Assassin Dad and His Genius Daughter

Chapter 7 Finish

'Energy Activation Pill…' Ren Ye raised his eyebrows, 'Is this a pill to activate my meridians or something?'

Ren Ye couldn't help but compare the name to some pills he had read in a novel before.

'Haha! You have unlocked another source of knowledge,' Old Yi chuckled inwardly and continued hastily, 'I'll explain it to you later when we meet again.'

Ren Ye nodded his head and asked all of a sudden, 'How is Jia'er?'

'She's drooling very much,' Old Yi added with annoyance, 'I feel like she's going wake up soon, hurry and finish the mission. The mosquitoes are annoying as hell.'

Ren Ye dismissed his unnecessary thought and decided to focus solely on completing the mission, eliminating and pulling out the roots, and going back to his daughter.

[Shapeshifting Activated]

With shapeshifting, his body began to morph itself into a frail figure and familiar; becoming A'Meng in the process.

The reason he had chosen to shapeshift into A'Meng was the relationship he shared with Boss Hui. He didn't kill off A'Meng yet, he had only punctured one of his vital meridians, knocking him out cold and hiding him in a hidden spot.

Ren Ye, disguised as A'Meng, went to his hiding spot and grabbed the bottles of water in his hand, and took his clothes. He decided to pretend to be A'Meng and plan to trick Boss Hui into coming here, finishing them all with the gun in one place.

Casting his glance onto the dead bodies on the ground, his eyes became gradually blurry and emotionless. He took a step forward and return to their hideouts, he had done a bit of preparation for acting in the past.

'I must say shapeshifting comes in handy with my past life; I had multiple identities when I was still the Night Killer thus making it impossible for officers to discern my true identity.'

He was a bit convinced this new ability correlated with his past.

He also had knowledge of A'Meng's behavior in the past, therefore, making it even more convenient for him to act as A'Meng and fool Boss Hui. All he had to do was to walk up to Boss Hui with a timid expression and informed him Ren Ye was here in the alley.

'Time for showdown…'

As A'Meng, he had a cruel grin on his face.


"Boss! We found Ren Ye!" A'Meng ran up to Boss Hui, with an exhausted face; breathing heavily.

With not much exercise in the past, it was natural for a scrawny figure like A'Meng to struggle with running and stabilizing his breathing from doing physical work.

Boss Hui was sitting on the ground, his eyes were tired and worn out. The moment he had heard Ren Ye's name, his eyes recovered immediately and were filled with uncontrollable fury.

"F*ck!" Boss Hui cursed loudly and sat up, wanting to punch Ren Ye for making him wait so long, and also couldn't dismiss A'Meng's long return, taking his anger out on him.

"Where were you?" Boss Hui scolded him with unrestrained anger and disappointment.

A'Meng trembled intensely, avoiding Boss Hui's gaze and lowering his gaze onto the floor. His eyes were filled with anxiety and panic.

"I found Ren Ye there and tried to bring him back here," A'Meng mumbled quietly, "He refused and I spent a long time, trying to convince him to come…That's why it took a very long time for me to return as he threatened to beat me up," A'Meng shook slightly with an anxious voice.

"Was there anyone with him?" Boss Hui raised his eyebrows.

"No, he was alone…" A'Meng lowered his head, looking at his feet.

"Yet you couldn't beat him," Boss Hui's eyes were filled with iciness and disappointment, "Where are the others?"

Boss Hui couldn't blame him for being unable to beat Ren Ye. Ren Ye could easily knock out A'Meng with a punch, considering the difference in their size. Ren Ye was much more athletic and robust than A'Meng.

"They are beating him up at this moment and sent me to inform you, telling you to go there and think about what to do about Ren Ye."

Boss Hui nodded and glanced toward the bulky man beside him, who was enjoying his cigarette. He puffed an air of smoke and licked his lips, with annoyance and a thirst for a good beating.

"Let's go," Boss Hui ordered him with a stern voice, "We've been here for far too long. Ren Ye shouldn't be let off so easily after what he has done to us."

