Ashborn Primordial

Chapter 34: A Sheen Tarnished

Chapter 34: A Sheen Tarnished

Wait wait wait! The girl hissed, her eyes wide with fear at the two katars that pressed against her throat. I can explain!

Then explain, Vir said. You have thirty seconds. Starting now.

Yeesh! So a man came to us yesterday. Said hed pay us good money, like real good, to dress up like a couple of risto boys and go around stealing for im. So we did. But then Uh, you dont recognize me, do you?

Vir studied her face. Youre Alda. Youre the one who approached us when we checked into our inn yesterday.

Alda nodded. We were gonna just leave you be, but, well its not everyday people are kind ta us, yknow? We felt bad. Didnt sit right. And sides, yer not even ristos after all

Not like you did it out of the kindness of your heart. Youre still profiting from this

Vir thought back to the stranger whod accosted them on the road to Saran. Hed held suspicions about the man as soon as theyd met. Maybe hed seen an easy mark in them But that didnt explain why hed gone through all of this trouble to sabotage Vir and Maiya.

How do you know were not Sawai? Maiya asked.

The girl pointed to Vir. Theyd never rough up a risto like that. I mean, its a good thing yer not. Means youre, like, one of us!

Maiya pulled her blade away, but Vir kept his firmly on her throat. You never thought to ask why this man was paying you to steal from these stores? He couldve just bought that stuff himself for less, right?

Money was good, man! Like, real good.

Vir stared at the girls deep, black eyes, but all he saw was fear. He let out a long breath and pulled his katar away. Though he wasnt happy about it, he wasn't about to off someone for doing what they could to survive. He fully understood how hard things were for those ostracized by society.

Even so, the anger within him refused to abate. He had to do something.

Youre just gonna forgive her? Maiya said, incredulously.

Vir shook his head. No. If she were an adult, Id have beaten her to the ground, but well I cant exactly beat up a kid, can I? Still, we need our money back, Vir said, approaching the scared girl.

Oh, really? No problem, Maiya said, stepping in front of Vir. With lightning speed, she punched Alda in the gut. Hard. Then again. And a third time.

The urchin didnt even see it coming. Clutching her stomach, she collapsed to her knees, whimpering.

Thats for hurting him. And this, Maiya said, taking Aldas coin sack from her, is for me. You do not mess with us and get away with it. Got it?

H-hey! You cant do that!

Oh? Cant I? Maiya said, bringing her katar to bear again.

G-geez. I just That's all my money! That's more than what I took from you.

Maybe you should've thought of that before setting us up. Prey can have sharp teeth sometimes. Cmon, Apramor, Vir said, using Maiyas alias, Lets go.

W-wait! the girl said, shakily finding her feet. W-Why dont ya come with me instead? she said through gritted teeth, massaging her stomach.

And why in all the realms would we do that? Maiya asked. Even if we believe your story, theres nothing to be gained by following you. You could be leading us to danger for all we know.

The girl held out her hands in front of her and waved her hands. Definitely not! I wouldnt gain anything from that! I mean, I wouldnt do that! Not even after gettin punched. Y-You have an Ashva, right? Theyve taken that too, and I dont think you know where theyve taken it. And like, you have my coin I need that back.

Vir narrowed his eyes. He's not at the inn? You know where Bumpy is?

Bumpy? Oh! Your Ashva, she said, clapping a fist against her open palm. Hehe, cute name. Oh, but uh, yeah. They captured him too. We can help you get Bumpy back.

Vir mulled over her words. It made sense that the authorities incarcerated Bumpy. If they'd taken him to a holding facility, it'd be difficult to spring him, and that was assuming he knew where they'd taken him, which he didn't. As much as it irked him, he needed information.

Alright, Vir said, flourishing his katar. Tell us where he is, then.

I... even if I did, it wouldn't help. They've locked him down. You'll need our help to spring him.

The girl had already backed away several steps, no doubt intending to flee if Vir made good on his threat. The last thing he needed was for her to scream and alert the authorities.

Alright, Vir said with a scowl. You help us, and we might give you back some of your coin.

All of my coin!

Depends on how angry my friend over here is, Vir said, gesturing a thumb to Maiya, who glared at Alda.

Yeesh! Alright! Okay, she said, beckoning them to follow, but then she stopped. Akshully, you know my name, but I dunno yours

Neel, Vir said, going with the name hed prepared with Maiya beforehand. And my brother heres Apramor.

Well, I think we got off on the wrong foot, but Im uh, pleased to meet ya? the girl said, uncertainly flashing them a thumbs up.

Neither Vir nor Maiya replied, but they did sheathe their weapons, which helped calm the girl down.

They set off, following several paces behind Alda, in case they needed to make a quick escape.

As Alda led them through the alleys, the buildings grew denser, squatter, and more squalid.

