Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 119: 118 Noble Knight

Chapter 119: 118 Noble Knight

Chapter 119 118. Noble Knight

The armor of noble knights is much more gorgeous than that of wandering knights.

It is also much stronger.

Because their parents should have some dignity for their children who are going to work as personal servants under the earl.

This is not only for the safety and combat effectiveness of the younger generations, but also for the sake of comparison between noble ranks.

So on the armor of these knights, you can often see gold outlines and complicated and luxurious etching textures.

The small shields mounted at the heart are engraved with their respective family crests.

When the earl came running in a panic, there was no need for extra command arrangements.

The first row of noble knights equipped with swords and shields automatically made an opening, allowing the earl to rush directly into the protective circle of the battle formation.

Stessa's eyes burst out with an extremely strong desire to survive when he saw the noble guard group under his command.

He also knew that the combat effectiveness of these knights was different from ordinary soldiers and wandering knights.

Thats the difference made by spending money!

He was full of joy and rushed towards the gap in the battle formation.

But just when he passed by the sword and shield knights in the front row, he was about to rush into the protective circle.

The familiar voice sounded again.

Get down, lord count!

The name in speech is not out of respect, but out of ridicule.

Stessa's pupils suddenly trembled, and instinctively, he threw himself to the ground.

At the next moment, there was another familiar feeling of being oppressed by wind pressure on his scalp.

Those are two warhammers, the warhammers picked up from the corpses of a group of people just now.

The speed at which the projectile passed caused a shrill sound of wind.

At the moment when no one could react, they smashed directly into the opened formation!


Solid steel collides with hollow steel! That sound makes your eardrums hurt!

The two tall knights in the back row had their helmets originally dented by the flying war hammers!

Even though they have different body shapes and different positions, their attack positions are surprisingly consistent!

Blood spurted out from the helmet's breathing grille like juice.

There was not even a chance to scream.

Even with the armor, the body weighed about 110 kilograms, and its upper body was knocked backwards by the impact, hitting the knights behind it.

The sudden weight broke the center of gravity of the knight behind him, causing him to be knocked into pieces.

Two war hammers, killing two and knocking over six. Eight in total.

The formation of the noble knights dispersed.

This is not a short-term change of formation under control like just now, but it is really broken up!

Among the sword and shield knights in the front row, there seems to be a leader-like character.

His helmet has several pheasant tail feathers standing on end, which are beautiful and flamboyant.

At this time, he immediately raised his shield and shouted.

Close the shield guards!

He was the first to realize the seriousness of the problem after the situation suddenly changed.

Battle formation is one of the decisive factors affecting the outcome of a battle.

He had never heard that the scattered knights could turn defeat into victory.

Now he understands.

The count who ran over was originally a means for the opponent to force them to change their formation temporarily!

Using the window period of changing formations, the combat effectiveness of this group of people was at least 70% weaker in less than ten seconds!

He doesnt know who the other person is, nor why he has such huge self-confidence.

Confident that they can complete the formation attack on the noble guard group in less than ten seconds.

There is no point in exploring these, because our formation has already broken up.

He could only try his best to remedy the situation and try his best to send the earl to a safer rear.

Close the shield guards! Now!

He shouted again, waking up the stunned colleagues around him.

But the time to react was already too late.

Dong dong dong!

In the dark shadows far away in the corridor, it seemed like some mad beast was charging and running!

Just stepping on the ground can make this building made entirely of stone tremble slightly.

The sound was rapid and terrifying. When it first sounded, it was at the other end of the corridor, but it took only a blink of an eye. Just by hearing it, you can tell that the opponent has advanced more than ten meters!

This corridor is only twenty meters in total!

The noble knight in the tail-feathered helmet stared nervously at the darkness deep in the corridor with his eyes under the helmet.

He felt as if everything had slowed down.

The shouts of his colleagues who were moving towards him urgently slowed down.

Until a tall figure rushed out of the shadow!

Even in his slowed-down perspective, the opponent was as fast as a shadow!

But the movement of the opponent every time he steps on the ground can clearly show how terrifying the opponent's self-respect is.

The volume of a person is of course larger than a war hammer, so the wind pressure caused by this person's sprint is stronger than the war hammer just thrown!

Like a strong wind passing by.

The noble knight in the tail feather helmet instinctively raised his shield and stood between himself and the opponent.

But the man who charged like a wild bear stamped his feet on the ground before the shield.

The stone ground shook for a while.

Then this guy, whose footsteps sounded very heavy, jumped up to a height of more than two meters!

Under the helmet, the noble knight's eyes unconsciously widened to their maximum size, and his perspective moved upwards.

The man was in mid-air, his body contracted into a half-crouching posture. The next moment.


A boot with an external plate armor stamped directly on the helmet of the noble knight from above!

Under the huge impact, the eyes of the noble knight's helmet turned white, and his upper body fell back as if it had been broken.

The boots falling from the sky stomped on the helmet directly to the ground!

Fine dust was shaken out of the cracks in the ground, and a circle of tiny spider web-like cracks spread from where the head landed.

The helmet is under the soles of the feet, and it no longer looks like it can hold a human head.

Until this moment, the sword and shield knights who were shouting from the knights below were far from regrouping.

Lan En's running from the end of the corridor to a distance of twenty meters took less than 1.5 seconds!

Moreover, he ran out with the guy in his arms.

In a chaotic formation of noble knights, Lan En burst in after crushing a human head and threw a glass kettle.

A sword and shield soldier of good quality raised his shield in time to block the kettle.

The glass collided with the wooden and iron-clad shield and shattered into pieces, scattering the liquid in the pot as well.

Although Stesa's manor is very large, it is just a corridor after all.

The knights in heavy armor had no place to hide.

The knight holding up his shield took a few deep breaths in his helmet, and then screamed in panic.

Its lamp oil! Spread it out! Spread it out

Before he finished shouting a few words, Lan En had already raised his left hand expressionlessly and gently pinched out the seal.


There was a "boom", and the flames clung to the oil, staining and flowing on the knights' gorgeous armor.

Together with the knights who had been lying on the ground from the beginning, eighteen of them were now covered in flames.

Now, there are five more.

The golden Quen Seal surrounded Lan En's body, and the flames could not hurt him for a while.

Amidst the sound of steel friction, Lan En pulled out the sword from behind in the sea of fire and walked out.

Five noble knights now guard Count Stesa in the middle.

Looks like he has a strong will, but those iron boots rub back and forth hesitantly.

"Knights, adjust your breathing. You are very confused now."

With a sword as clear as water hanging by his side, Lan En calmly approached the remaining five people.

The fire was burning behind him, and the people trapped in the armor in the fire were scratching, bumping, wailing, and roaring like crazy.

Lan En's front face was completely dark against the firelight, with only his cat eyes shining slightly.

"Have you adjusted it? Then I'll attack."

There was only one way up the stairs behind them. The five noble knights swallowed their saliva and looked at each other.

In unison, they cheered with war cries and charged towards Lan En.

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