Bamboo Forest Manager

Chapter 37: What's This?

Chapter 37: What's This?

The study session, uncomfortable in various ways, came to an end.

We could only manage about two hours since it was outside, and it became cold and windy.

Since we agreed to have dinner together, we were now contemplating the menu.

Lets settle this with rock-paper-scissors.

As I extended my hand and made the suggestion, I received disapproving looks.

Why not just go with the majority?

Choi Yiseo, who had argued with me about this many times before, suggested a compromise, but I declined.

Are you saying you want to disregard the minoritys opinion? This is why society is in this state, all because of people like you!

If we cant agree in an hour, then!

Choi Yiseo was ready to punch me, and I backed away while shouting.

No, lets discuss what we want to eat. I prefer rice. Lets go to a place that serves it.

Youre obsessed with Korean food.

Choi Yiseo sighed as if she were exasperated with me and proposed another menu.

How about chicken?

Because you work out, right?

Just because I do, doesnt mean Im suggesting we all eat chicken breast.

Huh? But you just suggested it.

Guys, what do you think?

Choi Yiseo, completely ignoring me, asked the others. It was her way of dealing with me, and it was an improvement compared to the past.

Chicken sounds good.

Yu Arin agreed.

Im up for chicken too.

Jeong Chan-woo immediately consented, and Yu Arin, feeling a connection, high-fived him.

Just a moment ago, she acted as if she didnt even want to talk to Jeong Chan-woo, but now she was shameless in pretending that nothing was wrong.

All eyes naturally turned to the last person.

Almost in tears, they looked at Seo Yerin.

Koreans survive on rice, right? Seo Yerin, you agree, dont you?

Yerin, ignore him. Honestly, we all prefer chicken.

Seo Yerin, glancing between me and Choi Yiseo, seemed to be contemplating. I thought that if I chose my words carefully, I might be able to persuade her.

Right? Lets go eat rice. A hot bowl of rice with a fried egg, and if we add spicy chicken stew, itll be so satisfying.

Its three to two anyway; were going to eat chicken.

Yeah, the pretty one gets two votes.

After all, if one is good-looking, they tend to have more influence. At my words, Seo Yerin flinched in surprise and turned her head to Choi Yiseo.

I-I want chicken too


I dont see whats so tasty about a few pieces of fried chicken.

Though I wanted to go eat rice alone, Choi Yiseo began to drag me along by linking her arm with mine, forcing me to go along with them.

Lets go now.

Haah, whats so tasty about chicken.

Its my first time seeing someone who dislikes chicken.

Eventually, I was dragged along to eat chicken. Since it was near the University, it was fair to consider almost every chicken place as a pub, and despite it being exam period, the place was crowded.

Well, not everyone is passionate about exams.

Lets go inside and sit down.

Choi Yiseo pushed me to the table next to the wall, forcing me in.

You look like you might run away.

I wont.

Anyway, lets go in.

Eventually, pushed by Choi Yiseo, I ended up sitting in the innermost spot, with Choi Yiseo and Seo Yerin sitting next to me.

On the opposite side, Yu Arin and Jeong Chan-woo sat down, creating a not-too-bad picture.

We ordered the chicken half-seasoned and half-fried and another whole grilled chicken.

It seemed like Choi Yiseos last bit of conscience was a roasted chicken.

Im going out for a smoke.

Huh? Me too.

Jeong Chan-woo thought that he would look cool smoking, but it was somewhat unexpected to see Yu Arin doing it.

Or maybe, it does suit her.

With her blonde hair and tumultuous personality, she seemed like she would curse a couple of times while smoking.

She claimed she wasnt into games, but she had this vibe that shed excel at Sudden Attack in a PC caf.

Arin started smoking?

Seo Yerin glanced at Yu Arin, looking puzzled, signaling she was unaware too. It appeared Yu Arin wasnt a regular smoker.

Or maybe shes just following Jeong Chan-woo to chat with him.

Whats going on?

It seems plausible.

I might as well have a cigarette too.

As I was about to get up, pondering whether Jeong Chan-woo was being scolded by Yu Arin, the two beside me glanced up.

You dont smoke, do you?

Ive never seen you smoke before, though?

Im going to start now.

