Archwizard K’s Journey In The Cultivation World

Case 73: Swordswomen in their natural habitat.

Case 73: Swordswomen in their natural habitat.

''Congratulations on making history, Fairy Bai Qing. This is the first time a champion who is not of major sects or clans has emerged.''

The leader of the Immortal League, with a kind expression, lightly tapped Bai Qing's shoulder.

''I'm sure White Lotus Sect would prosper.''

As he added that, he couldn't help but feel puzzled at the little champion, who looked slightly gloomy for some reason. Lightly shrugging that off, he cast a nervous glance at the people standing behind Bai Qing.

Particularly at the domineering couple and the strangely timid Immortal.

He wouldn't know how these women, akin to meteorites, landed in this corporeal realm, but he knew he had to seize the chance for his own sect's growth by getting in their good graces.

So, when they requested to see the ancient sword marks together, he obediently agreed and led them deep into the palace.

Upon reaching a massive iron door, one that no ordinary soldiers were guarding, the Thunderous Lord turned around.

''From here on out, please make yourself comfortable.''

Even if they were to harbor other intentions, he couldn't do anything either way. Nodding to this, Kierra led the group in.


The only one who let out a sound was Bai Qing. Yet, she was far from the only one being surprised.

Standing proudly in a vast space was a colossal slab of jade, on which numerous scars, presumably from sword strikes, were present. As if possessed, Bai Qing, Kang Shuren, and August simultaneously stepped forward and began to analyze them.

The looks on their faces were similar to those of children who had just found their favorite toy. Justifiably, since these were left behind by none other than the Heavenly Shura, once hailed as the pinnacle of sword arts in the Central Divine Realm before he ascended to the higher realm.

But of course, to Kierra and Yan Shi, two rare magic users in the room, those sword marks seemed no different from a meaningless mess.

''What a bunch of children.'' Kierra chuckled.

If August weren't absorbed in the slab, she would have refuted, 'I'm no different than you when you find peculiar magic traces, dear.'

Nevertheless, left with nothing to do, Kierra turned her attention to the woman wearing a collar standing beside her.



Unexpectedly, Yan Shi was calm. Maybe this was the composure of an Immortal. But when Kierra thought about the same woman in the carriage... um.

It was clearly two different people.

''What exactly is the higher realm?'' The archwizard asked. ''Cut out the grandiose parts.''

Pondering for a bit, the Immortal eventually replied. ''A separate dimension for people of transcendence, perhaps?''

''Are you aware of the altered... laws?''

Yan Shi actually knew what Kierra referred to. She was also curious about how the Heavenly Dao worked, and she thought she would get the answer once she became an Immortal...

''...Ashamedly, I just became an Immortal some decades ago.'' She scratched her cheek in embarrassment. ''I was being treated like a servant there, so I don't know much.''


It seemed there was a hierarchy, which Kierra found hilarious. Imagine Yan Shi, an actually competent cultivator, being treated as a maid...


That sounded quite convincing for some reason.

Quietly nodding to herself, Kierra suddenly felt her sleeve being tugged. Turning to the side again, she found Yan Shi clutching it with a rather shy countenance. The obvious blush on her porcelain skin complimented her averted gaze, combined with a restless mood to touch it all up.

From this distance, it was almost deadly.

If Kierra hadn't been used to looking at her face or August's, she would have been stunned.

'These guys' looks might prove to be more lethal...'


Hiding her inner thoughts, Kierra nonchalantly asked.

''Um... do you plan to keep me like this for a while?'' Yan Shi responded, her voice soft, unlike what she had shown initially.

''Do you have a problem?''

''N-No—yes, I mean... no.''

''Yes or no?''


The blush had run all the way to Yan Shi's ears. If she had a pair of dog ears, they would have been cupped right now. Although it probably wasn't intended, this appearance made Kierra speechless for a moment.

'...Unexpectedly cute.'

Without much deep thought, Kierra reached out and stroked the woman's silky black hair.

''...What I want to say is that you have sealed my power, so it will seem like I have gone missing to the people above.'' Yan Shi sighed as she received the touch. ''They might send more to observe you, and I can't guarantee that they would be... like me.''

''I know.''

Seeing Kierra's lukewarm reaction, Yan Shi guessed that the archwizard had more or less expected this outcome. As much as she would like to think that Kierra was willing to sacrifice her safety to secure her, she knew that Kierra was simply fearless.

'Would she reach the Immortal Emperor level... no, maybe not.'

As the title suggested, an Immortal Emperor was someone strong enough to dominate and lead numerous other Immortal, wielding the power to bend the rules of the world to suit themselves. The gap between the two titles was huge, hence the scarce number of the so-called Emperors.

Beyond the Emperors were the Heavenly Venerables, who essentially had reached the pinnacle of cultivation. Comprehending the dao perfectly, they were forces that not even Immortal Emperors would want to mess with.

Yan Shi had never met a Heavenly Venerable, yet she felt like her mind would collapse when standing before them if she were to believe the rumors.

As she cast a sneak glance at Kierra, the newbie Immortal quietly evaluated this woman.

'If she could seal my ability in an instant... maybe she's almost there?'

Then again, Kierra had never revealed her true strength, so it might be possible that she was really at the level of an Immortal Emperor. Not to mention that woman, August...


Yan Shi's body involuntarily shivered, registering the domineering woman she had just thought about approaching.

''How was it?'' Kierra asked her lover.

''Pretty intriguing.'' August rubbed her chin, clearly amused. ''Whoever left these... was a decent one. Well, it is enough for entertainment.''

''How about you?''

This time, the archwizard turned to Bai Qing, who was hopping in place with a strangely excited face.

''It was incredible...!'' She exclaimed. ''Although I couldn't understand most of it, I now feel like I have received inspiration!''

''That's good, at least.''

As Kierra stroked her disciple's head, she belatedly noticed Kang Shuren, who was staring at the slab intently, not moving an inch. Even though her blindfold obstructed almost half of her face, someone as perceptive as Kierra would immediately realize the anomaly.

Kang Shuren seemed... dumbfounded.

She looked like someone who had stumbled upon a legendary treasure only for it to contain a single phrase, 'The real treasure was the friends you made along the way~~' or something similar.

For a while, Kierra patiently waited for Kang Shuren, and gradually, the others began to catch on as well.

''I wonder what happened to sister...'' Bai Qing muttered.

''Hey, masochist.'' August lightly called Yan Shi. ''What's wrong with her?''

''Er... maybe she realized something? Who knows, she might be the inheritor of the Heavenly Shura, ahahah...'' 

''Stop the BS.''

No way, right?


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