Vir had expected as much, but even so, traveling through Sarans slums was not a pleasant experience. He smelled urine, rotting food, sewage, and both Vir and Maiya had to be very careful about where they placed their steps, lest they tread upon a pile of dung.

Then there was Alda, who walked barefoot through all of this, entirely comfortable.

She kept sneaking glances back at them as they walked. No, at him, specifically.

Something on my face? He said after shed turned back for the dozenth time.

Um, well akshully Yer makeups running, she said, looking away.

O-oh. Thanks, he replied awkwardly, glancing at Maiya.

His friend was already on top of things. Her rucksack was off, and shed retrieved her makeup kit before Vir could even ask.

Maiya spent a few minutes cleaning off the dried blood on Virs face, then restored his makeup as best she could under the dim light.

Not gonna fool a pro, but it should pass for now, she said.

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Woah, he said, inspecting her work with her travel mirror. This is amazing. Youre way too good at this. I really need to learn how to do that.

T-thanks, Maiya said, blushing. Glad those hours practicing came in handy.

Vir turned to Alda. Keep this to yourself, he said, half expecting her to blackmail him for coin.

The urchin nodded furiously. I get it. No worries, she replied, omitting any mention of money.

She led them to a smelly, dark wooden building that had seen far better days. Rotting wood had crumbled and given way to gaps from which the cool sea breeze entered. There wasnt really a door to the placemore of an oblong opening that used to be part of a wall.

Inside, Vir found piles of hay, even worse smells than the slum outside, and a dozen kids all huddled around a rusted iron barrel with a fire going inside. The barrel had several jagged holes on each side, possibly to radiate heat. Looking up, Vir saw stars through the many holes in the ceiling. He pitied anyone who used this place for shelter during the seasonal rains.

When are we gonna get paid? Badrak it! I haven't eaten in days, said a kid sitting around the fire.

Vir did a double takethe boy was his spitting image. Or rather, he wore the same clothes and had the same color hair and blue eyes. His face was unfamiliar, but Vir figured the boy would easily pass as his double.

Dunno, another kid said. Guy ghosted us. Alda cant find him, and if she cant

Hey everyone, Alda said. I brought em!

The gang of kids eyed the newcomers. Some passed their gaze over Vir and Maiya, a spark of hope in their eyes, while others looked as if theyd given up all hope. A handful stared at them in panic.

L-Look, Virs double said, standing up. Didnt mean anythin by it, ya hear? We got nuthin you can steal, so if youre here to pick a fight, you aint gonna get nuthin, okay?

Relax, Barid. Theyre not here to fight, Alda said. Uh, youre not, right?

I dunno, are we? Maiya said, squaring off in front of Vir.

Vir squeezed her shoulder and shook his head. Let's cooperate for now, he whispered, before turning to the boy. Alda told us the story. Cant say Im happy about all this. Got beat up pretty bad thanks to you all, he said, meeting the gaze of every kid there. Most looked away in shame after seeing his sorry state.

Y-yeah? Well, welcome to our life, Barid retorted. Barely a day goes by without one of us gettin banged up some way or anuther. Guess ya ristos dont know nuthin about that tho.

Actually, Alda said, throwing Vir a wink, rubbing her fingers behind her back. Neel and Apramor here are ristos, alright, but those stupid guards still beat em up. They got no idea whats comin to em.

Vir still didnt like her, but at least the girl was trying to help out. If they could keep up their aristocrat disguise, itd bring many benefits, and Alda knew it. After all, Vir and Maiya had entered the city without having to show their papers. People were just nicer to ristos.

Ydont know what life in da slums be like, Barid said, his voice lowered.

Vir was about to argue, but he realized the boy was right. Bullies had heckled Vir in Brij, and Rudvik never had much money, but hed never had to fend for himself like these kids did. Alone, and in a hostile city. He wanted to empathize, but found it hard after what they'd done to him.

But still Barid continued, we do feel bad, yknow? Speshully since ya were nice ta Alda. No ones ever nice ta us, yknow?

And you show your gratitude by framing us, is it? Just help us get our Ashva back, Vir said irritably. Maiya may have been more vocal about her anger, but it wasnt like he felt any differently. Just that his top priority was seeing them both home safely, and getting angry right now wouldnt help with that. Also, we need to buy some supplies as well. Help us out, and well call it even.

Sure, once you give me back my coin, Alda shot back.

Youll have your coin, Vir replied, after you help us. Better for you to come out of this with something, right? By the looks of things, you all could use it.

Barid glanced at Alda and the others, then nodded. Deal. Alda, can you help im out? You know where the Ashva is, yeah?

Alda shook her head. Naw. But old man Bakura does.

She turned to Vir and Maiya. Might catch him at the docks if we hurry.

