Becoming a Wizard by Starting From the Mind Closure Technique

Chapter 64 - 64 Results Acceptance^!

Chapter 64: Chapter 64 Results Acceptance^!

Translator: 549690339

In an instant…

Three weeks had passed just like that.

Before they knew it, it was Monday of the sixteenth week since the start of the term.

The past three weeks, Link had been fully engrossed in his experiments, caring little about what transpired outside his window.

Even the strange surge of public criticisms that sprung up during this period didn’t catch his attention.

It seemed as if the person being cursed by countless people on the “forum , being called an “arrogant madman” who disregards everyone else, a “pickup artist”, a “copper refining cancer patient”, and a subject of everyone’s scorn, as if a rat crossing the street, was not Link but Grande.

Among the first-year Newbloods, some were indeed affected and agitated, some even proposed to teach Link a lesson.

Five brothers promptly stood up and intervened. With their combined efforts, they nipped the matter in the bud.

That’s why Link wasn’t disturbed.

Otherwise, it would have led to another anti-bullying campaign in the campus, which would have been quite a hassle.

Why does Link know about this?

Of course, it was revealed when the five brothers themselves came to claim credit.

For some reason, the five brothers were firmly convinced that they wanted to hang around with Link.

They showed no signs of the pride and self-awareness typical of the geniuses with five-tier qualifications.

They would rather be sidekicks than stand out.

Despite Link’s repeated rejections, it mattered not to them.

The more he rejected them, the more determined they were, coming to inquire every three or four days.

However, it did bring about a good effect.

Once the five brothers learned from Link’s casual comments that he loathed school bullying, they stopped messing with their fellow first-year Newbloods.


They shifted their targets to second-year Newbloods who had joined the “New Blood Mutual Aid Association”.

Given their qualifications, all five brothers had advanced to First Rank Wizard Apprentices, and were now aiming at Second Rank Wizard Apprentices. Teaming up, they bullied the isolated second-year Newbloods. Unless they ran into a seasoned Second Rank Wizard Apprentice, they were basically invincible. Hearing the five brothers bragging about their exploits, Link couldn’t help but chuckle.

They are such a riot!

But these were just small fragments of his life, the main focus was still on studies, meditation, researching witchcraft and hybrid cultivation experiments.

Today was a great day.

There was a small hiccup in the middle, which delayed things by a day or two, but by today his experiments finally yielded the results he’d hoped for. Jasmine was excited, picking and counting seeds and analysing data. She seemed to be thoroughly enjoying herself.

Link took on the main task of drafting the “paper”, particularly the analysis and discussion parts.

By noon, everything was done.

With the data ready and the final draft of the “paper complete.

After much consideration, Link decided to try his luck and find Wizard Palo.

If he had the time and was in the mood, Link would invite him to the laboratory to review the findings.

If he couldn’t spare the time or didn’t want to come, Link could just submit the “paper” for his review and edit.

In the evening…

After his afternoon class finished, before he could get his dinner, Link rushed to the Administrative Building.

Luckily, Wizard Palo didn’t leave.

Knocking lightly on the open door of the “Paper Review” office, he got permission and walked inside once permitted.

“Good afternoon, Wizard Palo. I apologize for the intrusion.”

Link made a small bow and respectfully said, “You once suggested that I continue the experiment on the Silver Star Flower Seeds. Now the results are in and I hope you can review them.”


Wizard Palo nodded his head and said in a light tone, “I won’t go to the lab. Did you bring the ‘paper’? Let me see it.”

“Please feel free to correct it.”

Link hurriedly handed over the handwritten manuscript of the “paper” he prepared earlier.

Although the lab had a “printer machine” and he could have printed a copy, Link chose to handwrite it anyway.

It’s a more serious approach this way.

The devil is in the detail.

When faced with Wizard Palo, who had a higher status, greater power, and superior strength, Link felt that no amount of caution would be too much.

“Thoughtfully done!”

Wizard Palo took the draft of the “paper” and glanced at the clean paper and the elegant handwriting, and couldn’t help but praise.

Many young people are arrogant, thinking that serving others in humility is a disgrace. Their pride won’t let them bow their heads, so they are unwilling to do even the simplest work well.

But Link Grande was on the right track.

Whether it was etiquette, dealings, or even this prepared manuscript, they all demonstrated respect for the superior.

He is a good boy, worth investing in.

Wizard Palo quickly shifted his attention to the “paper.”

Regarding this apprentice-level research, as a peak third level wizard about to ascend to the Sage, Wizard Palo scanned it from top to bottom and fully understood the content.

“Did you bring the stuff?”

Wizard Palo put down the “paper” and asked.

“Please have a look.”

Link promptly took out three small bags containing three types of Silver Star Flower Seeds and gently placed them on the desk in front of Wizard Palo.

Yes, there are three types.

The results of the Silver Star flower hybridization experiment were so abundant that they significantly exceeded Link’s expectations.

The first Silver Star flower seed is a single cross species, A* C.

The problem of the vitality of the seeds has not been solved, but the yield of the pistils has increased by 18%.

The second Silver Star flower seed is a triple-cross species, (B*D)*D.

The problem of seed vitality has been solved, and the good seed rate is over 88% after maturation and seeding.

The third Silver Star flower seed is a double cross species, (A*C)*(C*D). It increased the pistil yield by 14%, also solved the problem of seed vitality, and the good seed rate after maturation and seeding was around 82%. These three types of Silver Star flower seeds each have their advantages and disadvantages, and different suitable uses, so Link simply listed them all in the “paper.”

As for whether there is room for further optimization of these three types of Silver Star flower seeds.

Of course, there is!

But the triviality of its research and experimentation, the input-output ratio, and other factors are not enough to support Link to continue.

To stop here is just right.

Wizard Palo pointed at the three small bags with his right index finger. Then the three kinds of Silver Star flower seeds all flew out of the bags, took less than 10 seconds to sprout, grow, mature, and seed in mid-air.

This nonchalant, smokeless operation surprised Link into slack-jawed amazement.

If Link saw it correctly, was Wizard Palo just using a Zero Ring birth induction technique?

“Just passable. In terms of plant cultivation, considering your age and knowledge level, you are basically qualified.”

Wizard Palo swept another glance, and the Silver Star flower pistils and seeds in mid-air all fell back into the small bags.

As for the parts like the flower stalks, they disappeared as if they had been erased by an eraser.

“Submit the ‘paper’ now, and get it published as soon as possible.

Wizard Palo commanded, “As for the ‘patent’, it’s still better to transfer it to the academy, both to ensure rights and interests and to save trouble.

“Thank you for your guidance, Wizard Palo, I will follow everything you say!” Of course, Link wouldn’t be so foolish as to refuse Wizard Palo, immediately signing the three patent transfer agreements in front of Palo. As with the last time, Link chose the half buy-out + half profit-sharing method.

After receiving his contract, Link didn’t plan to bother Wizard Palo any further and politely asked to leave.

He took a few steps back and then turned around.

Just as he reached the doorway, a sentence came from behind.

“Lucia’s family is a large clan.”

Link paused and then turned around to bow and gratefully respond:

“Thank you for your reminder!”


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