Ashborn Primordial

Chapter 35: Old Man Bakura

Chapter 35: Old Man Bakura

So, where are we headed, exactly? Vir asked Alda as his leather shoes soles clacked on Sarans cobblestone harbor roads. Both Vir and Maiya had slightly altered their makeup and clothing. Nothing drastic, but enough to hide them from guards at a distance. Or so they hoped.

Magic Lamp street lights bathed the entire pier in amber light, setting a rather melancholic mood, and the bracky brine hit them full force, now that they were right next to the ocean. Vir didnt mind itthe many ships docked at the harbor captured all of his attentionbut Maiya wrinkled her nose and gagged at its pungency.

Alda thumbed at a nearby wooden building. It was a squat, unadorned structure that burst with light and laughter.

West side pub. Old man Bakura always hangs out ere after work.

And you said this mans a sailor? Maiya said. Why would he know where Bumpy is?

Not a question o where he is. Hell be at the Merchant Guilds corral. Only place in town's got big enough stables for this kinda thing. Its just that getting him outs gonna be hard.

The merchants guild? Vir asked. Wouldnt they have taken him to a government stable?

The guilds like this with the uffishals, Alda said, crossing her fingers. Not strange at all. But uh, let's hurry.

A guard patrol hurried past them right after they entered the tavern.

Guess our jailbreak's been noticed, Vir muttered.

We'll be fine, Maiya replied. Best place to hide is in a crowd, and this place is packed.

The pubs double wooden doors were propped wide open, and upon entering, they found a place that had three times as many people as they designed it for. Some patrons packed in next to each other at the long tables while others stood, mugs of beer in their hands and flagons peppering the tables, no doubt filled with alcohol.

There was an exception to the crowd, though. In the back corner, nestled by itself, was a round table that was nearly empty. It stuck out like a sore thumb in this hive of activity, but the person who pulled Virs eyes was the black-bearded giant of a man who sat there, occupying two and a half seats on a bench, straddling his arms around two beautiful women.

Vir had never seen such a glorious belly in his life. He must be rich to eat like that, he thought.

Old man Bakura! Alda said, waving as she strode up to the man, crushing Virs hope.

Bakuras eyes lit up in recognition and he raised a paw as large as a bears. Well well well, if it aint little Alde! What brings yer scalliwaggin arse to my humble establishment? Cmere you! Take a seat.

His establishment!?Vir thought in alarm. He owns this place?

Course he does, she said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. She muscled past the woman next to him, giving her the stink eye, then plopped herself on the mans lap.

Vir and Maiya awkwardly took their place across from Bakura, but though the circular table was quite large, the giant still loomed over them like a predator. A very rotund predator.

So anyway, she said, Need yer help, old man.

Oho? Do tell. Always happy to help... for a price! Bakura roared. The man had ignored Vir and Maiya until now, which suited them just fine.

Yeah, so. We need to break an Ashva outta the mercs guild.

Bakura spit out his beer, spraying Vir and Maiya. You WHAT!? Next, yer gonna tell me a Vimanas parked itself above Saran, aint ye! And why do I gotta do suchn thing, hmm? Who's gonna pay me? You?

Alda continued, unperturbed. Maybe I could, if you were more generous, old man. But you're gonna help anyway. Because you were a part of this, too. These two were jailed but theyve done nuthin wrong. Neel oer there even helped us out. Just tryin to make amends, yknow?

Bakura slammed his mug down on the table and went silent. It felt to Vir like the entire bar had gone silent, but that was merely his fear drowning out all other sounds.

So dat be how it like, eh? Bakura said, leaning back to spit on the ground. The bench groaned under his weight.

Vir finally mustered up the courage to speak. What do you mean?

Bakura scratched the back of his head and spoke in a lower voice. That badrakkin chal set me up. Promised me loads o coin n return fer some risto clothing. cept he never paid up. All I got was the advance. Im in the red on this one. Pittance o a payout, and now I got a risto family out for blood, dont I? he said, his eyes darting between Vir, Maiya, and the mug on the table.

So the clothes you used Maiya said.

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The old man gave em to us, yeah, Alda completed. And get this, old man! Those jailors were rude as heck! Even slapped Neel oer there. Can you believe that? A Suvir!

The man furrowed his brows. Suvir, huh? They famous or something?

Alda looked at Bakura like hed gone mad. You dont know of the Suvirs? Even I know em, old man! Theyre huge! Big time ristos in Daha! the girl said, winking at Vir.

Vir was thankful for her deception, and he wondered whether she really was trying to do right by them. If she really helped them with getting Bumpy out, he was willing to let bygones be bygones. But if she did betray them again he honestly didnt know if hed be able to keep his anger in check.

Bakura stroked his beard. Daha, ye say? Always good ta have some contacts in the capital. Hmm. Well, if ye were lying bout being ristos, youd have been beaten black n blue. Not a scratch on ye, though.

Maiyas patchwork makeup job had done the trick. Vir shot his friend a thankful glance.