Give us a moment, Maiya said, pulling Vir away. Bet youre thinking the same thing I am.

Vir nodded. The man we ran into on the way to Saran. He's gotta be the one who set all of this up. No telling what he might be up to if he discovers we escaped.

Why do you say that?

They hadnt been speaking loudly to begin with, but Vir brought his voice down to a whisper. I think he may know who we really are. Its the only thing that makes sense if you think about it. Hiring urchins to steal from a bunch of merchants? He had to have paid more for that than outright buying those things.

So he did it specifically to frame us? You think hes related to the knights who came after you in the village? Maiya whispered back.

That was the piece of the puzzle that didnt fit. If he was a knight, why go through such roundabout means? Why not simply arrest Vir? I dunno, Maiya. But I think we oughta fly this coop as fast as we can. And that means leaning on the urchins.

Right, Maiya replied. If the guards really moved Bumpy, wed be hard-pressed to find him. As for the supplies

We could just change our makeup and buy the rest, but if theyre helping

Yeah, Maiya said. Might as well take advantage of their help. Okay. Good. Sounds like we have a plan.

Stay vigilant, though. We can't trust them too much, Vir said.

Youre telling me! I dont trust them as far as I can throw them. Not after what they did to you, Maiya whispered as they returned to Alda and the others.

You two done yet? We gotta move, the urchin said, clearing her throat.

One moment, Vir said. We need to buy some more supplies, but the shops are closed and we dont want to wait until morning if we can help it. Do you know where we can get these? He retrieved the parchment from his rucksack and handed it to her. Ive crossed off everything we already bought.

Um I cant read. H-Hey! she protested as Barid snatched the parchment out of her hands.

Lemme see His eyes popped. You tryin to feed an entire village or sumthin?

You dont need to know, Vir replied.

Barid looked over the list. Snuthin on here hard to come by. But thatsa lot of stuff. Youll need some help.

Then you can help us after we come up with a plan to free Bumpy, Vir said. He turned to Alda. Lets be off.

Truthfully, he wanted nothing more than to sit down alone and meditate. Every shred of him craved to get Prana Vision pumping again so that he could confirm what hed seen in the dungeon. If his black prana truly existed in nature Then that changed everything. It might very well be the key to unlocking other magic.

But now was neither the time nor the place to experiment. He choked down his curiosity and followed Alda out. It helped that the streets had grown quiet and dark, allowing them to cover ground quickly with little fear of detection.

So, Vir said after a few minutes of awkward silence, What stuff did you steal? For the man who hired you to frame us, I mean.

Alda looked back at him. Promise you wont rat us out?

Vir nodded. Sure.

Well, a bunch of stuff. Couple of crates of food, some keys. Some papers, Alda said with a grin. Biggest heist weve ever pulled off! Got a huge payout for it. Like, were talkin silvers huge.

Vir felt a little sad at seeing the joy in her eyes. Money was such a precious commodity to these kids, yet Riyan had given him ten silvers to buy supplies like it was nothing. It probably was nothing to a man whose wealth was likely beyond Virs imagination.

At least we were supposed to get paid. The guy who asked us to steal all that paid us half up front, but I aint seen a wisp of him ever since, she said with a downcast look.

That was still a lot, but Vir realized the money had to be split a dozen ways. Even a silver wouldnt go very far when spread so thin.

So, uh, how did you kids end up like this? Maiya asked awkwardly.

Eh, everyones got their own story, Alda said, her voice cool and casual. But it all boils down to kids parents either dying off or ditchin em. Some died in accidents or illness. Others to bandits. Some got forced into the army n never came back. Nothing special.

Vir had known that the world could be a cruel placethat Hiranya was a poor countrybut hearing about something was entirely different from experiencing it firsthand. He knew his childhood friend felt the same.

Doesnt Saran have orphanages for kids without parents? Maiya asked.

Well sure, but theys all full. They only take in kids who can pay, nowadays. And its pricey. Cant afford that! And the kingdoms no help at all. No money to go round.

The dazzling sheen that Saran had when Vir first arrived was tarnishing. Sure, Brij never had much in the way of luxuries, but things werent bad. Not like here. He wondered if the situation was this dire in all the Hiranyan cities. He wondered if Daha, the capital, was any better.

And here we are! Alda proclaimed, happy to talk about something else.

The streets ended abruptly, giving way to a vast bay. The Bay of Saran.

Virs breath caught, and his jaw dropped. For the first time in his life, he laid eyes upon a harbor. A real, honest to goodness harbor.

With ships. Dozens of gorgeous ships of all shapes and sizes, their silhouettes looming large against the darkness.

Maiya? Vir whispered, ensuring Alda didn't overhear.

Yeah, Vir? She whispered back.

We gotta hitch a ride on one of those

Next time: 35 - Old Man Bakura


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