Despite the absurd reason, as I attempted to leave, Choi Yiseo and Seo Yerin blocked my way.

Just stay seated. Why put something harmful into your mouth?

Exactly, Woojin. Have a candy instead.

Eventually, cornered by the two, I had no choice but to sit down. Just then, the macaroni snacks arrived, and the three of us began picking and eating them.

Nom. Nom.

But Yerin, do you know Jeong Chan-woo?

In response to Choi Yiseos query, Seo Yerin replied while munching on a macaroni snack.

Yes, we were friends in high school.

We were friends.

Normally, I would have let it go, but for some reason, it bothered me today.

Thankful to Choi Yiseo for initiating the conversation, I popped a macaroni snack into my mouth and inquired as well.

Is something wrong?

The question immediately caught their attention, and with just a glance at Seo Yerin, she didnt seem inclined to deny it.

A little?

Can you tell me why? Jeong Chan-woo mentioned that you three were close.

We were, but I dont think I can share anything.

Since she drew a clear boundary, I simply shrugged.

I shouldnt have asked about something youre unable to talk about. My bad.

No, Im sorry for saying it like this.

There was a brief silence.

Well, it sounded like something happened in high school which ruined their relationship.

I think Ill head to the bathroom for a bit now.

Eventually, Seo Yerin felt the need to sort out her thoughts and got up to go to the bathroom.

Whats this? Why am I the only one who doesnt know?

As soon as Seo Yerin left her place, Choi Yiseo immediately came to me, saying she had no idea what was happening.

Is it because of what you said at the caf last time? That Jeong Chan-woo likes Yu Arin? Is that why you suddenly called him over today?

Seeing her ask so many of the questions she was holding back, I could now tell how patient she had been.

Ah, fuck.

I got up from the floor of my home with a headache.

I shouldnt have a hangover from just chicken and beer, but as I try to recall, the events of last night slowly start to come back to me.

Ah, that damn Yu Arin

Yu Arin suggested going for a second round because just having chicken and beer didnt seem like enough drinking.

She said she knew a bar and took us to an alcohol bar.

Considering I was stressed because of the exams and slightly tipsy, the owner offered us a discount because Yu Arin was a friend, so we kept on drinking.

The alcohol was good, and even though I usually dont drink wine, it went down smoothly, and later, they even brought out alcohol of a very high proof and threw a drinking party.

This is the result now.

Drinking until I black out during an exam period. It was an act of madness that cannot be explained as anything else.

I am holding my head; it seems like I, who is not affected by soju or beer, am different with expensive alcohol.

I should have experienced expensive drinks.

Rubbing my eyes in discomfort, I realized I learned something new.

Yu Arin, go to hell.

While cursing Yu Arin, I tried to check the time.

You think of me the moment you wake up?

A womans voice came from beside me, sending shivers down my spine, as if I was being pricked by thorns.

Upon checking, I realized I wasnt lying on a thick mattress for a bed, but on a hard, wooden floor.

Slowly, I lifted my head to check.


Yu Arin, lying on the mattress and wrapped in my blanket, was looking at me.


I opened my mouth without realizing and exclaimed. It was all I could do at that moment.

My mind was frozen, and my thoughts were halted.

First, I needed to get her out of here. With that thought, I reached out and yanked the blanket.

W-wait! Im not wearing anything!

Yu Arin spoke the unbelievable, no, the unwanted truth. I wanted to call her a liar, but a glimpse of her pale skin could be seen at the light tug.

You insane woman! Why are you stripping in someone elses home!

As I let go of the blanket and stumbled back, I fell and Yu Arin burst into laughter.

Hehehehe! Look at you! How hilarious!

Hilarious? You find this fun? Why are you laughing? Do you even realize where youre sleeping?

Im sleeping on your bed, under your blanket. Mmm, Woojin smells nice.

The moment I saw her burying her nose in my blanket, I felt like I would pass out.

Pl-please, we didnt cross the line, right? Right?

As I asked her in a low voice, she smiled brightly.

Mmm, is it morning already?

Another womans voice came from behind Yu Arin. The voice was groggy, as if she had just woken, and she slowly got up.

Uh? This is?

Seo Yerin, who was just roused from sleep yet still flaunted beauty, was there.

What the fuck?

What is happening here?


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