Bamboo Forest Manager

Chapter 38: Drunk Nuisance

Chapter 38: Drunk Nuisance


As Choi Yiseo made her way back to Kim Woojins house, carrying some hangover soup she had prepared, a small chuckle escaped her lips as she reminisced about the previous night.

She hadnt anticipated seeing Kim Woojin so intoxicated.

Kim Woojin, who boasted about his high tolerance for soju and beer, had unexpectedly engaged in a drinking contest with Yu Arin, opting for pricier and stronger alcoholic beverages, which led to their current predicament.

He had insisted on his ability to handle champagne and wine well, but ended up consuming potent drinks with a high alcohol content.

Eventually, Kim Woojin became thoroughly inebriated and started to stumble around.

Dont gooo! Stay over at my place!

His sudden plea for her to stay over was rather endearing.

Normally, she would have brushed it off.


In a similar state, Yu Arin, also heavily intoxicated, agreed to stay at Kim Woojins house.

Observing the two drunken individuals making their way to Kim Woojins place, the rest of the group couldnt just stand by and decided to follow them.

In the end.

The homeowner, Kim Woojin, passed out in his drunken stupor, while Yu Arin, who had initially planned to stay over, settled in for the night.

With Kim Woojin asleep and not really counting as a present company, and if Jeong Chan-woo left for home, only the women would be left there, so they all ended up spending the night.

At that moment, it seemed like a sensible choice, a decision so wise that even Solomon would have been impressed.

I must have been out of my mind.

Now that the alcohol had worn off.

She couldnt help but question her own sanity. Even though nothing untoward had occurred, the fact remained that three women had slept over at a mans house, that man being Kim Woojin.

I wonder if Kim Woojin has woken up.

She had intended to give him a piece of her mind once he was up. His plea for them to stay over had been sweet, but she couldnt just let everything slide.

Arriving at his home.

Standing in front of the door, she felt a mix of awkwardness and embarrassment.

Carrying servings for four hangovers, she took a deep breath and entered.

I am bac.


As soon as she opened the door, a mans scream pierced the air.

It was Kim Woojin, on the ground, holding his face in agony.


Puahahahah! M-my stomach! It hurts so bad!

And there, in front of Kim Woojin,

Yu Arin, wrapped in a blanket on the mattress, was laughing uncontrollably.

Yu Arin had gone to sleep naked, claiming she always sleeps without clothes at home, and it seemed like she hadnt managed to get dressed yet.

Kim Woojin is hilarious! Its insane! Hahahha!

What is happening here?

When she left, Kim Woojin was asleep on the ground, and Yu Arin was looking at her phone.

Is Yerin in the bathroom?

She could hear the sound of water from the bathroom, indicating someone was washing up. Thankfully, Jeong Chan-woo, who was the least drunk, had bought toothbrushes and other toiletries from the convenience store.

Woojin, there is shampoo here, can I use it?

Shut up! Im feeling confused right now!


Ah, my head hurts.

Choi Yiseo, not understanding the situation, approached with a bag of hangover soup in hand.

Whats all this?

Kim Woojin, surprised to see Choi Yiseo now, looked at her with wide eyes, then with a look of shock, turned to Yu Arin.

Yiseo slept with us too, right?

A valid point, but somehow it felt odd. Perhaps thats why Kim Woojins reaction is so intense.

Fuckkk! Is this life? Is this?! How can such a tragedy happen?!

Why is he acting like this?

Unable to hold back any longer, Choi Yiseo sighed and asked Yu Arin, who seemed to be the cause of the situation.

We had sex between the four of us, and its funny because he doesnt remember.


Right now.

What did that girl say?

Four of us?


Then, Kim Woojin suddenly stood up and shouted loudly.

Lets do it again! Shit, a man will never get to do a foursome again in his life, and not remembering it is so frus ugh!

Choi Yiseo ran to Kim Woojin and kicked him in the solar plexus, causing him to fall, then stomped on him.

Ah! You! Trash! What nonsense! You bastard!

Kuak! Just once! Damn it! Its too cruel that the film gets cut after a foursome! If youve done it once, what difference does it make if you do it two or three times!

You crazy bastard! We didnt do it! Just die! Drop dead now!


Amid the continuous kicking from Choi Yiseo, Kim Woojin opened his eyes wide.

Seeing Yu Arin laughing behind Choi Yiseo, he realized he had been tricked.

D-did we not do it?

We! Did! Not!

Choi Yiseo, now even delivering a soccer kick, but Kim Woojin got up with a smile.

Thats a relief!

Is this guy a psychopath?