Boss Hui and the bulky man followed A'Meng as he led them to the alley.

A'Meng guided them carefully as he made sure the two of them followed him closely, the Soundproof Gun, the black cloak, and clown mask were placed back into inventory to avoid him being discovered.

Boss Hui didn't speak as he followed A'Meng with inquiring eyes, he seems to trust A'Meng wholeheartedly. A'Meng could be said to be his most trustworthy man on the team.

This allowed Ren Ye to easily manipulate them!

"Boss! It's there!" He pointed toward the dark alley with his slightly timid eyes.

Boss Hui nodded toward the bulky man, took the lead, and walked inside as A'Meng followed closely behind. Ren Ye dropped his head with an unfathomable expression.


[Soundproof Gun]


[Do you wish to proceed?][Cancel]

Boss Hui yawned and rubbed his eyes, needing some rest. He wandered along the alley without the slightest fear of the rats and dark, the bulky man beside him had his head lowered down.

"A'Meng, give me a bottle of water," He muttered and called for A'Meng. But all he got was no response, only the sound of the cold breeze of the night.

He turned his head behind his back, discovering A'Meng had disappeared suddenly out of their vision. His eyes shrank slightly and his mouth pursed with rage.

"Don't play tricks with me!"


The bulky man fell to the ground with a thud and a bullet hole behind the back of his head, behind him was a familiar and frail figure standing there with lifeless eyes.

The A'Meng Boss Hui was seeing at this moment wasn't the timid A'Meng; he was seeing a completely different version of him

,m His eyes were filled with hostility and vicious energy, the eyes seemed to swallow everyone into the abyss as he stared motionlessly at Boss Hui. He extended his arm with a gun in his hand, his thumb on the trigger.

Boss Hui had a terrified countenance, much to the delight of Ren Ye behind A'Meng's disguise.

Before Boss Hui could cry out and flee, Ren Ye was swift with his reaction and pulled the trigger, shooting out the last bullet as the bullet penetrated his head. Killing him instantly...

In the darkened and desolated alley, there was only one figure standing among several men. Ren Ye was apathetic and indifferent after the mission was completed.

'All of them are dead except for one. I couldn't help but feel bad for leaving him the only survivor in his group of dead friends. It's going to take a hell lot for him to continue living further…'

He didn't finish off A'Meng because doing it this way is to distract the law enforcers from discovering Ren Ye, the true culprit.

The one who survives in a group tragedy becomes the one on which the law enforcers will focus their utmost attention.

A string of text appeared in his vision.

[Do you wish to clear out?]

He frowned, 'What does clearing out mean?'

On the side of the screen was [Question Details], Ren Ye pressed on it.

[Assist user in purging the leftovers of the mission]

He immediately understood what this means, the system allowed users to clean up the messes they had left behind.


He proceeded and the scene before him swiftly dissipated, the corpses on the ground disappeared from his vision and left behind no traces of blood and rotting smell.

'This surely feels like a cheat in a game...'

Ren Ye tsked quietly and fled the crime scene, leaving behind no traces and an unconscious A'Meng near the crime scene. His figure and face began to turn back into Ren Ye's.


Ren Ye discarded the black cloak and gloves, returning to his casual attire and going back to retrieve his daughter and Old Yi near the park.

By the time, he had found them, the both of them were napping on the park bench, completely unaware Ren Ye had returned. Jia'er was breathing slowly and seemed to have sensed his return as her closed eyes moved slightly and she extended her arm tiredly.


She mumbled quietly to herself, presumably in a dream with her dad involved.

He sighed in relief and lowered his body, to observe his daughter. He hadn't noticed before but Jia'er had a tiny scar on her shoulders and her eyebrows seemed to resemble his eyebrows very much.

Ren Ye pursed his lips and his eyes grew complicated, he took her into his arms and caressed her head, letting her rest on his shoulder for now. It was much more comfortable than napping on a wooden bench as Jia'er snored softly and hugged him back.

