Be A Virtuous Wife! So Tough!

Chapter 242

C242 – Lack of Love

The herbs arrived at the border as planned, bringing Xiang Ann great joy upon receiving the letter penned by Tang Yue. Just as he was about to unfold it and peruse its contents, a hand swiftly whisked him away.

“Ah… Your Highness…” Xiang Ann regarded Crown Prince Zhao with a glint of resentment.

Crown Prince Zhao promptly unsealed the letter, indifferent to its intended recipient as long as it bore Tang Yue’s script. Concerns of privacy didn’t even cross his mind.

Standing nearby, Xiang Ann craned his neck in curiosity. Before he could finish deciphering the contents, he noticed Crown Prince Zhao’s expression shift. He speculated, “Could it be that Master wrote him a love letter?”

Xiang Ann had revered his master for countless years, his devotion surpassing mere admiration. Any directive from Tang Yue warranted unwavering obedience, even if it meant scaling mountains to cook.

Contemplating, Xiang Ann pondered how he’d respond if his master’s words took a romantic turn. Despite his lack of interest in same-sex relationships, he reasoned that since it was his master, acceptance might be possible.

After all, it was his master—not just any other man. Perhaps acceptance was feasible.

Lost in thoughts of reciprocating his master’s sentiments, Xiang Ann was jolted back to reality as a piece of paper slapped against his chest.

“Read it and craft a response to your master, reassuring him not to worry,” commanded Crown Prince Zhao.

Regaining focus, Xiang Ann quickly skimmed through the letter. Initially distracted by various unfounded speculations, he couldn’t discern its contents clearly. Upon a second read, furrows formed on his brow.

“So the army indeed transported a significant quantity of medicinal herbs before. However, during our recent inventory check, we noticed a scarcity.” Ignoring Crown Prince Zhao, he dashed towards the army’s physician, seizing hold of someone and inquiring, “Is there another herb storage facility within the barracks?”

The military physician, hailing from the Imperial Medical Office and advanced in age, was on the verge of collapse as Xiang Ann shook him vigorously.

“Impudent whelp! How dare you!”

“Do not trifle with me! I have an urgent query!”

Despite repeated inquiries, the aged military physician, struggling with hearing and cognition, appeared genuinely befuddled. Recognizing his genuine confusion, Xiang Ann surmised that the old physician likely held little interest in the affairs, merely occupying a managerial role.

Then, who possessed the authority to utilize the military herbs? Xiang Ann convened a meeting with a select few trustworthy individuals to deliberate. Upon learning of the situation, their countenances also underwent a shift.

“Is it possible that some of the herbs are still en route?”

“Perhaps due to the urgency of the evacuation, they weren’t able to transfer them out of Chuzhou City?”

Xiang Ann leaned towards the latter conjecture. He approached Crown Prince Zhao, stating, “Your Highness, how do you suggest we draft this correspondence?”

Crown Prince Zhao regarded him impassively and inquired, “Do you intend to deceive your superior with such ambiguous responses?”

“No, no, certainly not,” Xiang Ann responded with a sheepish smile. “But given that Chuzhou City is now under North Yue’s control, we lack the means to verify. It’s highly probable that they left the herbs behind when they fled.”

“In the military, speculation holds no weight. Since certainty eludes us, let us pursue an investigation! The medical officers may be advanced in age, but are they all oblivious?” Crown Prince Zhao asserted.

“And if they claim ignorance?”

“Then we seek out someone who possesses the requisite knowledge,” Wang Yao proposed.

“Who might that be?”

“The Duke of Lu and his deputy would be privy to such information,” Wang Yao suggested.

Xiang Ann gestured toward himself uncertainly. “Should I… should I be the one to inquire?”

Crown Prince Zhao locked eyes with him. “Do you wish for me to undertake the task?”

“Haha, no, no… May I seek assistance from General Wang?”

“As you wish, but you have a mere three days. Within that timeframe, you must furnish your superior with a definitive response.”

Xiang Ann nodded. “Well then, if there’s nothing more, I’ll return to my duties.”

As soon as he departed, Crown Prince Zhao eagerly retrieved the letter penned by Tang Yue. Upon perusing its opening lines, his somber countenance shifted to one of clarity.

In contrast to the missive directed to Xiang Ann, the letter addressed to him exhibited a notably more relaxed tone, with a gentler demeanor and a preponderance of personal matters over official ones.

