Archwizard K’s Journey In The Cultivation World

Case 74: The Heavenly Shura, now bore the appearance of a tiger.

Case 74: The Heavenly Shura, now bore the appearance of a tiger.




There was only awkward silence left in the room.


Was Kang Shuren indeed the chosen one, the inheritor of the Heavenly Shura?

According to Yan Shi, who had a chance to see the Heavenly Shura, the woman was a peculiar one. In essence, she was a wandering swordswoman, a loner, and a certified weirdo.

Her personality was... bizarre, to say the least. She would pick fights with people out of nowhere, refuse contact with people, or sometimes do questionable actions as well.

However, her talent was real.

When she ascended to the higher realm, it was said that she took on whole Immortal sects all by herself, advancing at an unbelievable speed to become one of the most feared forces across the world.

She was an Immortal Emperor.

Generally, when a swordsman left such deliberate marks on a jade slab like this, it meant that the whole thing would serve as a test for potential inheritors of his art. If Kang Shuren could meaningfully absorb the content of this slab, she would qualify as an inheritor. It was quite a big deal.

''Ei, what's the big deal?'' August interjected. ''My sword is superior.''

Knowing the renowned Heavenly Shura, Bai Qing and Yan Shi doubted it. However, if by any chance...


It was hard to fathom just how incredible it was to stand beside someone stronger than an Immortal Emperor.

''You should do this as well, Au.'' Kierra, who was bored out of her mind, said jokingly. 

''I'm not feeling it.'' The Sword Empress shrugged. ''My sword should only be passed down to our children.''

Kierra lightly blushed.

The phrase 'children' made her nervous for some reason. Then, she noticed that Yan Shi and Bai Qing weren't particularly shocked by August's statement, which implied that two women could conceive a child.

Indeed, both in Kierra's world and in the Central Divine Realm, there were numerous ways for women to create a child together. 

'Somehow, the topic changed to children...'

The archwizard sighed.

When she looked toward the direction of the jade slab again, she saw a rather... surprising sight. Kang Shuren, the woman whose expression was always utterly blank, was now crying.


Both Kierra and August squinted their eyes. It wasn't that Kang Shuren's crying was ugly. On the contrary, it was serenely melancholic, like a fine art piece.



Before the two could make any move, Kang Shuren herself uttered. The contrast between her monotone, uncaring voice and her dripping tears created a captivating atmosphere. A bit dramatic, a bit emotional in itself, and... a bit eerie.

Right now, she seemed not of this world. As if possessed.

Hugging herself as she gazed at the jade slab, her body trembled.

''I sense pain. Oh, pitiful swordswoman, how did you endure such pain?''

''For so long, you had shouldered so much. Loved by the heavens, yet hated by many. Mourning for each you had slain, yet keeping their grudges by your heart.''

''...Worry not, for I shall take on your burden.''

''Rest, unnamed swordswoman. From now on... the Heavenly Shura shall be reborn.''

When Kang Shuren finally turned around, her quivering self was no more. In just a few moments, her aura had drastically changed. With her head high, the woman easily assumed the rank most coveted but few achieved.

The aura of an Immortal Emperor.

There was this tangible pressure one could feel. As if standing before a mountain without being able to see the top.


Overwhelmed, Bai Qing covered her mouth, her eyes so big they would pop out any second. The other three maintained their silence.




Watching Kang Shuren slowly coming her way, Kierra felt a cold sweat trickling down her back.

'What... is this??'

It wasn't that she was afraid of Kang Shuren's new strength, but rather...


The one speaking was neither Kierra nor August, and it certainly wasn't Yan Shi or Bai Qing either. Instead, a confused-looking woman emerged from behind the jade slab.

''Last time I remember my story, it wasn't that dramatic...''

With a notable longsword on her back and an inhumanely beautiful face, one could sense that she wasn't ordinary. In reality, she was the Heavenly Shura herself, coming down from Heaven a bit earlier because of her hunch, which was always right.

'''' ... ''''

For a while, six people looked at each other in absolute confusion.

Kang Shuren, who just staged a whole melodrama play:

( ;ↀ⌓ↀ)

She could feel her palms getting sweaty. Who could have thought that the old hag would come down directly for someone as insignificant as her!

For the first time in her life, Kang Shuren was facing her biggest crisis. If she didn't tread this right, she would risk losing both her potential inheritance and her image!

What should she do?!

Outwardly, the daughter of the Lighting Tiger bore an infinitely calm expression, yet her mind was practically scrambled.

In that intense awkwardness, a sigh broke in. It was Kierra.

Being Kang Shuren's master for nine months, she had always wondered the reason behind her disciple's strange obsession with flashy spells, and now, everything was clear. 

'So she was that type...'


It wasn't as though those who pursued glamorous skills and dazzling techniques couldn't aim for the top. It was just harder with that mindset.

Still, Kang Shuren got lucky. At first glance, this newly emerging figure didn't seem bad. No, that was an understatement. 

The Heavenly Shura was actually a formidable opponent, even to Kierra's standards. That was why she and August appeared cautious just a moment earlier—this woman had popped out of nowhere, after all.

'So this is a true Immortal. I like it.'

Kierra could feel her competitive spirit being ignited.

''Ahem. In any case, I waited for a long time, my inheritor.''

The Heavenly Shura's voice was casual, yet it carried an unmistakably dominant tone, forcing even Yan Shi to falter. As for ordinary folks like Bai Qing and Kang Shuren, their knees were seriously about to give up.

''I want to get right into business, but first...''

The next moment, the Heavenly Shura's silhouette disappeared. At some point, she had arrived in front of Kierra and August as if walking through space.

''Nice to meet you, precious, precious visitors from another reality.'' The Heavenly Shura politely nodded, bearing a mysterious smile on her face. ''My name is Wen Zhuwei, and my title is Heavenly Shura.''

''...Kierra Scarlett Aspenova. A wizard.''

''August von Lilienthal. A swordswoman.''

Normally, these two wouldn't bother introducing their full names to a nobody, but Wen Zhuwei was certainly someone deserving of respect.

At this point, the Heavenly Shura mumbled the names to herself a bit before scratching her cheeks in embarrassment. She seemed... reluctant.

''Well... how do I say this...''

''You don't need to hold back.''

''Really?'' Wen Zhuwei perked up.''Mhm... I just want to say sorry... for that.''

Attention naturally fell onto Yan Shi as the Heavenly Shura's finger fell onto her.

''It was something those paranoid geezers planned. If you were to ask me, you two don't seem hostile at all. There is no need to attach a tail to you this rudely.''

''Finally, someone with reasonable thoughts.'' Kierra's mouth formed a slight smile.

''Thank you for that.'' Wen Zhuwei smiled back.

Surprisingly, they seemed to get along very well.

''Ah, right. Now that we have cleared up the misunderstanding, can I bring her back?''


This time, Yan Shi was the one dumbfounded.


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