Choi Yiseo asked, but Yu Arin, unable to hold back her laughter, buried her face in the blanket.

Not doing it was the best, but if we did, we should at least remember it.


Looking annoyed and irritated, she glared at Kim Woojin, who was still huddled up cautiously, and asked.

So why are you in my home?

Everyone out.


The moment Choi Yiseo saw Kim Woojin speaking so calmly, she felt something in her head explode.


She then placed the bag of hangover soup for four, which she had been holding until then, on the ground.

Youre going to die today.

Wait! It was a joke! I was joking!

Choi Yiseo, with her fist clenched, ready to charge, and Yu Arin, still buried in the blanket, was laughing.

It seemed like no one was going to save him, but then.


Woah, Woojin, you use a really good shampoo.

Seo Yerin, who seemed to have just washed her hair, came out drying it with a towel.

Is this Romance shampoo? It smells nice.

Without a care about drying her hair, Seo Yerin was simply pleased with using good shampoo.

Kim Woojin hunched over and peeked his head out, saying,

I have a lot. Want some?


Yes, its my ex-girlfriends stuff.

A moment of silence ensued.


This is delicious.

The group of us gathered around the foldable dining table, having breakfast.

Technically, its already time to call it lunch, but luckily, it was Saturday with no lectures.

Ah, this is helping with the hangover a bit.

While eagerly eating the hangover soup, I glanced at the unusually quiet group.

Seo Yerin and Choi Yiseo were eating with awkward expressions.

Yu Arin just stared at me blankly.

As soon as our eyes met.

You seem unfazed.



I pondered her words as I continued to eat my rice mixed with hangover soup.

Well, three girls slept in your studio apartment. And they are all pretty, right?

Seo Yerin and Choi Yiseo shuddered.

I wanted to respond to Yu Arin before she could.

So what? Nothing significant happened, we just slept.

Its not a big deal.

We usually have lunch together, so isnt this the same as before?

I appreciate you giving me a ride home. As for Seo Yerin and Choi Yiseo, I wont charge you for the instant rice or the lodging fee.

If you did, you wouldnt make it to Uni on Monday. Youd be in the hospital.

Choi Yiseo grumbled.

It seems like shes been getting excited a lot lately, but I dont think this was the original image she projected.

Seo Yerin was burying her face in her rice, eating silently, as if staying overnight at a guys place was that embarrassing for her.

And me?

Yu Arin lightly tapped my calves with her foot.

Of course, you should pay. The lodging fee, the water bill for the shower, the electricity for drying your hair, instant rice, and so on.

Eh, I wont.

Okay, leave now then.

Eh, Ill stay the night again.

At those words, my body involuntarily flinched, and Choi Yiseo, along with Seo Yerin, turned their heads to look at Yu Arin.

Yu Arin had this mischievous smile.

Just kidding. Dont get so concerned.

Please, just go. The other two are fine, but you, absolutely not.

Cough! Cough!

Suddenly, Yu Arin, who was eating, began to cough badly, as if something was stuck in her throat, and rushed to the bathroom.

Seeing this, Choi Yiseo sighed and glared at me.

Dont say things like that to Yerin. Shes already having a hard time with her aversion to men.

If someone like her from the Bamboo Forest says they want to have sex every day, are they having an aversion?


But an apology was immediately offered.

The others didnt know it was her as Anonymous69, and when it was Seo Yerin, she tended to take every little thing as seriously.


After finishing the meal, the three of them left.

It was a mess, but after all, they were the three who got caught in my drunken state and even brought me home.

I said I would buy them a meal later. Choi Yiseo made sure to get a firm promise that they would choose the menu.

Ah, Im sorry.

I began to clean up the house, feeling sorry for the three who got involved with me.


I couldnt help but frown as I got a waft of a sweet fruity scent from Yu Arin on the blanket.

It wasnt just the blanket that held the scent; the mattress was also full of Seo Yerin and Yu Arins scent.

Ill take the blanket to a coin laundry and as for the mattress lets try spraying some deodorizer.

Anyway, as I was doing that

What is it?

The scent of my ex-girlfriend, which seemed like it would never go away, felt like it had vanished from the blanket and mattress.

I found myself smiling, feeling happy.


The phone rang.

It was a message from an unwelcome visitor after quite some time.

-Anonymous69: If a girl sleeps over at a guys place, does that mean they are dating?

-Admin: Generally speaking, yes. But there can be special circumstances, right? It isnt always the case.

-Anonymous69: Can it be considered as having quasi-sexual relations?

-Admin: Not if they just slept without doing anything.

-Anonymous69: I want to have sex.

-Admin: That is a sudden sex attack.


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