Old Yi was startled awake and rubbed his eyes, whispering not to wake Jia'er up, "You're back…"

He sat up and stretched his back, "Took you this long!"

"Let's go home, I have to go to sleep!"

As soon as Old Yi said that, he entered Ren Ye's consciousness and the system shut down completely.

[System is shutting down at this moment!]



"Now, it's time for us to return home."

He smiled indifferently with his eyes on the napping little girl with dribbles and a pout as he wiped them off with his sleeves.

Instead of taking the shortcut which was the dark alley and the location of the crime scene, he decided to take the long road and avoid coming in contact with that place.

Ren Ye had exhausted much of his energy, feeling tired and in need of sleep.

"Uh, I wonder how she'll react to Jia'er?"

'How do I convince her she's my daughter without making her think I am some douchebag who got someone pregnant and left her to fend for herself for 3 years?

His head ached, thinking of many possible solutions.

'I have no idea who is the mother so I can't use her as an excuse as well. Do I have to lie to my mother by telling her I decided to pick some kid off the street and call her my daughter? But that would make me seem like a child trafficker...'

Ren Ye arrived in front of an ordinary-looking house, with red gates in the front. It wasn't extravagant or too shabby, appearing rather comfortable and lively for such a tiny house.

He surveyed his surroundings with his cold gaze before approaching the door and lifting his knuckle to knock on it. He suddenly realized it was midnight now and his mother would have gone to bed by this time.

'I would have knocked on the door if I was sure she was awake…Knocking it wouldn't make much any difference because there would still be no response.'

Ren Ye jumped onto a high platform and tilted his head to the side of the window, to see if there was a way to open the door without disturbing his mother.

Coincidentally, he discovered a middle-aged figure was sitting on the couch whilst holding a book in her hand, with a lit table lamp and a worry-filled face.

'Mom! What is she doing at this time?'

Ren Ye was taken aback and landed on the ground swiftly, reapproaching the door and knocking it all while he was holding Jia'er in his arms.

She shifted weakly in his arms, frowning adorably with her soft porcelain face. Her eyes moved constantly, gradually sobering up from her drowsy state.

The door opened with a creak and a middle-aged woman appeared in front of him, with her fatigued and worried eyes laced with increasing delight after seeing him.

"Little Ye! Where have you been?" His mother, Fa Qing, was taken aback and her eyes shrank in shock.

The middle-aged woman in front of him had a maternal warmth to her, her eyes being the most striking as Ren Ye had inherited them from her. It could be seen that in the past, she used to be an extremely attractive woman but these past few years have been harsh on her; making her more down-to-earth and mature.

Her luscious black hair has been pushed to the back of her shoulders as her skin was wrinkled from her old age.

She had a distinctive gentleness to her way of doing things.

"Mom…" Ren Ye gave her an awkward glance as Jia'er opened her eyes slowly.

'I didn't have a mother before so I have no idea how to act without getting embarrassed, depending solely on the original Ren Ye's attitude toward her…'

'I couldn't blame her for not knowing about my accident as well as I usually work overtime and sleep at someone's place…'

Thinking back to the time he woke up at the hospital and she was unable to come to visit him.

"Little Ye, I thought you got in trouble with them again, I was worried sick!"

Fa Qing approached him and quickly examined his body, trying to find any damage or bruises on him. Ren Ye dismissed her concerns with a shake of his head.

"Don't worry, I didn't get in trouble. I was working overtime at the Enterprise these past days," Ren Ye replied with a blank face.

'I'm not actually lying to my mother because it was more or less the truth…'

Fa Qing nodded her head and lowered his eyes, to find another pair of glossy big eyes staring back at her with curiosity. Fa Qing was immediately enamored by the cuteness of this little girl.

"Whose child is this?" Fa Qing asked him as she gave Jia'er a gentle smile. Jia'er hid in her dad's arms in shyness after seeing the woman's attention was on her and grabbed his shirt tightly.

"She is my daughter…" Ren Ye glanced at Jia'er who was adorably swaying her tiny legs in his arms before lifting his head and giving his mother an ordinary smile.


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