But heres what I dont understand, he said, eyeing Vir and Maiya. If they let ye go, whys yer Ashva still captive, eh?

Maiya spoke up for the first time. W-well, we werent exactly let go. We couldnt bear to remain another minute in those filthy cells, you see. When Alda offered to help us escape, we could hardly turn her down.

Uh, huh, Bakura responded. Offered you, for coin. I know this girl. Doesnt do nuthin for free!

Not like you do, either! Stingy old man! Alda shot back.

Not runnin' a charity 'ere, Alde. It's every man for himself. Same as you.

Such denominations are nothing for us, Maiya said, patting her coin bag, which was actually Aldas old coin bag. Her words earned her a pointed look from the urchin.

Reckon so. So, I help ya and ya go tell yer pappy bout Old Man Bakura, wont ya?

R-right, Maiya said. If you help us out, we can put in a good word with our father back in Daha.

Bakura clapped his hands, then rubbed them together, all smiles. We got a deal, then! I aint even gonna charge ye on dis one. Havin a risto fam in me pockets worth seric.

So, youll help us break Bumpy out of wherever hes being kept, right? Maiya said. Well be leaving the city as soon as you can.

Bakura blinked at her. Boy, ye got no chance.

What? Vir said. Didnt you just say youd help us?

Im saying that one does not simply ride an Ashva out the city gates after breakin out from the Guild. Too big. Too noticeable. Guardsll be all over ya. Ye got no chance. They may already have closed the gates, for all ye know.

That seems likely, Vir thought, based on the guard activity outside.

Then what should we do? Maiya said, biting her lip.

If they couldnt ride out of the front gates, theyd simply have to find another entrance. Vir was sure there were others But were there other entrances that would allow an Ashva through? That, he didnt know.

Aight, so. Here what we do, Bakura said, leaning forward and resting his elbows on the table. Me n me menll help ya break yer Ashva out. But you n yer brother r comin with me.

With you Vir said blankly.

Sright. Aboard me ship.

Vir and Maiya exchanged a glance.

I dont know how I feel about this, Vir said. As much as sailing out into the open ocean filled him with excitement, it sounded really dangerous. Theyd be at Bakuras mercy on a ship. If the crew turned against him and Maiya there would be little they could do. Could they really trust him? There has to be another entrance to the city.

Then again, Riyan said disguises can provide protection as well. So long as Bakura believed they were Sawai, he couldnt touch them. If he did anything to a couple of Sawai kids, word would get out, and Bakura would be executed. The man knew that.

Bakura shook his thick neck, which jiggled. Thats what ye dont get, boy. Breakin an Ashva out aint like breaking out a person. Trust me. Yer safer aboard me ship. We be heading south, for Balindam.

Balindam? Maiya asked. Isnt that the capital of the Pagan Order?

Sright, boy. So we can let ye loose along the coast just south o town tomorrah. Ye can find yer own way back to de highway east from dere.

And youre doing all of this just to get into my familys good graces? Vir said.

Imma businessman, boy. Wont risk me crew n me business over nuthin. I be gainin aplenty from this lil deal of ours. Connections. Trading partners. New routes. Sides, not my first time doing something like this. I wouldnt be where I am if I couldnt sneak a person or two out from under de guards.

Vir looked to Alda. Is there any other way to get an Ashva out of the city?

The girl shrugged. Dunno. Dont think so.

Maiya turned pensive for a moment, then nodded to Vir. With that, his last reason to refuse crumbled away.

Alright, Vir said with a sigh. If thats how it has to be, then were onboard.

As long as Bakura believed them to be Sawai aristocrats, thered be little danger to themselves. Maiya must have come to the same conclusion. That was a big if, however. Vir would have to ensure the man had no reason to doubt them. That acting was best left to Maiyashe had trained for this, and had a knack for it too.

Good. Gimme an hour or two ta get me men ready. Havent pulled a heist like this in a long time. De boys are gunna love it.

Something had bothered Vir this whole time. He thought back to Riyans words months ago. About how, with the proper disguise, they could walk into the kings palace and steal from under his very nose. It felt like they were going about this heist the wrong way.

The disguises had helped, yes, but they were still sneaking around like criminals. And if Vir had Maiya drastically alter his appearance now, the urchins and Bakura would ask questions.

Or would they? What if!

No, wait, Vir said, grinning as an idea dawned on him. Ive got a better plan. Just grant us passage out of the city on your ship. Thats all we need.

Uh, you sure? Welp, suit yerself. Less work for me, ha! Ill be waiting by de docks. Best be quick about it.

So? Whats this idea of yours? Maiya whispered as Alda led Vir and Maiya back to the urchins base. Weaving through the back alleys and broken walls, the girl bypassed the main roads as if it were second nature to her. A good thing, because guards were now out in force, even in some of the alleys.

Oh, just wait, Vir replied. Youre gonna love this!

Next time: 36 - Bumpy the Brave


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