Became a Medieval Fantasy Wizard



TL/Editor: raei

Schedule: 5/week

Illustrations: None

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Arcana cards were tools provided by the northern god for his followers.

The northern god Hrundal bestowed gifts equally upon all his followers, but the types of gifts varied from person to person.

The kinds of cards one could handle depended on the life they had lived.

“Oh… as expected. You received quite a few cards."

When Ian talked about the cards he received, Pyra murmured with admiration.

What cards Hrundal granted depended on his will.

However, it was generally accepted that the more experience and talent one had, the more cards they received.

'To have gathered eight cards before even turning twenty...'

Pyra thought while looking at Ian.

Talent is relative.

Generally, when someone achieved accomplishments far beyond their age, they were called a [genius].

But talent wasn’t fixed; it could deplete or change over time.

Historically, many shamans had achieved Ian's level of accomplishment.

And not all of them became great shamans. Some undoubtedly dropped out along the way.


'With this level of achievements... surely, he can gather all the cards.'

Conversely, it meant that some of those individuals had indeed become great shamans.

"You could become the [Master of the Key]."


Ian didn't understand the old northern language.

So Pyra kindly translated it into old imperial language.

"The Master of the Key. In golden imperial language, it's called 'Lemegeton.' It's the most feared shaman among your empire's people."

Northern shamans thought of magic as a key.

A key that connects places that cannot be connected and makes rules that cannot be followed, follow.

A shaman who gathered all the Arcana cards was called the [Master of the Key].

Ancient golden imperial people recorded such a shaman as [Lemegeton].


Takarion, who had been listening, exclaimed in surprise.

Ian quickly noticed.

That religious fanatic knows something!

"What is Lemegeton?"

"In the gospel... it’s the name that appears as an arch-enemy of saints... a monstrous figure who commands demons and toys with nature..."

In short, Lemegeton was the arch-enemy of saints frequently mentioned in the Gospels of Heaven's Faith.

It wasn’t surprising that the greatest northern shaman, Lemegeton, appeared as the arch-enemy of saints of Heaven's Faith.

It didn’t break the world's setting, provided a worthy opponent to fight, and served as a good villain role!

Much like how American movies often portrayed China or Russia as villains.

"Commanding demons? That's nonsense."

Pyra was dumbfounded after hearing Takarion's story.

Demons were evil beings, and only wicked humans could command them.

One could see how hard it was to handle [evil creatures] just by looking at Manticore, a monster full of malice towards humans.

To command a demon, which was even more evil than a Manticore, one had to be an absolute lunatic.

The [Master of the Key] was a sage who mastered the principles of the world, not a crazy psychopath.

They might have the skill to command demons, but they certainly didn’t practice it.

Everyone knew that stealing gave you free stuff, but those who actually did it were considered crazy. It was the same principle.

"Why would a northern shaman fight a saint of Heaven's Faith in the first place?"

"Well, Lemegeton coveted the holy relics of God and stole them..."

"??? A shaman coveted Heaven's Faith's relics? Why?"

"Because they are sacred..."

"They might be sacred to Heaven's Faith followers, but they would just be trinkets to northerners, right?"

Pyra, puzzledly, pointed out the errors in Takarion's story one by one.

Takarion, sweating profusely, struggled to maintain the setting of the [Heaven's Faith Universe].

“Well, it's the usual setting, that Lemegeton is generally a villain...”

“I don’t understand what nonsense you’re talking about.”

Ian tapped Pyra’s shoulder.

“Pyra. Subculture is originally like that.”

“Sub… what?”

“Just type ‘rlly? lol’.”


Pyra looked at Ian with a strange expression.

This guy's weird…

“Anyway, since Hrundal has called for you, Ian, you’ll have the chance to meet him soon. Prepare yourself, physically and mentally, and be polite.”

“When, where, and how do I meet him?”

Pyra laughed maniacally.

“Kihik! You’re not quite a shaman yet! Finding that out is part of being a shaman!”

I’m a wizard, you crazy human...

Ian held the Arcana card deck, looking sour.

Even though he couldn’t deny being somewhat of a shaman after receiving the cards...

For now, he would slowly learn how to handle the Arcana cards and find a way to meet Hrundal.

“People are waiting. Let’s head back.”

“Yes. I’m hungry too.”



Pyra, in a good mood, walked lightly ahead.

Watching him wave his hand with one finger missing, Ian felt odd.

“Have you returned, shaman?”

“Very good! Everything went well!”

As soon as Ian arrived, preparations for a meal began at the temporary campsite.

While the meal was being prepared, Pyra called Ian over for a brief lesson.

“Ah, Ian. Now that you’ve received the Arcana cards, I’ll teach you the basics of reading them.”

Pyra spread the cards on a leather blanket without hesitation.

He already regarded Ian as a sort of unofficial disciple.

Even if not the successor to the shaman of the Red Bear tribe, he was still a disciple he could claim to have taught.

As a young man favored by Hrundal, Pyra had no reason to be stingy with his teachings.


Ian sat quietly in front of Pyra.

Sitting like this reminded him of learning magic under Eredith.

Now he was learning shamanism on top of magic…

The fantasy experience was incredible.

“I’ll teach you the numbers first. This is card number 1. The wizard card. It symbolizes omnipotence. Number 2, the High Priestess. It symbolizes knowledge and wisdom. And number 3…”

Pyra briefly explained the twenty-two cards and their meanings.

Even briefly, there were twenty-two cards.

Pyra spoke habitually, without expecting much.

“That’s it. Did you memorize them all?”


He regretted it.

This was a habit from his own master.

It wasn’t a genuine question but rather a way to see how much Ian remembered.

