Became a Medieval Fantasy Wizard



TL/Editor: raei

Schedule: 5/week

Illustrations: None

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The next day, Ian and his party packed their belongings and headed to Mount Gramunt.

Pyra, the warriors of the Red Bear tribe, and even Ragnar and Sigurd joined, making the group quite large.

“Originally, one should not enter the holy mountain recklessly.”

While climbing the mountain, Pyra mumbled out some information.

Ian, finding it interesting and useful, paid close attention to Pyra’s words.

“The Mountain King lives in the holy mountain.”

“The Mountain King?”

It sounded like a name that might make flowers bloom from the ground, but in reality, it wasn’t that special of a name.

It literally meant a kingly presence living in the mountain.

“It’s a mythical creature called Behemoth. Have you heard of it?”

“The name, yes.”


A legendary beast with descriptions that varied in different tales, making it hard to pin down a specific stereotype.

However, in this medieval fantasy world, the Behemoth was a monster resembling an elephant.

Wise and gentle, yet possessing immense strength that couldn’t be ignored.

“The holy mountain is the Mountain King's territory. If an intruder appears without the Mountain King’s permission, creatures called Grendel will appear and attack the intruder.”


“Usually, you wouldn’t encounter Grendel, but since we are going deep into the Mountain King’s territory, we might meet them.”

Humans and the Mountain King had coexisted by recognizing each other’s territories and avoiding conflict.

Therefore, it was an unspoken rule not to invade each other's domain deeply.

But there was an exception when the shamans sought the temple of Hrundal.

“The Mountain King is also a follower of Hrundal.”

“You said it’s a wise creature.”

“Yes. If we explain our situation well, we should be able to pass safely.”

As Pyra spoke confidently, Ian felt more at ease.

This is why you need a local guide.

Pyra was a veteran shaman who had climbed the holy mountain nearly ten times, including in his younger days.

With Pyra accompanying them, they shouldn’t face any major accidents.

“Caw! Caw!”

“Chirp! Chirp!”

As they climbed the mountain, two animals were delighted.

Oberon and the phoenix Winnie flapped their wings joyfully, enjoying the clear mountain air.

[This feels amazing!]

[Such lively wing flapping! I like it!]


The problem was they were doing this on Ian’s shoulder.

“Guys. Is my shoulder your playground?”

[Oh! Your shoulder is the most comfortable and lovely place in the world for me!]

[I love Dad’s shoulder too!]


Ian grabbed the phoenix and shook it gently.

“When we ran into that unfortunate mystery, you called me Daddy, didn’t you?”


“Why am I your dad?”

The phoenix flapped its short wings and chirped.

[If I call you Ian... it feels too distant...]

Ian was momentarily surprised.

This bird. Why is its vocabulary like this?

Even though Oberon had mastered the imperial language, he still spoke like a birdbrain.

The phoenix, being inherently close to mystery, made it possible.

Returning to the holy mountain seemed to be bringing back its old memories.

Once it regains its true form, it would display various wisdoms like other mystery.

“Ian. If you hold Winnie like that, it will hurt.”

Kira quickly snatched the phoenix into her arms.

Her hand movement was so fast, it was like watching a master gambler.

“Aww, so cute.”

[I love Mom too!]

Already transformed into a bird mom, Kira was busy adoring the phoenix.

Kira didn’t know Maronius language, so she didn’t understand what the phoenix said.

How would she feel when she learned the phoenix called her Mom?

Would she be happy or annoyed?

'Isn't it too close?'


"What is it, Pyra?"

"Well, we have now stepped into the Mountain King's territory, but the Grendels haven't appeared."

Pyra said this while looking around.

Grendels were said to be like the Mountain King's private soldiers.

It was like stepping into another noble's land and not seeing any soldiers, which felt strange.

Ian didn't think much of it.

Considering how vast the holy mountain was, would a handful of humans showing up really prompt the monsters to come immediately?


Muttering this, Pyra drew an Arcana card.

It was the [World] card.

'Does this mean the plan is proceeding...?'

At least it wasn't a sign to stop here.

Even though Pyra felt something odd, she trusted the omen and kept moving forward.

Ian's group then arrived at a cave.

"There is a sacred mural here," Pyra explained.

There were always paintings in Hrundal's temples. Conversely, if there were no paintings, it wasn’t a temple of Hrundal.

“I’ll go pay respects to Hrundal. Ragnar, please look after the others.”

Ragnar nodded silently.

He still didn't like Pyra, but he didn't reject the changed Pyra either.

It was still an exploration phase, so to speak.

"Ian, and Monk Takarion, come with me."

Pyra led Ian and Takarion.

Holding a torch, Pyra moved into the cave.

Ian preferred not to have the torch, but he endured the light for the sake of the other two.

As they entered the cave, a warm air greeted Ian.

[Ian, we need to be quiet here.]

[Can you feel the presence watching us?]

The cave was silent.

The usually lively spirit of darkness whispered quietly like a child before an adult.

It was clearly aware of a superior presence.

Ian was certain.

This was a temple dedicated to the god of the north.

"Ian, look at this."

Pyra pointed to the drawings on the wall.

The wall was filled with various paintings.

There were drawings of hunting with bows, celebrating around a fire, and depicting conflicts between tribes.

