Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 118: 117 Now, run

Chapter 118: 117 Now, run

Chapter 118 117. Now, run

No, no no! I wont run away! I wont run away!

Huddled up in a ball in the corner of the doorframe, holding his head.

The handsome face that was once famous throughout Temeria now revealed deep panic and confusion.

He was just one step away from a guard whose neck was hit by fragments of broken armor!

One step!

Can we have this kind of luck next time? Does he dare to bet?

He has been frightened into insanity.

Lan En squatted beside him and gently brushed the sawdust off his shoulders.

"Whether you should escape or not is not up to you, my lord. It is up to me."

This is my reward for letting me see hell.

Lann's movements were very gentle, and his words were also very gentle, but his eyes looking down at Count Stesa were so cold.

"Lord Earl, there is a fable describing **** in my hometown. The specific content is not important, but to briefly summarize, 'Hell is a group of ordinary human beings who, because of their inner selfish desires and ugliness, do not get any benefit from themselves. Youd rather the other person not get it, so they engage in a **** of mutual torture.

Sounds mundane, doesnt it?

Lan En, who was half-crouching, smiled softly, but his relaxed tone made Stesa tremble inexplicably.

I didnt understand what this meant until I saw what you were doing in the basement of this manor, Your Majesty.

The relaxed tone gradually cooled down and calmed down.

But this calmness is by no means reassuring. On the contrary, it feels like a sharp knife has been pulled out of the waveless ice water.

Lan En used this tone to describe what he saw.

"Your basement is not very **** and dirty, and the real method of shock is to hang a child there and bleed it. There is only one child, only a basin of blood. But what really scares me?"

"It's not your little toys used to train your bed skills. It's you who artificially distinguish the good and bad among the children."

"Children who are obedient enough and outstanding enough in slave training, you arrange better food and clothing for them, treat them with a better attitude, be kind to them, and get everything they ask for. Let them see that they are not performing well, that is, Children who are more defiant have a sense of superiority."

What a wonderful example of management, Your Majesty!

Speaking of this, Lan En seemed to be unable to restrain his admiration for this method and clapped softly.

You gave a group of slaves who were slightly better off a sense of superiority over slaves who were not so good!

I know one of the outstanding students, no, I should say Ive met him.

"When that kid was at the beach camp in Willen, he was sallow and thin. I could hold his arms together with one hand. But even in that physical condition, when there was a commotion at the camp, he would still open his arms. Hold those children who are younger than him in his arms, comfort them even though he may die next moment. But now."

My lord, do you know what he looked like when I saw him again in your basement?

Like a host looking for audience interaction, Lan En asked questions to the earl who was huddled in the corner.

Count Stesa just buried his head deeper into his arms.

"The child is now well-nourished and has a delicate and beautiful face. The clothes on his body are exquisite and elegant, making him look like a nobleman. I was even happy that he turned out like this, until he stood outside the cage and asked the cage The poorly dressed and poorly fed slave children there were laughing and spitting. It was like they were teasing a bunch of dogs."

Lane put his hand into the earl's arm.

His palms directly pinched the adult's skull, lifting him to stand upright under his painful and panicked expression.

Those cat eyes are as cold as a predator.

"I could chop a group of well-armed and skilled warriors into pieces, and they didn't even have time to sound the alarm. But standing on the floor paved with flesh and blood, my heart palpitations were far away from seeing that scene. Its awesome.

.That is hell, my lord.

Dont spare me.

Staisa, whose skull was in unbearable pain under the grip, stuttered as he spoke.

Lan heard his request and let go of his hand.

But those eyes that still maintained a hunting posture clearly told the count that the matter was not over yet. "Escape, Styza."

The scope is the entire manor. As long as you dont escape from the scope of this manor, I will not attack you.

Go to those who think you can kill me, ask them for help, and let them get their weapons ready and their swords unsheathed.

I will chase you and kill everyone who tries to save you.

Lann slowly retreated into the thick shadow in front of Statha.

It shows that the upper body is hidden in it, then the legs and feet, with only the slightly bright cat eyes twinkling in the darkness.

In the end, even those eyes were immersed in shadow.

Stassa stared at this scene blankly, his legs shaking uncontrollably.

Now, run.

A small knife flew to his feet with a sound of breaking through the air.

He was like a frightened rabbit, howling at the top of his lungs and running away.


Butler Morgan's fireball explosion awakened the entire manor's defense force in the dim night.

All the guards on duty tensed up their nerves and moved closer to the direction of the explosion.

The resting guards were suddenly awakened. They immediately put on their helmets and armor, and were equipped with sharp swords and war hammers.

For a moment, the entire manor was filled with the shouts of organizing teams, and the sound of armor plates clashing with each other while running.

The armors clashed, and murderous intent suddenly arose!

The main building of the manor is a large three-story fortress.

Stethsas bedroom and study are on the top floor.

The most elite, most loyal, and most trusted warriors enjoy a large collective dormitory on the first floor.

These warriors are the direct blood descendants of those subordinates in Stesa's interest group.

They have been encouraged by Staisa since they were young, and because of their family background, they have adequate nutrition, are taught by famous teachers, and have excellent weapons.

So everyone's standard equipment is full-coverage plate armor.

This piece of armor alone is the entire income of a village for several years.

There are twenty-five people, each equipped with a morning star hammer, a mace, or a half-hand sword, sword and shield combination according to custom.

The combat effectiveness of the remaining fifteen wandering knights equipped with plate armor is not at the same level at all.

After Stesa started to run away, the first thing that came to his mind was to rush here.

Although there are only twenty-five people, their superior armor and physical fitness are enough to support these twenty-five knights to cause a **** storm among hundreds of ordinary soldiers.

As soon as they put on their equipment, they immediately organized their formation and approached the count's location upstairs.

Finally, in a twenty-meter-long corridor, the earl running in panic met the heavily defended knight formation.

While running, the count looked back frequently in panic, as if he was being chased by something.

The knights maintained good battlefield qualities, with their swords and shields in front, and the group watched and supported each other.

But this tight defense could not be maintained after encountering the count.

First, it was because of the surprise of these people. They thought that the count had been in danger, but they did not expect that the lord himself would run out at this moment.

Secondly, if you want to include the running Earl into the protective circle of the battle formation, the tight battle formation will inevitably disintegrate for a while.


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