Be A Virtuous Wife! So Tough!

Chapter 241

C241 – The Crown Princess

The news of Crown Princess’s artistic talent spread rapidly throughout Ye City, injecting some intrigue into the tense wartime atmosphere.

“It’s no surprise that Crown Princess possesses drawing skills. He’s a literary luminary among mortals. Is there anything beyond his expertise?” Conversation flowed in a restaurant as someone discussed Kai Kai.

“You haven’t seen the masterpiece Crown Princess carved. It’s astonishingly lifelike, down to the intricate details of a bird’s wings and feathers. That’s true mastery! When it comes to versatility, who in South Jin can rival Crown Princess?”

“I consider myself fortunate to have witnessed Crown Princess’s wood carving prowess. His dexterity rivals even the most skilled embroiderer.”

“What comparison is there to an embroiderer? Crown Princess’s skills might surpass even the finest needleworker.”

“Nonsense! Despite Crown Princess’s virtues, he’s still a man. How could he excel in women’s tasks?”

“You doubt it? You’ve never seen Crown Princess tend to a wounded person. I witnessed it once myself. A hunter suffered a deep gash from a wild bear. Crown Princess expertly sutured the wound with needle and thread. His proficiency was remarkable, indicating years of practice.”

“Come to think of it, there might be some truth to it… Do you think there’s anything Crown Princess can’t do?”

“Certainly there is!”

“Such as?”

“Give birth! Haha… no matter how skilled Crown Princess is, he’s still a man. How could he bear children?”

Everyone:… “”

“What’s the matter? Don’t you agree with me?” The speaker glanced around, puzzled by the strange looks.

Suddenly, a voice interjected, “Have you ever noticed how tenderly Crown Princess treats Little Wang’s grandson? It’s as if she’s not treating a bastard child.”

“Indeed. I personally witnessed Crown Princess embrace and shower Little Wang’s grandson with affection, even calling him ‘baby’…”

“Ha… Isn’t this amusing? I’ve seen even little Wang Sun riding on Crown Princess’s back before.”

“Do you guys suppose… it’s feasible? That… the youngest grandson might be Crown Princess’s biological child?”

“Rubbish! Crown Princess is male!” Someone instinctively objected.

Nonetheless, many individuals wore pensive expressions, seemingly inclined to gather evidence to support their conjecture.

“It’s not entirely implausible. I once read about a man giving birth in a book. Don’t you find Little Wang’s grandson’s sudden appearance rather odd? Considering Crown Prince’s unwavering affection for Crown Princess, he hasn’t shown interest in anyone else these past few years. Why did a son suddenly emerge?”

“Don’t speak nonsense. Crown Prince had a grandson before he returned to Ye City. He wasn’t acquainted with Crown Princess at that time.”

“Regardless, I sense that Crown Princess treats Little Wang Sun akin to her own child. If it were truly the birth of a romantic rival, would she behave in such a manner? Ponder over it, could you do the same if it were you?”

In unison, everyone shook their heads. Were their wives to bear a child with another man, let alone treating him as their own, even glancing at him would induce discomfort.

The atmosphere in the restaurant turned awkward momentarily, with everyone falling silent until someone finally spoke up. “Ha, the dishes today are quite delicious. Has a new chef joined?”

The restaurant manager responded loudly, “No, our chef here had the opportunity to receive guidance from the chef at the Crown Prince’s Palace a few days ago. Isn’t that marvelous? His culinary skills have improved significantly.”

At the mention of the Crown Prince’s Palace, everyone chuckled, likening Crown Princess’s command of the kitchen to her administrative prowess. Truly… a classic case of ‘the kitchen in the hall.’

“Sigh, this wine is quite inferior. I was fortunate enough to taste the wine from the Crown Prince’s residence once. That is the nectar of the gods! Sadly, thereafter, it was no more.”

“You ought to be grateful. The Imperial Court is on the brink of imposing a ban on wine. Soon, even if you desire it, you won’t be able to indulge.” During times of war, in a bid to conserve grain, the Imperial Court would often prohibit alcohol production, given the substantial amount of grain required for brewing.

Tang Yue toiled away at home, oblivious to the escalating rumors about him. He remained unaware of who introduced the notion of a man bearing children. Although deemed implausible by most, Crown Princess’s circumstances somehow seemed rational.

Perhaps due to this, the legitimacy of the Crown Prince’s family of three became even more enviable, eliciting increased envy and resentment. Hence, many were inclined to believe the rumors.

Naturally, not everyone could embrace such an occurrence. Several days later, a handful of documents found their way onto the desk of the King of South Jin. These papers labeled Tang Yue as an anomaly, predicting catastrophe for South Jin if left unchecked. They urged the King to execute the Crown Princess.