"These were all painted by Hrundal."


"It’s proof that he is always watching over us."


It was indeed a primitive-ancient mural.

But if someone asked whether it was painted by Hrundal, a god... Ian couldn’t be sure.

It was more reasonable to think that ancient northern inhabitants had left the cave paintings to commemorate their hunts.

However, voicing such thoughts wouldn't make Pyra listen.

Ian wasn't an anthropologist.

Determining who painted the cave murals wouldn't make him happy.

Ultimately, it was something that wouldn't benefit anyone.

So Ian kept silent and just nodded.

"Ian, place an empty Arcana card on the altar."

Ian placed a deck of empty Arcana cards on the altar.

These were the cards Pyra had prepared for Ian’s introduction to Arcana.

"From now on, Hrundal will grant you power. There are a total of twenty-two cards, but some might not appear. It means that power has not yet been granted to you, so don't be too disappointed."

Ian asked without much thought.

"Can all twenty-two cards appear?"

"Of course. But that is only possible for a great sage who understands all things in the world. Usually, you receive only a few cards at first, and the rest are filled with temporary cards."

Arcana means mystery.

Collecting all the cards signifies mastering all mysteries.

In other words, Ian would not receive all the cards.

"I'll conduct the ritual. Just listen with a sincere heart."

Ian faintly smiled.

Listening wasn't difficult for him at all.

Ian meditated quietly in front of Hrundal's altar.

He recalled the first time he began learning magic.

Ian had learned the Maronius language from Eredith and succeeded in communicating with the mysteries.

Language is a link that connects the world and humans.

Humans cannot perceive the world without language.

Some concepts that exist in the world hold meaning only because of language.

A wizard borrows the power of the world through language.

This is a very intuitive act.

But Arcana is different.

Arcana is more uncertain, yet spiritual and closer to the essence of mystery.

Humans have long tried to interpret the world, resulting in numerous mysterious studies.

Numerology, astrology, fortune-telling, shamanism...

These are processes that thoroughly investigate the smallest traces left by the world to read its will.

Arcana is part of these studies.

Ian's mind melted into the tranquil spiritual world.

Countless truths and wills fluttered around him.

He was enveloped in warmth that made his entire body melt.

[Ian. You're finally going to meet my friend.]

[...? Who are you?]

[Hehe. I'm one of your fans, supporting and waiting for your journey.]

[The mystery of the heavens greets you warmly.]

[The god of the Heaven's Faith…?]

Suddenly, Ian's vision blurred.

The voice started to fade away.

[Just remember that I'm watching over you.]

[No matter how elegant, noble, holy, and beautiful the sun is, it's not good to look at it with the naked eye, right?]

[Let’s talk after we’ve got some sunglasses, okay?]

[The mystery of the heavens pretends to sniffle.]

[It's sad, but see you next time, Ian.]

The warmth disappeared.

Then, a chill that seemed to freeze his bones swept from all directions.

Ian felt a cold that seemed to freeze his soul.

[So, it’s you. The human the Sunbearer spoke of.]

Ian couldn’t bring himself to look directly at the cold.

He felt that if he raised his head, his brain would freeze and shatter.

[Come find me, human. Come and retrieve what the Sunbearer left with me.]

Ian calmed his pounding heart.

That must be Hrundal, the deity of the northern people.

Unlike the warm and benevolent deity of Heaven's Faith, Hrundal exuded a cold, stern, and eerie atmosphere.

"... Ian! Get a hold of yourself!"

Hearing the voice from beyond the ritual, Ian barely opened his eyes.

Pyra was looking at Ian with worried eyes.

"You... met Lord Hrundal."

"... Probably."

Ian remembered Hrundal's words.

Telling him to come find him out of the blue...

How? Where should he go to meet Hrundal?

“Hrundal has asked me to come find him.”


Pyra's expression was a mix of worry and reverence.

He was concerned but also immensely proud that Ian had met Hrundal!

Yes! Bringing Ian here was the right decision!

“We’ll figure that out together.”

Pyra calmed Ian.

"First, let's check your cards."

If Lord Hrundal told him to come find him.

Ian would surely seek Hrundal.

The way would be revealed by the world.

That was the northern way.

"Ah. Yes."

Ian spread out the Arcana cards.

A strangely familiar painting welcomed Ian.


Card 0. The Fool.

The illustration somehow resembled Ian himself…

It was the first card Hrundal had bestowed upon Ian.

Ian quickly glanced through the other cards.

Card 2. The High Priestess.

A woman resembling Eredith was depicted submerged in a lake.

Card 3. The Empress.

A red-haired woman in splendid clothes, resembling Kira.

Card 6. The Lovers.

A black-haired woman looking down at the ground, naked.

Card 7. The Chariot.

A massive drake leading Ian.

Card 11. Justice.

A blonde female knight holding a longsword.

Card 12. The Hanged Man.

A sorrowfully wailing unholy mystery.

Card 17. The Star.

A woman with dark blue hair smiling brightly.

"This is…"

Ian stopped speaking as he looked at the card illustrations.

Pyra smiled and continued for Ian.

"They are paintings of your life. Depictions of your journey."


He had thought the faces seemed oddly familiar...

It wasn't his imagination.

The paintings on the cards were all of individuals related to Ian's journey.


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