Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 140: 139Silver hair problem

Chapter 140: 139Silver hair problem

Chapter 140 139. The problem of silver hair

The moment Aaliya walked out, the fight was destined to end.

The main protagonist of the incident is the noble Arya Stark.

Who would do anything to her friend, the butcher's son, in front of this person?

The prince's orders are the prince's orders, but she is also the daughter of the Duke of the North.

What if I have to chop Mikay and this lady stands directly in front of him? Are you going to be violent?

It really feels like I cant die fast enough.

Who would think that when the daughter of the Duke of the North is injured, the matter will be less serious than when the prince is injured?

Hence, Lan En chuckled and sheathed his sword, while the six people on the other side put their swords back in embarrassment.

Everyone knows that they cant cut anyone present even if they draw their swords, so holding the sword will really make them feel awkward.

"Come with us, Miss Stark, your Majesty and your relatives are anxious."

Hound Knight lifted the opening and closing parts of his helmet, revealing a severely burned face, and looked at Aaliya as he spoke calmly.

Although his tone is still scary enough, Lan En feels that this should be his most gentle state.

Aliya was followed by Nymeria. She tugged on the edge of Lan En's armor, looked at the Hound Knight stubbornly and nodded.

The group of people then followed the light of the fire and arrived at a quite large camp.

The butchers, carpenters, and cooks who accompanied the army were all busy in the camp, while the well-equipped knights and warriors patrolled and guarded around the camp.

In the dark night, it was hard to tell how many people there were in the entire camp.

Lan En looked at all this with a sense of novelty.

According to Aria, this should be the motorcade in which the king took the Duke of the North to the capital to take office as prime minister.

Teams of this size are rare.

On the way, Arya whispered to Lan that the hound knight was named Sandor Clegane and was the prince's bodyguard.

Sandor led three people and one wolf all the way to the largest tent in the middle of the camp.

Think about it and you will know that this is the king's tent.

Nymeria was led to a horse tethering post, and had a collar around her neck, next to another direwolf who was obviously much quieter.

That should be Sister Arias wolf, named Lady.

Going to the door, a man with brown hair and gray eyes like Aaliya came out quickly.


Alia shouted happily and rushed over.

He has a cold temperament like frozen soil and rock, and he looks like a person who grew up in a harsh environment.

But the moment this man saw Aaliya, the glacier melted.

He first breathed a sigh of relief, then put on an anxious face and hugged Aaliya, who also ran towards him.

Alia had never been separated from her father for so long.

Her outpouring of emotion was easily sensed by her father, and the scolding that had already flowed to her lips could not be uttered.

Eddard Stark, the Duke of the North is known for his silence, justice, and sternness. People call him the Silent Wolf.

He didn't know why his daughter looked like she had been away from home for a long time, but he instinctively knew that what Aaliya needed now was not admonishment, but relief.

"You shouldn't, it's okay. Aaliya, it will be fine when you come back."

Lan En looked at this scene calmly and happily.

That's why he wanted to send Aaliya home.

Lan Ens appearance and his shawl hair that looked like molten silver were very eye-catching.

After Ed comforted his daughter, he was pulled in front of Lan En by Aria.

This is Lane, Dad. He saved my life!

The little girl said happily. Ed smiled, looking carefully into the witcher's eyes as he thanked him.

"Thank you for taking care of my daughter, Lord Lane. Soon, the king will make a judgment on this matter. Can I invite you to attend? Maybe your testimony will be needed then."

This is the honor of meeting the king, I cant ask for it more.

Lan En winked at the little girl and accepted it happily. This was something he discussed with Aaliya on the road.

Ed led Aaliya and Lan En, and a guard beside him helped Mikay, who was unable to walk, and the group was about to enter the huge tent.

But the Hound Knight stopped Lan En at the door who was about to go in.

Take off your sword.

Hey, I can see a lot of people inside are wearing swords.

You are different from those people. Your origins are unknown. Besides, Sandor Cleganes severely burned face showed no expression at all and he lowered his voice. "I know how dangerous you are, boy."

Ed, who was walking in front and had already entered the tent, heard the movement, turned around and was ready to speak for Lan En.

But before he could speak, a furious roar came from the tent.

Seven **** hells! Let me in, hound! Just because of a sword? Do you think the men in this room who hold swords are all weaklings?!

Lann could see Sandor gritting his teeth vaguely, and then he stopped caring about Lan En and walked in.

This voice can command the hound knight at will, its status must be higher than that of a prince, and its tone is that of a mature male. Is it a king?

He really has a standard warrior-like fiery temper.

Lan En walked inside. Even the king's residence was very different from the tent.

Floors, decorations, and furniture are all available. Looking from the inside, you cant even tell that the outside is just a layer of canvas.

Many people gathered here tonight because of the conflict between the king's son and the daughter of the Duke of the North.

As soon as Lan En came in, he saw a handsome guy with blond hair speaking aggrievedly to the fat man sitting on the only chair in the venue.

I saw her being bullied, so I drew my sword to help her, but I didnt expect that she would bite me, father!

Wow, is this rhetoric so vivid when it first comes in?

If Lan En didn't know Aria's personality and character, he might have had to think for a few seconds before making a judgment.

Originally, the fat man sitting on the only stool was listening to his son's cry with obvious irritability and impatience.

He was a king who took the throne as a warrior, and his bravery in his youth was known to all the seven kingdoms.

Who would have known that his son would be crying just because a wolf bit his wrist? It's so disgusting!

Even if you hammer that wolf to death on the spot, I will still laugh twice!

What kind of waste does it count to be bitten to tears by an animal?

But this irritability and impatience cooled down the moment Lan En entered.

The fat man's eyes, narrowed into the flesh of his cheeks, were fixed on Lan En's silver hair, and at this moment, he shot out a terrifying murderous aura.

The whole room naturally became silent.

The sobbing Joffrey even took a twitch because of this and didn't dare to say anything more.

Ed, is this the person you brought?

The Duke of the North seemed to have anticipated his reaction and spoke naturally.

Robert, he has nothing to do with the Targaryens. Come closer, Lann, and let His Majesty see your eyes.

As a local, Alia was confused.

On the contrary, Lan En recalled Ed's gaze lingering on his hair and pupils when they met just now.

Eyes, hair. It seems that the molten silver-like hair color and some kind of special pupils are the physical characteristics of one of their hostile races?

In any case, Lan En knew that he had no blood connection with this world.

And these cat eyes are obviously a safety feature.

So he approached the king with peace of mind.

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