Within the letter, Tang Yue expressed concerns regarding the King of South Jin’s growing discontent with Crown Prince Zhao’s conduct. Tang Yue asserted that if the prince were to return victorious from battle, his reputation would shield him from censure, whereas failure could lead to dire consequences. Urging Crown Prince Zhao to fight valiantly and wholeheartedly, Tang Yue sought to drive the enemy beyond their borders.

Tang Yue further detailed Little Luoyuan’s recent development, remarking on his increasing maturity and self-discipline in scholarly pursuits and martial arts. Little Luoyuan’s efforts to alleviate his grandfather’s displeasure by engaging in playful antics, however, had unintended consequences, fueling speculation about the King of South Jin’s succession plans favoring the young prince over Crown Prince Zhao.

Concluding his missive, Tang Yue lamented that their efforts to nurture Little Luoyuan as a worthy heir had been undermined by external ambitions to exploit their son’s potential prematurely.

Crown Prince Zhao’s lips curved into a knowing smile as he contemplated Little Luoyuan’s attempts at charm, though he couldn’t recall witnessing such behavior firsthand; his son had always appeared solemn and earnest in his presence.

Exhaling heavily, he acknowledged his own strictness, recalling Tang Yue’s admonitions to temper discipline with affection to foster selflessness in their children.

According to Tang Yue, a dearth of parental affection could engender character flaws in children.

Having perused the letter, Crown Prince Zhao discovered a hidden sheet within the envelope, distinct in hue and texture akin to Tang Yue’s blueprint paper.

Anticipating an important diagram, he was surprised to find instead a portrait depicting two figures—a man cradling a boy, both sporting bright smiles and strikingly similar features.

At once, Crown Prince Zhao recognized the duo as Tang Yue and Little Luoyuan, wondering how he had failed to notice their resemblance before; they truly resembled father and son.

Upon closer inspection, however, he discerned subtle differences in their facial features. Little Luoyuan’s eyes were slightly narrower, causing Tang Yue’s eyes and mouth to appear correspondingly smaller, mirroring his son’s likeness.

Crown Prince Zhao surmised that Little Luoyuan would likely surpass Tang Yue in physical appearance, considering the handsomeness of General Luo, Little Luoyuan’s grandfather.

Unaware of the stir Tang Yue’s artistic portrayal would incite, Crown Prince Zhao remained oblivious to the speculation surrounding the potential for a princess to bear a son with masculine traits.

Having witnessed various drawings by Tang Yue, he was familiar with sketching, even mastering the technique of these simple lines.

Upon entering, Hu Jinpeng intended to brief Crown Prince Zhao when he noticed the sketches in his possession, expressing admiration. “This method of drawing is quite unique. Which country does it originate from?”

Crown Prince Zhao, with a smile, gestured towards Tang Yue’s forehead, responding, “Who else but him could conceive such an idea?”

Hu Jinpeng, understandingly, remarked, “Indeed. Crown Princess is truly unconventional. It appears he possesses knowledge beyond our grasp. Perhaps the rumors hold truth. Crown Princess is a celestial being descended to enlighten humanity.”

Aware of Tang Yue’s background, Crown Prince Zhao smiled, choosing silence. He carefully folded the blueprint and tucked it beneath his pillow, inquiring of Hu Jinpeng, “What’s the matter?”

Hu Jinpeng’s demeanor became serious as he nodded. “Indeed, there’s activity in Chuzhou City.”


Frowning, Hu Jinpeng asked, “After our last encounter, they remained silent for an extended period. Now, I suspect they’re planning a retaliatory strike.”

“Their lack of immediate retaliation is suspicious. Are they intending to besiege us by leaving the city, or are they attempting to bait us into attacking them?”

“Based on their movements, it seems to be the latter. However, we haven’t discerned their precise strategy to lure us into action.”

“Their options are limited: coercion or bribery. They must possess significant leverage, with the latter being straightforward. By feigning weakness and creating the illusion of an undermanned garrison, they aim to lure us into action.”

Hu Jinpeng nodded. “Should we preemptively strike?”

“We must engage vigorously, but minimizing casualties is paramount. If we sustain greater losses than the enemy, the battle is futile. Moreover, a siege will be challenging, and excessive casualties would deal a fatal blow to us.”

“I’ll instruct my men to closely monitor Chuzhou City. We must ascertain their intentions.”

Crown Prince Zhao added, “Furthermore, it’s time to initiate the clandestine maneuvers in North Yue.”


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