So Pyra was stunned by Ian’s response.



He memorized all twenty-two cards… after hearing it just once?

Both the card types and their meanings?!

“Number 1, the wizard. The card of omnipotence. Number 2, the High Priestess. The card of wisdom. Number 3…”

Ian recited all twenty-two Arcana cards from memory.

“…Number 21, The World. The card of completion. Lastly, number 0, The Fool. The card of beginnings.”

Pyra’s jaw dropped.

He actually… memorized all twenty-two cards after hearing them just once?

Is this guy a genius?!

Pyra had another disciple, a genuine shaman apprentice meant to succeed him.

He had brought the smartest kid from the tribe and had been teaching him, and the kid was learning well, but...

It wasn’t to that extent!

Unlike the astonished Pyra, Ian didn't think much of it.

'It's just twenty-two cards.'

Ian was a genius who had mastered the Maronius language, which consisted of over 10,000 characters.

On the first day of learning from Eredith, Ian had learned 100 characters and passed the test.

So what?

Memorizing the names of twenty-two cards?

It was a task he could easily do while having a snack.

Ian was a genius.

He had a mind as sharp as Eredith's, or perhaps even sharper...

'Hey, [Status Window].'

[Ian Eredith Raven]

[Shaman Initiate]

[Skill: Arcana Cards]

[The ability to learn and use Arcana Cards]

[Arcana Cards – In Progress]

...A genius with a remarkable status window!

Indeed, Ian was a genius con artist.

A genius con artist who could study using the skills tab in his status window!

Click, click.

Ian recited the card list brought up by the status window.

Ah~ Arcana cards are too easy~

I can learn all twenty-two cards in no time~


Unaware of this, Pyra...

Peering into Ian's sharp genius, was taken aback.

It didn't feel human-like.

If it were a world with precision machinery, Pyra would have thought of a meticulously working machine.

A machine that always operated perfectly, thus lacking any human feel.

Wasn't he a wizard who had learned the Maronius language?

Pyra assumed that Ian mastered the Maronius language perfectly.

“Let’s try a real reading then.”

Since Ian had perfectly memorized the Arcana cards, they moved on to the next step without hesitation.

“Place your hand on the cards.”

Following Pyra’s instructions, Ian placed his hand on the Arcana cards.

“Magic responds to human will. The most easily manifested magic is the one that your desires call forth.”


Ian already knew this.

Both magic and shamanism ultimately dealt with mysteries, so there were many overlapping aspects.

But saying, ‘I already know this~ Let’s move on~’ would earn him a scolding from Pyra.

A disciple must follow a disciple's duty.

Ian respectfully waited for Pyra to finish explaining.

“What do you desire the most right now?”

“...To go down the mountain.”

Ian answered honestly.

Mount Gramunt was a snow-covered mountain.

It meant it was unbearably cold.

He had climbed the mountain with great effort and received the Arcana cards.

Now he wanted to go down, fiddle with the cards, and relax...

But Ian still had things to do.

“I want that too. But first, we must find the [Tears of Hrundal].”

He had a hunch.

When humans had a wish, the mysteries responded to that will.

Pyra sensed that Ian had gained some insight.

“Now, think strongly about your wish and draw a card.”

“...Just like that?”

“Yes, just like that.”

Ian was momentarily dumbfounded.

Wait, these cards haven’t been shuffled yet???

If he drew a card randomly, wouldn’t he obviously pick the last card, the Fool card, number 0?

Was Pyra implying that Ian was a fool?

However, Ian did as Pyra instructed.

Thinking that there must be a reason behind the shaman's words!

“What did you draw?”

“Not the Fool...”

Ian looked at the card he had drawn with a blank expression.

It was card number 20, the Judgment card.

Pyra laughed happily at Ian’s dumbfounded face.

“Do you understand now? The one who gives you the cards is not you, but Hrundal!”

Ian had to accept it.

In its incomprehensibility, the Arcana card was a kind of mystery.

“Now, try to guess the meaning of the card you drew.”

Ian drew the card hoping to find the [Tears of Hrundal].

The answer was the [Judgment] card.

“It symbolizes resurrection...”

“That's right. The Judgment card symbolizes resurrection.”

Ian focused, trying to understand the card's meaning.

It was certainly different from the Maronius language.

A bit more vague, and therefore more ambiguous.

But at that moment, an image flashed through Ian's mind.

“...The phoenix.”

There was a familiar entity of resurrection not far away.

It was the phoenix.

“I'll ask the phoenix!”

Ian ran to Kira.

Coincidentally, Kira was also looking for Ian.


“Where is the phoenix?”

Kira looked surprised.

She was already looking for Ian because of the phoenix!

“Winnie... Winnie is acting strange!”

Ian carefully took the phoenix.

The phoenix lay motionless as if dead.

Ian recalled what he knew about the phoenix.

‘A being that resurrects from death.’

The phoenix symbolized resurrection.

But to resurrect, it had to die first.

“Kira, listen without panicking.”


“The phoenix... might die like this.”

Kira was shocked for a moment but quickly understood Ian's words.

“It’s trying to be reborn...”


Understanding the situation, Kira neither rushed Ian nor panicked.

She simply gazed at the phoenix with a wistful look.

“Ian, will the reborn phoenix... be the same one I knew?”

“I don’t know.”

It was a question Ian couldn’t answer.

This was the first time Ian had seen a phoenix in person.

“Is it too greedy to hope that it will recognize me?”

“Why not be greedy just this once?”

Kira smiled softly.

Ian stood beside Kira and looked at the phoenix.

The phoenix slept peacefully, as if in a long dream.


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