Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 139: 138Hound Rider

Chapter 139: 138Hound Rider

Chapter 139 138.Hound Knight

Why did a butcher's son pop up again?

"How many people were involved in the stick you used to hit the prince?"

Lan En looked helplessly at the nervous Aaliya.

Thats not my fault! Joffrey went too far!

"Mikay and I are friends. We were playing with wooden sticks by the river. When he came over, he went crazy and asked Mikay to fight him. He was holding a real sword! Mikay was so scared. He froze and begged him to take back the order, but Joffrey said that if he didn't fight, he would be showing contempt for the prince. He also took his sword and slashed Mycah's face."

"If I didn't hit him, Mikay might have been hacked to death on the spot!"

Aliya has a good story-telling ability, and she vividly interprets a prince who is domineering to the point of dementia while dancing.

Lan En's eyes twitched when he heard this.

Hands of a **** duel between civilians holding real swords and wooden sticks?

Is that prince mentally ill? Sadistic?

Statha's actions are somewhat profit-making. Will Prince Joffrey gain prestige by abusing civilians here?

And the three of you ran away separately, and finally met up here? !

Under Lan En's gaze, Arya lowered her head, Nymeria tilted her head, and the dog tilted its head.

No matter what, since the place where the cheers came out is not far away, let's take Alia there to have a look.

Appearing in public with the daughter of the Duke of the North, these people should not dare to do anything to Arya even if they don't deal with the Stark family.

Lann nodded towards Aaliya, and the little girl immediately understood what he meant.

With a small cheer, she tugged Nymeria's wolf ears and stood up.

This direwolf is also like a well-trained hound, walking alertly beside Arya, acting as a guard.

Two people and one wolf. Because Lan En was at the front to clear the way, the bushes and branches along the way were not considered obstacles, and they quickly reached the place where the cheering crowd was.

A red-haired, freckle-faced boy wearing burlap sat slumped in fear against the roots of a tree.

He looked as if he wished he could shrink himself to the size of an ant.

In a circle around him were five soldiers holding torches and swords at their waists.

They looked at the boy like hungry mice looking at a piece of cheese.

Lan En noticed that the leather armor on the chests of these soldiers uniformly had a lion pattern.

Five soldiers approached the boy with joyful and cruel smiles, punched and kicked him, causing the boy to fall to the ground like a puddle of mud.

Lan held down Aria's intention to go out.

Although Lan Ens understanding of this world is still very limited, through Arias description and on-site observation, he can confirm that the family of the little girl next to him must be involved in a power struggle.

It is difficult to say whether the scale of this power struggle is large or small. It is difficult for the top nobles themselves to encounter this incident.

And this butchers son would most likely not survive if he was involved.

If a beating here can take him out, Lan En thinks the beating is worth it.

When the hunting dog who sounds like he can take care of things comes, he will take Aaliya out directly. By then, peoples attention will naturally be drawn away from the worthless Mikay.

Looking at the way he is being beaten now, he will probably be reprimanded at best and be done with it in the future.

After all, he is just the son of a butcher, so why bother holding on to him?

Lan En was trying to figure out the possibility of things developing from a normal person's point of view.

But he forgot one thing

There are many abnormal people in this world.

The Hound is coming!

The small circle of five people made a way, and a huge figure of at least 2.23 meters tall, holding a torch, walked through the woods.

That was a knight wearing fine black armor, and the helmet on his head was made into the shape of a hunting dog.

He approached Mikael with heavy steps.

And the boy who had been beaten so hard that he couldn't even turn over actually whimpered as this person approached and moved back as if he was desperately trying.

Lan En felt something was wrong when he saw this. If he just came to arrest people and get beaten, why should Mike be so afraid?

Immediately, Lan En narrowed his eyes slightly, touched the hilt of his sword back with his palm, and led Arya and her direwolf toward the crowd.

As expected, amid the sound of metal friction, the Hound Knight pulled out his half-hand sword that fit his size from his waist.

Without any hesitation, the long black sword was about to stab Mikai who fell to the ground!

The five soldiers surrounding the circle originally looked like they were watching a good show, but then the howling of the wind came from behind them.

That's something running wildly!

The process of the expression changing from "watching a good show" to "surprised" is very interesting.

Their eyes widened and they wanted to turn around and look back.

But the two people in the middle were only halfway through turning around when a tall and thick figure crashed directly into the gap between them!



The two soldiers felt as if they had been hit by a mad buffalo!

Lan En obviously just passed by, but he knocked them over forcefully.

The second before the Hound Knight's sword pierced Mikay, a clear sword light suddenly appeared.

With a "dang" sound, he held the opponent's broad sword.


Lan En's slightly squinted eyes widened slightly at this moment, and he could also see the other person's suddenly tightened eyebrows and surprised eyes through the gap in the hound's helmet.

This is the first time since he transplanted the gene seed that he felt a little difficult in the process of wrestling with humans.

Although the opponent is nearly forty centimeters taller than him, his strength must have come from hard training based on his natural talent.

This is a powerful knight.

Lan En did not expect that before he met the famous knights and warriors in the magical world, he would first meet a good player in an ordinary alien world.

Chasing swords in a wrestling style is not a wise stance in a sword fight, so Hound Knight and Lan drew their swords and retreated in a tacit understanding.

Set up their respective postures and fall into a confrontational posture.

I dont know who you are, but this is the fugitive who hurt the prince, so stay out of your own business, kid.

A hoarse, deep voice came from the hound's helmet.

Although the other five soldiers also gathered around him, Lan En's expression was quite relaxed.

"He is a fugitive? But I heard that it was the young lady of the Stark family who gave the prince a stick. Killing a butcher's son is not a good deal, right?"

Heh. The hound sneered mockingly from under his helmet. "Okay, no one can stop someone who wants to die."

The sound of long swords being unsheathed was heard all around, and the five soldiers were about to join the battle at this time.

Their expressions were very confident, not because of their own combat prowess, but because they were working with the Hound Knight to deal with an enemy.

In their eyes, although this kid who suddenly rushed out was a bit good in appearance and ability, how could he possibly defeat the hunting dogs and them?

This is another unearned credit.

But at this tense moment, Lan En put down his guarded sword-holding posture and looked playful.

Tsk, I thought you were the kind of person who knows how to fight a fair duel.

"You are just a nobody." The Hound Knight's tone was always aggressive, as if everyone owed him money. "I won't gain anything from a fair duel with you."

He led five soldiers and cautiously approached Lan En.

Perhaps Ill be famous tomorrow? Lan En tilted his head and smiled, as if he didnt see their actions.

"Arlia, come out. The Duke of the North will surely make a name for whoever finds his daughter."

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