Initially taken aback by these documents, the King of South Jin eventually reasoned that numerous enigmas surrounded Tang Yue, defying logical explanation. His lineage, background, and capabilities all appeared utterly inexplicable.

Thus, it wasn’t entirely baseless to consider him an enigma.

Despite this, the King of South Jin couldn’t condemn Tang Yue to death solely on these grounds. After all, he was the Crown Princess, the offspring of the Yueyang Marquis, and held the utmost trust of the crown prince.

The King remained certain that once he dealt with Tang Yue, the Crown Prince wouldn’t hesitate to lead an army of 100,000 soldiers to the city. Their father-son bond had never been the most dependable.

“Men, dispatch individuals to delve into the Crown Princess’s past. I want every detail about him from his earliest years!” The King of South Jin commanded an investigation.

If the findings mirrored those of the previous inquiry, he would have to concede that Tang Yue was indeed an anomaly. He had first encountered Tang Yue during that time, though he hadn’t borne that name then. That individual was vastly dissimilar from the present Crown Princess.

Naturally, he had heard an alternate theory as well. Rumors circulated that Crown Princess He wasn’t mortal but an immortal who descended to aid South Jin in global unification.

In fact, the Crown Prince had echoed similar sentiments previously. He asserted, “My Crown Princess is unparalleled. He can introduce innovations, policies, and weaponry to propel South Jin’s advancement by centuries, hastening its unification of the world!”

Global unification—a tantalizing prospect. The King of South Jin’s veins surged with fervor whenever he contemplated these words.

Over the years, he had permitted the Crown Prince to enact reforms and edicts—all in pursuit of this goal.

After much contemplation, the King opted to suppress those scant documents. Whether Tang Yue was divine or diabolic, if he could enrich South Jin, what harm lay in retaining him?

“Brother Tang… Brother Tang…” Zhang Chun burst into Tang Yue’s study, visibly agitated and short of breath.

“What’s amiss? Has South Jin suffered a defeat in battle?” Tang Yue inquired, lifting his gaze.

“Why would news of South Jin’s victory or defeat matter? Such outcomes are commonplace. But guess what I overheard while traversing the streets just now?” Zhang Chun exclaimed.

“What kind of tale is that? Zhang Chun had reiterated it numerous times. ‘Just listen for entertainment, no need to take it seriously,’ he’d say.” Tang Yue recalled an incident from the previous year when Zhang Chun had caught wind of rumors about the deceased emperor. Allegedly, the emperor’s true affection was for a male pet. Upon his passing, he supposedly arranged for the pet to be interred alongside him, leaving behind a poignant and captivating love story.

Subsequently, Crown Prince Zhao verified that the late emperor was indeed compassionate. While it was true he had a male pet, the notion of being buried together was deemed absurd. Despite any agreement by the late emperor, such an act would never be approved by the ministers.

“No, this time it’s about you. It’s wildly exaggerated!”

Tang Yue teased with laughter. “Could there be people speculating that I can’t withstand loneliness and am secretly fostering relationships?”

Zhang Chun scrutinized Tang Yue from head to toe, shook his head, and remarked, “That’s preposterous. No man would dare to encroach upon someone associated with the crown prince. Furthermore, your appearance hardly warrants such attention!”

Tang Yue was at a loss for words. Was he truly that unattractive?

“Had I known, I wouldn’t have sent a portrait to Crown Prince Zhao. What if he became accustomed to my ordinary countenance and then suddenly encountered a handsome suitor?”

Lost in his own musings, Tang Yue missed Zhang Chun’s commentary about him. Regaining his senses, he heard Zhang Chun remark, “If this is factual, I might need to take lessons from you on the art of managing relationships with men!”

“How are men managed? What traits do men possess?” Tang Yue inquired earnestly. “Egg?”

“Haha… I can’t speak for other men, but you…” Zhang Chun stifled his laughter behind his hand. “They… they claim Little Luoyuan is your offspring.”

“Certainly, Little Luoyuan is my biological child!” Tang Yue had always regarded Little Luoyuan as his own.

With a mysterious air, Zhang Chun gestured towards his abdomen and chuckled, “No, they insist Little Luoyuan emerged from your belly.”

Tang Yue was dumbfounded, as if struck by lightning. Where on earth did such a ludicrous rumor originate?

“You’re also entertaining this notion?”

“I’m not entertaining it… Haha…” Zhang Chun chuckled while clutching his stomach. “I just… I simply find the imagination of people in this era remarkably vivid, and astonishingly, there are those who genuinely believe it. It’s truly… bewildering…” He trailed off, unable to find the right words.


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