Link discovered that Sophie Lucia’s current main research direction was quite likely to focus on the breeding of economic crops.

From the last Silver Star Flower new germination method, the positive impact and influence range of this new germination method on the quality improvement rate of Silver Star Flowers, her “paper”, experimental scheme, and experimental data were impeccable.

If they decided to transition strategically and not continue clashing with the other party, escalating conflicts, then steering clear from direct battles was no doubt an apt strategy.

Link planned to temporarily shelve his research projects on the breeding of economic crops and turn to other fields.

Just so happens, during the three-week Silver Star Flower hybrid breeding experiment, under the inspiration of “Pomona Sprout’s talent in botany”, Link discovered the existence of a rather unusual plant in the Tudor region that could possibly have a special function.

The seeds of that plant looked very similar to the seeds of the Silver Star Flower, if not careful when storing, they could easily be mixed up.

Link and Jasmine picked out a few when they were selecting and pre-processing the seeds of the Silver Star Flower.

With nothing to do, and with complete equipment in the lab, Link took the opportunity to cultivate that plant.

Later, Link used that plant as experimental material and a subject to practice using all the equipment in the lab.

As the saying goes, unexpected happiness always comes by surprise.

Link found that the leaf extract of that plant has a certain calming and soothing effect by its scent.

After referring to related literature, it seems that nobody has pointed this out yet.

This made it quite valuable for research.

Just as Link needed a strategic reorientation in his research direction.

Everything was such a coincidence.



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